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SWTOR's Newest Patch Ruined all lvl 50 Players Gear Gathering


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Tbh, I like the new system. I have 4 chestplates, 3 legs, 3 helmets, 6 relics, 3 offhands, 2 boots, and an ungodly number of belts. The old system made it impossible to get the last few items you need. I like the commendation idea a lot better.


I hear you! I can't seem to find a set of gloves for the life of me!

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Here is my 2 cents on how I feel about Starwars the Old Republic and how they are doing things.


First of all before I bash on all the crap Swtor has done in these recent updates, I wish to say that they have a beautiful game and something that could be promising if and when they start listening to there players and stop thinking on what to do to ruin it for them.



Yes, because the devs sit around a table coming up with ways to "ruin" the game for the players.


That's a great business model there, spend 6-7 years developing a game, putting in a massive amount of funds and resources, only to come up with ways to ruin it for everyone, hence ensuring it's ultimate failure.


Honestly, I stopped reading your post after that gem of a opener.


Are you really that ignorant?

Edited by Lividcalm
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The change is good. Before the patch hit, I had more champion pieces than centurion and I'm not even rank 40 yet... that's just not right.


While the centurion progression seems a little too fast... it's a lot better than it being so slow that you overtake it with champion gear. I don't mind waiting on champion gear, as long as I have an expertise base to build off until the pieces start coming in.

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Well the day I hit 50, opening all my bags... I got 3 pieces (1 relic, 1 earpiece, 1 boots). Since that day, I have opened approximately 20 bags (including new patch) and have gotten nothing but coms. At least with the new patch I've been able to get a few extra items.
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Dumbest thread in a while. Here's why:


You can now consistently get champion / centurion gear instead of getting hardly ANY pvp gear at all if you were unlucky w/ RNG.


Who the **** wants 4 champ body pieces over 3 weeks time and 40 centurion commendations when you can get 150 champ commendations and 300 cent commendations now?



QQ more.

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Since the duplicate thread with my original posts was shut down... it is only fair to toss in my thoughts with the almighty copy/paste.



Sorry Calipso, I disagree with your estimations.





Ummmm dude. Let me help you out with math. Ill show my work too.


You get 2 dailies per day. 2x7=14


You get 2 weekly's per week. You get 3 bags per week. 2x3=6


Now, you get 7 Commendations per bag. Oh wait.. I forgot your total bags. 14 + 6 = 20


Now with the 20 bags you got for the week... You get 20 x 7 = 140 commendations for Champion gear.


So that is 3 pieces of normal gear ( 2 clothing and one misc piece) or you could get the weapon by waiting another week. That does not sound bad.


But wait, there's more!!!


Doing warzone matches for the week to get your 7 dailies done. You pull in... lets say 50 commendations a match. 21 matches will .. crap I did it again. 7 x 3 = 21 .... so 21 matches will net you 50 x 21 = 1050 commendations.


Now we all know you will get more than 50 a match, and you will not win every match or it will not count. So you could get an extra champion bag 3 or 4 times a week. So that is another 4 x 7 = 28 Champion commendations a week.



This is a total of 140 + 28 = 168 Commendations for Champion gear a week!


That is darn near enough to grab that weapon.



Now just use that same math for Battlemaster, except the buying a bag from the vendor.



Nothing to worry about chicken little.



Your 60% chance of getting a champion item is subjective and flawed.


Out of the 24 bags I got prepatch, I got 3 Champion tokens. That is a 12% chance of getting Champion gear for MY experiences. Luckily those 3 pieces were not duplicates.


If you add in duplicates, you have to discount them as it really is not receiving your item now is it? You still have to wait longer.


This system (though I still wish it had a better chance at giving a freebee item) makes to where you can better estimate your time and figure out where you will be after X number of bags opened.


Did they screw it up? Meh.. subjective. If they kept the old system's random chance and the set number of champ commendations, I think that would have been more rewarding.


But better than the last system by itself... yes it is better. But it can be better as well.




Also, Bioware, why on earth are you making these earth shattering changes a month after release??? 6 years of development and testing was not enough?


Sorry had to toss that in there. Actually wasnt it 8 ?

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Also, Bioware, why on earth are you making these earth shattering changes a month after release??? 6 years of development and testing was not enough?


Sorry had to toss that in there. Actually wasnt it 8 ?


Two things:


First, it was just shy of 6. The first 3-4 years, however, were engine coding and content building (actually building physical models for everything). Maybe the last two got to intricate game systems.




the best scale to test at is 10mm to the cm. I.E. no matter how extensive your test, it will never been as good at finding problems as the real deal. Even a large beta test (tens of thousands) doesnt produce the same metrics as millions. Just a fact of life.

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Two things:


First, it was just shy of 6. The first 3-4 years, however, were engine coding and content building (actually building physical models for everything). Maybe the last two got to intricate game systems.




the best scale to test at is 10mm to the cm. I.E. no matter how extensive your test, it will never been as good at finding problems as the real deal. Even a large beta test (tens of thousands) doesnt produce the same metrics as millions. Just a fact of life.


Not my first rodeo. I have been gaming since way before UO and tested a couple of games (underlying meaning = tons) since then.


Whenever a company starts making major changes to things, confidence in the product gets shaky for the clients (that's us). When they do things outside the norm of standard business practice, i.e. "test" for a week then make the changes, with non 50 geared testers on the test server, (they need that Frog) and problems are not fixed (looking at you Warzone bug) then maybe they need to change their stance on things.


That is all I am saying with that last bit in my previous post.

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if and when they start listening to there players and stop thinking on what to do to ruin it for them.


There has never been a game company ever that actively looked for ways to make their game worse or less fun. Stop deluding yourself.


Also, a good game company takes the actual arguments into account and don't listen to whatever's whined about. (Often it's just the most visible things, like how Tracer Missile makes a loud noise and has a large animation for example).

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The Valor ranking system was most likely meant to slow the PvPers down from hitting BM so BW wouldn't have to keep adding new gear sets to keep them happy like WoW does. They've already buffed cent/champ commendations and it's likely only a matter of time before they nerf the valor requirmenets----which will incidentally piss off all people who "worked" for Valor 60.


Also, they're planning to nerf PvP gear so PvE'ers aren't at too much of a disadvantage by not having expertise gear. Whether this works or not remains to be seen, but I'll give the BW PvP devs one thing, at the very least they try to make alternatives to the standard level/gear grind of WoW and Rift.

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Ruinez do you understand the math... or did you even read what I posted.


I am not bashing on you but seriously?


You would rather have 1 apple vs 5 apples?


1 dollar vs 5 dollars?


no comment...


It's more like "would you like 1 dollar or slightly possibly 5 dollars- with a very high chance of no dollars"

Edited by coolnamesrtaken
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Also, they're planning to nerf PvP gear so PvE'ers aren't at too much of a disadvantage by not having expertise gear. Whether this works or not remains to be seen, but I'll give the BW PvP devs one thing, at the very least they try to make alternatives to the standard level/gear grind of WoW and Rift.


No they aren't. Not really sure where this fantasy got so much traction

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I look at it this way.


In the first week @ 50 I opened 16 bags and got 5 pieces of champion gear (weapon, offhand, chest, gloves, and helm).

In the second week @ 50 I opened 14 bags and got 2 pieces of champion gear (wrists and legs).

In the third week @ 50 I opened 10 bags and got 3 pieces of champion gear (Implant, wrists and gloves).


So in total I opened 40 bags and got 10 pieces of champion gear (2 duplicates).


Now under the current system those same 40 bags would get me 280 champion tokens or enough for the weapon plus what... one more piece?


So 40 bags = 10 pieces of gear under old system

And 40 bags = 2 pieces of gear under new system


10 > 2


Therefore old system wins.


Do you have any clue how lucky u were to only get 2 duplicates?


I have opened a lot of bags now 7 times legs 8 times implants 3x weap 12 x offhand 2x jacket and never a headgear or gloves.

with the new system i only needed to get the right amount of commendations and i had my full set.

im not saying 1 of the 2 is bad i like both.


after all its both a system that works on luck.

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I reached 60 the day after this patch. I got there the hard way, through WZ's, not through cheating like kill trading etc. I had never heard about some cheating methods of getting extra tokens, and got about 1 item per 5 bags on average.


I opened alot of bags on the way there, and I was still without a lightsabre or gloves. I did however get 18 implants, 7 relics and 7 ear pieces along the way. In the following 3 weeks of doing dailies and weeklies I have 3/4 of my BM set, which I do not need to worry about duplicates for thanks to the patch and had enough champion tokens to buy 2/3 of a set of gear for Xalek.


This patch will be a godsend for anyone grinding to 60 who isnt a lucky SOB. Being able to pick up those items you are missing from tokens will be a huge boon.


Please stop whinging about some bug fix that occurred that prevented you from exploiting like maybe 1% of people may have done. the vast majority of people who are Valor 60 got there the same way that I did, through percerverance. Just because people progress faster than you did, does not automatically make them cheaters.


I would recommend banning this dude from posting for repeatedly calling other people cheaters via implication in his posts.

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