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WHY so many tokens at bags?what about the ppl that worked hard for their gear?


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u also didnt get it.


i like that now i have more ppl to compete.


what i dont like is that u can do it in one day.


Can you blame me for "not getting it"? Your grammar is atrocious! :cool:


If you like having a more even playing field and having more competitors, why do you care how long it takes them to gear up? In an ideal (actual) PvP system there would be no gear anyway and everyone would always have equal (or no) stats. The concept of gearing up to play is a PvE system that has been pushed into PvP creating the bastard child (CvC) that we have today.

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You now are forced to run warzones to get your bags. And of course warzones are still broken. Wins don't always count and many people see exceptionally high loss to win ratios.


Not to mention the horrible fps issues some of us are experiencing.


Nevertheless, the gear change is nice. Now everyone can easily equip with basic pvp gear, and work hard for higher and very hard for top notch pvp gear.


Which is the way it is supposed to be. And not: Hi Noob, we are the BMs, 3 seconds => see you again after you respawn.

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I say pick an item to be upset about and stick to it ...... your all over the place.


15 tokens in one bag is really for cenarian gear ... not champion gear.

7 tokens is what we get in a bag for champion gear.


I've gotten like 15 bags with only 1 gear drop for the champion gear.

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If you actually care at all about competitive PvP, you should be happy that everyone will be geared - because when you kill somebody, it means you might actually possess skill - not just a higher % of expertise.


Can we lock this and move on?


Bingo. And if you really consider yourself a dedicated pvp'er how can you 100% throw your lot in with the current system? I am a pvp'er and am waiting to see what they do before I say this is my mmorpg home for the next couple years. Tick tock.

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I don't know about that. EVE uses that very system. New players can and will never be on the same level playing field as players who joined days, weeks, months, or even years before them.


Totally incorrect definition. And total misunderstanding of EVE learning progress. Even if you playing 100kk+ SP char, it doesn't mean that someone with only 10kk SP will not write KM with your name on killboard ;). EVE is all about your playing skills, not skill points. Older characters only gives you freedom to use more ships, tactics, professions, etc.


So it's very incorrect example.


PS How about REAL hardcore mode here? Dropping your loot after death on Ilum, for example?:D

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You didn't work hard, you got lucky.


i wasnt lucky my friend .i was 65 valor with half champ and hal cent when new 50s had better gear than me with luck


I WAS PATIENT and w8ed for 60 valor so i can choose the gear i miss.


im 69 valor now and have 10 BMs. i wasnt lucky i worked HARD for it .

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i wasnt lucky my friend .i was 65 valor with half champ and hal cent when new 50s had better gear than me with luck


I WAS PATIENT and w8ed for 60 valor so i can choose the gear i miss.


im 69 valor now and have 10 BMs. i wasnt lucky i worked HARD for it .


can you stop typing like an 8 year old girl... its annoying.




the world

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well nice once more ppl cried so much that ANOTHER challenging to gear up game had to nerf their system so the majority of casual players can gear UP almost EQUAL with hardcore ones.


Pffft, "hardcore players" had it the easiest out of anyone because they could just beat up on level 15's while they were 50.

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i wasnt lucky my friend .i was 65 valor with half champ and hal cent when new 50s had better gear than me with luck


I WAS PATIENT and w8ed for 60 valor so i can choose the gear i miss.


im 69 valor now and have 10 BMs. i wasnt lucky i worked HARD for it .


I really dont think you understand the concept of 'working hard'


For one, this is a game, not a job,


Secondly, you either get lucky and get your gear, or you dont. thats RNG.


From reading your posts it seems you want the best gear and expect that because of your lovely VR60+ rank, you should have the privilege to automatically win every fight you are involved in.


Work - you put the effort in you get rewarded

RNG - you may or may not get what you want regardless of time spent or 'work' put in to it

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Are you actually complaining that RNG was more fair to "Dedicated/Hardcore" players than having a set grind from bag tokens?


Thissss... Sooooo hardddd Thissssss......


People still complain and want the RNG system back. I cannot believe this. You honestly have no idea how gearing up should work if you believe in the RNG system they had.

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Pffft, "hardcore players" had it the easiest out of anyone because they could just beat up on level 15's while they were 50.




Plus easy mode Ilum daily/weekly.

Plus earning more commendations for losing WZs.

Plus Ilum gankfest day.

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haha at the post that said :i just dinged and i can now pvp with u with same chances.



this game (like all games) is full of ppl that only look how to gear up fast-play for one moth- quit the game.


ill say something now for all of u to get it.



i wasnt lucky cause my 1st BM came at 65 lvl.


ive opened TONS of bags and that means ive played WZs non stop and did also open pvp to get the valor i am now so in new patch to be ready for war-hero items.


this is WHAT WORK means.


if u cant get it then im sorry u all are casual players that wants easy mode games ,and your excuses are pathetic.


i didnt like RNG cause i was 65 and had only 5 champs. and i had more than 20 items in my bank that i already had geared.


what i liked is that AT LEAST at 60 u had the choise (IF U WERE HARDCORE AND LUCKY) to get the items u needed.


now its over...even my grandmother can get the gear that some ppl suffered to get.


continue your WOW posts i so enjoy them.


ppl thats wants easy gear will never be pvp players ,never.sorry.


they wont ever get it.for them its a word they simply dont understand.


ps:i dont say i aprooved illum or RNG .all im saying is that AT LEAST i new what i had to do to gear up.if i didnt like i wouldnt do it.NOW all can gear up in one day.

i hope some of u uses at least 1% of their brains to get it.

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It's not easier, it's less frustrating. I already got all my gear, but if this was implemented first I think it would've caused a lot less heartache. But now I know when I get my next char to 50 I can get gear linearly and not cross my figners and hope for luck.
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no ofc no.im rng i didnt aproove but somehow it made gear hard to get.


im complaing for this new patch that even my grandmothr can gear up now.


WHY always a nerf must go from one side to the opposite one ?isnt there a mid choise?


15 tokens with 1 bag is silly..


15 Centurian tokens that will buy gear that any dedicated/hardcore player would not want (i'm starting to use them for my companions).


You only get 7 Champion tokens. Since I need the Lightsabre still I need 123 for one item. that's still alot of bags but it's better than not knowing if it will be 1 bag or 200.

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well nice once more ppl cried so much that ANOTHER challenging to gear up game had to nerf their system so the majority of casual players can gear UP almost EQUAL with hardcore ones.




so now as customer i would like to ask BIO and EA some QS:


before u did this crap havent u considered that at WOW ppl quiited game when gear became so easy?and not only there.


when will companies realize thats its not ALWAYS good to listen to hello kitty online players thats wants to gear up in 2 weeks?

CAUSE i can tell u that after that 100% they will quit the game.


DEDICATED players were always the semi-core to hardcore ones... ALWAYS. at PVP or PVE doesnt change the result.


casual players are casual players they come and go..


thank u so much that u made me open hundreds of bags to have 10 BM items when im lvl 70(valor)...and now ppl can take almost same gear in 1 day(weekly QS)


i wouldnt mind it if there were war hero items out there ,so centurion and champion would be easier BUT with some VALOR rank requirment.


but no its free for ppl with 10 valor rank to get it. or even with 1.


now that u will loose dedicated pvp players(already i saw hardcore pvp guild from REPS quitting their guilds and leaving the game) lets see what u will do.


ILLUM doesnt YET offer us nothing cause of the unballanced of our server.


PS: i dont care for posts like "QQ no lifer now we can play and BIO did well etc etc"


im used of this.BUT i will ask u something.IF they give pvp players the chance to gear up with TOP PVE gear ,doing normal instances..HOW U WILL FEEL?


ask yourselfs this Q.i bet my *** u will ragequit the game and search for a new one.


BIO and EA must get that PVP AND PVE are 2 seperate things with 2 SEPERATE kind of ppl and needs 2 SEPERATE treatment.


ps:2 easy pvp gears with 2 hard ones i can understand.but 2 easy ones with 1 normal one SORRY i dont get it.how u will keep me in this game if i dont do PVE at all ?with illum??


fix the damn OPEN pvp with objectives or copy paste WH i dont care cause now we are quitting cause of boredom and zero challenge AND MOST OF US cause u mixed casula players with hardcore ones at PVP.


over and out.


Maybe because the rng bag system sucked and it will help new players gear faster and stop making whine threads? I am a battlemaster republic side and this does not bother me. You talk of "work" which basically consists of playing alot of pvp. If you love it it's not work, and if you think that is work I'd wager you've never done a days work in your life. Pvp gear is easy to obtain but the gear difference between new and old was too steep - so it got changed and it benefits all.

If you are offended that it's a little easier for newer players to be more competitive and make more of contribution to your team then I don't know what to suggest. These changes are good for pvp, if your any good then nothing to worry about.

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I was 0-30 for my last 30 bags. Had 3 unique items out of 50+ bags.


My friend had gotten 10 unique pieces of champion gear out of 20 bags.


Yeah... it was more skill-based before.


OMG...but it's sooooo hard opening those bags just right...maybe you just need to l2open.



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15 Centurian tokens that will buy gear that any dedicated/hardcore player would not want (i'm starting to use them for my companions).


You only get 7 Champion tokens. Since I need the Lightsabre still I need 123 for one item. that's still alot of bags but it's better than not knowing if it will be 1 bag or 200.


at 60 valor u get 15 champs tokens.

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"worked so hard for their gear" means you've gotten lucky on the RNG on the old bag system?


Sorry, for folks the "worked" hard doesn't mean you get to stay on top forever, no people have to still work very hard, but have a more predictable means to progress in gear without getting frustrated.

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ps:i dont say i aprooved illum or RNG .all im saying is that AT LEAST i new what i had to do to gear up.if i didnt like i wouldnt do it.NOW all can gear up in one day.

i hope some of u uses at least 1% of their brains to get it.


lol at one day.


Centurion is still trash gear, and it takes like 9-10 champion bags for 1 champion piece.

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