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Has Bioware already lost the PvP base?


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If I have to bore myself with Ilum after the end of March I will quit.


If they change things and add more open world pvp content, I will be back.


I just have nothing to do, and Ilum has gotten so old to us now that we have no desire to go anymore.


There needs to be true open world pvp in this game or it will die.


I really dont understand what the devs are thinking. Almost everything you read on these forums states that they have had it with the state of end game pvp in SWTOR.


If I were a dev I know that this would be my main priority...not new WZs or ranking systems.

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After reading/watching the initial GW2 press info all I can say is...believe the hype. I'm officially a fanboy (god help me). I really think SWTOR screwed itself out of the pvp base. GW2 will probably steal a chunk of pvers too. Edited by golfwang
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I'm not QQing it's just that I don't have the motivation to login anymore. Some people have quit already from my guild, others would just logon for ops. So... I dunno maybe ranked warzones will resurrect it.. cause being able to queue with a full group against another full group would be fun, for warzones.

I did not like ilum at all, besides the obvious performance issues most of the times we, the empire would camp their entrance and hope you'd get credit for some poor republic being pulled to us, or it would be just be empty, if that's pvp ... then meh.

I leveled 2 classes to 50, started one on the republic side but .... I dunno maybe i just need a break :).

Edited by Djinas
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Last day of my sub and I decided to log into the game and say goodbye to my guildmates. My guild was friggin huge. 300+. What did I find? 11 people in fleet and not a single guildie on. Guess I'll see them all again in GW2 or Secret World. Game folded faster than Superman on wash day.
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OP made some great points.


I have to say something positive about the PvP. I normally don't like WarZone style PvP as much as world PvP, but I love WarZones in TOR! The class balance is great for an mmo and the maps are very objective based, even though there should be more maps. If the WarZone PvP wasn't so much fun I'd be gone because the world PvP is absolute crap, and this coming from someone that loves open world PvP. Ilum is laggy, it shows you how imbalanced the population is, and the objectives are pointless and not fun. Its funny how they made the WZ's very objective based but open world just about kills.

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Last day of my sub and I decided to log into the game and say goodbye to my guildmates. My guild was friggin huge. 300+. What did I find? 11 people in fleet and not a single guildie on. Guess I'll see them all again in GW2 or Secret World. Game folded faster than Superman on wash day.


lol ok, last day so no more posting nonsense! and lvl 1-10 kids in the starting zones dont = huge guild lol later!

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Excellent post, nailed it mate.

I hear all the time the old classic "Its only launch, give it time", thats a stupid argument to throw in... it is 2012!. You'd expect to see a balance in PVE and PVP by this age.


3 Warzones (mostly on hutt-ball)

Where is the option to actually pick a warzone to play in?

What is up with disbanding a group on joining a warzone and once finished, have to regroup back up again?


I regret re-subbing.


There has never been balanced PVE and PVP in any MMO, ever. Not in 2005, 2010, or 2012.


And there still won't be in 2020.

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After reading/watching the initial GW2 press info all I can say is...believe the hype. I'm officially a fanboy (god help me). I really think SWTOR screwed itself out of the pvp base. GW2 will probably steal a chunk of pvers too.


I know a couple people in beta. They tell me it's mediocre at best.



I had big hopes for GW2 as well but what I've heard has not been good =(

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Already unsub. The idiot here payed 3 months to get a discount.


This is a KOTOR 3 with internet chat. Let's face it. PvE guys will love the game until they reach 50 as I did. When you try to look for other things to do like PvP you see how poor designed this game was.


You can always create an alt, but you will start to thinking yourself what the hell are you doing here killing the same things over and over. Only class quests change, the rest of the content is shared.


PvP would save SWTOR from the lack of what to do when reach endgame. But they didn't care.

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Already unsub. The idiot here payed 3 months to get a discount.


This is a KOTOR 3 with internet chat. Let's face it. PvE guys will love the game until they reach 50 as I did. When you try to look for other things to do like PvP you see how poor designed this game was.


You can always create an alt, but you will start to thinking yourself what the hell are you doing here killing the same things over and over. Only class quests change, the rest of the content is shared.


PvP would save SWTOR from the lack of what to do when reach endgame. But they didn't care.


PvP is fine and getting better, and just like any other MMO ya the quests/missions are the same but your class stuff so um ya great point on that? wait no...


There doing what they can when they can and guess what ITS BEEN OUT 2 months so seriously if you want it your way right away go hit up Burger king kiddo...

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so finally began checking GW2 out, guess it is time to pin my hopes back on that. Spent some time back in LOTRO's the Moors the last two nights and realized I was actually having fun. As opposed to logging in, doing my PVP dailys, hoping for a BM commendation, getting jack squat, run around ilum a bit looking for small scale pvp and then getting roflstomped until i log.


If you like this game, hey kudos to you, game is still new, so a lot of things could change in a very positive manner.


I think for me the solution is going to be cancel, then check back in this summer to see what they have done with this game.

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so finally began checking GW2 out, guess it is time to pin my hopes back on that. Spent some time back in LOTRO's the Moors the last two nights and realized I was actually having fun. As opposed to logging in, doing my PVP dailys, hoping for a BM commendation, getting jack squat, run around ilum a bit looking for small scale pvp and then getting roflstomped until i log.


If you like this game, hey kudos to you, game is still new, so a lot of things could change in a very positive manner.


I think for me the solution is going to be cancel, then check back in this summer to see what they have done with this game.


GW2 is garbage in Beta, and will be when it hits, Mediocure at best as alot have put it...

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I think for me the solution is going to be cancel, then check back in this summer to see what they have done with this game.


I feel the same as you. There is no reason to continue paying until you see what they made to address the situation because PvP "as it is" isn't what I'm looking for. If there are people happy with Ilum PvP and Warzones as it is, then I feel happy for them and I have to figure out another game for me.


Mass Effect 3 is coming out and it will give me some weeks of fun. After that I will see what I will do.

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So, competitive venues like Arena and RBGs with ladders (visible to all that care) with concrete and tangible indicators (rankings) of your skill vs. others in a controlled environment are lame?


But world type pvp where numbers are the deciding factors or ganking in an uncontrolled unrated environment are the paramount examples of "serious" pvp?




You obviously never played Daoc.


Nor do you understand the nature of small band world PvP in a game that is well designed to facilitate it. Arena PvP is boring for those of us who have experienced world PvP in a game that is done well.


Unfortunately, only Daoc did a good job of world PvP. WarHammer was fun for a short time but the 2 faction system doomed it to failure. Aion was only fun while people were leveling up, then it became the exact thing you are complaining about. No other mmo has even come close to decent world PvP (Planetside was awesome for a while but it really isn't an mmo).


World PvP designed by competent devs is the best sort of PvP there is. It is endlessly entertaining and allows for tactics you will never see in any other situation.


And none of the things you mentioned are available in SWTOR.. so even if you do like arenas, you're not going to get them here.

Edited by --Grim--
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Im still around and I literally only log in o PvP and get more PvP gear. I have done the two raids, maybe twice total and havent even completely all the hardmode FP's - just doesnt really interest me. I will say I am starting to get a little tired and have even been playing a bit of starcraft 2 lately, but I am at least going to stick around to 1.2 as I think that will bring lots of improvements.
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Excellent post, nailed it mate.

I hear all the time the old classic "Its only launch, give it time", thats a stupid argument to throw in... it is 2012!. You'd expect to see a balance in PVE and PVP by this age.


3 Warzones (mostly on hutt-ball)

Where is the option to actually pick a warzone to play in?

What is up with disbanding a group on joining a warzone and once finished, have to regroup back up again?


I regret re-subbing.


I disagree with you. There's this notion that somehow the evolution of time makes these games take less time to develop and that's just not true. The same 3 month rule I give every MMO I will give to SWTOR. I haven't seen detrimental design decisions, just simply misguided ones to begin with. This March patch will definitely be a big deal, but not because it's make or break -- it'll tell us the direction the PvP team is going, and that's the most important thing.


I am not sure where this mentality that "it's 2011, damnit, so these things should be releasing with 23948234984923423 hours more content!" is kind of ridiculous. No other genre has been releasing with more content, yet other genres are taking longer to develop and more money.


Why are MMOs magically supposed to be the exception to the rule in terms of development? Protip: No MMO is going to come out with as much content as a 10 year old MMO on release day. It simply isn't going to happen. Ever. It's not possible without a team numbering in the thousands, which would be damn near impossible to coordinate.

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I think I have a legitimate question (and I'm not trolling):


Where is the open world PvP?


I don't see it on Ilum (which is basically a forced grind). And warzones are definitely not open world PvP.


In order to be constructive - I have a real proposal for better incentivized PvP:


Territory Control - New planet with areas to controll. Guilds can build buildings and defend them in certain time brackets. The longer a guild hold an area the better fortified it is, and so on. I think this will be more fun, than just gring valor.

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I think I have a legitimate question (and I'm not trolling):


Where is the open world PvP?


I don't see it on Ilum (which is basically a forced grind). And warzones are definitely not open world PvP.


In order to be constructive - I have a real proposal for better incentivized PvP:


Territory Control - New planet with areas to controll. Guilds can build buildings and defend them in certain time brackets. The longer a guild hold an area the better fortified it is, and so on. I think this will be more fun, than just gring valor.


Territory control only works if:


1- There are enough people to play

2- The engine can hold several people in your screen without lagging (this is a major problem today, just look at Ilum lagfest)

3- There are good rewards for faction controlled territory. When I mean reward I mean fun factor rewards like the feeling of capturing/control a building is giving an advantage in PvP zone. If it works like Ilum it will be a failure in a wider scale because the objectives has no real reason to exist other than change the valor gain per kill.

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I can obviously only speak for myself, but the so called pvp in this game is insulting. I still have paid for playtime, and I intend to use it. But I will definately not resubscribe anytime soon.


There is no open pvp, the number of instanced pvp is close to insulting for a p2p-game (4, and the biggest one can't work as it was supposed...I hope) and pvp in general has no meaning. I am proud part of a vast pvp guild, and for us there is not a single reason to bring our numbers to the table. No RvR, no territorial control. And worst of all, nearly no diversity whatsoever. You basically play 3 small levels to grind champion gear and reach rank 60, just to play the same 3 levels to get battlemaster stuff, and then you can faceroll people in exactly the same 3 levels.


This wouldn't be bad if there were like 9-12 warzones, a working Ilum and a system that encourages people to pvp in the opening on every other planet. But there is nothing of the kind.


I really like the basics of the game: combat is fast, the game has enough cc to be fun, classes range from easy to challenging depending on what you prefer and it is fun to play. But telling people this game has pvp so everybody will enjoy it and deliver this? That is ways beyond insulting imo.


Just my 2 cents tho.

Edited by GianBaal
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