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Another DOWNTIME tonight


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I'm a shift worker. I hurry home to get my game time and find out servers down. I get about 40 minutes game time max. Then they go down for 4 hours. I feel like I'm being punished for not playing at same time as everyone else. I know updates are needed but how about moving time forward 2 hours every so often, so I can play 2 hours and 40 minutes. Especially when more than one downtime a week is needed. :rolleyes:
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We should have learned that anything EA's driving (ahem, Warhammer) will be crash course in pain.


I refuse to play EA PC games when I first played BF2, I think that's the first EA PC game I've ever played, but you literally had to download a third party program, made by some random coder who could of put whatever he want into the thing, to change your *********** key bindings. Key bindings.... that's kind of a big deal.


I mean, look at our gui, you cant even resize windows, games made in 1997 had that ability. I was so upset when I found out BW partnered with EA on this. I almost didn't buy the game, and right now I'm kind of regretting it. If it wasn't star wars, I would definitely be back on Guild Wars. If this doesn't get any better, I definitely wont be paying a subscription when Guild Wars 2 is coming out shortly, and will have no subscription, 100000x more end game content, and amazing PvP.

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Current Patches since launch:


Feb 9th (Thursday hotfix)

Feb 7th (Tuesday patch)

Feb 2nd (Thursday hotfix)

Jan 31st (Tuesday patch)

Jan 28th (Saturday hotfix)

Jan 24th (Tuesday patch)

Jan 19th (Thursday hotfix)

Jan 18th (postponed Tuesday patch)

Jan 12th (postponed Tuesday patch)

Jan 6th (Friday hotfix)

Jan 5th (Thursday hotfix)

Jan 4th (Wednesday hotfix)

Jan 4th (Wednesday patch)

Dec 29th (Thursday hotfix)

Dec 27th (Tuesday patch)

Dec 22nd(Thursday hotfix)

Dec 22nd(Thursday hotfix)

Dec 20th (Tuesday launch)


Anything in red is an "emergency patch"


Congrats, BW. 1 time out of 7 you've managed not to break the game with your patch. Of course, you're still at 10 emergency patches to 7 scheduled patches. So...you're still losing.


Actually, now that I look back at the patch notes, I shouldn't even give you credit for 1 out of 7. It's the same type of patch as the "emergency patches", but apparently being able to remove armorings from artifact gear can wait until the regularly scheduled time. Can't have those PvP players whining on the forums about kills not always counting.

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I get off work late. I'm a bartender. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is on a weekly basis that the 4 prime time hours I have time in the day set aside to play this game are <b> CONSISTENTLY </b> taken over with downtime from patches, hotfixes etc.. The only reasonable excuse I personally can tolerate is weekly or "bi-weekly" maintenance.


I understand the game is new, WE ALL KNOW IT'S PLAGUED with recent UI changes that hopefully will be addressed in this or a new upcoming patch.. I can deal with patches. Here's the top 3 things I CAN'T DEAL WITH.


1. Multiple Prime-Time night hours on West Coast servers especially always down for patches etc.... 2AM CST is late for some but that's only 12AM on the West Coast.


2. The vagueness described in what is actually being patched into the game. BE OPEN, LISTEN. The patch on the 7th literally had a line that said "Safeguards implemented to address valor Exploit" ????? What kind , type, means of safeguard? Zone penalty? Spawn point? Kill trading? Ugh! I know if I dig into the forums somewhere I could find something .. somewhere... maybe.


3. We love Star Wars foremost, and we like this game or we wouldn't waste time posting here begging you to listen to a majority of very reasonable requests. i.e. Optional UI interface settings, ADI code for user made add-ons... every now and then you throw us a small piece of meat.. but we're not dogs in the backyard. We put the food on the f***ing table so we can all eat the feast. Act like it.




The Galaxy

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Why can't they just implement 1 big patch every maintanence.
That's what they're trying to do. Problem is they don't test their own patches properly and that leads to all these emergency patches a day or two later.
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You missed the whole point of his post. It's about the overall attitude taken by most mmo players lately, which magnify the same feelings of entitlement that people in developed countries have.


In short, appreciate all the great things (in life and in gaming) instead of crying.


What gaming?


Oh you mean this one? Haha yeah... I'm sure I'll get to play it one day...

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Sick of Ninja-patches!


I need to get my ************ in tooo!!! It was damn hard to get to the end of this thread with 30 ppl posting a minute, lol. It feels good to know I am not alone in my outrage.


I think it's great that Bioware is trying to fix things. I am not so sure they have their priorities all that straight on what to fix first, and how mission critical it is, but...


My issue is mainly the lead time in letting us *know* about when the servers will be shutting down. Several hours prior to the patch the same day as the patch is just not acceptable!! Lots of people play these games who *work* and have real, responsible jobs, and our free time is precious to us. We plan to be playing on certain nights at certain times and hence don;t make other plans we could have.


I also, with the rest of you, don't get why most of these ninja-patches that seem to fix one seemingly-small issue can't wait for the weekly patch we suffer every Tuesday.


OK, I am annoyed and feel better for having vented.


Corndog please!!!!



Oh, and wanted to express my empathy to the Europeans who had to deal with an outrageous shut-down on that Saturday in the middle of the day a few weeks ago. I was pretty pissed off myself that it was on a Friday night here in the US and I planned to stay home like a lamer and play SWTOR that night instead of making plans with friends /sigh


Maybe I just need to get a life. If we all decide to do that, Biowares, you will be out some big cash, so please keep us l00ser MMORPGers happy and addicted to your pixelated crack! :eek: Give plenty of notice on downtimes or just wait for the weekly patch time, please!

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Look, we're soon up to 50 pages of complaints and arguments.


It ain't no chance BW is gonna read through all this crap, and frankly ppl argumenting that the patch is justified what the heck are u doing here?


Maybe one should just show BW what they think of their game, planning etc. but either cancel the subscription or just **** and play when its available.


Im here cuz im bored out of my mind......

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I'm going to reiterate something I have become fond of saying since playing this game.


Bioware on SWTOR: We reinvented the wheel. It's square. Doesn't move. It falls off the car when you try to drive it. But it's the BEST GAME EVER!


Nuff said.



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Wow... just wow... They changed the patch times to make it less annoying to the EU customers, and OH NOEZ! "I was gonna play tonight maybe" *sniff* *sniff*. I wonder which countries would be bombed right now if the patch times happened during the day in the Entitled States of America.


Get some freaking perspective.

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Blizzard patched during the night not during the day, at least they tried to and planned it that way. Bioware plans to patch during the day not during the night.




I might be off, but isn't the patch scheduled for 2AM... that's pretty much in the middle of the night.

And IF you are from Europe, do not complain... especially from Germany there were very vocal posts half a year ago with "OI BW, DON'T YOU DARE TO GIVE AS THE SCHAFFT! WE DEMAND TO BE PATCHED AS SOON AS THEM AMERICANS!!! OR I RAGEQUIT!" kind of sentiment.

On a thursday morning there should not be an issue as there is a lot to do anyway... right.


Edited by Morrgans
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What gaming?


Oh you mean this one? Haha yeah... I'm sure I'll get to play it one day...


Though, I suppose I waited several years for this game. If I just pretend it's in beta, I'll feel a bit better. I wouldn't really be lying to myself either.

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as well as being a cash cow, as EA cares little about its customers and more about its money


BW might be "trying" but they are greatly held back by EA


if feel like an idiot now..... i didn't even realise EA were involved.


if i had, I wouldn't have touched the game with 10ft pole ( EA like using it in special ways on you ).


how bioware have fallen :(

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Patching and Maintenance is a necessity; however, they could do a rolling server downtime. 1/2 of the servers down while they update them, once done those come online and the other 1/2 go down for update. Really isn't any need to bring them all down at once.


Seriously the time to apply a patch most have been min of 4hrs is very long, true you have to verify the patch took but do they have 1 tech upgrading all the servers per region who has to do manual checking?


I'm sorry that some people may have issues during play time but the multiple downtimes during the week really necessary to fix sometimes single issues? If you feel you have to bring all servers down at one time to apply updates then do it once a week, period. Otherwise implement a rolling server downtime that has some servers up that people can play on. If you do ever go with a rolling server downtime please make it a consistent set that you bring down in each block so we know what servers will be online/offline during the update process. That's probably too technically challenging to accomplish and probably being too nice to the player base.

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Pleese stop giving us 7 hour patches every gosh darn day!


Its a disgustin joke the only time i can play the game theres a ***** patch to fix a single issue!


I'm sticking around till it hits a hundred.. this is entertaining. At least I'm getting some entertainment in the SWTOR forums.. the game sure isn't doing anything for me at this exact moment.

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If it was just 8-10 hours a week of downtime I would not be pissed. But seeing how the time I play is the SAME time as the patch multiple times a week, I am paying 14.99 for nothing. Don't pretend to be smart by your ability to crap out a wall of text


I don't need to pretend at anything. You don't matter. Demographics show that you and people like you just don't make up enough of the market to care about. Play at a different time. Saying you CAN'T play at a different time is just wrong, because you could sleep at a different time, skip school/work, get a different job, etc. Rather than asking a corporation to spend more money on changing downtime to a time when it will frustrate a vastly more relevant market sector, why don't you do something to fix your relationship to the perceived problem? You're a perfect example of a person who refuses to do anything to change their own situation, and expects everyone else to form themselves around that situation, regardless of how that inconveniences them.

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I might be off, but isn't the patch scheduled for 2AM... that's pretty much in the middle of the night.

And IF you are from Europe, do not complain... especially from Germany there were very vocal posts half a year ago with "OI BW, DON'T YOU DARE TO GIVE AS THE SCHAFFT! WE DEMAND TO BE PATCHED AS SOON AS THEM AMERICANS!!! OR I RAGEQUIT!" kind of sentiment.

On a thursday morning there should not be an issue as there is a lot to do anyway... right.



Yes i agree, let 1 german speak for all of Europe.

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Seriously. BW you guys suck!


4 hours of downtime for a patch of, what? 2 mb??


2 downtimes a week for 4 hours... **** i had 2 days off i could play for a whole day, the ONLY days i can play this week... guess which days it was.. THX alot ******es..


Get a new job BW and get someone who dosnt take the servers down every now and often because they can

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What a lot of these fanboys and trolls here do not realize, is that WE (the people who are upset against patches every other day), play the game like everybody else, suffer through whatever bugs and problems the game currently has, like everybody else, and also feel the same about it needing to be fixed. What would be more appreciated more by most players, is if maintenance could somehow, instead of being during random days of the week, all be on one patch day.


Yes- We understand there are people who can play all day, and at anytime they feel like it and not have to worry about coming home from school and/or work and are able to play an hour if not 2 hours a day. AND there are also people who have the luxury of being able to play at any time and STILL complain about not being able to play for the 4 hours or so when a patch hits.


However, we are not that.



Yes- We understand time zones are different, there will always be people who will be suffering from patches at any part of the world during their inconvenient playing hours.


However, being the West Coast is the most heavy area in players, we feel that instead of say, pulling the plug at 10pm our time, you could push it back at least 2 hours, so that the late night gamers don't have a 16yo's curfew, and can have a couple more hours to their playing time.


Yes- We want things in this game fixed, we want the game to improve, we want little ant sized bugs to be fixed immediately, "it can't be fixed during the patch day! Must be now!".


However, is it completely necessary to have these patches this often? As said before, what game destroying bugs and issues was and or still is facing that is currently being fixed with this current patch?



No- It is not selfish to want to play when we are able to-and not wanting to have the patch occur that is causing us inconvenience. It is selfish on your part to expect Bioware to fix every bug you complain about immediately.



Just a though, really. Not trying to hold up a sign with the big words 'COME AT ME'. I am for peace and enjoyment to all who play this game. After all, it is ONLY a game. And we all share one purpose, to have fun. Though there are things that Bioware can do to help majority of the people out, we still appreciate all the work they do to improve their game and doing it as soon as possible.

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C'mon don't be like that... there's tons of American players in here getting f***ed just like you.


Yeah. I'm Australian and I'm not stupid enough to not realise there'd be more US players affected than AU players. The game isn't even officially released here yet ffs.

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