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Community Q&A – Feb 10th 2012 Blog Discussion


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Simoon: Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?


Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone – and for every player that loves a certain Warzone there is another player that hates it. The population would end up divided by their Warzone choice, negatively affecting the time it would take for a specific Warzone to become available for anyone. With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server, but those players who choose specific preferences such as these will likely end up in a match with players in the larger Wargroup.


on five matches i had:





Your current queue system broken! :confused:

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Well from reading this i really understand that bioware is living in another world when it comres to the huge faction imbalance.On MOST servers the Empire out num the Republic from 1-3 1-5. And you can tell they are doing nothing about it.No hot fixes to help the Republic faction.


If bioware were smart they would have done things like this to help the Republic factin

Wookie Smuggler

Mon calamari Trooper

Togruta Jedi


And as i said earlier in another post i knew they would not talk about

these things


Ilum= disaster

Valor farming by Empire on ilum/kill trading.

Warzones exploits/bots

Fixing the low fps and lag on the servers.

No customer support what so ever.

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Some of the answers didn't actually....answer the question or were very dodgey responses. =\


Maybe I don't get it, but the first question asked by Alkapwn says he doesn't want to make an alt right now because he wants to see what races will be available.


The response back was:

"Legacy is definitely not just for new characters! The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you haven’t seen them before. New species are in consideration for the future but we don’t have any details to share right now. "


Sooo. He should wait? And are you saying there won't be any NEW species? Does that mean it'll be like "Twi'lek can now be a Bounty Hunter!" type deal? Instead of "You can now play a Wookie!" ..Because that's not exciting at all if it's not new races. The races we have now are boring. Sigh, kind of a let down.


Doesn't in game = entire game and not just current races available to the player? That's how I read it. i.e. wookies are already in game, so yes good chance you can play one.

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Doesn't in game = entire game and not just current races available to the player? That's how I read it. i.e. wookies are already in game, so yes good chance you can play one.


You could think that, and you will have that to fall back on to rage about when it is just the current playable races that get opened up to other classes. Like he said.

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Source? the only official comment on this was from Stephen Reid, on the 15th of September last year.


It was a dev video interview from a fan site. Can't remember which one exactly, I'll see if I can dig it up. It was a British guy doing the interview from what I recall.


The general statement just restated what was said last year:




“Due to the design constraints of a fully voiced MMO of this scale and size, many choices had to be made as to the launch and post-launch feature set. Same gender romances with companion characters in Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a post-launch feature. Because The Old Republic is an MMO, the game will live on through content expansions which allow us to include content and features that could not be included at launch, including the addition of more companion characters who will have additional romance options.”


That last line is what is most telling. The additional romance options will come with additional companions, not existing ones. Though that is always subject to change.

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I am pleased with the fact 1.2 will be full of goodies. I had wished for more (don't we all?) but I am looking forward to the upcoming improvements.


However I will continue to wait on rolling any alts, and will continue to avoid Ilum. I will probably continue War Zones, but only for *GASP* enjoyment, not for any expectation about loot or faction population balance.


Thank you for the responses Bioware! Hope this is the start of something awesome.

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Alkapwn: Could you elaborate about what specific benefits the Legacy will offer? I know that I am not alone in the fact of putting off making an alt (and hence losing out on gameplay) because I wish to know what kind of character creation options will be available. All we have to go on now is "The legacy system will unlock new character creation options, including new species." Does this mean species that have been unavailable for that specific class, or that have been unavailable to play in the game as a whole?


Daniel Erickson: Game Update 1.2 will bring you the first big step in the Legacy System but it’s important to understand that the Legacy System will continue to grow, bringing new options to new characters (alts) and some fun options for elder game players as well. Legacy is definitely not just for new characters! The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you haven’t seen them before. New species are in consideration for the future but we don’t have any details to share right now. Look for more specific details in the near future as we head toward Game Update 1.2.


does this mean current characters will be able to change species to unlocked ones. :confused:


if not then that really inhibits our current leveling if we will have to wait to create a new character to use the species that was not in the game at launch due to an incomplete feature

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You could think that, and you will have that to fall back on to rage about when it is just the current playable races that get opened up to other classes. Like he said.


But I don't see where it just say's just current playable races. Gotta love interpretation, it always falls to the reader.


I admit it would be cool to play as a wookie, but I'm busy enough with my alts at the moment so not concerned either way.

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I expected that all the questions answered today, I already knew the answers to. I told my guild members the day the questions went up that it'd happen. I don't blame the devs for answering those questions, I blame the people who posted the questions for giving the devs an easy out when they could have found out this information with a little search.


Here's hoping next week some questions that haven't already been answered get answers.


I think the problem is, and a lot is shown in this thread and forums overall, just how uninformed people are. The devs had hit on nearly every point in the Q&A today, but people don't research before they ask. We see this in Q&As with other companies too though, it is just the nature of the animal. They almost need to just create an FAQ Wiki where we can just keep putting the new details for the questions being asked.

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Okay i did not read the entire thing, but wasn't it one of the selling points that they were never going to do Cross server warzones, to keep the communities tight and small?


Cross server BGs were the best thing to happen to BGs in WoW IMO.


Nothing more fun that being in a queue for half the day waiting for enough people to PVP, especially on the PVE servers!

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Cross server BGs were the best thing to happen to BGs in WoW IMO.


Nothing more fun that being in a queue for half the day waiting for enough people to PVP, especially on the PVE servers!


Thing is it goes against what they want, they original wanted close tight knitted communities, cross server stuff RUINS that decimates it heavily.

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I think the problem is, and a lot is shown in this thread and forums overall, just how uninformed people are. The devs had hit on nearly every point in the Q&A today, but people don't research before they ask. We see this in Q&As with other companies too though, it is just the nature of the animal. They almost need to just create an FAQ Wiki where we can just keep putting the new details for the questions being asked.


Even if they had a FAQ Wiki, people wouldn't read it and ask the same questions over and over again. I'm seeing people ask questions for next week that were already answered today (when will legacy features be launched, will there be guild capital ships, etc, etc...).

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Doesn't in game = entire game and not just current races available to the player? That's how I read it. i.e. wookies are already in game, so yes good chance you can play one.

Thats what I thought too, at first. But then I read it again and again and again and now it feels like there's a possibility they meant races available to play already. So it's not 100% clear.

Edited by Valeena
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What a load of preplanned crap..


Lets as the dev staff not discuss the short commings the huge amounts of bugs or how we intend to fix this broken game.


Instead lets pick the pretty tame questions so we can scurry away from the real issues in game..


Typical if we dont mention it its not there.........



Free to play by 2013 if things arent fixed 2 million resources on my hard drive is over kill!

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Thing is it goes against what they want, they original wanted close tight knitted communities, cross server stuff RUINS that decimates it heavily.


Not being able to pvp ruins games. This statement was also made up by some fatt *** on some distant forum years ago and has never been proven.


For every one game that some kid got butthurt cause his own server didn't recognize him.....there are 10 games that died cause people are waiting for Q'S.

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Thats what I thought too, at first. But then I read it again and again and again and now it feels like there's a possibility they meant races available to play already. So it's not 100% clear.


I'm almost positive that it's currently playable races. I wouldn't expect any new playable races until they do that.

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MrGerbz: What kind of measures will you take to improve the community, population, and faction balance of each server?


Daniel Erickson: Faction balance is always a concern and something we watch carefully across all servers. It’s also something you can never fully account for programmatically as it is different on each server. We have many servers where the differences are small enough to be negligible and then others where either the Empire or the Republic has a huge numbers advantage. The Legacy System will take some first steps towards incentivizing players to look at what the other side has to offer and we will continue watching the most extreme servers to see if additional steps are needed.


They don't even admit that they put so much effort designing and hyping up Empire compared to Republic. From the storylines to gear looks to class mirror abilities all favoring Empire.


And LOL at his ambiguous statement: "either the Empire or the Republic has a huge numbers advantage" What a bad liar. There are NO servers out there where Republic massively outnumbers Empire. Give me the name and I'll check it immediately right now. Republic only outnumbers SLIGHTLY on RP-PVE servers. Everything else from PVP to PVE servers I have seen go from 2:1 to 5:1 Imp:Rep ratios


Still no answer on all the borked class mirror abilities not being mirrors. Project vs Shock. Full Auto vs Unload. Mortar Volley vs DFA. Dirty Kick vs IA stun. Each of these have dozen-thread discussions.


Still no answer on Ilum favoring the zerg faction, and just being all around terrible.

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Discuss this week's Community Q&A blog in this thread!


I am not pleased. I felt the answers were too "wishy washy" for my tastes. If questions are going to be hand picked then answers can be much more detailed. Currently, I'm displeased. My class is one of the most hurting classes in PVP and nothing has been said about us, yet all this stuff about great PVP features in the next patch.


Great features which will be dominated by Sorcerers and Sages.


I'd rather BioWare talked about what they are doing to actively curb the growing SI population.


I also found their comment about "some servers" being overpopulated by the Empire and some by the Republic to be dishonest.


I highly doubt there actually *is* a server where the Republic outnumbers the Empire.

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A lot of people on here complaining that this didn't give enough?


That is maddening. I thought this was incredibly eye opening on a number of topics I was personally interested in know. I can't wait to see the next Q&A now. And it sounds like patch 1.2 is going to be very interesting.


Thanks for answering those questions.

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