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Will Bioware really change Sentinels mechanics?


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The fact you think Sentinels have a set rotation means you're bad at the class.

This was your answer to my post.


I personaly find Sentinels easy, but annoying due to the ammount of CDS and variables to the class priority rotation.


Read again my sentence. There is "priority" word before rotation in the sentence.



Edited by Superastro
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I like my Sentinel just the way he is. If people pay attention and roll with it ANYONE SHOULD be able to play this class just fine.. You have to understand that some gamers don't like challenges and just want the classes to be easy. This class isn't hard but at the same time isn't a class that's super easy.
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Do you guys think Bioware will change Sentinels mechanics to be more accecible to the main stream crowd?


Imo they will eventualy make the class easier to the masses. Sentinel is too much of an iconic class. I doubt they will let the class like it is right now. Overly-complicated with the incredible ammount of micromanagement and CDS.



Best regards community.


I really hope they don't change the mechanics substantially. It's by far the most fun class to play currently with only the guardian coming close. If they simplified it I don't think it would be anywhere near as fun to play.


If they would just eliminate the double clutch bugs, and fix some of the general latency issues in PvP that would be great. Also they need to make force sweep so it either applies it's damage or does not go on cooldown. An instant ability should not be interrupt-able.

Edited by Vodrin
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As a casual, I have mixed feelings about this. My Sentinel is more interesting to play than my Scoundrel, partly because of what I have to manage. On the other hand, I fight best on my Sent when I watch my hotbar rather than the fight ensuing above it, despite the fact that I have carefully hotkeyed nearly every power; with my Scoundrel, I rarely watch the hotbar and do just fine. In addition, if I get at all distracted while playing my Sent, my companion and I take heavy punishment quickly. With my Scoundrel, playing well takes focus, but the self-heals mean a mistake probably won't be deadly.


To answer the OPs question, I think the class will eventually be streamlined somewhat. Not necessarily a lot, though. I think Bioware will carefully watch the number of players who roll Sentinel, then give up to play an easier class. Once they have enough data, they'll make whatever changes they feel that data warrants.

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I also hope they don't change the class. I've played a bounty hunter and sith sorc to mid 30s and they were just so easy and boring I was on the verge of already cancelling my account.


I decided I'll go ahead and try a republic character before cancelling and rolled a sentinel. It's now level 20 and I'm loving it. It's nice to actually have to pay attention to what I'm doing to succeed. The other classes are so overly easy I sit there watching tv while spamming 3 or 4 buttons and everything dies. I hope I continue to have this much fun as I gain more levels.

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I think there are ways to improve the class without dumbing it down. Some of that involves bug fixes, design/UI flaws, etc. Also, I think the combat spec needs some attention.


Why would you think Combat needs attention? While levelling there are a couple of lean patches with the build, but nothing major. Once you hit 50 you are eating mobs and spitting out the bones.

The DPS Of combat is Magnificent, and if you stack your skill order to maximise the damage and bypass the mobs defences you are positively lethal.

There is nothing wrong with Combat.

Lets be honest the only thing missing from Sentinel is Force push, and it’s not that we actually need it, just that it is fun pushing mobs off ledges

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I want their style to remain the same. But, I wouldn't mind seeing a few changes made to combat; just to get it more on the same level as the other specs.


Not a big change, just a tiny buff in certain areas. Maybe add another second or two to precision slash.


God****** this. Global Cooldown eats half of the Precision Slash buff. At most, I can get two Blade Rushes/one Master Strike in before it's gone.


And frankly, both Ataru Form strikes and Blade Rush could use a little buff. They're not chunky enough to really fill in the blasty-crit style of Combat.


Still love Combat though. It fits my playstyle perfectly.

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Why would you think Combat needs attention? While levelling there are a couple of lean patches with the build, but nothing major. Once you hit 50 you are eating mobs and spitting out the bones.

The DPS Of combat is Magnificent, and if you stack your skill order to maximise the damage and bypass the mobs defences you are positively lethal.

There is nothing wrong with Combat.

Lets be honest the only thing missing from Sentinel is Force push, and it’s not that we actually need it, just that it is fun pushing mobs off ledges


You havnt really played much watchman have you? Dont get me wrong, i levelled as combat and tried really hard to stick with it (had 6 pieces of rakata before i changed). But it does fall behind in some respects. People will say it has controlled burst, but id argue that watchmans burst is actually higher (just not as frequent, which isnt an issue if you know the fights. as you would time yourself).


I would like to see a base damage increase on both Ataru strikes and blade rush, for some more sustained dps ..... then id go back to combat!

Edited by ztee
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I think if they do, it's going to be low priority on their list. They just have so much more they need to worry about first... like Ilum not even working.


Yeah, too busy nerfing the crap out of everything and not making stats better on endgame gear. LolSurge on mah Immortal Juggernaut?

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Why would you think Combat needs attention? While levelling there are a couple of lean patches with the build, but nothing major. Once you hit 50 you are eating mobs and spitting out the bones.

The DPS Of combat is Magnificent, and if you stack your skill order to maximise the damage and bypass the mobs defences you are positively lethal.

There is nothing wrong with Combat.

Lets be honest the only thing missing from Sentinel is Force push, and it’s not that we actually need it, just that it is fun pushing mobs off ledges


someone already brought up the watchmen > combat for raw dps a bit with wind up.


The other thing combat suffers from is focus generation. When doing group PVE with a tank who knows whats going on you end up slightly focus starved. Personally I wonder if this isn't some of the dps difference issues in a PVE situation between watchmen and combat.

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Do you guys think Bioware will change Sentinels mechanics to be more accecible to the main stream crowd?


Imo they will eventualy make the class easier to the masses. Sentinel is too much of an iconic class. I doubt they will let the class like it is right now. Overly-complicated with the incredible ammount of micromanagement and CDS.



Best regards community.


My personal guess is that they will simplify it...someway...eventually.


Like you say, it is too iconic to have such a steep learning curve for long.

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Hope they dont make senti "easier", love hardcore mode that class give me. Its about that if u go well it reward u bold but if u **** up then no mercy for u. Its class for true mens not for boys & i feel good with that. Little tip: if u have problems with manage your shortcuts buy Razer Naga, it will change everythink;-> I manage 24 quickslots only with that mouse buttions + alt.... Edited by prokonto
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someone already brought up the watchmen > combat for raw dps a bit with wind up.


The other thing combat suffers from is focus generation. When doing group PVE with a tank who knows whats going on you end up slightly focus starved. Personally I wonder if this isn't some of the dps difference issues in a PVE situation between watchmen and combat.


Yep people bring it up all the time, but no one actually has stats to back the assertion. We simply don’t know other than just purely from anecdotal perspective.

As for focus starved???

Nope, I regularly have a full focus bar. We don’t build centering as fast as Watchmen, but Focus we are all good with

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if they change the mechanics i quit.

and i dont mean it like most people who say they quit for months and do not quit.

i would quit, reallyquit


don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.


I hope they change the mechanics. I spend way way too much time staring at my cooldowns, and a lot of the time I never get to really enjoy a fight because I can hardly even tell what a boss actually looks like.



I think that the mechanics need to be hugely streamlined so that we can feel more like a jedi and less like someone playing Tetris.


Sorry, 'challenge' guys, but you are serious dorks. try playing a wii for a while.

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don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.


I hope they change the mechanics. I spend way way too much time staring at my cooldowns, and a lot of the time I never get to really enjoy a fight because I can hardly even tell what a boss actually looks like.



I think that the mechanics need to be hugely streamlined so that we can feel more like a jedi and less like someone playing Tetris.


Sorry, 'challenge' guys, but you are serious dorks. try playing a wii for a while.


Considering this is a whole thread of people saying “I like it the way it is” your post amuses me.

Dorks you say… because we actually enjoy a challenge…

How about You go play your Wii or Easy mode class and leave this one to those who enjoy it. That way BW attracts a wider player base and you only ware out one key on your keyboard (Though I suppose if you only hit one button you can use your mouse)

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My opinion, take it as it is: I like the idea of classes that are much harder to master and give a better return on investment. this is what made me progression raid with an Affliction Lock in WoW. If you want to faceroll pick another class, if you want to play a Sentinel keep at it until you catch on. If BW always assumes for the lowest common denominator they're going to alienate the players who desire a challenge.


Will it happen? most likely, the same changes that affected WoW will probably happen in this game, they'll strive for a broader appeal which is going to involve a dumbing down of the game. theyll pick up a few subscriptions from the casual gamer crowd and lose some "hardcore" players to the next thing. its pretty inevitable.

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