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SWTOR's Newest Patch Ruined all lvl 50 Players Gear Gathering


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Here is how you gear up when you hit 50.


at 49 wear full orange gear.

Find a good geared mate who plays same class (not Advanced class).

Ask him to sell/give you all the mods, enhancements and armoring he gets from daily heroic quests.


Put it in your orange gear.


You will now be decked in full 124, with a specific stat of your choise which is better than centurion and almost up to par with champion (seeing most, if not all sets in this game has the worst stat combination ever. Most classes have to remod their set gear).


Go do your pvp dailies, have fun. The game is a little unbalanced on classes, so rage at the screen and move one.


Start raiding/continue to pvp alot for those champion/columi gear pieces.


Once you hit columi/Champion the stat differences wont be too big (except for weapons).


Columi/Champion is rating 136 and Battlemaster/Rakata is 140. Not a very big stat difference. It wont be noticeable before you have a full set of battlemaster, but it is suppose to take time, otherwise you would be full battlemaster in 1week and ready to level a new alt.


By the way thats how PvE is right now. We have people in my guild who raid as soon as they hit 50 and they are columi/Rakata same day they ding 50. :)

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Except that pretty much everyone going from 50-60 will be doing Ilum zergfests mostly because it will give you more WAY more valor usually. Trying to get BM solely through WZs is retarded.


Your math is so fail it hurts. Champ gear (not including weapon) costs something like 70 comms. That's 10 bags. Doing dailies and pvping a bit will net you 3 bags per day. That's a piece of champ gear every 3-4 days, and not 9 days. There's also that ******** of cent comms you got to buy gear with too.


I did not use math, I simply took the math from someone else's post saying you have to grind 7+ days to get yourself a mainhand. I have no idea, since I'm one of the "retarded" dudes, who actually did warzones instead of Ilum objective trading fest and 2fps zergfest in broken phases to get my gear, because some of us, *******, actually did the math and saw, that gear > level. Getting BM is really hard to get and getting it with Champion gear is sooo much easier :). That's why I already have all of my Champion gear, 600/600 commendations waiting for my last 15% I need to hit BM, weeklies waiting to be picked up and a box already in my bag.


Also please don't blame Ilum. Blame Bioware. Kills on Ilum were suppose to yield mercenary commendations. It would be perfectly fine if it worked, but instead of fixing one ****** up system Bioware, as usual, chose to **** up another one.


By the way thats how PvE is right now. We have people in my guild who raid as soon as they hit 50 and they are columi/Rakata same day they ding 50. :)


My gf is full Columi (I mean full) after one day of raiding ops. kkthxg2gbb. I have like 3 columi and 2 rakata pieces total. Do you see me whining? Not really, not. I learned to cope with it.




Edited by Kalantris
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I`ll much rather take the gearing of my 3-5 day old 50 shadow, with champion weapon, trinket and full centurion, Than my 2-4 weeks old mercenary with four offhands, four braces and god knows how many trinkets, with 4 champion in total.


Thank You, Good bye.

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I have been PVPing for the last 4 weeks, getting bags via WZ Badges trade, doing dailies and weeklies.


Out of the (god knows how many) bags I opened I received a few Centurion commendations with each bag and little to no gear drops. I have a champ helmet, it procced 4 times from bags.


This change for me(Valor 46) is welcomed.


Now I'm not a fancy math wizard like yourself, but you do not account for bags not having any pieces or bags getting duplicate gear. This is a fundamental flaw in your calculations.


I do however agree with your statement that pre-patch some players used exploits to gain gear. This is the problem here, IMHO.


This weekend alone, with the new commendations system I was able to purchase 2 pieces of champ gear. Which to me was a welcome change.


/RNG has always been a douchebag towards me.

Edited by Pyorrhea
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Ruinez do you understand the math... or did you even read what I posted.


I am not bashing on you but seriously?


You would rather have 1 apple vs 5 apples?


1 dollar vs 5 dollars?


no comment...


Only if you got lucky..

I'm a fresh 50 taking on battlemasters in my pvp gear. In 15 bags i got 1 offhand token and enough comms to get an implant and a relic (was a pve upgrade).

Patch hits... in 1 day I've done my weekly and daily and able to buy a bag with comms. I get 2 centurion pieces.

In 1/3 of the amount of bags I've just more than doubled my expertise rating and gotten a 2set bonus.


So using 'math' (which you seem to be unable to do) In the same amount of bags I am going to get more than twice as much gear as I got in my first 15 bags with 6 centurion pieces and probably enough to get a champion piece to instead of relying on dumb luck.


Change for the better imo

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What does battlemaster gear have to do with battlemasters beating you? Outplay them, whats the big deal with needing to have a gear crutch to be on-par with someone?


Besides, any PVPer worth their salt won't be wearing full PVP gear.


It's not possible to outplay someone that badly...

Full battlemaster is what, 12-13% expertise?

So straight of the bat he has to do 25% less damage to kill me as I do to kill him.


Then of course you factor in the higher health, often higher damage (unless you've done HM ops before stepping into pvp for equal lvl gear) and set bonuses designed around pvp

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no offense OP but getting valor 60 has never really been 'easy' ..... ask most republic players who have achieved this rank, I for one have and I don't feel that this stuff should just be easily given out, and it never was. Those people who have gotten the gear have at least gotten the rank AND completed dailies everyday for the bags. I am sorry that you feel like champ/ cent gear isnt good enough. But remeber those guys who are bm's now were there once and did the same thing you are going to have to do. (and as a side note since the change of the system I have actually been able to gear out 2 companions with champ gear, where as before it was a miserable nightmare to get any real peices of champ/cent gear... meaning its easy now........)


So if it never was easy, how would u feel when it has been made 5x times harder :D and not just 5x cos most of the opponents are well geared, the total maths become more like 10x. Suddenly this is not funny at all :(

Edited by Deesasther
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It's not possible to outplay someone that badly...

Full battlemaster is what, 12-13% expertise?

So straight of the bat he has to do 25% less damage to kill me as I do to kill him.


Then of course you factor in the higher health, often higher damage (unless you've done HM ops before stepping into pvp for equal lvl gear) and set bonuses designed around pvp


First of all, if full BM is 13% then it is not much away from the full champ being 12%..


Second your 25% math is BAD, he has to do, according to your numbers, 12-13% less damage to kill you, not taking into account YOUR expertise.


You dont get to add the numbers and claim OMG he has to do 25% less damage to kill me....

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I have to agree with OP. Yesterday i reached 50, with rank 46 Valor. Suddenly i notice my abilities do 300 dmg ( sniper ). Ok cool , i get off to the Combat area on the imperial fleet i open 6 champion bags cause i already had 1 in the inventory and 1000/1000 comendations to buy 5 more. After 10 matches i finally win 1 game ... few hours later i get 3 wins and turn in my daily. With the comendantions i gathered bought 1 more bag. With 30 kills in Ilum got 1 more.


9 Centurion bags in my first day as 50. I buy a few things from the 135 Centurion commendations . I craft a few things from my 400 Armormech.


I go back in Warzones to see the difference. Difference ? There is no big difference. My Ambush does 1800 dmg crit.


I am starting to think that i'll need over a month to be at least decent . And is not cause of my playstyle is cause of my gear. What the hell ?? I am willing to play the game, i like PvP in this game ... but the difference between Battlemaster geared vs Centurion + Champion is so damn huge.


And please don't come and say that i want everything on a plate. It's just that the difference in how BM was achievable before patch and how it can be achieved now is humongous. At the moment hiting players that are full or almost full BM is like banging your head to the wall. And the wall just sits there and laughs at you. And is gonna be like that fore months.

Edited by ntyzor
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They need to have easier way to obtain some expertise period....




I am full champ gear btw, but think that the stat itself is too robust in general. So a craftable starter set is needed, just like Warcraft has for resil gear... Like 200 expertise to start is reasonable.


But lets all keep in mind this is all about money and time sinks, it's the nature of pay to play mmo's...

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Here is my 2 cents on how I feel about Starwars the Old Republic and how they are doing things.


First of all before I bash on all the crap Swtor has done in these recent updates, I wish to say that they have a beautiful game and something that could be promising if and when they start listening to there players and stop thinking on what to do to ruin it for them.


1st: There was so many glitchs and bugs to achieve your dailys and weeklys that made it so easy for lvl 50's to get there gear and pass valor around to reach end game gear.


2nd: SWTOR decides to stop that and allow those players who have achieved Battlemaster Gear + lvl 65 valor to stay where they are and reduce the chances of any new comer to come close to this gear. - I am included in that bunch.


Commenting on 2nd: "Champion bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations and 7 Champion Commendations, and the chance to obtain a direct trade item token has been reduced. Battlemaster bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations." This is a quote from the patch notes...


Seriously... *** are you thinking! You are making it harder to achieve any expertise in Champion wise gear and what? Giving us centurion gear easier so we can have pos gear to fight battlemaster rank players.


Ok lets imagine I have offically hit lvl 60 valor. Same crap happens again. Now i can get my champion gear 2 times as fast even tho I wish to have battlemaster??? Before it was like 3/5 bags would give you a full champion gear which in turn costs 64+ some lower some higher in accomdations for them. You would gain over 150+ accomidations for opening 3/5 bags if you calcuated the item value.


Now you would only get Champion accomdations at 7 a piece and 15 centurium bs... Which means out of 5 bags x 7... 35 Champion accomidations... THEY HAVE MADE IT 5X HARDER TO ACHIEVE ANY FUTURE GEAR THAN EVER....


The bastards who have all battlemaster now can kick your *** for 5x the length of which you could have achieved your gear which was already somewhat long as it was.


Swtor this is my advice to you. Allow players who reach lvl 50 to achieve there gear quicker and faster to battlemaster because of all the faults you gave those players the chance to achieve there gear so quickly.


Instead wait a month to have everyone have that gear and screw those who have achieved that gear already through cheating. Once its been established then press on to grant a higher level standard or bring a more difficult gear to attain that would be monitored from the beginning before implimenting it.


If what I am saying doesnt make sense to you then hit lvl 50 with no expertise gear at all and see how long would it take you now to achieve any gear vs those who are already in battlemaster.


+ all these glitching and bugs and clipping and *** is going on here... I have never seen more cheating in my entire life than Counter strike's wall hacking.


Your allowing players with over dominant gear to **** those who are interrested in playing this game fully. I believe I am decent at pvp but this gear difference is flipping rediclous. I can do every combo perfectly on someone with battlemaster gear and he can just sit there taking it and at 50% hp decide to turn around and pretty much 3-4 shot me.


I just cant wait to see swtor's customer support delete my post because they believe I am wrong and wont let others see what we are all dealing with.


Gl to you all who have just gotten to lvl 50. Ill see you guys at endgame gear in 3 months. When before it was achievable in 1 week.


So i hit 50, and i get a steady flow of centurion comms and a mild flow of champion comms and a small chance at a token- as opposed to the old system that STARVED people. Lets face it like most others(and this isnt an insult) youre being selfish. You dont want centurion gear, you want the highest quality gear immediately. Instant gratification - and that has nothing to do with BMs thats how pvpers have been since the game came out. You never wanted the first tier, you felt obligated to ALWAYS get a token and a different one at that. Seeing as if youre capped on comms that would give you 5 bags and basically over half of your gear in what takes little than a day to pvp for. you feel because of a previous error, they should continue to support the vicious cycle and create a long term issue rather than a short term one to suffice for something that will even out by march.


dont get me wrong, i dont like the whole exploit thing and that it happened. but the decision is made and its over and done. there is no going back.

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I believe the change is intended to smooth gearing up, which it does. Before, some players would get 5-6 pieces of champion gear in their first week while others would be rank 60 with half centurion gear. Most players were probably close to full champion by rank 40. Now there's a more even gear progression so you don't have 30 valor ranks or so to grind through with no improvement. And lol at getting champ pieces in 3/5 bags. I opened 15-20 sometimes and got nothing.
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I agree with op, even in decent gear pre valor rank 60 you get your butt kicked by battlemasters and it takes forever to achieve new gear. high frustration level.


I almost at the point of screw it on gear. I cant get it and I am not enjoying getting my butt kicked when someone that hit that point before the patch.


I am on a PVE server why do I have to PVP?




Edited by Killer_Wonka
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Im sry but id rather buy pieces than get 6 belts and 4 implants.


Well the OP clearly is new to lvl 50 , he did not spent weeks trying to get piece x of gear and never finding it.


Since i got BM before all these changes i can say , i never found MANY DIF champ pieces , to a point where my light saber was the lvl 46 pvp one when i got BM , then and only then i began to get pieces of champ and BM to fix close my set.

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I almost at the point of screw it on gear. I cant get it and I am not enjoying getting my butt kicked when someone that hit that point before the patch.


I am on a PVE server why do I have to PVP?





Then dont play wzs and try to get our PvP gear man. wth is wrong with that lol.

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FYI champ bags still drop random unassembled pieces, just at a lower drop rate


1 piece in 20 bags. A relic.


Bought centurion (save ear piece).


I now have Champ Gun/Off-hand + relic.


The rest is Centurion.


I'm rank 46. By the time I hit 50 I will probably have full Champ gear.


With an ability to only hold 1 BM bag in inventory.


Lets talk about stupid mechanics.


How does it make any sense not to at least allow us to save a bunch of BM bags till 60?


I'd settle for that change. Let me at least be able to have an inventory of bags.


Let them be tradeable. If I want to sell/farm give away my bags I should be able to do so.

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i doubt OP is even 50..



He has no concept of how the level 50 system even works.


He based his entire argument out of the false notion that you will get a different needed piece of gear every X%. Which is completely false and he has based his entire argument off of a wrong fact.



This way is better and more predictable. I think it gives away champ gear for free, do some dailies buy some bags get some of the best gear in the game. Ez



Only thing i can think of is the OP wants it to be harder to get gear and is going about it in a round about way.. Or is just a troll.



and to that other guy whining about turning 50 and not killing everyone his first day.. You obviously dont understand how gear works.. BM gear is BARELY better than Champ gear and for the most part most BM's are still in a ton of champ gear.. So you are losing because of yourself not because of gear if you are in champ gear.

Edited by goxwerd
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I look at it this way.


In the first week @ 50 I opened 16 bags and got 5 pieces of champion gear (weapon, offhand, chest, gloves, and helm).

In the second week @ 50 I opened 14 bags and got 2 pieces of champion gear (wrists and legs).

In the third week @ 50 I opened 10 bags and got 3 pieces of champion gear (Implant, wrists and gloves).


So in total I opened 40 bags and got 10 pieces of champion gear (2 duplicates).


Now under the current system those same 40 bags would get me 280 champion tokens or enough for the weapon plus what... one more piece?


So 40 bags = 10 pieces of gear under old system

And 40 bags = 2 pieces of gear under new system


10 > 2


Therefore old system wins.




Old system:

1 bag = 25% drop rate


There are 12 different pieces of gear: head, body, legs, gloves, boots, bracers, implant x 2, relic x 2, ear, weapon


You have a 1 in 12 (~9%) chance to get the piece you need. 9% of 25% = 2.25% chance to get the piece you WANT.


40 bags = ~1 piece you want in old system (on average)


New system: (<25% drop rate)

40 bags = 280 comms = 2-3 pieces of gear you want, plus some small chance at direct pieces also


Therefore, new system OBLITERATES the old system.

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I almost at the point of screw it on gear. I cant get it and I am not enjoying getting my butt kicked when someone that hit that point before the patch.


I am on a PVE server why do I have to PVP?






lol 8/10

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no offense OP but getting valor 60 has never really been 'easy' ..... ask most republic players who have achieved this rank, I for one have and I don't feel that this stuff should just be easily given out, and it never was. Those people who have gotten the gear have at least gotten the rank AND completed dailies everyday for the bags. I am sorry that you feel like champ/ cent gear isnt good enough. But remeber those guys who are bm's now were there once and did the same thing you are going to have to do. (and as a side note since the change of the system I have actually been able to gear out 2 companions with champ gear, where as before it was a miserable nightmare to get any real peices of champ/cent gear... meaning its easy now........)


QFT. Tired of hearing people crying about not getting gear instantly. I didn't step into a WZ til 50 and had Valor rank 1. My butt was bruised but 2-3 weeks later I'm almost Rank 50 and 567 expertise. People don't want to work for anything anymore. Just gimme gimme gimme.

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If what I am saying doesnt make sense to you then hit lvl 50 with no expertise gear at all and see how long would it take you now to achieve any gear vs those who are already in battlemaster.



Okay, I saw it. I hit 50 on tuesday, then i made pvp-dailies which weren't the easiest possible for me since i've just dinged, but hey! I'm just dinged so ofc ppl whack my *** since they have been gearing up longer than me. this is MMO after all.


I went to ilum and started getting some valor and on friday i was battlemaster. That rank alone gave me opportunity to buy earpiece + 2 implants for pretty much free.


Now this is monday and I got few pieces of battlemaster, some champion and rest centurion. I'm doing very well in warzones and gear difference isnt bugging me anymore. Tomorrow I can do weeklys which i'm looking greatly into!


so how long it would take me to achieve any gear vs those who are already in battlemaster? I'd say less than a week


I'm sensing some L2P issues

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Old system:

1 bag = 25% drop rate


There are 12 different pieces of gear: head, body, legs, gloves, boots, bracers, implant x 2, relic x 2, ear, weapon


You have a 1 in 12 (~9%) chance to get the piece you need. 9% of 25% = 2.25% chance to get the piece you WANT.


40 bags = ~1 piece you want in old system (on average)


New system: (<25% drop rate)

40 bags = 280 comms = 2-3 pieces of gear you want, plus some small chance at direct pieces also


Therefore, new system OBLITERATES the old system.




pretty much this.


Just because someone was getting every piece they needed 40percent of the time doesn't mean the system was working..



System is fine, maybe some price tweaks here and there but the concept is fine for now. And imo makes it so you can gear up to cent really fast. Which was the original intent.

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