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Test on the PTR and stop the QQ


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I have seen a lot of posts from a lot of people criticizing Bioware for "not adequetely testing" their patches before deployment. I am not a fan of the new UI cooldown effect, but I didn't test on the PTS either. I have no room to complain if I didn't voice my concern and I know from experience that if it isn't voiced, feedback can't be responded to.


There have been so many flames about broken PvP on Ilum and UI cooldown over the past day by people who admittedly never tested on PTS but complain to Bioware that it should all be obvious. Honestly, the PTS is there for the player to test on and directly give their feedback to developers. If you didn't use it, shut up and do it next time but don't blame Bioware for not giving you a chance to see it before it was deployed. PTS usually goes up a few days after the new content patch hits live servers for the next deployment. There have been substantial changes made based on PTS feedback but players need to get on there to test.


Bioware, I think your Beta performance and live performance in focusing your testers is wildly different. I would think that giving us a way to register our accounts for Testing similar to the way it was in beta would be awesome. The emails to focus testers on specific aspects of a new deployment would be great to get Ilum changes, UI changes, etc tested and direct player feedback received. I may not get on to test now but if you told me to get on at this time or to test this thing and give some feedback, I think I could give you the internet bandwidth and time to do it. Your beta went as well as it did because the tester base was engaged and as of right now, I thik the majority of the player base reads the PTS notes and then moves on. If even 10% of the player base signed up for testing and only 10% of that actually tested what was assigned, I think we would see a much better dialogue from invested players on things that actually matter.


Thanks all. Please don't flame and do be constructive.



50 JC Shadow Tank

Edited by chorusboy
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How are we supposed to test 50 content when we can't get copy's or premade characters? Every MMO has a way for you to get Mac level characters for testing....oh other than ToR.


Literally none of the stuff is testable unless you want to spend hours leveling a character on the test server. Except the CD change which we all said was fail and terrible, but they pushed it live.

Edited by KipMalice
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How are we supposed to test 50 content when we can't get copy's or premade characters? Every MMO has a way for you to get Mac level characters for testing....oh other than ToR.


This ^


Also, why should I HAVE to test this game for them now that it is launched? Why has the player base become the pool of BW testers (this is an age old problem with ALL mmorpgs).


I pay to play not test. IF BW/EA wants to PAY me to test instead of play I would be more than happy to do this. Until then we are all stuck with short cuts that this industry makes. Period. I have seen it in EVERY MMO I have played for the last 12 years.


TL;DR Pay me and I will test untill then deliver a product worthy of my time and treasure!

Edited by Urael
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The issue most people are complaining about is that we really don't get the test the full scope of it. Having to level a 50 on test severs just to test end game content, which most people have the most amount of complaints about, only to have it wiped next test server is well pointless.


To put it into an analogy:


You're building a house to, just test the wiring but you have to build an entire house because they want to test in a "real life setting." So you build the foundation, the walls, test the wiring and plumbing, but in the plaster, so and so forth and you finally finish it. The person you built it for comes up and goes thanks for testing this out for us now here is a bulldozer we have a new wiring that needs to be tested the same way again but we want you to start from the ground up.


So you never really get the full amount of problems and even when people lvl up to 50 to test. Their suggestions and complaints go unheard because there are not enough people complaining about it.

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Well that's just silly. I'm not going to level a character to 50 on the PTR simply for testing. They give us no way to test end-game content on the PTR without playing through the game again on a shell of a server. Some people may find that enjoyable, but it's certainly not what I'm paying $15/Month for. I was already a beta tester, and that was free. People aren't going to help test your game that they're paying to play if you don't give them some incentive (Automatic 50's with gear or copies to the PTR) to do so.
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I pay to play. And as a paying customer it is my god given right to complain about the product i am paying for.



Now test servers are a great tool for people who enjoy testing and such, but they need to offer max level premades otherwise level 50 content is not going to be tested.

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how about.. NO.



I pay for a product to use at my pleasure. Not to do free work for a company that is charging me for access.


I did work for them for free for months in beta. Most of the hundreds of issues and bugs I spent time reporting were present still at launch. I'm done wasting my time talking to the wall. My charity has worn out.


As much as I love this game I may have to take my money elsewhere to find my entertainment. This latest flashing UI has made the game totally unplayable for me.

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Unfortunately (for purposes of this discussion... I love my job), I do QA for a living. Not in gaming, but nevertheless I don't really want to do more work when I'm done working for the day.


I used to beta and test MMOs all the time, but I just don't have the kind of time to invest in that end of things anymore.


I agree that people that are THAT upset about things should consider playing on the PTR, for the most part.

Edited by VorpalK
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Sorry, I'm not paying them to test their game. I submit bug tickets for stuff I find on live, and that's as far as I'm going. If they let me play for free, we can negotiate X number of hours per month on PTR and submitting bug tickets there.


Maybe they should take some of that money from the 1.7 million subs and hire some more QA.

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How are we supposed to test 50 content when we can't get copy's or premade characters? Every MMO has a way for you to get Mac level characters for testing....oh other than ToR.


Literally none of the stuff is testable unless you want to spend hours leveling a character on the test server. Except the CD change which we all said was fail and terrible, but they pushed it live.


Pretty much this ^

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Changes are definitely going to be made to the UI in response to initial feedback we received after the patch was deployed. (Very little feedback was received on the PTS Forum before the patch was deployed to the live servers, otherwise changes may have been made before the patch's deployment.)


The primary purpose of this poll is to get more accurate numbers on player sentiment. Threads are very helpful for us to get an immediate idea of areas that need attention, but accurate numbers as opposed to post counts help us present a more accurate picture of those affected (threads/post counts can easily be inflated by multiple posts from the same person, opposing points of view, and so on).


If you'd like to give us constructive feedback on changes to the UI and the global cooldown animations, we'd welcome that in this thread. Discussions about the poll or other aspects of development aren't appropriate.



If no feedback is given then obviously they will launch with what they pushed to PTR. There are people max level on on that server. In the case of UI it does not take long for anybody to notice.

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If BW decides to give me free gameplay time for X amount of testing hours per month, then sure I will test their product and give them constructive feedback. As for free testing? No. That should not be necessary. They should have a dedicated test team if they can't muster up a strong enough free testing team.


When my team and I release software upgrades to our clients, we THOROUGHLY test things before release. It is EMBARRASSING to release a "final product" with bugs. It is poor business practice and lowers the confidence of the client in the contractor. That is how you lose clients.


Now I understand a video game such as this has a LOT of detail, but come on. The bug had a direct relationship with what they were trying to fix! It is an OBVIOUS error that was found...what... thirty minutes after the patch was released by the player base? That is pure negligence, and there is really no excuse that I can think of as a developer.


It is not my job as a customer to defend, test, or really do anything except ENJOY the product I purchased. My feelings and opinion are all that really matter as a customer. Think of it; if your customers FEEL like you are half-assing your job, and that they are getting sub par updates, then that is reality. You will start seeing sales drop (even if the overall product is great!).

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Apparently, this type of attitude is why we can't have nice things. The lot of you who share this ideology have no bias to complain later, because you do not take the time as being part of the gaming community to make things better.


I'll bet none of you vote either, but will scream till the cows come home on how your "constitutional rights" are being trod upon.


I was in beta and tested, and would like to point out to you all that testing involved ALL aspects of game, not just that which comes at 50.


Suck it up, buttercup and contribute rather than sit back and complain.

Edited by Sunstarr
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Apparently, this type of attitude is why we can't have nice things. The lot of you who share this ideology have no bias to complain later, because you do not take the time as being part of the gaming community to make things better.


I'll bet none of you vote either, but will scream till the cows come home on how your "constitutional rights" are being trod upon.


I was in beta and tested, and would like to point out to you all that testing involved ALL aspects of game, not just that which comes at 50.


Suck it up, buttercup and contribute rather than sit back and complain.


So you spend dozens of hours leveling a character on the PTS to have it wiped a week later?

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If no feedback is given then obviously they will launch with what they pushed to PTR. There are people max level on on that server. In the case of UI it does not take long for anybody to notice.


(Very little feedback was received on the PTS Forum before the patch was deployed to the live servers, otherwise changes may have been made before the patch's deployment.)


Maybe address the testing issues before you start complaining about how much feedback is received.

Edited by StealthStalker
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