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  1. The only way they can add new classes to the game, is if they branch out from the existing advanced classes. That would be as and example Trooper evolves to Commando and Vanguard and then Vanguard evolves into 1 or 2 and the same with commando and vice versa on Imp side. But then again, you cant expand them from 10 and up, you would probably have to expand them from 55-60 something, so an advanced class of the advanced class. Only possible way I see it.
  2. Compared to AoC it was a near perfect release, just as the guy you quoted said. I was in the beta there, and everyone told them not to release yet because the game was so unfinished with content and a ton of gamebreaking bugs.
  3. Maybe its time for you to expand your horiozon outside the fleet? The fleet dont tell you the population of a server
  4. 1.7 million in January vs 1.7 million in february, yeah, the game is losing subs because people on your server decided to go to another server, change faction or not stay in the fleet all the time like you. Wow, your view is narrow.
  5. So, as i was a bit bored and couldnt really play that much today. I sat down and did some number gathering. At first i tried to do it every 2 hours, but cut it down to 1 hour intervals. I did this on the Trask Ulgo RP, as it usually is heavy around prime time. What was interesting was when in between the hours etc I would check other servers, and while the 50 class composition on the republic side had a nice spread with a little more on the sage/shadow side, well the smuggler classes was low compared to the others. On the other side, Empire was more or less 50% sorcerers and the rest spread around, with a disfavour to the agent classes. Im not saying all the servers I checked was like this, but mostly the Sorcerers outclassed everything by far. Anyway, here is the numbers, this is just for ONE day, and should not be judged as a good population for a statistics. --------------Range---10:30---12:30---14:30---16:30---18:30---19:30---20:30 Republic-----1-10------25-------43-------43-------56-------53------67-------56 -------------11-20------61-------85-------71-------84-------97-----107------112 -------------21-30------47-------64-------73-------86------ 102-----101------95 -------------31-40------53-------78-------94------107------94------89-------116 -------------41-49------36-------56-------69-------89-------78------87-------97 ---------------50--------66-------89------130------140-----165-----176------166 -------------TOTALS---288------415-----480------562-----589-----627------642 Empire-----1-10-------27-------32-------43-------56-------48------60-------39 ------------11-20-------54-------79-------85-------99-------98------99------119 ------------21-30-------53-------75-------86------108------123----118------156 ------------31-40-------58-------89-------96------117------118----116------106 ------------41-49-------52-------53-------83-------88------105-----111------113 --------------50---------59------111-----167------169------173----191------180 ------------TOTALS----303-----439------560------637------665----695------713 Totals for both--------591------854-----1040----1199----1254---1322-----1355 I hope its not to messy, but couldnt figure out the Indent's. Anyway, empire vs republic is pretty 50/50, at least for the 50's. Below this there is a slight advantage to the empire. What I did was who and fill in 1-10, 11-20 etc, for the 50's I did a search by class. This server was listed as light at 10.30, after this it have been on the server list as Standard. Was hoping to get a heavy number for it too, but not going to happen today as im done anyway, want to play some too PS! Did a same survey on a heavy english server as well at 20.40, and on that server there was 2670 logged on for both empire and republic, think it was 55/45 empire favour. But what was funny was that Sorcerer's had more then 100, so couldnt really get a good count on that server. Anyway, hope you have fun with the numbers. Maybe I will do a more extensive collection if people like this with a lot more servers.
  6. This is a bit funny, because Im doing a little experiment for about a week, and at the moment the server Im watching, there is a total of 1200 people playing, and there is a 45% republic to 55% empire relations. I have no idea where these people are, just that they are logged in. And the number im watching have been increasing with about 200 people every second hour. So complaining there is noone at fleet might have its own reasons, maybe they are elsewhere doing stuff?
  7. Let me conduct a little experiment then. Ill do one now and one at prime time. And im aware its Saturday, and not even prime time. I did all of this over the course of 5 minutes, for this one server. This is a light server atm. It will be heavy at prime time. Republic---------10.30 1-10--------------25 11-20-------------61 21-30-------------47 31-40-------------53 41-49-------------36 50-----------------66 Total--------------288 Empire 1-10--------------27 11-20-------------54 21-30-------------53 31-40-------------58 41-49-------------52 50-----------------59 Total-------------303 Total for both sides -- 591
  8. To make it a bit hard to get gear? If not they could just hand it to you like they do with all the other gear.
  9. Oh I feel sorry for you. You got long left to live? *In all seriousness joking with those two kinds of diseases dont really make you cool*
  10. Did you actually look at the Skyrim graphics? Seriously, take a better look and you will see all the flaws in this singleplayer game that everyone hypes so much. The only thing I found interesting about it, was the story lines.
  11. My simple definition of an MMO: They start with a cake -> They release the basic layer of the cake -> They add stuff to complete the cake over time Or if you would have it more technical - search up MMO definition on google and you will get a definition what an MMO is. The point is, things will get added to the game OVER TIME! If they released everything at once people in the famous "5%" would just blast through that too, but the problem would be that it all would be too overwhelming to the 95%. This would shake the foundation of the game to a much bigger degree then "loosing" the interest of the rushers. btw, im in the 95% category. I have been in the 5% category in other games and it was boring as hell.
  12. There is no logic in this thread, OP is trolling with no real evidence except saying one area 3 friday's have different numbers at peak time. What a load of ****. Come with real numbers if you intend to create a discussion.
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