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No Movement Enchantments in Huttball


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You wouldn't score like that against any decent team. All the knock backs would be used on the people that try to run ahead and the ball carrier would be forced to walk his way through a gauntlet.


Every game would drag on forever because no one would ever get 6 caps and a good majority of them would be scoreless. When I queue with my battlemaster friends and we end up against another battlemaster team it's already hard enough to score as it is. This change would make it impossible.


100% for sure. It used to be awesome when I queue up with my pocket healer it was almost assuredly a win. But now there's a lot more pre's, so when we face another good team, it's so tense and comes down to a really close, high scoring game. I'm not a soccer/football fan, tbh, I would rather not see 1 to 0 games all the time.

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Only way its fair if you allow scoundrels/shadows to use stealth while carrying the ball.


Which is OP, same goes for all the other movement skills.


Thats cool too... take away my force run (again mind you 2 seconds) and give my assassin stealth ball carrying :)


I am ALL about this !! Or did you truely mean just Shadows and scoundrels?


You all are funny poeple if you think "this" (topic of post) is that damaging to warzones. Honestly I am full of hope that this is just a way to make those of us that actually "play" the game a way to laugh off the stuff that is truely broken.


Keep it up, havent laughed good and hard in a while.

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BH Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease

Jug Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease

Agent Ball Carrier=instant movement decrease

Mara Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease

Jedi Knight Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease

Smuggler Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease

Trooper Ball Carrier=instant movement decrease

Sentinel Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease


Sorcerer Ball Carrier=Force Speed

Sage Ball Carrier=Force Speed


Carriers that can avoid hazards or run through them taking no damage:












If you cant see the problem there then your probably a Sorcerer or Consular.


Keep your force speed and bubbles just remove the movement decrease for ball carriers of other classes. FIXED!

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BH Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease

Jug Warrior? Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease

Agent Ball Carrier=instant movement decrease

Mara Warrior again? Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease

Jedi Knight Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease

Smuggler Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease

Trooper Ball Carrier=instant movement decrease

Sentinel Jedi Knight again? Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease


Sorcerer Ball Carrier=Force Speed

Sage Ball Carrier=Force Speed


Carriers that can avoid hazards or run through them taking no damage:









Sorcerer Inquisitor?=YES



If you cant see the problem there then your probably a Sorcerer or Consular.


Keep your force speed and bubbles just remove the movement decrease for ball carriers of other classes. FIXED!


You do realize that force speed is only 2 seconds and has a cooldown right? You make it seem like its up constantly and un CCable.


Also, bubble and run through fire just makes you come out the other end at half health, no bubble, and a newly respawned team waiting for you.


I highlighted your mistakes for you. Research before you claim to know anything in the future.

Edited by baltman
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Nah. Just leave it.


Some classes have a leap which is huge, other classes have speed boosts, some have DOT removal or melee bonus cooldowns, other classes just have way more shield/armoring, etc.


I'm a non-tank spec jedi shadow, and I've returned the ball and seen just about every class spare gunslingers take one in.

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You do realize that force speed is only 2 seconds and has a cooldown right? You make it seem like its up constantly and un CCable.


Also, bubble and run through fire just makes you come out the other end at half health, no bubble, and a newly respawned team waiting for you.


I highlighted your mistakes for you. Research before you claim to know anything in the future.


Just don't tell them tank assassin can break roots. Oops.

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You do realize that force speed is only 2 seconds and has a cooldown right? You make it seem like its up constantly and un CCable.


Also, bubble and run through fire just makes you come out the other end at half health, no bubble, and a newly respawned team waiting for you.


I highlighted your mistakes for you. Research before you claim to know anything in the future.


you must be doing it wrong. i can bubble, run through a burner, and take absolutely no damage

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These movement enhancements would be OK if some of them shared cooldowns. But they don't. So as a juggernaut you can force push someone from the top of the ramp to the end zone, and then force jump to them. How are people supposed to counter that? And before anyone says "knockback," the cooldown on most knock backs is longer than the cooldown on force jump. For assassins, you shouldn't be able to pop cc immunity and sprint at the same time. Basically these things mean that either class only has to make it about 2/3s of the way to the endzone before an automatic, nothing you can do about it, score.
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While holding the ball all movement should be equal thus forcing you to throw the ball. I just want more teamwork throwing the ball. Everyone who PvPs regularly has seen the unstoppable Sorc/Assassin team of Pull - Sprint - CC Immune, "haha now i'm out of all of your range"


Everyone who says "L2P" is obviously a class who uses this mechanic and wants to believe they are soooo skilled and it is everyone else who is failing. When in actuality, its a broken mechanic and you are not as good as you think you are.


The level of narcissism is not only whats wrong with the gaming industry, it is what is wrong with the world today.

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While holding the ball all movement should be equal thus forcing you to throw the ball. I just want more teamwork throwing the ball. Everyone who PvPs regularly has seen the unstoppable Sorc/Assassin team of Pull - Sprint - CC Immune, "haha now i'm out of all of your range"


Everyone who says "L2P" is obviously a class who uses this mechanic and wants to believe they are soooo skilled and it is everyone else who is failing. When in actuality, its a broken mechanic and you are not as good as you think you are.


The level of narcissism is not only whats wrong with the gaming industry, it is what is wrong with the world today.


Agreed on so many levels.


Let them keep their bubble, but don't let them force speed through 2 burners while bubbled. Sorc/Sage. Or, let them keep their speed, but make it so the damage done by burners hits them. Problem solved.

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I don't have time to read this whole thread, but if people think movement enhancing effects should not be allowed on ball carriers, then I'm gonna go ahead and suggest that damage reducing effects should not be allowed on ball carriers.


Classes that are able to tank better than other classes should have their endurance, armour, defense, shield/absorb, etc reduced to that of a light armour wearing class when they pick up the ball.


Yup, this totally makes sense. Classes that use on-activate skills to increase their survivability can't use them, classes that use passive stats to increase their survivability can't use them. Nice and fair.


The only problem is it's *********** retarded.


Blob X hits Blob Y for Z damage. Blob X dies. Blob Y wins.


Is that what you want the game to be?

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Agreed on so many levels.


Let them keep their bubble, but don't let them force speed through 2 burners while bubbled. Sorc/Sage. Or, let them keep their speed, but make it so the damage done by burners hits them. Problem solved.


Can't sprint through two burners.


Whether you get hit by a burner depends on whether you happen to be in it when it pulses. Sometimes you are, sometimes you aren't.


Regardless, in a competitive team played huttball match, sorcs aren't the ones you want carrying the ball most of the time. Of course, there are certain situations where a pass to one is advantageous, but there are certain situations where anything/everything is advantageous.

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And while your at it take away everyone's weapons and armor and give us sticks and stones... err wait then jedi would not be effected... never mind just give us sticks :)


And on the serious side of this... NO.. If you remove the skills at all in warzones then they need to be removed for all, offensive or defensive. I hate these skills as much as everyone else especially since the resolve bar seems to be broke still but its part of their class so deal. All or nothing thing you cant have your cake AND eat it too... simple child logic.


I don't think you quite understand the conversation.


Enemy 1 and enemy 2 are fighting, approximately 20 meters away from Enemy 2's goal line. Enemy 2 is panicking but keeping a cool head DPSing Enemy 1 down.


Enemy 1 has sprint. Enemy 2 Does not.


Enemy 1 sprints to the goal line and wins.


Now reverse the situation.


Enemy 2 Dies.


It's better to be enemy 1.


Do you get it now?

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The only real problem is that Operative/Scoundrels don't really have much utility in Huttball. They don't have any knockbacks or pulls so they're pretty much useless in organized teams.


On the other hand, scoundrels have such a short cooldown AOE, that I feel like they're above average in usefulness in the other 2 wzs for stopping node caps. So it's balance as long as they don't implement specific wz queues.

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They removed the operatives/sorcs stealth skill while holding the ball. Obviously a lot more OP than movement effects but the point is simple. Sometimes you HAVE to restrict certain abilities on on certain classes in specific situation, such as being the ball carrier, for BALANCE.


Lol sorcs and sages can not stealth , they never could.


Shadows and assassins stealth. To tell a sorc/sage from a shadow/assassin look for the lightsaber its easy as a assassin and shadow have the only staff ie double bladed lightsabers in the game . Sages and sorcs can not use them .

Edited by Rallic
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You should not be able to use ANY movement enchantments while carrying the ball in Huttball. This includes: Intercede, Force Charge, Force Speed, Force Pull. Any of these kind of abilities should return the ball to the neutral position.


However, enemies should still be able to pull the ball carrier into hazard, pit etc.


Allowing all these movement enchantments makes throwing the ball moot. Also having 8 sorcs will not win you the game anymore.


You play an operative/scoundrel, perhaps?

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