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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dual-spec Coming and no changing advanced classes!


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And those of us saying we don't want to spend weeks/months levelling two characters up to 50 because we want to be able to heal and tank.


There have been several threads with many, many posts complaining that the game doesn't have enough content, isn't challenging, and the leveling is too fast. Not crazy about duel-speccing, but I'm not the one in charge. Here it comes.


If they go a step further and collapse the abilities from classes into one big mega-class where you can pick and choose to play any role from one class, the game just lost content (much less incentive to play other classes just to experience the unique class quests), challenge (make a decision and stick to it), variability (everyone save a few RPers will be playing Bounty Hunters/Troopers for the heavy armor ranged class with all abilities), and leveling will be even faster. The only thing gained in exchange is flexibility.


That may be the direction the majority of players want, it's not what I'm interested in. I hope they leave it at duel specs. Or ditch the idea altogether. They're already going to add LFG tools for people having difficulty filling roles for quests, FPs and Ops.

Edited by DorkTrooper
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It is not a dual class.


A Bounty Hunter is a Bounty hunter no matter how you look at it. Do you get a new class quest line if you go merc instead of Power? .


Irrelevent.. Class quests are irrelevent.. It does not define a class.. All Blood elves get the same baby quests when they start.. They are all blood elves.. Is a warlock the same as a hunter?? They are both blood elves.. They have the same baby quests..


Again, class is irrelvent.. If WOW had story you couldn't go to another area.. So mentioning it is irrelevent.. This game has story..


Bioware has said repeatedly that your AC is your class.. AC stands for Advance CLASS!!


You are either a Bounty Hunter Merc. or a Bounty Hunter Powertech.. There are two classes which are Bounty hunters.. Their are two classes which are Jedi Knights.. There are two classes which are Sith Warriors.. And so on and so on..


There is no set rules or standards on what is or isn't a class in an MMO.. The sooner people undertstand that the better.. :cool:

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Irrelevent.. Class quests are irrelevent.. It does not define a class.. All Blood elves get the same baby quests when they start.. They are all blood elves.. Is a warlock the same as a hunter?? They are both blood elves.. They have the same baby quests..


Again, class is irrelvent.. If WOW had story you couldn't go to another area.. So mentioning it is irrelevent.. This game has story..


Bioware has said repeatedly that your AC is your class.. AC stands for Advance CLASS!!


You are either a Bounty Hunter Merc. or a Bounty Hunter Powertech.. There are two classes which are Bounty hunters.. Their are two classes which are Jedi Knights.. There are two classes which are Sith Warriors.. And so on and so on..


There is no set rules or standards on what is or isn't a class in an MMO.. The sooner people undertstand that the better.. :cool:


I find your arguments rather amusing.

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And those of us saying we don't want to spend weeks/months levelling two characters up to 50 because we want to be able to heal and tank.


There have been several threads with many, many posts complaining that the game doesn't have enough content, isn't challenging, and the leveling is too fast. Not crazy about duel-speccing, but I'm not the one in charge. Here it comes.


If they go a step further and collapse the abilities from classes into one big mega-class where you can pick and choose to play any role from one class, the game just lost content (much less incentive to play other classes just to experience the unique class quests), challenge (make a decision and stick to it), variability (everyone save a few RPers will be playing Bounty Hunters/Troopers for the heavy armor ranged class with all abilities), and leveling will be even faster. The only thing gained in exchange is flexibility.


That may be the direction the majority of players want, it's not what I'm interested in. I hope they leave it at duel specs. Or ditch the idea altogether. They're already going to add LFG tools for people having difficulty filling roles for quests, FPs and Ops.


Isn't it funny how some of the same people complain here about wanting dual speccing, use the fact that it take so long to level as a reason..


Then these same people will also complain there isn't enough content, the game is to easy, to fast to level to 50..


I find that amusing actually.. :)

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Dual Spec is coming and it is only a matter of time. Pretty exciting.


I for one am all for this idea, I'm just hoping people stop complaining that they can't change their advanced class. It just doesn't make sense whether there is a story or not involved, if you want to change to the other advanced class make a new guy!


Daniel Erickson: We have no plans for switching advanced classes - which we see as fundamentally different class designs- but dual spec is in the works and coming soon.


From this thread:

http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-feb-10th-2012 <-- read it


Here is another post on it http://1stvideogame.com/?p=2504


ug so now the wowification begins and a good game will slowly be ruined

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And yet you offer none of you own.. That is amusing.. :D


I did, I just tried to form mine into a sensical debate rather than crazy shouting.


Also, people complaining lack of end-game content and wanting Dual-AC-speccing...


I'll try to explain. You see, some people like to level one character up to top level and then raid and improve that one character. They do not want to get to the top level, have nothing to do and so start the game again.

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Which is what I'm saying, but alot of people insist less effort = better game.


i agree and some people think wowification just means copying wow when it has more to do with dumbing down the game and making it easier and easier just like blizz always does with wow.

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Why whould it be wrong? He still has to grind for the armor. He still have to work his arse to get the gear.

He cant just respec and think it will work out well.


It is the same with the dual-spec that will come. Changing spec from dps to tank and not having the gear will not help you alot, will it?

Or using healing gear for dps in a raid? or dps gear for healing in a raid?


Yes it is OK for him to change, because it will not help him anything if he does not have the gear for it. And it is not like he can change spec in mid-combat, or change gear in mid-combat.


I don't care about gear grind. That's not the issue. I don't care how much work anyone has to put in to get the gear.


There are fundamental differences between each ACs in terms of mechanics, playstyle, etc. It does not make sense to switch back and forth between them. And I don't care if WoW did it: it's still stupid.


When you log into the game, the character selection screen will display any character beyond level 10 as a Gunslinger, Guardian, Sorcerer etc. And that's cause it's relevant as a Shadow is NOTHING like a Sage, a Scoundrel is nothing like a Gunslinger, and I could go on.


Btw, how does dual spec work in WoW? I presume they don't allow switching between specs inside instances? You at least have to come out, I hope?

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Btw, how does dual spec work in WoW? I presume they don't allow switching between specs inside instances? You at least have to come out, I hope?


You can only switch specs when out of combat. It completely depletes your resource (mana, etc) so you must spend time recovering that and you must carry your Other Spec gear around with you at all times for switching to.

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i agree and some people think wowification just means copying wow when it has more to do with dumbing down the game and making it easier and easier just like blizz always does with wow.


At first I was against BW implementing a dual spec feature. I still hold firm that switching AC should be kept out of the game forever. After starting some ops and such this past week, for my guild and also filling in a different roll for a friend's guild, I really wish for a dual spec capability.


My example is that I had to switch back and forth between a dps spec and healing spec and ended up maxing out my respec cost. With the amount of credits you can make through the dailies, crafting/gathering, and finishing up lower level content you might have skipped, the costs are easily covered.


I feel like the point that is being missed is that most of the player base does not have the time to run the dailies or do all this gathering or crafting every day, day in and day out, just to have enough credits to respec to whatever is needed at the time. A lot of us have families, 40 hour work weeks, and social obligations that mean play time can be fairly restrictive. I am not trying to apply that we should be catered to or that we are "better" people because of these things. My point is that for this group of people, which I am a part of, the ability to hold two specs and switch between them would be a tremendous boost to not only our enjoyment of the game, but also help to optimize the play time we have.


I think a happy medium could be to allow dual spec, but still have a credit sink on when you switch between your two specs, albeit at a much much lower cost than what is currently in place. Also, keep the one free respec per week, but keep a fixed, high price if you want to reset one of your specs. This would still keep a good credit sink in place but also make endgame for the multi spec capable classes more easily accessible.


Just my 2 creds.:D

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.... My point is that for this group of people, which I am a part of, the ability to hold two specs and switch between them would be a tremendous boost to not only our enjoyment of the game, but also help to optimize the play time we have...


And what do you tell the player that is in the same boat as you and uses your exact argument for AC dual speccing? I don't want either, but I can't stand this flip-flopping of those that argue so vehemently for one and then argue against all the exact points they made in fighting against the other.

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So do they only get to choose the dual spec once and then that is what they get, or is it that they get to choose whatever they want to dual spec into multiple times?


For instance; Will he get to choose tank/dps and then a couple of days later rework that and choose pve/pvp, Then a few hours later swap back to tank/dps? Ad infintum? Or will they get to choose once and that is the end of it?

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I support AC change, It is pretty dumb not to have it, telling me my trooper cant put on some heavy armor and a smaller gun to do battle. But I can share Assault tree among AC's, and will be able to jump from my Gunnery to Medic soon?

Who levels two Troopers? or two of any class? Ya I could, but wow talk about wasting time on the same story/class missions,planets. Time better spent on a new class.

Make AC change 1mil creds or somthing.

It is only a matter of time til it is in. Devs ideas change as the $$ & game moves forward.

Edited by Wetworks
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I support AC change, It is pretty dumb not to have it, telling me my trooper cant put on some heavy armor and a smaller gun to do battle. But I can share Assault tree among AC's, and will be able to jump from my Gunnery to Medic soon?

Who levels two Troopers? or two of any class? Ya I could, but wow talk about wasting time on the same story/class missions,planets. Time better spent on a new class.

It is only a matter of time til it is in. Devs ideas change as the $$ & game moves forward.


BW should provide AC change system,

or a LV50 class change and free server transfer system.

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It wont stop. Bioware gave that inch.


Now they will continue to say they should have AC duel specs and say because you added duel specs after launch you should do it for AC also.


I give it 2-3 months before duel spec in AC is added after they do duel specs because acter they add duel specs they dont care about the game but just trying to keep peoples money.


They stated before the game even launched(right before the forum wipe) that they would be adding dual spec as a post launch feature, along with combat logs. The only time they mentioned adding AC respecs was during beta and it was quickly reverted to "there will be no changing of Advanced Classes" which is also their current stance on it.


I just don't get why people can't understand that your advanced class is your CLASS post level 10. Vanguard and Commando are 2 completely different classes, not just specs. It's not even a new concept, Aion for example had you playing an Archetype Class until level 10 when you picked your real class(Warrior until 10 and then you picked either Gladiator or Templar). It is really not difficult to understand and they make it very easy, you are picking your class at level 10 that will be your class forever. If you want to play something different, that is why they have the create character button and 8 slots on each server.

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I honestly wish they'd bring in Dual-Speccing for Advanced Class choices. I think it's a terribly poor game philosophy to limit your choices.

No... No... HELLZ NO!!!


One minute players are complaining that your choices don't matter and the ONE choice that matters above all they want to have that be irrelevant also. Suck it up. Stick by your choice. If you don't like it try again.



As the person above this comment has said, currently there are no Tank/Healer classes in the game which means if you enjoy Tanking and Healing you'll have to roll two seperate characters and level them up.


Is tanking on an Assassin actually viable? I've yet to see one in a flashpoint?

Then you don't know what you're missing. Assassin/Shadow tanks rock. I've rolled with them before.



I would not mind rerolling, if LvLing up again was not so gosh darne painfull, boring.

One minute the leveling is too fast and easy the next its painful and boring. People make up your minds.



Let's look at a Druid in WoW. You can choose the specs of Resto where you use Mana as a resource and gear with Spirit Stats. Or you could choose to go Feral, more specifically you could go Cat Form in which you use Energy as a resource and gear with Agility stats.

Druids do not use different armor. They use leather. The mechanics of the class is a shape shifter. They shape shift into a bear, cat, moonkin or tree. Also if you have noticed they moved away a while ago from dabbling into different trees for a nice hybrid build. Right now you got to chose Bear OR Cat. Before they were lumped together into one tree. So no your argument doesn't work.



We're asking for the ability to dual-spec advanced classes, and currently you're arguing that it's too difficult because the AC's are too different. What we're trying to point out is that no, they're not. It's like arguing a Resto Druid and a Feral Druid are completely different classes and can in no way be dual-specced.

No one is saying its difficult. They're saying it's stupid.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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I dont want to play the BH storyline all over again just to get the Powertech gameplay. -_-


Then don't. But you will have to accept not playing powertech period that way.


You picked your class. If you dont like it or want to play another as well then roll another character and pick the other class. Those are your options. Make your choice count.

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