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Penalty for leaving/not taking WZs


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I am seeing players leave WZs more and more often. It appears that they are coming into the WZ, checking to see who else is in or what the status of the WZ is, and then leaving if they don't like what they see. There needs to be a penalty for doing this, as it really puts the remaining players at a huge disadvantage.


I am also seeing more and more players queueing, then not taking the WZ at all, which means we are starting short (6 or 7). Again, if someone does this, there needs to be a penalty.


I propose a penalty of something like 20 minutes where you cannot re-queue.

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There are three or four threads on this issue every day but the people creating them are putting the cart before the horse. If you want a penalty for leaving warzones then you need to ask for farming fixes first. One team should not be able to spend an entire match farming the other side.


The object of the game isn't to slaughter, it's to achieve objectives, win, and move on. If they don't change the team compositions or timer or layout of these games (none of which I see happening anytime soon if ever) then they need to let players who are getting farmed the full timer leave if they prefer to sacrifice their xp, gear, and credits rather than stay.

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as and when they ever get some stability to the game and manage to start fixing bugs without creating more at the same time they will then probably introduce some form of deserter/cowards penalty.....


Until then, introducing such a system would create even more not less QQ as a lot of people would be getting the penalty for no fault of their own.

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Dumbest idea ever. Some people do not have all night to get thrown into losing games that have already been failed by some valor farming, green gear wearing, BM scrubs. These games can still last a good 10 more minutes. That is a waste of my time, and I will not stick with it. If you don't want people like me leaving your warzones; quit dueling, go for the objectives, and get gear (legitimately, if you can handle playing fair for once).
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As soon as they fix the bugs on Ilum, exploits in PvP and the issue where WZ victories often don't count towards the daily/weekly... oh, and then they can implement a system where you don't get kicked out of a WZ when you get the Error900 disconnect, then they can look at a deserter debuff.


They can't even make the systems that they have right now work properly. Half the time their fixes either don't work or create more problems. Fix what you have first, then you can consider new mechanics or systems.

Edited by Iriestx
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There are three or four threads on this issue every day but the people creating them are putting the cart before the horse. If you want a penalty for leaving warzones then you need to ask for farming fixes first. One team should not be able to spend an entire match farming the other side.


The object of the game isn't to slaughter, it's to achieve objectives, win, and move on. If they don't change the team compositions or timer or layout of these games (none of which I see happening anytime soon if ever) then they need to let players who are getting farmed the full timer leave if they prefer to sacrifice their xp, gear, and credits rather than stay.


Also a good point. Both things need to be addressed. You should rewarded better for finishing the match as quickly as possible, not for dragging it out to earn more medals. Until that happens, the farming will continue.


And yes to the OP's point. This has been happening even before the 50 bracket was introduced. If people noticed other people under 50 they were dropping. Now, they just check to see HP to check for fresh 50s.

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As soon as I no longer crash to desktop or to login screen during or while joining / leaving then sure (note: not claiming it always happens, but I'm sure we've all either had matches where everyone who joined got booted to char select or seen it discussed in general when someone who had it asks if others had it too).



Until then, no.

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Dumbest idea ever. Some people do not have all night to get thrown into losing games that have already been failed by some valor farming, green gear wearing, BM scrubs. These games can still last a good 10 more minutes. That is a waste of my time, and I will not stick with it. If you don't want people like me leaving your warzones; quit dueling, go for the objectives, and get gear (legitimately, if you can handle playing fair for once).


You only get penalized if you leave after the match starts or after you FIRST enter the WZ. This way you can see who you're playing with first.



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As soon as I no longer crash to desktop or to login screen during or while joining / leaving then sure (note: not claiming it always happens, but I'm sure we've all either had matches where everyone who joined got booted to char select or seen it discussed in general when someone who had it asks if others had it too).



Until then, no.



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It would all so help if we was not auto forced in to huttball 9/10 games as i just auto exit huttball not wasting a good 10mins with the most stupid people in the world.


Hell in fact i would like to ask for an exit button so i am not forced to wait for the auto kick or have to log out just to avoid huttball.

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I am seeing players leave WZs more and more often. It appears that they are coming into the WZ, checking to see who else is in or what the status of the WZ is, and then leaving if they don't like what they see. There needs to be a penalty for doing this, as it really puts the remaining players at a huge disadvantage.


I am also seeing more and more players queueing, then not taking the WZ at all, which means we are starting short (6 or 7). Again, if someone does this, there needs to be a penalty.


I propose a penalty of something like 20 minutes where you cannot re-queue.


Although a noble idea, this will cripple PvP. Right now with so much faction imbalance, the only way the underdog faction can conceivable get 3 warzone wins is if they shrewdly leave warzones that are going to be a waste of time. You think a daily PvP quest 3-5 hours to complete now? Imagine what a deserter debuff will do.

Edited by Turando
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Hell in fact i would like to ask for an exit button so i am not forced to wait for the auto kick or have to log out just to avoid huttball.


Right click the same button you use to join a warzone. The option to leave it is displayed there.

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People leave because they are not enjoying themselves, you shouldn't have to stay in wz where you are obviously outmatched because no matchmaking system can create fair teams.


At least on my server the leave rarely leads to some crippling disadvantage, it's not like they are taking away anything from the person who wants to stay.


Don't forget, if you punish leavers, players will just afk in warzones - which is even worse than the current system because you won't get replacement players.

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It would all so help if we was not auto forced in to huttball 9/10 games as i just auto exit huttball not wasting a good 10mins with the most stupid people in the world.


Hell in fact i would like to ask for an exit button so i am not forced to wait for the auto kick or have to log out just to avoid huttball.


^This. There is a limit of how much huttball I can take. So I either give up trying to play pvp or sit through another round of huttball which is the most annoying game ever invented.

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I am seeing players leave WZs more and more often. It appears that they are coming into the WZ, checking to see who else is in or what the status of the WZ is, and then leaving if they don't like what they see. There needs to be a penalty for doing this, as it really puts the remaining players at a huge disadvantage.


I am also seeing more and more players queueing, then not taking the WZ at all, which means we are starting short (6 or 7). Again, if someone does this, there needs to be a penalty.


I propose a penalty of something like 20 minutes where you cannot re-queue.


So I am close to 50. I need to maximumize my valor = accomadations prior to hitting the next tier. entering a wz with no chance to win and half through means I am getting less medals, less valor, less, less, less.


If you want to let me decide to accept or decline the wz results fine. But if I am playing with the lvl 50 bracket in mind and have little time left to get as prepared as possible I need to be able to only select new wz to que to. No offense but lately I've been leaving wz were the match would hurt my goals.


I appreciate the sentiment, but give how pvp gearing is setup you need to leave a bad situation. A bunch of under level players? No healing? Against a guild team using Vent/TS + 1 or 2 good players? Nope. Not sticking around to get killed and no medals. They can get there medals without me to farm.


If its even and we lose I stay. I can still get my medals. If I am just raw meat in 3-1 fights with pure choas as a repub strategy?


No way should I have to stay for that.

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As soon as they fix the bugs on Ilum, exploits in PvP and the issue where WZ victories often don't count towards the daily/weekly... oh, and then they can implement a system where you don't get kicked out of a WZ when you get the Error900 disconnect, then they can look at a deserter debuff.


They can't even make the systems that they have right now work properly. Half the time their fixes either don't work or create more problems. Fix what you have first, then you can consider new mechanics or systems.


Agreed...Bioware shouldn't even consider deesrter debuffs or AFK reporting until they fix the Voidstar bomb plant exploit, the numbers exploit, the fact that you can win 20 warzones and have zero count. Adding more stuff on top of stuff that is already broken is pointless. I already only warzone queue in premades, because on an average day, I need six wins to get 3 wins to count. I don't have time to solo queue with people wearing level 35 gear, just to play thirty-plus games to have three wins count. I enjoy PvP, and I solo queued my way to battlemaster prior to 1.1, but not having your wins count make me want to slaughter colonies of cute bunny rabbits in hopes that the gaming gods will help me.


Penalties now just will make things longer. One of the core problems with people leaving is that the dailies/weekly bags are based off wins, especially for battlemaster bags. There is simply no reason to stay in a warzone with solo-queued lvl 50s, who have 11.2k hp. If it's a guild group, then they may offset that.


If the system was more like WAR or WoW, which was based off just point farming(which would probably lead to more AFKers), then win or lose, people would stay, at the very least more than now. Right now with all the bugs and exploits, it's a better time-investment to leave the queue, and requeue a bit later to avoid subsequent queues with the same useless people.


The system is at fault, because it is broken and facilitates these actions. You have to attack the core of the problem not just keep bandaging things.

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Honestly I don't give a damn WHY people leave early, there needs to be something to stop them from doing it over and over.


I am seriously tired of sitting in queue for 15-20 minutes only to get a pop, come in and find I'm in a lost match with 45 seconds left on the clock. I get crap for my 15-20 minute wait, and then have to do it all over again.


This last Saturday I had 6....SIX...of these back to back. A waste of 2+ hours of my time sitting around waiting for whoever the ******* is that quits in the last minute to open a spot.

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A better sollution:


once a WZ started do not allow new people to join. If a player leaves then that team will play with 9.


Ofcourse, DO NOT start the WZ untill there are 10 people in each team.


I don't wanna join a loosing game because someone bailed out at 2-0. Of course i will leave too the moment i enter and see the score.


I'm against the deserter debuff too: is not your fault that 5 from your team are beginners and because of them the match is lost, at least in a random match. If you get in as a premade then yes, you should get a deserter debuff of at least 2 hours :D

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Simply changing the quest to be number of matches instead of wins, the problem would be largely solved and they can use metrics to determine what that number would be to keep it relatively the same amount of effort as it is now.


Also I would like to see after X number of minutes the game stop trying to fill the empty slots, so that if folks leave and the match becomes unbalanced, which it likely already was or people wouldn't leave, then the match will end and folks can move on, rather then keep funneling folks into a lost match.


In other words there are different ways of fixing the problem, without resorting to a deserter buff.

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