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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.


I'll say the same to you as I just said to someone else in the other thread about the same 'issue':


This is what I don't get. People like you (who are against the LFD system) don't see the real problem here. You look at the LFD tool and claim that it goes against creating a community on the server. That's just not true at all, instead you should ask yourself, what can BW do to gather people around at specific places? - socialize as you call it.


Numerous suggestions have been made in the 'suggestion' forum e.g. card mini-games, expanded cantinas, an actual functioning Casino at Nar Shaddaa.


THESE are the things people like you should be complaining about and not things that might potentially ruin someone elses game because they choose a server that is now a low-pop server, or people who want's to get the most out of their playtime.


It's just plain wrong to say that a LFD tool will ruin the community. If anything I think it'll make it will bring the members of various guilds together because they now have an easier time playing together.


Additionally I must be completely honest and say that I've NEVER made a 'friend' because of an instance (WoW) or a FP. I usually get my friends from doing heroics/2p+ quests and if BW were to implant social features as the above mentioned I'm fairly certain it would be act as a good way to make new friends.


So tell me, is the LFD tool the real problem or is it in fact the lack of actual features that gathers people in certain areas?

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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.


I agree with you. Group content clearly destroys the community! I hope they remove everything that has to do with groups just to save the community.



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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.


If you think a tool destroys a community, then you have no idea how to build one in the first place.

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Glad you have no issues with it. I know i dont. I am very happy Swtor has changed their stance on cross server!


BTW Here is SR stating that they plan on a cross server lfg in swtor!


Simon – Any plans for an LFG tool?


SR: Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do.




Just so everyone knows he didnt say "Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do" in the podcast.


If you actually listen to the podcast he said they are looking at a number of things to help people find groups and one of them was a x server flashpoint finder but he didnt like the idea of it as he likes players posting lfg in chat as it is more social.


Posting "Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do" is misleading without context of everything he said.

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Just so everyone knows he didnt say "Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do" in the podcast.


If you actually listen to the podcast he said they are looking at a number of things to help people find groups and one of them was a x server flashpoint finder but he didnt like the idea of it as he likes players posting lfg in chat as it is more social.


Posting "Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do" is misleading without context of everything he said.


If he likes players spamming LFG in chat, it's because he doesn't have to worry about wasting hours to it.


They're gonna cave, they're gonna give us X-server LFG, and I cannot wait. Should have been in the game from the beginning.

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Just so everyone knows he didnt say "Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do" in the podcast.


If you actually listen to the podcast he said they are looking at a number of things to help people find groups and one of them was a x server flashpoint finder but he didnt like the idea of it as he likes players posting lfg in chat as it is more social.


Posting "Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do" is misleading without context of everything he said.


He knew firsthand the effects of what he would say, yet he said that. Now, if everyone believes there will be a Xserver LFD soon because he apparently said that, then he'll have to post something to explain otherwise.

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If you don't like it, don't use it


we don't need you and nobody elected you or any of your opinions as our own to decide whats good for the game or not


as far as this game is going, they better implement this fast if they don't want to see more people leaving in droves



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I dont mind a cross realm dungeon finder aslong as we have the option to ignore people from other realms, that way if they are ninja's or are just idiots we can continue to use the dungeon finder and not have to group with them again. Edited by Shingara
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Just so everyone knows he didnt say "Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do" in the podcast.


If you actually listen to the podcast he said they are looking at a number of things to help people find groups and one of them was a x server flashpoint finder but he didnt like the idea of it as he likes players posting lfg in chat as it is more social.


Posting "Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do" is misleading without context of everything he said.


Go back and listen to it again at 26:44 he does in deed make that statement.

He never said what you typed here! He said he personally liked seeing the lfg spam in the chat window. He did not say he disliked the idea of cross server lfg!

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No, it's more like, you clearly have such a small, wretched amount of MMO experience that you don't know how x-server LFG and WZ tools wreck servers.


I'm yet to see any real reason and facts on how this kind of tool would ruin/wreck/destroy a given server's community. This is why I think those who come with the "xserver LFD ruins communities" fallacy have no idea on how to build a community in the first place.

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No, it's more like, you clearly have such a small, wretched amount of MMO experience that you don't know how x-server LFG and WZ tools wreck servers.


Wrong! i have well over a decade of mmo experience and i say that cross server lfg is the best thing to happen toe the mmo genre!

IMO it actually helps the server! its people like you that wreak servers!

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The REAL problem with LFG tool(for flashpoints/ops)


Is performance and respect



Some people just don't care - at all - how well they are performing their role, or have any respect for the other players, simply because they don't have to go back to the same server with them.


I can safely say that without an ENORMOUS reward, I would not use a LFG tool on my healer to heal people that are probably very bad - bad enough that they couldn't just make or find a group on their own server.

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The REAL problem with LFG tool(for flashpoints/ops)


Is performance and respect



Some people just don't care - at all - how well they are performing their role, or have any respect for the other players, simply because they don't have to go back to the same server with them.


I can safely say that without an ENORMOUS reward, I would not use a LFG tool on my healer to heal people that are probably very bad - bad enough that they couldn't just make or find a group on their own server.


Guess you don't have to use LFG at all then and this doesn't really effect you.

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Exactly, which I why I didn't say I was against it. I still think that it promotes apathy and royally screws the people in the group that DO care and are trying hard, but I am not against it either.


If you want to campaign against apathy, go volunteer at a soup kitchen. LFG does not "screw" people who do care about socialization, as they aren't required to use it at all. Flash Points shouldn't be for socializing.

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You know what would make this game a "single player game"?


Yup, spamming LFM heroic X and be put into ignore; I never found anyone to complete 80% of the heroic quests, few people, and not very interested. Those few on any planet were upset enough to get me in ignore

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Yep I just did and he didnt say that.


to be clear SR said in response to the lfg question


There are definitely some improvements going in the lfg side. On the longer term there are other thoughts on potentially cross server flash point or some thing similar. so its being looked at and some thing we defiantly want to do. Speaking very personally i like to see those lfg messages scrolling across. It shows there are other people on the server and shows you there are people willing to get together and group up. but we know there are other ways to improve that and its some thing that is being looked at for sure.

So he did in fact say

What we have being quoting. it was just condensed down and cut to the main point.


Simon – Any plans for an LFG tool?


SR: Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do.


No where in there does SR every say he dislikes the idea of cross server lfg.

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Who are you do say "Flash Points shouldn't be for socializing"?


I am me and I just said it? No one wants to talk to you about your day, your feelings, or your favorite color while they're trying to complete a Flash Point. Go join a Guild.

Edited by MalignX
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If you want to campaign against apathy, go volunteer at a soup kitchen. LFG does not "screw" people who do care about socialization, as they aren't required to use it at all. Flash Points shouldn't be for socializing.



I never said anything about socializing. I said performance. If you want to rebuke someone and argue, try to at least read what they say and respond to it, fail.


The problem that LFG tool introduced was apathy toward performance. What I mean is (since this guy apparently has never used a LFG tool and doesn't know) that people using LFG tool don't care as much about their performance in a group, be it dpsing, tanking, healing (the latter of which are essential to care for the most part) and so make the rest of the group suffer.


How many times using LFG have I been paired with a Ret Pally in full epics pulling 13k dps, or a rogue doing 10, or even a mage below 15 ? Many many times. LFG lets Bads be bads, and that is bad for the entire game.


Again, I'm not totally against it, because lets face it, without bads (read:casuals) the game probably wouldn't stay alive very long. WoW proved that casuals were important when they made hard mode dungeons in TBC (if you don't know what I'm talking about, don't bother responding) and started handing out welfare epics. Now it is the norm.

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