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Has Bioware already lost the PvP base?


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Yes they've lost it. I'm only still able to post because I stupidly signed up for 3 months.


It didn't take me that long to quit the game.


I have absolved myself of this game already.


Haven't logged in in 3 weeks.


I hear ya man. My sub runs out tomorrow, logged in for the last time this morning.


Doubt March will bring me back.

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The last two days I have run virus scans and done administrative work on my machine, and surfed the forums. Its pretty bad, when you get more entertainment out of checking your machine and reading the forums, than playing the game.


Now to address afew things. Game engines. Most of them are licensed from other companies, just the the engine for SWTOR. They come with complete networking capabilities, just like this one. So how badly did the devs have to mangle this engine to get Ilum to perform as poorly as it does? Ok, ok, ok, don't get your panties in a bunch. We'll ignore this minor issue and move on.


This game is highly instanced. Much like GW1. GW1 was released quite a while ago, and has had what? Maybe two days down time in its entire life? SWTOR has had more than that in the first month of release. Ok, ok, ok...don't let that wedgie cut your nuts off...we'll let this pass to, I guess.


So...Bioware. Yup, Bioware. Never made an mmo, ever. Made some damn fine single player games, yup, damn fine. Shows in SWTOR. That pve experience is really good. Thats exactly what I look for in my single player games, the ability to play with...friends...wait...what? No, thats not really an mmo. Mmos do generally require an element of player vs player content for people to vent anger against each other. Oh yes, Ilum. What to say about Ilum. Nothing, pretend it doesn't exist. Its all for the best. Examining Ilum is like falling to the dark side...except Ilum doesn't have cookies, or much of anything else for that matter.


Warzones! Yes, here we go. Lets talk about warzones. The three warzones. Yep, warzones. They certainly are warzones. Theres alot to be said about warzones. I have no idea what should be said about warzones, but i"m sure someone has something to say...anything? *sigh* Yeah, the warzones were good, the first dozen or so times, now its really boring. Its ok though! They're adding ANOTHER warzone! This will make everything all better!


Yes, i'm making fun of the game, the devs, the people that play the game. All in good fun of course. At the end game, its so boring, dead and lifeless that adding another warzone here or adding another flashpoint there isn't going to make any difference. The game is what it is. The basic concepts are not going to change or be altered in any meaningful way. You either enjoy the game for what it is, or move on. Pvp in this game starts out "ok", but never goes beyond being "ok". After you do it so much, it goes from being "ok" to being that annoying experience that you need to do for the daily/weekly. So enjoy this game for what it is, but for me its time to move on to something more interesting, and more challenging.

Edited by mdkmaster
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Agreed. L1-50 is ludicrously fast in this game if you do bonus objectives on missions also. I dunno *** people are doing if they're 'casual' and still haven't hit L50 yet.


I would consider myself a hardcore gamer.....but I havent played an MMO before because I has always preferred a controller in my hand....thats my preference and nothing can change my mind on that.


I have been playing SWTOR...im loving it, but I also dont get to play all that much. So in a sense I am a casual player since my playing hours is low. I am not level 50. I am level 29. I do every quest I come across unless somehow I am unable to (heroic quest but no one willing to help)


I feel I have put in a good amount of hours into this game....yet I am not close to 50. Maybe its my play style (I dont rush quests....my mentality is......what the fark is this.......what the fark is that).


For me....I see no reason to rush to level 50. whats the point? what...to do the same damn mundane activity day after day after day after day after day after day (get the point) to get 1 thing that improves your character, then go to another quest and repeat that over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again just to get equipment B.


I dont find that fun. I dont know how everyone else does.


Anywho, that was a bit off track. Like I said, casual players are not level 50 already because they dont have the time......are not racing to level 50 but instead stopping to actually enjoy the game, watch the convos and cut scenes and occasionally kill everything in sight :)

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I would consider myself a hardcore gamer.....but I havent played an MMO before because I has always preferred a controller in my hand....thats my preference and nothing can change my mind on that.


I have been playing SWTOR...im loving it, but I also dont get to play all that much. So in a sense I am a casual player since my playing hours is low. I am not level 50. I am level 29. I do every quest I come across unless somehow I am unable to (heroic quest but no one willing to help)


I feel I have put in a good amount of hours into this game....yet I am not close to 50. Maybe its my play style (I dont rush quests....my mentality is......what the fark is this.......what the fark is that).


For me....I see no reason to rush to level 50. whats the point? what...to do the same damn mundane activity day after day after day after day after day after day (get the point) to get 1 thing that improves your character, then go to another quest and repeat that over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again just to get equipment B.


I dont find that fun. I dont know how everyone else does.


Anywho, that was a bit off track. Like I said, casual players are not level 50 already because they dont have the time......are not racing to level 50 but instead stopping to actually enjoy the game, watch the convos and cut scenes and occasionally kill everything in sight :)


I didn't enjoy leveling any less than you nor did I speed level, but I hit cap two and a half weeks after early access. I watched every cutscene too.


It's not the players fault endgame blows at 50, nor should they have to level at a snails pace to avoid that wall. The experience at 50 is very different, the game kinda takes a nosedive.

Edited by golfwang
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Well if anyone still have hopes for pvp, especially for open world pvp just listen to Q&A session with Gabe A. held 3 months ago:




Oh dear, on Ilum subject he's so detached from reality it's unbelievable. Basically he believes that 100 vs 20 on Ilum will still be a great enjoyable game. When BW's lead designer on pvp says such things, I'm completely loosing all hope.

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SWTOR PVP will have to improve by a magnitude of 10 if GW2 can pull off HALF of what they speak of in todays pvp article (see sig).


Talk is cheap. What people claim they will deliver is absolutely meaningless in MMO's.

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Well if anyone still have hopes for pvp, especially for open world pvp just listen to Q&A session with Gabe A. held 3 months ago:




Oh dear, on Ilum subject he's so detached from reality it's unbelievable. Basically he believes that 100 vs 20 on Ilum will still be a great enjoyable game. When BW's lead designer on pvp says such things, I'm completely loosing all hope.


Just listened.


In the first minute and a half he tries to explain how 20 v 100 in Ilum is still going to be an enjoyable experience for the 20. He is SO oblivious it's not even funny.

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You can have sex 1000 times and have nothing to show for it.

Gotta have progression and achievements as reward for great sex, otherwise the nerds won't come.




The experience of the activity is often all the reward needed, if that experience is good.

Fun activities do not require progression. Progression is a cheap substitute.


That Quote taken from QQ-Forums is all i have to say about SWTOR PvP compared to GW 1 & 2 PvP.

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I really enjoyed reading this post. Great job. I do regret re-subbing. I did it because they said enhanced graphics were coming. But they have not reached us yet, quite frustrating. But what really set me off was the surge/crit nerf that randomly hit us this week. It runied my DPS on my vanguard. I am so frustrated from it I un-installed the game. I really dont think Im coming back this time. Also, Vrook lamar is a ghost town. The only server that I see constantly busy is the swiftsure server. Other than that, servers are empty. This game is going down fast.
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