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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

6 Weeks in ... OMG the sky is falling -- Not


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EDIT: Ok so yes it has been more than six weeks. My bad. I did a quick calculation in my head. I was some days off. But it hasn't been 2 months yet.


But still.... I think I'll give Bioware a bit more time before I cancel. I mean I enjoy the game.


I have fun.


That "other game" It has been around for seven years. Polished yes. But I played Cata. I got bored in six weeks. I just... couldn't do... it...




Original :


Ok so SW:TOR was released DEC 20th. Today is Feb 10th. I believe it has been about 6.5 weeks. I think the level of "O-M-G the game is totally broken" posts is a little overblown.


The game has not even been released long enough to say it has been out "monthS".


Give the developers a little bit of time.


From my time with the release of SW:TOR it was a great release. I don't even know if I was disconnected from server (when I didn't want to be of course) one time during my play time during early access.


I know there are complaints with PVP, with server imbalance.... ect...


But lets give the Developers .. you know .. more than "weeks" to fix the issues.


It has been six weeks. Not six months.



I have read that there are leaked plans all the way up to a version 1.5. So they are working on content.


Heck, in a perfect world I'd love to go to the cantina and sit down, and play some cards. But I'll be patient.

Edited by Geoteknate
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Ok so SW:TOR was released DEC 20th. Today is Feb 10th. I believe it has been about 6.5 weeks. I think the level of "O-M-G the game is totally broken" posts is a little overblown.


The game has not even been released long enough to say it has been out "monthS".


Give the developers a little bit of time.


From my time with the release of SW:TOR it was a great release. I don't even know if I was disconnected from server (when I didn't want to be of course) one time during my play time during early access.


I know there are complaints with PVP, with server imbalance.... ect...


But lets give the Developers .. you know .. more than "weeks" to fix the issues.


It has been six weeks. Not six months.



I have read that there are leaked plans all the way up to a version 1.5. So they are working on content.


Heck, in a perfect world I'd love to go to the cantina and sit down, and play some cards. But I'll be patient.


What about complaints/issues from closed and then open beta? Do those complaints get to count from the point the initial issue was raised?

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Yeah this is why I hate the MMO community. They whine more than anyone I have ever met. If the game isn't perfect at launch, they whine. If you take the servers down to fix some of the problems, they whine. If the game doesn't have the same features as every other mmo, they whine. If it does then they whine about it being too much like every other mmo. lolol
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Well, how would we even know if the sky was falling? It's made of air! Air isn't generally particularly visible without something like water vapor or smoke or dust particles or whatever to give it some semblance of form perceptible to our eyes, so we wouldn't necessarily see it falling. I suppose there might be some wind involved, which we might feel and/or hear, but since the sky has never fallen - so far as we know! - we just don't know how it would be.
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Yeah this is why I hate the MMO community. They whine more than anyone I have ever met. If the game isn't perfect at launch, they whine. If you take the servers down to fix some of the problems, they whine. If the game doesn't have the same features as every other mmo, they whine. If it does then they whine about it being too much like every other mmo. lolol


I'd say you're being unfair, and that it's different people complaining about these different things... but in a lot of cases, it's not. Some of these guys will literally complain about anything without any regard to logic or consistency.

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There, I fixed it for you.


You're welcome!


Yea, this game has been worked on for six years (and they bought the engine for it).


No matter how bad something is, there will always be apologists. Not that I'm saying SWTOR is bad, just still needs a massive amount of polish.

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wrong day to post this - people log in on Tuesdays to do the dailies and weekly reset, run their OP and then log out for the week... what else is there ?


yeah, yeah level a alt, listen to the same text again (I read stories to my niece and she loves hearing the same ones over and over again - but she's 5, any adult seriously excited about listening to the same quest dialogue and running the almost the exact same quest in the same order has my sympathies).


So people whine, I whine, you whine, others whine because charging a monthly fee for what is a fun single hit run through co-op RPG is frankly a little outrageous.

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What about complaints/issues from closed and then open beta? Do those complaints get to count from the point the initial issue was raised?


I agree.

Unfortunately it seems like Bioware was forced to release the game early for the Holidays.


That said, I think they could have prioritized their resources to fix some of the more glaring issues that they allowed to the game to ship with. This seems to be the trend in MMO development and unless consumers change, game developers will continue to push out titles that are unfinished and buggy.


I do think there are good things to come though, but unfortunately we're paying for a game that is still in an unpolished state.

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I'd say you're being unfair, and that it's different people complaining about these different things... but in a lot of cases, it's not. Some of these guys will literally complain about anything without any regard to logic or consistency.


Oh I am being completely fair. I've been playing MMOs a long time now and I have heard all of this crap on here a million times before. Its always the same. First we have the endless and usually conflicting complaints and then the equally endless "I quit and this game will fail" posts, followed by more "I quit" posts by the same people for the next several months. Its amazing how long it takes people to quit a game. rofl

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Because if I were BW/EA I would be upset that I just spent 6yrs $300,000,000 for a game that passes for a single player game at best.


The problem is they had plenty of mmo models out there to go by. There is no reason in the world that they should have launched the game the way it is now.


Not even going into all the bugs/glitches, but atleast they should have launched with a good UI system.

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Ok so SW:TOR was released DEC 20th. Today is Feb 10th. I believe it has been about 6.5 weeks. I think the level of "O-M-G the game is totally broken" posts is a little overblown.


The game has not even been released long enough to say it has been out "monthS".


Give the developers a little bit of time.


From my time with the release of SW:TOR it was a great release. I don't even know if I was disconnected from server (when I didn't want to be of course) one time during my play time during early access.


I know there are complaints with PVP, with server imbalance.... ect...


But lets give the Developers .. you know .. more than "weeks" to fix the issues.


It has been six weeks. Not six months.



I have read that there are leaked plans all the way up to a version 1.5. So they are working on content.


Heck, in a perfect world I'd love to go to the cantina and sit down, and play some cards. But I'll be patient.


More and more people are going to be exhausting the leveling content in the upcoming weeks and are going to faced with the question of continuing to sub. That number will be vastly greater than what it has been up until now. The story is great and all, but will the deficiencies of the UI, and other issues force more people out? I don't know, but the game is really really young and hasn't really faced that decision point by a majority of players yet.

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Ok so SW:TOR was released DEC 20th. Today is Feb 10th. I believe it has been about 6.5 weeks. I think the level of "O-M-G the game is totally broken" posts is a little overblown.


The game has not even been released long enough to say it has been out "monthS".


Give the developers a little bit of time.


From my time with the release of SW:TOR it was a great release. I don't even know if I was disconnected from server (when I didn't want to be of course) one time during my play time during early access.


I know there are complaints with PVP, with server imbalance.... ect...


But lets give the Developers .. you know .. more than "weeks" to fix the issues.


It has been six weeks. Not six months.



I have read that there are leaked plans all the way up to a version 1.5. So they are working on content.


Heck, in a perfect world I'd love to go to the cantina and sit down, and play some cards. But I'll be patient.


Uhuh.. I'd unsubbscribe in the mean time. You're money would be spent better elsewhere..


Like on something good

Edited by Opapanax
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Sorry OP, but I think it's a little much to ask people to just continue throwing money at a product / service when it isn't meeting current standards in certain areas.


If the devs really DO want people to give them more time, then they better start actually rolling out fixes for issues AND giving the community details about WHAT is actually being fixed.


Right now, all we see is the end product of what they WERE working on, and the quantity of fixes at this point in the games life is terribly low in my opinion.


Also, in many cases of issues, we don't get to know much about what they ARE working on. Instead the devs keep quiet and play the "mushroom method" of communication.


Many have been previously burnt by the "potential" in other products and services, only to see it wasted. Which is why patience and faith are not limitless.

Edited by Tarka
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It's been months since the game was in beta and many of the same issues that existed back then exist now.


So it hasn't been just weeks it has been several months.


Agreed. For instance, the Agent's Level 32 mission is STILL bugged. And to many it is almost impossible to complete at the right level on your own.


TOR is supposed to be focused on class story, and yet, 2 months on these things are still not fixed. So what hope does other parts of the game have to be fixed in a reasonable timeframe?


And that's just ONE issue.

Edited by Tarka
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Ok so SW:TOR was released DEC 20th. Today is Feb 10th. I believe it has been about 6.5 weeks.
53 days, that's 7.57 weeks. So it's closer to 7 and a half weeks than 6 and a half weeks.


Edit: fixed, I was off by 2 days: 12 days in December, 31 in January and now 10 in February.




The game has not even been released long enough to say it has been out "monthS".
Yeah, that's a whole week and a half away.



But lets give the Developers .. you know .. more than "weeks" to fix the issues.
No, when I buy something I expect it to be quality. If the quality is off I complain about it. I encourage others to do the same. Edited by ferroz
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Imaginary Case:



Arrives with 30 days prepaid.

Customer was in beta, and got a 60 days gametime card, or docked a 3 month plan.


Guess what. Those people still got active accounts. (Not one of my friends started with a single month, since all of us expected the game to be at least what we tested and have been shown in the videos.)


Well, We might have been warned when the EA logo appeared ...

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