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Quickslot lock driving me nuts. DEVS PLZ FIX!


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This quickslot lock is in the most inconvenient place possible, If you are off by a little bit by trying to click your number 1 ability, you unlock your quickslot bar and the next thing you know it, you're playing musical abilities with your quickslot during a fight and deleting abilities on accident that you really need. I swear sometimes it unlocks itself when you zone.


Haha, epic troll.


You all just don't see the magic.

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Despite what this thread has devolved into, I have the same problem in Warzones. I have all abilities fully bound. I heal in PVP.


When things are chaotic, I'll be mashing buttons and at the worst possible times. I cannot for the life figure out how I lose a central action bar. I've scoured the keybinding pages looking for a toggle keybind but cannot find it for the additional central action bar.


It's not you. A form of the bar disappearing on level up bug is still in game - only the current form of it only affects the bottom center bar on valor and/or legacy level up (not sure if it's one or both or which one exactly)

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Why is the lock button an issue and not the + button. I'd think accidentally hitting the + button would be way worse for a clicker.


And the lock button is 1/16th the size of the ability buttons. If you're consistently hitting it instead of the first ability button then your clicking problem is not the lock button. Try moving your mouse and mouse pad 1/4" to the right.

Edited by Elyree
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It makes you worse than your potential. Not fixing a critical but easily fixed issue that would improve your gameplay immensely makes you a bad player.


I am only a partial clicker now, I do use keybinds for all my attacks now, I am just saying in the past when I was a clicker I have beat the others, and am saying to lay off clickers cause they can be good too even though they are not playing to their full potential

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Why is the lock button an issue and not the + button. I'd think accidentally hitting the + button would be way worse for a clicker.


And the lock button is 1/16th the size of the ability buttons. If you're consistently hitting it instead of the first ability button then your clicking problem is not the lock button. Try moving your mouse pad 1/4" to the right.


Sometimes it unlocks itself while zoning. It should just be a preference setting, and yes the + is an issue as well but doesn't happen as often.

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Yeah the quickbar unlocking itself all the time is annoying.

Im always pulling my abilitys off of my right side quickbar. Then I spend about 5 minutes trying to figure out what icons are missing.


btw im not a clicker >_<


I play in windowed full view because I have two monitors. This may be part of the problem because i notice it happens alot when I mouse off the main screen and then come back. This seems to force the quickbar lock to unlock.

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Clicking is ok if your a Merc.


1: Auto Attack

2: Tracer Missle

3: Knockback



j/k j/k.. :p




this thread is 8/10.



OP: Ima clicker i accidently hit unlock buttons



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There is a lock quickslot in your options menu.


yes but the lock/unlock button on your UI overrides what you set this at.


This topic is an endless debate, moral is use whats comfortable to you and tell those elitist twits to go fly a kite unless they are gonna pay your sub.


Personally i would take a team full of keyboard clickers not living up to their full potential but trying hard and using what they know rather than have even one keybinder thats going to be an elitist ***** to everyone, cause they tend to be the ones that give up and quit the second things dont go their way.

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Yeah I tend to still click a lot. Mostly because I have been playing these games since before we got all this fancy hardware and keybinding :) I do also bind to keys once I figure out what I need to bind where for easy access.


Yeah the unlock UI needs to move. Can't quite count the number of times I have lost an ability in the middle of a fight because of this... It has happened a lot and it is annoying. But comparitively with other problems this is a low priority fix for me.

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I can hit every ability I please and more without depressing my push to talk button. Sounds like you haven't even tried to optimize your setup. Hallmark of a bad player. Guardians have exactly zero 5 minute cooldowns BTW. If we're talking 3min cooldowns, then activating saber ward ASAP is extremely important in more than a couple scenarios.


It's time to face the facts. It makes you indisputably less of a player.


Oh trust me in the last 5 years of pvping I have very much optimized my setup to what suits me. Hallmark of a bad player? You have no grounds to say this on though I assure you if I were to brag about my achievements you would look very small in comparison. Guardians have no 5 min cool downs, I was using this as a generalization, we do however have 3 min cool downs and I dont need to activate these ASAP because im smart enough to anticipate incoming damage and thus be ready in advance, not have to react to an already screwed up situation. I dont think I have ever once been too late with sabre ward or enure.


I still dont see this god sent benefit everybody will recieve which will all of a sudden allow 100k more damage just because they decide to keybind a few long cool downs skills. Its time to face the facts, the benefits from having select skills bound is minimal to none and thus is little basis to ENFORCE your opinion of key layout on others with the argument of "them being bad".

Edited by JackMinn
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Guardians have no 5 min cool downs, I was using this as a generalization, we do however have 3 min cool downs and I dont need to activate these ASAP because im smart enough to anticipate incoming damage and thus be ready in advance, not have to react to an already screwed up situation.

Considering saber ward only gives 100% for 2 seconds, "anticipate incoming damage" means you're either wasting much of it, or you're wasting precious mouse usage time on hovering over the ability. You're just making excuses at this point but it's fine, you can delude yourself however much you want, it's still sub-optimal.


I don't really care about your "achievements" because even at the highest levels of say WoW arena play there are some players that are worse and are being carried by the rest of their team.

Edited by vrok-
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To start on the topic, I find the quickslot lock being well placed as a keybinder. Easy access to change icons positions fast. The fact that it is so small is hard for me to believe you can missclick on it so much that it's driving you nuts. Maybe adding an option to lock the quickslot lock or remove it on the UI.


Now off topic about the clicker vs keybind.

I take it most of you click-haters don't play a sentinel. You have to at least click SOME of the abilities. If not then you either aren't playing them right or have 20 fingers on your left hand.


That's why I play with 1,2,3,4,5

shift + 1,2,3,4,5

alt + 1,2,3,4,5

and I even get to control my companion with ctrl 1 and 2.

r,t,y,f and v are right next to my movement keybind wasd so it's easy reach. Mouse 4 and 5 is on my right hand too.

It's incredible the number of keybind you can get without actually moving your hand off the same spot on the keyboard. I could also get shift r,t,y,f,v and alt r,t,y,f,v to add to my keybinds.


It only take practice to get used to keybinds. At first it seems harder to play but then it become smoother, faster, better. You see a huge difference. And never I would be able to heal and still have all my DPS abilities keybinded without all thoses keybinds I have.

Clicking even with a GCD is like forcing you to a limit.

I.E. On a skill level, a clicker could go from 0 to let's say 7. While a keybinder could still be 0 but he can reach the 10. Without being limited to only 7.

Out of global abilities are a clear lost of potential when you are a clicker too. And there is a lot of out of global abilities in the game.


Edit : I think there was enough people explaining why clicking reduce potential on the thread for me list it too.

Edited by snaplemouton
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This quickslot lock is in the most inconvenient place possible, If you are off by a little bit by trying to click your number 1 ability, you unlock your quickslot bar and the next thing you know it, you're playing musical abilities with your quickslot during a fight and deleting abilities on accident that you really need. I swear sometimes it unlocks itself when you zone.


Totally agree with this. It's annoys more more than anything else about this game.

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i agree with the OP, and yes i am also a clicker..i click..you know why? because i want to and damn anyone who has a problem with it! people in this thread say clicking is bad...funny how i get compliments in warzones for being a good player right? i may not get the best score but im always pushing the objective and im always there to back people up when they call Incs.


using a keyboard or a mouse doesn't mean anything but a simple speed increase and that speed increse is minimal at that, i have reached the Cap and PvP'd in other MMO's before all through being a clicker..and some people are even suprised when they learn that i am one.


just goes to show that unless you actualy tell people you are a clicker...nobody can tell the difference

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Considering saber ward only gives 100% for 2 seconds, "anticipate incoming damage" means you're either wasting much of it, or you're wasting precious mouse usage time on hovering over the ability. You're just making excuses at this point but it's fine, you can delude yourself however much you want, it's still sub-optimal.


I don't really care about your "achievements" because even at the highest levels of say WoW arena play there are some players that are worse and are being carried by the rest of their team.


Im sorry your point still fails. Sabre ward gives 100% block chance for 2 seconds yes, do I lose any of the block time if I click it 100ms slower? if its even that. In fact most times when someone is about to unload burst they stun you, e.g an operative, so usually you have to use your CC break and then follow with sabre ward, RARELY do you EVER have a situation where you need to reflex a burst of damage with sabre ward considering the only true burst class will stun you before they burst. Aside from that you have sentinels or gunslingers one of which is sustained damage the other of which casts gunshots before they hit you. So no im not making excuses and its really not sub optimal when there is no purpose to having it pressed faster by 100ms. The point of this entire dumb argument is that the benefit is so minor that it pales in comparison to any of the other skill based aspects a player can establish, so much so that its impact is entirely neglible to one's level of play and thus this entire delusion that people have about "OMG HE CLICKS SOMETHING" is purely one which lemmings who follow the forum posts say.


And I havent ever played WoW, but I am more the guy who carries the entire team. WoW is for bad pvpers, I only play objective based pvp.

Edited by JackMinn
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