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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

People need to realize....


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TOR was just released. Of course it's not going to have the polish that WoW has, WoW was crap at launch but it got better over time after hundreds of updates and new expansions.


New MMOs never stand a chance because people are always like "Oh, well WoW had this and this game doesn't, blah blah blah." Yes, TOR may feel a bit rushed but developing and launching an MMO is always a gamble when there's a bigger competitor that has had time to hone their craft and player base. If you thought TOR was going to launch flawlessly, than you are a fool.


Though I doubt this has anything to do with it but this is Bioware's first time delving into the world of MMORPGs and I'm impressed but there is room for improvement like always, but then again most people that are down talking the game have obviously never had any patience or expected 10 million players in thriving servers all the time without any flaws.

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WoW was crap at launch but it got better over time after hundreds of updates and new expansions.


Pretty much this. ToR is off to a great start but people can't keep asking why there isn't an armory or cross server arena. These things will likely come in time.

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Not just no, an emphatic no.



This is not 2004. This is 2012. This is a triple A release from a huge company where no expense was spared in making the game. Some of the missing features are inexcusable, and some of the bugs are ridiculous in nature (WZ's not giving victories for example)


I'm not going to give them a pass because "it was just released" and neither should you.

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Some of the missing features are inexcusable, and some of the bugs are ridiculous in nature (WZ's not giving victories for example).


What are these missing features?


As to the bugs, I agree that there are some and the problem really isn't the bugs or the mishaps that happen when they patch the game, it's the fact that unlike Blizzard they don't do hotfixes and I think they should.

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Not just no, an emphatic no.



This is not 2004. This is 2012. This is a triple A release from a huge company where no expense was spared in making the game. Some of the missing features are inexcusable, and some of the bugs are ridiculous in nature (WZ's not giving victories for example)


I'm not going to give them a pass because "it was just released" and neither should you.


Yes, some things should've been implemented during it's development cycle towards launch but would you rather Bioware keep delaying the game for years in order to keep up with the competition? It's alot harder to implement these things to games like this than some people think. If Bioware kept delaying its release in order to address these things, it wouldn't stand a chance against its competition with the fact of lost interest over time due to numerous delays.


Examples: Conan online, Warhammer Online, Lord of the Rings online.

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TOR was just released. Of course it's not going to have the polish that WoW has, WoW was crap at launch but it got better over time after hundreds of updates and new expansions.


New MMOs never stand a chance because people are always like "Oh, well WoW had this and this game doesn't, blah blah blah." Yes, TOR may feel a bit rushed but developing and launching an MMO is always a gamble when there's a bigger competitor that has had time to hone their craft and player base. If you thought TOR was going to launch flawlessly, than you are a fool.


Though I doubt this has anything to do with it but this is Bioware's first time delving into the world of MMORPGs and I'm impressed but there is room for improvement like always, but then again most people that are down talking the game have obviously never had any patience or expected 10 million players in thriving servers all the time without any flaws.


People already understand this, but they are playing a game today and want a fun, polished game for the amount of money they are spending.

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if you launch a new mmo nowadays you have to deal with WOW, especially if you make a WOW-like game as swtor is. times have changed and a lot of people who pay a subscrtiption, after yars of MMO experience, want a game to come out tested, with enjoyable content and a gameplay they can enjoy, now, not after months or years of further development.
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Yes, some things should've been implemented during it's development cycle towards launch but would you rather Bioware keep delaying the game for years in order to keep up with the competition? It's alot harder to implement these things to games like this than some people think. If Bioware kept delaying its release in order to address these things, it wouldn't stand a chance against its competition with the fact of lost interest over time due to numerous delays.


Examples: Conan online, Warhammer Online, Lord of the Rings online.


That's not a valid excuse either. New items are released all the time with more features and that work better then their predecessors.


We don't expect them to keep up with the Jones's, just include things that are fundamental to MMO's in general. They missed the boat badly on many of these and saying "its hard" or "we would have had to push back launch some more" is a cop-out.


I like this game, but they have no excuse for several of the things they botched completely.

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People already understand this, but they are playing a game today and want a fun, polished game for the amount of money they are spending.


To me, it's fun and that's my opinion. I love it.


As far as polished goes, that takes time, there has NEVER been a perfect launch in MMO history. All MMOs that are notable and lived to compete against it's major competitor we're all crap at launch.


Examples: Everquest vs. Dark age of Camelot

Asheron's Call vs Anarchy Online

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I am very tired of this excuse, and I am baffled why people feel the need to come rushing to the defense of a multi-million dollar company.


You think a car manufacturer should use this excuse too?


Hey, we should give them time, it's a new car. So what if the wiring harness catches fire or the brakes sometimes don't work. They'll get it working eventually! Just be patient and don't drive it!

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I find this "missing features" very interesting. I'm ok with people getting upset over bugs and that sort of stuff but getting upset over features that BW NEVER said they would have is just plain stupid. In fact BW even announced that combat log and LFD-system would NOT be in game.


Buying a product knowing something you want is missing and then raging in a forum that it is missing is just stupid.


BW decides what to put in the game, you decide to play the game or not.

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I am very tired of this excuse, and I am baffled why people feel the need to come rushing to the defense of a multi-million dollar company.


You think a car manufacturer should use this excuse too?


Hey, we should give them time, it's a new car. So what if the wiring harness catches fire or the brakes sometimes don't work. They'll get it working eventually! Just be patient and don't drive it!


I am not here to defend the multi-million dollar company.


I'd just hate to see a game that has very good potential to stand up against WoW to go down with all the others. I don't necessarily mean TOR is going to be a WoW killer, I don't expect it to but it has potential to be able to hold its own.

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To me, it's fun and that's my opinion. I love it.


As far as polished goes, that takes time, there has NEVER been a perfect launch in MMO history. All MMOs that are notable and lived to compete against it's major competitor we're all crap at launch.


Examples: Everquest vs. Dark age of Camelot

Asheron's Call vs Anarchy Online


No, but people do not pay for a testing ground. They will complain and quit. It's always been that way. The "give it time" mantra espoused by the fanboi community has absolutely no place in an MMO if the people are not finding the game fun.


If you do find it fun that's cool, but realize not everyone agrees with you, nor can you force your opinion on them.

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To me, it's fun and that's my opinion. I love it.


As far as polished goes, that takes time, there has NEVER been a perfect launch in MMO history. All MMOs that are notable and lived to compete against it's major competitor we're all crap at launch.


Examples: Everquest vs. Dark age of Camelot

Asheron's Call vs Anarchy Online


No one asked for a perfect launch. You are misinterpreting the complaints.


combat logs

a functional AH


UI customization


THESE are things that have been in all MMO's since ever and the fact that they are either non existent at release or poorly implemented is what is driving people away. Bioware dropped the ball on the basics.

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Yes, some things should've been implemented during it's development cycle towards launch but would you rather Bioware keep delaying the game for years in order to keep up with the competition? It's alot harder to implement these things to games like this than some people think. If Bioware kept delaying its release in order to address these things, it wouldn't stand a chance against its competition with the fact of lost interest over time due to numerous delays.


Examples: Conan online, Warhammer Online, Lord of the Rings online.


AoC and Warhammer were horribly bugged and they failed because they launched too early. I can understand a few bugs...... but broken UIs, quests not counting (after being "fixed" 3 times!), terrible performance with the game engine, and the Ilum disaster are more than a few bugs. These things are game breaking failures that there is no excuse for.


Take into account no warzone group queues larger than 4, operations boss bugs, random disconnects, no mods or combat logs, no penalties for exploiters.......... and you have a game that is a $200M failure. EAware cut every corner they possibly could on gameplay, pvp, and endgame content. Just like they do with every game they make. WoW had smooth combat at launch and built on previous Warcraft 1,2,3 success. WoW was missing a lot of things but it got a few things right: Combat and Mods. TOR currently doesn't seem to do anything right. PvPers will be leaving to other games like GW2. Hardcore grinders will probably enjoy Tera, and of course the people who like WoW will play pandas. TORtanic is sinking and the devs are fiddling while $200M goes up in smoke.

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To me, it's fun and that's my opinion. I love it.


As far as polished goes, that takes time, there has NEVER been a perfect launch in MMO history. All MMOs that are notable and lived to compete against it's major competitor we're all crap at launch.


Examples: Everquest vs. Dark age of Camelot

Asheron's Call vs Anarchy Online


Existence =/= competing against wow. Do you think war hammer is competing? I guess so if you think those are.


As for the features missing lets see:


Cross server anything pvp or pve preferably both.


A voting system in instances/pvp for kicking afkers and such.


A decent auction house, the things bare bones.


semi-trained customer service, you know the basics knows what game they're managing and speaks the servers language.


Rolling restarts, hotfixxes.


There are more that I can't think of right now.

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What are these missing features?


As to the bugs, I agree that there are some and the problem really isn't the bugs or the mishaps that happen when they patch the game, it's the fact that unlike Blizzard they don't do hotfixes and I think they should.


I'll start with the simplest one I can think of.






Combat log.

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No, but people do not pay for a testing ground. They will complain and quit. It's always been that way. The "give it time" mantra espoused by the fanboi community has absolutely no place in an MMO if the people are not finding the game fun.


If you do find it fun that's cool, but realize not everyone agrees with you, nor can you force your opinion on them.



I do understand your valid opinions but in no way am I trying to sway anyone into the same boat I'm in.


This is all a matter of my own opinion and thoughts, I guess this entire post was mostly directed to those that strongly dislike the game and ruin it for people that enjoy it.

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No one asked for a perfect launch. You are misinterpreting the complaints.


combat logs

a functional AH


UI customization


THESE are things that have been in all MMO's since ever and the fact that they are either non existent at release or poorly implemented is what is driving people away. Bioware dropped the ball on the basics.



a functional AH - I can get by perfectly fine with this AH. It is a very well AH, just missing a complete item search and more filter like Chest Heavy Armor.


UI customization - I cannot customize WoW interface THAT MUCH unless I have a mod.


macros - The majority of the player base will not need or even use these. BW, and any developer, needs to focus on the majority. Yeah lets make the leveling stop at 40 instead of 50 because we spent months implementing macros.

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