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Community Q&A – Feb 10th 2012 Blog Discussion


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Two completely different departments you are talking about there.


Yes I understand that...you guys think that the bug dept is one guy who has no idea what hes doing, while the dev dept is full of bright young things who are coming up with amazing ideas.


If they cant fix the stuff that has been out for weeks and weeks (because the bug fixing guy is so bad) why would/should they let the same bright young things produce more amazing content for the bad old bug guy to fix?

Edited by Englisheart
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All non-answers and marketing fluff. Someone asks about the future of WZs and Ilum, and we get the canned response written by the EA marketing dept hyping anther aspect of 1.2.


Surprised at the popularity of PvP? Really? Babbys first mmo? Getting close to unsubbing here with the myriad of issues that were unadressed in the list of softball questions.

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If they told you, "We're working on improving that" it wouldn't have been good enough for you. I'd rather hear definite information then hearing something I know they are working on :)


You're right, I wouldn't be happy with "We're working on improving that". After nearly 2 months I expect something a hell of a lot more informative than that.

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So I should just stop leveling my alts and not create more classes because then I am screwed on legacy rewards I earned because it was added after I maxed out my slots on the server? Sounds like a great idea for having people enjoy the content!
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They said that they won't let us swap our "advanced class" via dual spec.


So to me, their implementation of dual spec is not so useful (not like WoWs which was meaninful and powerful). See, my class (smuggler) can spec into heals, but it's a different 'advanced class' from the single point DPS one.


Maybe for some other class there is some value to being able to carry 2 specs within your same 'advanced' class, but that restriction for me is like.... eyesroll, okay whatever.


(Enter WoW Talk)


Meaningful and powerful, eh? So like when a WoW Rogue can switch between one of three dps classes? Or how a priest can dual spec into a healer or a dps?


When you start getting into heal/tank/dps classes, like Druids and Paladins, you begin to encounter the dreaded "hybrid-tax", which sucks, but a necessary evil to prevent everyone from choosing the 'best at everything' class.


The advanced class system works, because tank/dps or heals/dps classes can still have the same dps as a dps/dps class without any dreaded taxation, so everyone gets to be powerful. A dual spec is awesome, because it allows the flexibility of being a healer/dps or a tank and dps, or switch between a pve and a pvp spec...etc etc. Start giving the ability to switch advanced classes, you begin to lose the unique-ness of it all.

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First, thank you very much for answering questions, Bioware.


Still no answer about chat bubbles? Do you realize how many players in the question thread asked about them? Why are you still ignoring them?


It looks like you are only asking and answering questions you, Bioware want to be asked, not the questions that the players ask and want to read an answer to.


The Q&A reads more like a promotion of Update 1.2 than anything else. Why not just make a separate feature about that and answer other questions in Q&A that you usually don't answer or talk much about?

Edited by Glzmo
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A nice read.


1.2 sounds juicy.


Good to know you consider faction imbalance to be a problem. I've played Huttball 8 times in a row due to the lack of republicans online. Getting to the point that I can't even remember what Voidstar and Alderaan warzones look like anymore :)


The Ilum question wasn't answered though. Ilum atm is not much fun imo. Fun is subjective I know but 150 armament boxes in a week is a LOT when you have to compete with 30 other Imperials looking to collect them also. Yoda knows I can't get 150 kills as that would involve finding 150 republic players :w_cool:


Still, 1.2 sounds juicy.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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You're right, I wouldn't be happy with "We're working on improving that". After nearly 2 months I expect something a hell of a lot more informative than that.


Game's brand new, and I'm loving it so far.


Turn off your subscription, and come back in six months if it's bothering you.

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( Quoted wrong dude, and I see my response has been given already)


The problem is not with the system it is with your inability to accept that a Scoundrel and a Gunslinger are two completely different classes, Like a Rogue and a Druid.



If you happen to pick the Rogue class dual spec is like a PVP vs PVE thing. Same with the gunslinger. whereas if you picked the druid class you can dual spec heals/dps, like the Scoundrel.


If dual spec in wow worked like you want it to work here, all the plate wearers would be able to swap classes, same with leather and cloth.


Like a mage/priest. or a DK/pally dual spec. It is the same thing you are asking for because it is two different classses.


Forget about the base class and focus on the advanced class as a completely fleshed out class with 2 possible roles.

Edited by Cuspin
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My own reply. Learned a couple of new things, including Dual Spec (which I'm excited about) Guild Banks coming out in 1.2, and new species for Legacy, which sounds nice.


I am most looking forward to the crafting changes so that it is more end-game viable, but I understand that is being worked on, and can't wait to see what comes out of that.


One thing I ask for the Legacy Species part, is that people get the chance (even if one time) to change their species once legacy comes out. I would hate to make new alts now, only to find out its late to do anything about it. ( a common concern )

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All non-answers and marketing fluff. Someone asks about the future of WZs and Ilum, and we get the canned response written by the EA marketing dept hyping anther aspect of 1.2.


Surprised at the popularity of PvP? Really? Babbys first mmo? Getting close to unsubbing here with the myriad of issues that were unadressed in the list of softball questions.


The game designers have obviously lost control of their game and while people continue to pay, only slight changes will be made to string along the players. Wake up!

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Still no answer about chat bubbles? Do you realize how many players in the question thread asked about them? Why the heck are you ignoring them? Looks like you are only asking and answering questions you, Bioware want to be asked, not the questions that the players ask and want to read an answer to. Big thumbs down, Bioware!


this made me lol, of course they picked questions they had answers to. Go ask again and see if it gets answered next week.

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They said that they won't let us swap our "advanced class" via dual spec.


So to me, their implementation of dual spec is not so useful (not like WoWs which was meaninful and powerful). See, my class (smuggler) can spec into heals, but it's a different 'advanced class' from the single point DPS one.


Maybe for some other class there is some value to being able to carry 2 specs within your same 'advanced' class, but that restriction for me is like.... eyesroll, okay whatever.


Umm...wait what? Why is the class system here so hard to comprehend for some people. Maybe the problem is starting everyone out in a generic primary class (the core 4) and then allowing them to actually pick their real class (advanced class) at level 10. Their implementation is going to be EXACTLY LIKE WoWs. Is the dual spec in WoW to allow you to be both a Priest and Warrior by clicking a button? No. It allows you to be a Disc Priest or Shadow Priest by clicking a button. You need to stop thinking of your Smuggler Class being equal to a class in WOW, it isn't. Your actual class is whatever advanced class you picked - Gunslinger or Scoundrel. Say you picked Gunslinger, contracts you are pretty much a Hunter from WOW (without the pet...sorta). Can your Hunter on on WOW respec to Priest to heal? Umm no. Now a Priest can respec from DPS (Shadow) to Heals (Disc or Holy) much like a Sith Sorcerer can...and they'll have the ability to have a DPS and Healing spec pre-entered to swap when needed.


I really have no idea why the class system is so hard to grasp. Perhaps the program is calling the base/core 4 classes in the first place. When they probably should have just gone with "Storyline" or something. You pick the Smuggler, Inquisitor, whatever Storyline and then at level 10 you get to pick which class from that story line you want to be.


The dual spec system, once put in place here, will probably behave and act exactly like WOW. I'm sorry you picked a class that didn't have a healing tree. Welcome to the life of a hunter, rogue, warlock or mage in that other game. However, you don't see that company saying "oh here, i'll let you respec or pay for a class change to go Priest or Paladin." No. It is called reroll if you want a hybrid class and not a pure dps class.

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For those that are complaining (especially those that have already paid for their subscription):


Games evolve, and this one will too. If you gave me Vanilla WoW to me now, from what it is today, I would of never played that crap.


The solution is simple: Are you enjoying the game? Keep on playing, keep on paying, and lets see what the future holds.


Are you not enjoying the game now, but feel it could change in the future? Cancel your subscription, maybe offer some constructive criticism as to what you feel needs improvement, come back in six months, see where the game is at that point.


Are you not enjoying the game, period? Cancel your subscription, and stop complaining on the boards. Or better yet, offer some constructive criticism for how you feel the game would improve before leaving.


I like this game. I'm staying until I don't like it anymore.



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The game designers have obviously lost control of their game and while people continue to pay, only slight changes will be made to string along the players. Wake up!


'Obviously' needs to be used correctly. What's obvious to you isn't obvious to others.


Oh wait, unless you happen to be a clairvoyant. If so, stop with this silly anti-TOR agenda and cough up next week's lotto numbers!

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( Quoted wrong dude, and I see my response has been given already)


The problem is not with the system it is with your inability to accept that a Scoundrel and a Gunslinger are two completely different classes, Like a Rogue and a Druid.



If you happen to pick the Rogue class dual spec is like a PVP vs PVE thing. Same with the gunslinger. whereas if you picked the druid class you can dual spec heals/dps, like the Scoundrel.


If dual spec in wow worked like you want it to work here, all the plate wearers would be able to swap classes, same with leather and cloth.


Like a mage/priest. or a DK/pally dual spec. It is the same thing you are asking for because it is two different classses.


Forget about the base class and focus on the advanced class as a completely fleshed out class with 2 possible roles.


Not sure I fully understand, but I'd be happy dual-speccing within my advanced class. My marauder is straight dps, no help there. But if I could swap my commando between damage and heals, or my guardian between damage and tanking, I'd be real pleased. Just want to have two setups for the skill tree and quickbar config.

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Am I reading this right?


The only "new" species we are getting are species that are ALREADY playable, just for new classes. And they didn't say a thing about changing character's species.


All of the rage I felt when I first learned we weren't getting any REAL aliens as character choices is coming back to me.

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