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Request to Change Project and Throw, with suggestions and examples…


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I'm sorry your not good at this game, but don't go trying to change project just because you don't understand it. Project is fine the way it is your the one who is ment to adapt to the class play style NOT the other way around.


lol, I feel you are misguided. Accusing other players as being "not good" because they logically rip apart a crappy animation is, well, silly. I really am not supposed to adapt to a crappy animation....pulling rocks magically out of spaceship decks is just ridiculous. As far as understanding it...I understand it is subpar. Sorcerer shock is a SUPERB animation for a starter skill. It is truly that quick jab that the skill should be. An instant quick jab.


Play the game some more, maybe your understanding will improve.

Edited by Dyvim
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Also, in lore, throwing objects is a darkside, temper tantrum, skill. In the movies vader, dooku, and palpitane do it. In games, all the way back to df2:JK, throwing debris was a darkside skill.


....this..... is... bar none... the most inane illogical thing I have ever read on these forums.


I don't even know how to begin correcting this.

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I whoelheartedly agree with the OP - I would emphatically support a change in animations as originally stated (the trailer looks amazing, the in game animations are, in my opinion, annoying and bland. If I didn't want to play a Sage, I would have switched to Trooper or gone Sith).
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We've been giving suggestions on the Sage animations for six months. Don't expect it to change.


Well, sooner or later BW has to live up or shut up about its desire to improve based on feedback. This would be a good place to live up to that motto. But yeah, the issues, and ideas to fix it, have been around for a while.

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I'm guessing that at some point, the head honcho game directors had to just stop everyone and say "no more major gameplay/graphical changes !!!!" we need to get the game ready for LAUNCH"


which, from a business, marketing standpoint, they just HAD to do. I hoping after a few months of focusing all resources on launch, squashing early, bugs and helping stabilize servers, etc, they will be able to go BACK to aesthetics and start tackling issues like enhancing the coolness of certain classes that just dont seem play/feel right, like the shadow in my opinion...


patience....trust..... this game is going to evolve a LOT over a LONG period of time :)

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Maybe it's hard to belive, but I actually love the way Throw and Project looks like. I leveled an inquisitor up to 11 and no, lightning is not that cool at all. The way the boulder (and other objects) lift up, float a bit than rams into the enemy, with the sound effect is just great. Love it.

My only concern maybe is the shortened range to 10m from 15. But I can live with it. I'm not saying that I wouldn't like a Force Slam ability (I loved that in ME2), or having a force push (strange that we don't), and I do envy the force ball coolness of the sages. But the inquisitor lightning... never.

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Great post. I'm actually OK with Project and TK Throw, but I think the suggestions here are top notch! :)


^This. When I clicked on this thread, I was expecting just another thread about how slow the animation is. (Not saying the animation isn't slow. Just that I saw a lot of thread on the old forums about it.) Instead, I found a well thought-out, coherent post explaining why the current animation is not-quite-right and how to fix it.


Well done

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I actually quite like Project right now (random object complaints aside). It looks pretty authentic, even though we rarely see Jedi using objects this way. ;)


The animation for Throw is a bit off. One of my suggestions was instead of a stream of small rocks as it is now going in one direction, howabout lots of streams of pebbles hitting the target from 360 degrees all around. So like they're zooming in hitting the target from nigh on every direction around them, high/low, all converging into a center spot (the target). Sadly, I can't think of any examples from any tv or film to help show what I mean.


I'm not high enough to have seen the other abilities so I can't comment on them. But I'd be sad if Project was changed too much, as it's a fairly neat looking one. If it was tweaked a bit I wouldn't mind that I guess.

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I have to say that I actually like the animation for Project, BUT I absolutely loathe the mechanical implications of it.


Simply put, Inquisitor Shock is a superior ability despite supposedly being a 100% mirror. Why? It's actually instant. Either Shock needs the same warm-up time or something needs to happen to Project.


Again, I love the "throw chunks of random stuff/droids" animation, but the fact that it causes even a minor class imbalance is silly.

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You can make the delay of the project animation work in your favour for co-ordinating burst over a very short window (e.g. Project + Find Weakness Shadow Strike), whereas a Sith Assassin will have a global cooldown between the attacks.


I LOVE project's animation, personally. Would be very sad if it changed. However, Throw is terrible. It needs bigger rocks to be thrown at the target in addition to the pebbles to coincide with the ticks of damage. Then it's sorted.

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Agree with OP 100%.


The existing animations have grown on me somewhat (especially Project), and I really wouldn't mind them if they were upgraded to make sense in all environments. However, I definitely think "pure force" moves are more interesting and thematically correct for the light side. Wanton property destruction is not how Jedi should roll.

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Much as I enjoy throwing rocks at people, I have to say that "pure force" attacks seem more thematically appropriate and visually appealing. I figured Satele was the "iconic consular" and the video made me really pumped. I'd like it if our animations were more in line with her hadoken-style antics.
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As we, Sages, don't get to melee fight using our lightsaber, we should get a nice decent animations of our skills such as Throw, which Ani is horrible right now. How about using our lightsaber in some abilities somehow? I liked it a lot when your saber goes bright near the tilt when you activete your "+60% crit chance" ability, why don't use things like this in other skills? Using lightsaber is only an option, but my point is - current animations for Throw, and animations of Kinetic skills are not very nice.
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Much as I enjoy throwing rocks at people, I have to say that "pure force" attacks seem more thematically appropriate and visually appealing. I figured Satele was the "iconic consular" and the video made me really pumped. I'd like it if our animations were more in line with her hadoken-style antics.


/\ THIS !!!!


when i first saw the "hope" trailer and heard about the Jedi Shadow....i REALLY wanted to create that sort of character:

  • cool acrobatic double bladed lightsaber combat
  • awesome fast force push attacks
  • cool padded gloves, combat boots, non-"flowing robe" armor/look


sadly, the shadow in the actual game really doesn't get any of those things. (the lightsaber animations do get better WAY late in your build) They are more awkward running, psychic casters who throw lots of rocks and wear formal gowns :(

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