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WHY so many tokens at bags?what about the ppl that worked hard for their gear?


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The day before the patch i opened my first 4 bags, and got 3 champ gears lol....

Yesterday i opened 1 bag and got 1 champ gear lolol.

Wish me luck for today :)..

I didnt work hard for my champ gear. I was lucky (extremely).

To the OP this seems a progressive way of getting your gear. The old way was luck.

The old way worked for me, but i can see that some people have been getting allot less from the bags than i have, for instance 100 bags for 0.... That is simply terrible, I would class that player a dedicated pvper :)

I like the way it is now because it is fair, end of!.



On an additional note, this is my 2nd lvl 50, first 1 was built on a pve server,(end game sucked)

Had to rerole on a pvp server. I have 39 Valor and hit 2 nights ago!.

I class myself as a so called hard core pvper. And i Like it, because it gives us new challenges.

Within the next couple of patches we will have new equipment and this story and thread will be dead, there will be a new 1 stating how op the new stuff is lol...

Edited by LeonWales
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The only way to have "SKILL" based loot is when 1.2 comes out and we have ranked teams, and they give gear based on your PVP rank.


There is no skill required for PVP gear. Before it was dumb luck now its just patience.


Pick your poison. Patience at least guarantees you to have some competitiveness later. Plus who pvp's in all Champ? Throw some Rakata in there.

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Allow me to make this make sense for you...


# of hardcore players < # of casuals

Hardcore subscription price = Casual subscription price

Money earned from hardcore kids < Money made from casuals

Pandering to hardcore players < Pandering to casuals


This all = Casuals are more important. If facebook was all DOS and code based text docs all the hardcore computer nerds would love it but they other 100,000,000 subscribers would be gone. Understand? This is a business not a game.


if the hardcore get annyed and leave the game is dead.


pandering to the casual is bad for buisness.when was the last time you played a game because it was easy?


if bioware listens to the casual babys then this games is already dead.

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The only way to have "SKILL" based loot is when 1.2 comes out and we have ranked teams, and they give gear based on your PVP rank.


There is no skill required for PVP gear. Before it was dumb luck now its just patience.


Pick your poison. Patience at least guarantees you to have some competitiveness later. Plus who pvp's in all Champ? Throw some Rakata in there.


1.1.2 is out o0 Patched yesterday!

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I am not hardcore PvP, I do my dailies and then some extra Warzones if time permits and that is about it. But I do consider myself a good player and know how to throw the ball in hutt ball as well as wait to catch the ball.


Anyways, the old way of RNG really was a crap shoot, my friend in his first 6 bags got the following. Champion Mainhand & Offhand, Chest, Boots and one that just had comms


So day one at 50 without saving his bags got more geared than I was over 2 weeks in PvP.


The RNG system works if there is arguments or code that looks upon your valor rank/time played, gear you have ect and then caculated a roll but that is still RNG and always will be.


Here at least you get to spend the comms on what you want and fill the gaps you need to fill. I hated the fact that I got 5 off hand weapons and with only 3 tokens a bag it was pretty hard to get items and sometimes not really worth it if you have Greater than 126 from hardmodes and raids because the stats might outweigh the expertise bonus you get.


I just started playing the game a month ago yesterday, I know this because I got billed and I got my founders title, in that time I managed to hit level 50, and get an extertise rating of 11.70%


However all the gear in the world is not going to change the outcome of a Warzone, if you don't do the following


*Kill the healer first

*Focus targets

*Fight on cap points

*calling out incomings

*Take the correct speeder to the location you are assinged to

*Intrrupting casts

*Group with the player who has the ball

*Run past the fire

*Pass the ball

*Wait for the ball

*Get open

ect... a team that does all that will roll you no matter if the other team is in full battlemaster.


The gear does not make the player the player makes the player the gear just helps a really good player become even better.

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To be honest with you - if they were just going to make this gear so easy to get (which... isn't THAT much easier) then they should just take it out of the game to begin with. Why? Let's look at why they're making it easier.




There. That about sums it up. Removing this garbage from the game will do a lot of things.


1. Classes won't have to be nerfed.... ever.

2. Classes won't be OP... ever.

3. Classes won't be UP... ever.

4. PvP can be about having fun... not grinding.


For those of you who don't get it... Expertise is essentially, a soft Gear-Score rating. Remember that? Remember all the crap it caused? Someone of you hardcore folk love it... but it's pointless. It does nothing for anyone.


Tell me if you've heard this one in SWTOR...


"You really need to get Gear if you expect to roll with us in the REAL WZ competitions/Ops/Flashpoints."


Sound familiar? It should. Because that's exactly what it is...

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BM gear is still exactly as hard to get, all this does is lower the absurd gear gap between new pvp'ers and longtime ones by letting people get into serviceable Cent/Champ gear more reliably/quickly. You'll still have "OMGMYSHINIEZ" over other people if you have BM gear.


The new system is a vast improvement. It should still be easier to get basic PvP gear without any comms fresh at 50 so new people aren't just cannon fodder, but this is a huge improvement. It preserves progression, lowers the gear gap, and makes advancement more predictable. This was a great move.1

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i must be happy?no my frienf im not.i want to know what kind of game i play.an easy one to gear up or a hard one,from day1.


yes i might enjoy now that ppl are harder to kill but who told u that its fair for me to gear up so hard and from now on ppl wil lgear up so easily?and its now after 1 -2-3-4 years of the game.its after 2 months.


You didnt gear up hard, no one did.

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From the urban dictionary.


Tzou: An insult to chinese people. Can be very dangerous if you use this against Dene Tzou.


It explains much.



i took tzou as nick cause its a shortcut from an old cartton i used to watch.


u are stupid if u think i took it to insult other ppl.


or u are someone that is looking to insult others with any way he can find.

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Whines about whiners are the best (though my own whine about a whine about whiners may be even better). I for one am glad that there are no additional tiers of PvP gear yet, leave them out imo until they have the time to fix other issues in PvP, less things to fix later. Once the game's PvP is somewhat stable then yeah sure put out new sets or at least new types of rewards.
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It's the simple minded that don't realize that this is actually a better system. Last night I completed my weekly and my daily at the same time, 4 bags to open. At first I was like WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF no item. Then I remembered more coms drop, 35 champ coms. That to me is more than worth it as I'm not BM yet and I am missing a three pieces of champ gear and my main hand weapon. Now I can grind bags, know that I'll get champ comms and actually be able to buy the piece I want. That's much better than the four off hand light sabers I have....this is a fix people.
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haha i dont wanna say again what i said at least 20 times till now.


just read some more posts and u will understand.


i dont aproove RNG system and luck causr at my 65 valor i had only 5 camps and 300 exp.


so ofc NO i didnt like it.


what im trying to say is that ,as it is now u can get full champ gear in one week period,thats all,while i had to open hundreds of them and be lucky ..


well as 65 with 300 exp i think i wasnt.


was i the stupid one to play from day one pvp ?and the newcomer is the smart one?


if yes im w8ing a "yes" from and admin ,so i can continue in another game or w8 for arenas (which) i hate but as it is now i really want them cause i need some challenge.


Here's the thing, I am like 4 for 40 on champ bags prior to yesterday with one a duplicate. I have a friend whom started a while ago whom is almost 50 this benefits him and I am happy for that, yeah it sucks for those that had bad rng. But I LIKE PvPing, so what else would I be doing anyway? Picking flowers? I bought the Cent chest and Legs, but heck doing the Ilum daily, weekly and Wz dails I got enough Cent tokens pretty much in what it took me a week to get previously, its a *** lol but oh well.


It is good for the game, I want to have fun and fair PvP giving people cent gear helps with that some. Now if they could just stop the AFKers. Oh they got 2 nodes right away, lets leave....

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Where does this... I suffered so everyone else should have to suffer too...crap come from. It is childish. The system sucked, they made it better. That sucks for some of the non exploiting non first 50's that got roflstomped and played the bag lottery.


We understand it sucked, but you are geared now...it is over.

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at 60 valor u get 15 champs tokens.


I thought you were arguing that this hurt hardcore players. Are you now just saying that hardcore players with bad luck (like ones that still need champion gear) should be screwed?

Besides after level 60 aren't you looking for BM items?

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Are you actually complaining that RNG was more fair to "Dedicated/Hardcore" players than having a set grind from bag tokens?


Not for nothing but my feeling is that the new system still sucks! Either way you slice it the whole PvP system is terrible. They just tried to refresh it a bit, but nothing actually changed in the grand scheme. They agrivated more people (myself included)


The main focus should be how to fix warzones, and giving Ilum an objective based bonuses for holding it.

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well nice once more ppl cried so much that ANOTHER challenging to gear up game had to nerf their system so the majority of casual players can gear UP almost EQUAL with hardcore ones.



Speaking of cying, alot of player have been afraid their gear advantage is getting reduced and thus you have this ^


Saying its a challenge to gear up in this game is as much of a joke as the "world pvp"which on most servers consist of two groups standing still and taking turns capping and AoEing each other for Valor.


questions for you:

1) how did you earn the gear?

a) grind Bm gear off lowbies when the WZ was 10-50?

b) kill/cap trade in Ilum?

c) from pvping vs other 50s?


Posts that are about losing gear advantage, i would typically say a) or b)



Something for you to think about, if you actually enjoy pvp, wouldnt you want it to be evenly matched? Or you simply prefer to outgear and faceroll? If its the latter of the two, then sorry that you have to rely on a gear to be good.

Edited by Brutem
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well nice once more ppl cried so much that ANOTHER challenging to gear up game had to nerf their system so the majority of casual players can gear UP almost EQUAL with hardcore ones.




so now as customer i would like to ask BIO and EA some QS:


before u did this crap havent u considered that at WOW ppl quiited game when gear became so easy?and not only there.


when will companies realize thats its not ALWAYS good to listen to hello kitty online players thats wants to gear up in 2 weeks?

CAUSE i can tell u that after that 100% they will quit the game.


DEDICATED players were always the semi-core to hardcore ones... ALWAYS. at PVP or PVE doesnt change the result.


casual players are casual players they come and go..


thank u so much that u made me open hundreds of bags to have 10 BM items when im lvl 70(valor)...and now ppl can take almost same gear in 1 day(weekly QS)


i wouldnt mind it if there were war hero items out there ,so centurion and champion would be easier BUT with some VALOR rank requirment.


but no its free for ppl with 10 valor rank to get it. or even with 1.


now that u will loose dedicated pvp players(already i saw hardcore pvp guild from REPS quitting their guilds and leaving the game) lets see what u will do.


ILLUM doesnt YET offer us nothing cause of the unballanced of our server.


PS: i dont care for posts like "QQ no lifer now we can play and BIO did well etc etc"


im used of this.BUT i will ask u something.IF they give pvp players the chance to gear up with TOP PVE gear ,doing normal instances..HOW U WILL FEEL?


ask yourselfs this Q.i bet my *** u will ragequit the game and search for a new one.


BIO and EA must get that PVP AND PVE are 2 seperate things with 2 SEPERATE kind of ppl and needs 2 SEPERATE treatment.


ps:2 easy pvp gears with 2 hard ones i can understand.but 2 easy ones with 1 normal one SORRY i dont get it.how u will keep me in this game if i dont do PVE at all ?with illum??


fix the damn OPEN pvp with objectives or copy paste WH i dont care cause now we are quitting cause of boredom and zero challenge AND MOST OF US cause u mixed casula players with hardcore ones at PVP.


over and out.


Sounds like you need 2 seperate treatments


Electricity and water!

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To all the people who "worked hard" for their gear, it's a game, not work....


Shhh... don't ruin their delusions. They actually didn't work hard at all *snicker*. Half of them exploited, and the other half benefited from their loose change.

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Stop abusing the words "hard work".


Playing a video game for many hours is not "hard work". It is entertainment.


If you were skilled pvp player, you would not be concerned about gear parity.




Edit: And the rush to 50s fought so hard to get those bags with the patty cake Ilum objective swaps.

Edited by Ravenolf
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well nice once more ppl cried so much that ANOTHER challenging to gear up game had to nerf their system so the majority of casual players can gear UP almost EQUAL with hardcore ones.




so now as customer i would like to ask BIO and EA some QS:


before u did this crap havent u considered that at WOW ppl quiited game when gear became so easy?and not only there.


when will companies realize thats its not ALWAYS good to listen to hello kitty online players thats wants to gear up in 2 weeks?

CAUSE i can tell u that after that 100% they will quit the game.


DEDICATED players were always the semi-core to hardcore ones... ALWAYS. at PVP or PVE doesnt change the result.


casual players are casual players they come and go..


thank u so much that u made me open hundreds of bags to have 10 BM items when im lvl 70(valor)...and now ppl can take almost same gear in 1 day(weekly QS)


i wouldnt mind it if there were war hero items out there ,so centurion and champion would be easier BUT with some VALOR rank requirment.


but no its free for ppl with 10 valor rank to get it. or even with 1.


now that u will loose dedicated pvp players(already i saw hardcore pvp guild from REPS quitting their guilds and leaving the game) lets see what u will do.


ILLUM doesnt YET offer us nothing cause of the unballanced of our server.


PS: i dont care for posts like "QQ no lifer now we can play and BIO did well etc etc"


im used of this.BUT i will ask u something.IF they give pvp players the chance to gear up with TOP PVE gear ,doing normal instances..HOW U WILL FEEL?


ask yourselfs this Q.i bet my *** u will ragequit the game and search for a new one.


BIO and EA must get that PVP AND PVE are 2 seperate things with 2 SEPERATE kind of ppl and needs 2 SEPERATE treatment.


ps:2 easy pvp gears with 2 hard ones i can understand.but 2 easy ones with 1 normal one SORRY i dont get it.how u will keep me in this game if i dont do PVE at all ?with illum??


fix the damn OPEN pvp with objectives or copy paste WH i dont care cause now we are quitting cause of boredom and zero challenge AND MOST OF US cause u mixed casula players with hardcore ones at PVP.


over and out.




For the sake of your economic future, you should have been as "hard core" in school as you are with PvP.


Video games are not "work", you're deluding yourself believing this fallacy.


I don't envy your future kid, life's going to take a big hairy dump in your mouth.

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