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Everything posted by Aurinax

  1. After several forum searches, no one else apparently has this question, so I suppose I'm the only idiot who hasn't figured it out! Lol Under the keybinding import/export section of the menu, there's no choice to either save a set or load a set. I have no idea how to create a keybinding set to export/import. Help?
  2. I suppose it's possible Musco told me incorrectly, but I doubt it.
  3. OP is incorrect. Look at Eric Musco's post in this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=842708 My original question: So no, a non-stop sub from Aug 10th - Oct 19th was NOT required. The only requirement is to be subscribed on the days that all four rewards were given out. So in reality, the requirements are actually slightly LESS restrictive.
  4. Actually, According to Eric Musco, a straight subscription from Aug 10th to Oct 19th was NOT required. As long as your account was subscribed on the four dates of the rewards you get early access. A slight lapse in subscription would not disqualify you from anything, unless that lapse just happened to be on one of the reward dates.
  5. Thank you so much! Might want to add something about this to the sticky, specifying that a brief lapse in subscription is okay, because based on other posts it seems like I wasn't the only one that might have this question.
  6. Yep, but the confusion is whether or not a brief lapse will disqualify me from early access even if I was subbed on those dates.
  7. If I had an active subscription on all of the reward dates (Nico, Blasters, Duster, Swoop Bike), but my subscription BRIEFLY lapsed from 9/17-9/19, will I get early access? Before that I was subbed since about April. I have seen posts that indicate you have to have an active sub without a single lapse from august 10th to now, but I have also seen posts that indicate you just have to have been a subscriber on the dates listed on each of the four material rewards and qualified for them to get early access. Which is it?
  8. If I had an active subscription on all of the reward dates (Nico, Blasters, Duster, Swoop Bike), but my subscription BRIEFLY lapsed from 9/17-9/19, will I get early access? Before that I was subbed since about April. I guess my question is whether criteria for Early Access is straight sub from August 10th to now, or getting all of the other four rewards.
  9. Technically it's sexist for any hairstyle to be available only for one gender, but this one is the one I care about. Also, give me a good reason undercut shouldn't be available for females other than giving you an excuse to be a d*ck on the forums to someone making an easy, reasonable request.
  10. I mean, it's available for male characters.
  11. Please make this hair style available for female characters. Frankly, it's a little sexist that it isn't.
  12. Agreed. There are far too many roots and slows in the game for it to be worth it, especially considering roots don't apply any Resolve. Maybe if it provided 1-2 seconds of immunity to such effects.
  13. Sorry, but -They're not the only ones who have to deal with resource management. Ammo/Heat is much more difficult -You cannot spam only Tracer/Grav and be viable. It's their ramp-up. -Medium Armor is not as weak as light armor; The wearers of Light armor just have enough to compensate so that it ends up being better overall. Main problem with a Sniper/Gunslinger is that you can only beat melee classes.
  14. As an Operative/Scoundrel you simply can't just focus on being a DPS anymore in pvp. Gotta use a hybrid spec. Flechette/Acid Blade and K.O. / Whatever-Operative-Knockdown is called isn't even worth it anymore, so I put those extra 3 poitns in healing and bust out 8-10 medals a game now. I feel useful too.
  15. What stance's Zen are you referring to? Shii-Cho? (Free/Cleaving Slash) Juyo? (100% Burn crit chance +1% heal per tick stacking with 2% from talents) Ataru? (The worse one imo, slash/blade rush GCD and cost reduction) However, yes. Being level 19 is the only reason you have problems with it. Later you get more abilities that allow you to have 30 stacks of Centering almost every time you enter combat, especially if you're playing Watchman. Not sure why you WOULDN'T be playing Watchman. Watchman is probably more dependent on Zen than the other specs though.
  16. Try out the build in my sig sometime. You still get the 9% healing bonus from tier 2 Sawbones, but you're a beast at assisting with kills while still being an integral part of your team's healing. Although I don't often use Vital Shot instead of all of the other things I need to be doing, I find Flying Fists worth it because there are plenty of other classes who can and do apply bleeds. Oddly, I find myself contributing the most via healing rather than DPS even though most of my points are in Scrapper. I'm considering dropping Slow Release Medpac, but haven't yet because I can't figure out where to put that 1 point to justify not having it. This build nets me an easy 8 medals per game. EDIT: oh, and being able vanish not only more often but without negating my healing has proved immensely useful
  17. What can we expect in the immediate future as far as buff management? More specifically, Procs and Cooldowns.
  18. I guess the question becomes are the MM or Lethality tier 1 and 2 talents that are required to get Corrosive/Gas Can better? And is corrosive grenade or gas can better Yeah it does. I'm glad that you verifed that the DOT from Series of Shots is pretty nice, I was wondering that.
  19. Does it apply a DOT to 3 targets, or does it damage any 3 people who stand in the targeted area? Is Engineering worth playing? Seems like you can do some pretty beastly damage over time and Series of Shots would be pretty powerful.
  20. Gotta say, I'm pleasantly surprised at the answers. Kudos on giving so many concrete "<feature> will be in 1.2!" answers, BioWare! But how much will 1.2 be delayed if any? That's the mystery....
  21. They're too busy sifting through the 90% of questions that are relevant and refer to pressing issues to find things like "What class does Alison Berryman play?".
  22. >Implying that doesn't already happen and would become worse were this change implemented.
  23. "I pay my subscription" is the most pathetic excuse possible for intentionally degrading the quality of gameplay for others. Your $15 < The rest of the teams' $105. Did I just curbstomp everyone in this thread that has tried to pull that card? I think so.
  24. Force Pushing the enemy carrier into the end zone. Somehow, that's worse and funnier than just using a standard AOE knockback to do it. Killing the ball carrier at our goal line, no teammates around, attempt an intentional grounding to reset the ball, ball flies into the welcoming arms of an enemy on the goal line.
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