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Dual-spec Coming and no changing advanced classes!


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There are class shared abilities and then there are abilities that are not class abilities. You're trying to combine them as otherwise you have no real point.


Since I based my statement off of your quote, I'm not sure why you're explaining this to me. You were confused about what you meant. I wasn't.


"I know you are but what am I" should have gone out of style around 4th grade.


It did. Yet again, you aren't making any points. You're just flapping your gums and blowing hot air.

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Since I based my statement off of your quote, I'm not sure why you're explaining this to me. You were confused about what you meant. I wasn't.




It did. Yet again, you aren't making any points. You're just flapping your gums and blowing hot air.


Both of you are just trolling/pointlessly arguing with each other, can you find something else to do?

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Since I based my statement off of your quote, I'm not sure why you're explaining this to me. You were confused about what you meant. I wasn't.


It did. Yet again, you aren't making any points. You're just flapping your gums and blowing hot air.


Remember what I said about cirlces, this is one. ^

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Awww, I've a pacifier around here somewhere if you'd like it?



Dual Spec is without a doubt one of the most important things for any MMORPG going forward. The days of being stuck to one spec and paying absurd amounts of in game currency to change are just stupid.


One may ask himself - Why do we even have different specs to choose from then, if we'll be able to change between them with 1 press of a button? Yes yes... 2 out of three, or even more if you use the same tree for pvp and pve, BUT it still makes this whole thing where you pick one path and follow kinda useless.

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I didn't see anyone mention that with the coming of Dual Spec it also requires Dual Gear. The Tank that swaps to DPS spec is going to be a pretty poor dps with all his Def, Shield and Absorption mods. He needs a set of Crit/Surge/Power/Alacrity/Whatever gear as well.


I've never played a game with Dual Spec and I have no real preference for or against.


I think one consequence will be that people will have worse gear for their off-spec than for their prime spec, especially in the beginning. It's also another resaon for people to Need on gear they don't really Need and to justify it by having an off-spec that matches the item.


The main argument in favor of this seems to be that more options are better and that no-one else will be affected by their ability to choose. I agree that more options are better, but other people's gameplay will most certainly be affected.


We'll see how it plays out after it happens. As a tank I'll stay a tank and I'll probably make a Dps spec for soloing, but I wouldn't expect to get into groups as a dps.

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I think one consequence will be that people will have worse gear for their off-spec than for their prime spec, especially in the beginning. It's also another resaon for people to Need on gear they don't really Need and to justify it by having an off-spec that matches the item.


This is why proper gear looting restrictions should be put in place since day one, specially in cross-server groups.


Restrictions should be based on item level, queued role, spec, stats, type of armor, or selected companion (yellow in Crew Skills) in case no one needs the gear and a companion could use it.

Edited by Orisai
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This is why proper gear looting restrictions should be put in place since day one, specially in cross-server groups.


Restrictions should be based on item level, queued role, spec, stats, type of armor, or selected companion (yellow in Crew Skills) in case no one needs the gear and a companion could use it.


What is the fun in that Ninjaing is where it is at

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Can't believe BioWare caved in to the demands of lazy whiners and WoW players.


Caved on what? Dual-Spec? This is a feature that everyone should have known was coming. It was stated in Beta, and in many interviews since, that is would be a post launch feature.

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No reason not to have advanced class respecs. It is the same class with a few dif skills.


Except its not the same class. An operative is like a rogue from WoW and a sniper is like a mage. Totally separate. Some may be similar (Guardian/Sentinel) but I'd rather they err on the side of caution for those that are dramatically different and NOT allow it. They should focus their efforts on making ACs that are too similar more distinctive (JKnights, SWarriors, etc).

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Caved on what? Dual-Spec? This is a feature that everyone should have known was coming. It was stated in Beta, and in many interviews since, that is would be a post launch feature.


I don't see why people are so against it, it gives them more healers etc. I noticed a big difference in WoW when dual spec came around.

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Let's copy WoW...but we'll be subtle...we'll introduce things that have proven to be popular over a long period of time to mask the fact that we are a blatant copy that has failed its task at copying.


Copying WoW or listening to its player base? I would guess the latter rather than the former. Some people are kinda dumb.

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Hey guys I'm pretty new to MMO's and I'm just wondering about Dual Specs. I looked it up online and I was wondering if you could clarify on what I got from it.


Does this mean I'll be able to have a second set of how I put points into my skill tree? Meaning if I was a BH merc, I could also have a second tree that's spec'd to a PT? Also if that's this case, how do you go about switching it when you want to use the PT? Just push a button? Any cool down?


I know it's not even out yet so people don't know for sure, but I guess I'm asking based on what you've all experienced in other MMOs. Thank you in advance!

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Except they are not...


You really telling me a Merc healer is the same as a PT tank?


No its not...heck a SIA madness spec playes totally differently than a SISorc madness spec.


They are the same class. There is a reason ACs share ~50% the same abilities with the other AC in the same class.

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I currently play a Sorc... Why, pray tell, would I want to level an assassin? If I re-rolled some other class then at least 2% of the game (the class quests) would be new/different... but there is no difference between Sorc and Assassin story (or any other advanced classes for that matter).


Again... bad game design (not that I'm in any way surprised at this point).

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Let's copy WoW...but we'll be subtle...we'll introduce things that have proven to be popular over a long period of time to mask the fact that we are a blatant copy that has failed its task at copying.

I seriously can't believe you're even halfway serious about this post. What you're saying is like saying "There shouldn't be mounts because WoW already had them."

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