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Everything posted by RoadSideAssist

  1. Arenas will make me quit the game. I'm tired of having to wait for my stupid team to get online, then someone has lag issues, then someone nerd rages for some reason. Then you have to deal with team trading, exploits, FOTM classes and elitist whiners on forums using arena rating to distinguish EVERYTHING. For some reason I don't mind this with first person shooters because it's 100% skill and basically 0% imbalance. But with an MMO face it. Certain classes do certain things better, as it SHOULD be. This does NOT translate to a competitive gaming environment and just causes stress across the PVP community. It also completely pigeon holes gameplay. If you simply don't like arena, well you're done gear progression wise. Might as well quit. I dunno but Guild Wars was the best. First off, the game was FAR more balanced than any MMO I've seen. That's in part because it's 8 abilities vs. 8 abilities, the multi-classing aspect, and the gear was ALL the same. Gear just matters too much in MMOs. Regardless, your reward for doing well in GW was ratings and some very nice epic weapons (which would generally be better, but we're talking like a +2 stat change... barely anything) that were PERFECT or tokens for an end game gear upgrade which only changed appearance. Anyway, this coming from routine WOW duelist (never got glad - was close, but still had all the gear and was invited by all the glads to play with them, etc. Also really only did 90-100 or so games a season so never really put time in to get that great), CAL league CS player in terms of competitive gaming I've done.
  2. Oh thank god I didn't blow 1 Mil credits on this. And here's what they COULD do: Up the credits to 3 MIL so it's a bigger savings task, 1) Dyes for certain pieces of gear (unique looks). 1a) For one, saber COLOR mods only, not stat mods. 1b) Perhaps chest or something else. At least wep though. 2) Unique mounts (only available via VIP) 3) Free 60 minute buff via bar drink/food. 3a) Increases expertise by 100. Not useable in any rated game, etc. 3b) Increases endurance or power by 100 4) Lore Master, more interesting facts about the game. 5) Re-Spec Master, half the cost of one below. 6) CROSS faction AH (exclusive to VIP, but at least allows trade between factions, helps with overpopulated factions). 7) Additional companion customizations. 8) Crafting profession additional schematics (epic, expensive, but available). 8a) 2 per profession. There, I just made the VIP lounge incredible and an integral component to the game and something to strive towards.
  3. I frankly don't see the problem. I'm jedi shadow and am usually #1-2 DPS with 8+ medals as balance in any WZ we win. In ones we don't win I'm usually #1 DPS for light side. That's with defending 33% of the time, etc. Also, on our server a jedi shadow infil build routinely pulls nearly 500K damage in voidstar and tops basically every game he's in. Sorcs are cake mode after getting some armor. I just pop resilience and roll them. Oh you cast lightning? Interrupt. *sorc stands around without a clue *** to do* Oh you cast lightning against at 80% HP and I'm on you? Stun. *sorc bunny hops* Oh you cast lightning at 50% HP? Resilience. *sorc spams a 2nd time JUST to be sure that my CD is in effect. Oh you cast lightning at 30% HP and popped a shield? Interrupt/vanish. *sorc starts to spam, dies* Really don't see the problem. I enjoy sorcs. They drop like flies these days and have zero idea how to PVP. There are GOOD sorcs/sages that are tough, but when I lose they are around 20% HP or so and usually battlemasters. Frankly I'd rather fight them then a GOOD marauder/healer/infil shadow-sith. Those either take FOREVER to kill or kill me before I can get them to 50%.
  4. Nah. Just leave it. Some classes have a leap which is huge, other classes have speed boosts, some have DOT removal or melee bonus cooldowns, other classes just have way more shield/armoring, etc. I'm a non-tank spec jedi shadow, and I've returned the ball and seen just about every class spare gunslingers take one in.
  5. Eh. This is WOWs biggest flaw. Melee just DESTROYS once they're in your face. The problem is, they have TOO many outs. Warrior: charge, intercept, bladestorm, charge, intercept, overthrow, blah blah blah. Rogue: Vanish, sprint, COS, CS/KS, deadly throw, blind, evasion, etc. So what happens? Blizzard buffs the F out of healers so they can keep ranged up. Then everyone whines that healing is too op'd, so they nerf healing but then the ranged are bad again. So they buff ranged survivability but melee can still stay on them. So then either they nerf survive and give ranged CC or make ranged like a tank. Then ranged whine about the fact they can never get anything off, and melee whine that healing and ranged tanking/CC is out of control. It's an endless battle. Either way, it all comes down to learning your class. I hate the l2p term, but it's the truth 90% of the time. I've seen shadow infils pull out 450K+ damage, seen sorcs do it, seen marauders towards the top, etc. Healing in this game meanwhile doesn't seem too out of control.
  6. You have it better than anyone that was 50 before you. The two dailies and two weeklys get you 56 champion tokens and 120 centurian comms, which is 3-4 pieces right off the bat in basically one night of play, one of which is champ (actually I think you can get 2). Some people spent 20-25 bags and JUST got centurian comms or duplicate pieces. In 20 bags you have: 160 champ comms (1 piece and weapons/weapon) 300 centurian comms (basically your 4 piece set). 20 bags is EASY in a week. You'll be in full epics WITH your champ weapon in a week when that took most people 2-3 weeks or 3x the playing time. NO sympathy from me or ANY person that was level 50 before this patch.
  7. Yes. I sit there hitting the resilience/vanish button about 20 times, and then die to force lightning dur dur.
  8. After opening 8 bags in a row and getting nothing but tokens, I'm getting there. AND people saying they have opened 20 bags only to get ONE item which they already have... just discourages me more. Will probably give it another 2 weeks of payment, then done. Also very tired of SPAM clicking an ability, to see it not go off for 5 seconds because the GCD is bugged to all ****.
  9. Make it like WOW. If there are 50 imperials in Ilum and 10 republic in Ilum, multiply ALL republic stats by 5 and make them immune to CC or something. Then increase the gain you get from killing a republic player by 5 etc. etc. So you'd have 10 75K hp opponents going against 50 15K HP opponents. 750K total HP on both sides. Yes this would SUCK for people not grouped up considering the republic would be powerhouses... but 5 vs 1 still holds relatively true. I dunno... just a thought. That or DRASTICALLY reduce the # of kills/boxes needed.
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