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SAGE Lightning


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First of all, I hope we can all agree the pebbles and television throwing is just lame for light side.


Force lightning needs to be implemented for the sage. Throw out the garbage animations they have already, and give them lightning. It's in the films, light side can cast lightning as well, I don't see this being an issue.


This would boost the class appeal and bring back some much needed balance from many stand points both animation wise, class wise, and encourage players to revive a dying class.

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Honestly, I think throwing rocks/debris is so much cooler than lightning.


Casting pure energy has been done to death in so many fantasy MMO's, mostly mages. It's just lame to me now. Dealing with solid matter/projectiles is fresher to me.


As long as they speed up the sage animation so that the actual move is on par with sorc's, I say keep as is.

Edited by Stenrik
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Jedi Consular using Force Lightning would seem very non-canon.. :o


There's a few other things they could try. Have the rocks come in from 360 degrees, instead of just one flat direction. Or could change it to invisible kinetic blows (think of it as solid air) striking quickly and repeatedly all over their body.


Ultimately, I doubt they will ever change the animation though.

Edited by Scrobes
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I think to see a hailstorm of sorts (devs could have alot of fun playing with that one) but for a barrage of hail or icecles to fall out of the sky (perhaps meteors as well would work better) That would be much better and funner and not break cannon with light side using lightning.
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First of all, I hope we can all agree the pebbles and television throwing is just lame for light side.


No I don't think we will all agree to that at all. I rather like the way it looks. The only thing that needs to be done is change when the damage is applied from project.


It's in the films, light side can cast lightning as well, I don't see this being an issue.


Exactly which movie did you see a light side Jedi use force lightning? According to every bit of cannon I've seen, force lightning is not something light side jedi use.

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I want force tear your arms from your body.


Seriously, Jedi can lift Spaceships with the force, but they can't dismember a bounty hunter with a thought when he has no force defense?


OR how about a force jump that we see in everyone other star wars game and in most of the movies? Unfair to other classes? Give them jet packs with limited duration fuel.

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Keep "Project" (the yanking from the ground of boulders, droids, containers, etc.).

Change "Telekinetic Throw" to something more 1.) visible, 2.) cooler.


I'm also tired of the Telekinetic Throw's mis-aimed visual animation that either goes the wrong direction or is shown from the side of my character instead of from my character.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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Keep "Project" (the yanking from the ground of boulders, droids, containers, etc.).

Change "Telekinetic Throw" to something more 1.) visible, 2.) cooler.


i agree ...


i would make suttle changes ...

- "Telekinetic Throw" would yank various items out of the ground


- get rid of "Project" and replace it with "Force of Nature" using various effects like a cyclone, hailstorm / blizzard, thunder & lighting ... all of which i think would be ****** (imagine seeing a hailstorm / blizzard on tatooine from a distance :eek:)


the inquisitors definitely got the cooler of the visual effects

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First of all, I hope we can all agree the pebbles and television throwing is just lame for light side.


Force lightning needs to be implemented for the sage. Throw out the garbage animations they have already, and give them lightning. It's in the films, light side can cast lightning as well, I don't see this being an issue.


This would boost the class appeal and bring back some much needed balance from many stand points both animation wise, class wise, and encourage players to revive a dying class.


In what movies did the LS characters use lightning?

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Or another angle; make it alignment dependent...


Sorc : Force Lightning: While Darkside/neutral

Sorc : Pebbles : While lightside


Sage : Force Lightning : While Darkside

Sage : Pebbles : While Lightside/Neutral


Kills two birds with one stone (no pun intended): those who complain about activation time can go dark and get lightning and would truly make a mirror class.

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Exactly which movie did you see a light side Jedi use force lightning? According to every bit of cannon I've seen, force lightning is not something light side jedi use.


Force lightning ability was not restricted to dark-siders. Jedi and other light-siders who were strong of will and character could learn this power without falling to the dark side—but its use was viewed as inherently corrupting, and most Jedi Councils forbade its use.


Some Jedi nonetheless refused to dismiss the natural power of this ability. During the Great Sith War, Jedi Master Lian Dray used force lightning against the Sith apprentice Sindra. Revan, Meetra Surik, Jolee Bindo, Bastila Shan, and Vrook Lamar were amongst its users during the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War and the First Jedi Purge. Plo Koon used this ability (which he called Electric Judgment) to subdue a criminal named Pommel, who had taken a hostage. Koon used Force lightning to knock Pommel out, yet claimed to have no plans to experiment with it in the future. Quinlan Vos could also employ this power effectively, and used it against the Anzat Jedi Volfe Karkko. Darrus Jeht also used Force lightning against the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress.


Galen Marek was an extremely gifted user of this force power, even after his conversion to the light side, rivaling Darth Sidious. He could kill foes with a single blast and was able to hit many adversaries at the same time. He was also able to deflect force lightning with his lightsaber or even with his bare hands such as during the Battle on Death Star I. He could also charge objects and people with lightning and use them as improvised grenades, and to create a shield of lightning around his body to protect himself. Marek's clone was even more proficient, being able to set stormtrooper armor on fire with the power.


Some members of the New Jedi Order such as Kyle Katarn and Jaden Korr also used Force lightning (colloquially known as "Emerald Lightning"), but it remained very controversial. Other Jedi practitioners of this power have been Relin Druur, Kyp Durron, Jaina Solo (in a black variant respectively), Jacen Solo, Mara Jade Skywalker and Luke Skywalker.


Cade Skywalker was able to use Force lighting in a unique way. Utilizing his ability to see Shatterpoints in people and objects around him, he could use lightning to heal people, bringing them back from the very edge of death, or to kill them.

Edited by Drainedsoul
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but its use was viewed as inherently corrupting, and most Jedi Councils forbade its use.


This right here proves my point nicely.


It's not something a typical LS Jedi will ever use. The fact that a few cases of LS Jedi do, doesn't change anything.

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i agree ...


i would make suttle changes ...

- "Telekinetic Throw" would yank various items out of the ground


- get rid of "Project" and replace it with "Force of Nature" using various effects like a cyclone, hailstorm / blizzard, thunder & lighting ... all of which i think would be ****** (imagine seeing a hailstorm / blizzard on tatooine from a distance :eek:)


the inquisitors definitely got the cooler of the visual effects


Why do you think there more Sith players then Republic players! skills on the sith side are so bloody awesome compared to the republic side!


Or another angle; make it alignment dependent...


Sorc : Force Lightning: While Darkside/neutral

Sorc : Pebbles : While lightside


Sage : Force Lightning : While Darkside

Sage : Pebbles : While Lightside/Neutral


Kills two birds with one stone (no pun intended): those who complain about activation time can go dark and get lightning and would truly make a mirror class.


Wow this can just be the fix !! if Jedi go dark side its more then normal he would use darkside like powers VOTE +10 BIOWARE PUT THIS IN THE GAME.!

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i think it warrants looking into more.


Truth remains that t Lightning is cool and what the Sage has at themoment doesn't quite measure up in coolness


It doesn't need to be the same though you could give the Sage one blue lightning ability and the Sorceror one projectile animtaion.


Other options incl:

1. Force heat instad of throw - you use a beam of energy instead like the light cone a torch makes in darkness.


2. Make other Sage abilities really really cool to compensate for lack of lightning.

a) Force lightsaber - he use the force to throw his weapon at an enemy and uses is deft manipulation of the force to cause the weapon to slash and melee the target at adistance while he continues to cast.


b) Projectile could instead take one enemy and throw it into another. an enemy or any loose object. If none are available then it uses the projectilve aniamtions



Some other cool Sage abilities:

Jedi Mind Trick Level 2:

1) A nearby eneemy is convinced you are a friend a lets you through without attacking

2) You grant a moment of clarity of mind to an adversary, allowing the enemy to see the truth clearly, changing his mind and instead fighting on your side.

Sorceror Version. You make the enemy think its friends are its enemy and it starts fighting them allowing you to walk through

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I think to see a hailstorm of sorts (devs could have alot of fun playing with that one) but for a barrage of hail or icecles to fall out of the sky (perhaps meteors as well would work better) That would be much better and funner and not break cannon with light side using lightning.


Just make them use the same attack that jedi sage do - that blue booble of energy. Only bit smaller, and not just one but rather few of them in rapid successon.


Problem solved.


(that attack of jedi sage is one of coolest in entire game with it's simplicity and gread sfx)

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Personally I think force lightning and all it's other forms are over used for sorcerers. Force lightning, lightning strike, lightning storm. I feel like its a novelty that ran its course, and I dont even play a sorc I just see it so much in pvp. I mean when lightning is your only weapon that's kinda lame. At least sages have different style abilities. As far as a sages abilities not being as cool or as powerful(visually) I disagree. The sages abilities are just more subtle. Project to me feels very powerful, even though it isn't flashy. Force quake is just amazing in visuals and sound. As far as telekinetic throw goes I feel it needs a visual tweak. Pebbles aren't a bad idea I just think theres way better visuals. Like instead of pebbles use the project storm animation that some enemies already have or even speed up the rate that the pebbles are projected to make it feel like you are really tearing at your opponent. I think these would be easy and effective fixes as far as class appeal go. My 3 cents Edited by kroodit
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First of all, I hope we can all agree the pebbles and television throwing is just lame for light side.


No, we don't agree on this. I quite like the boulders and crates, it fits the theme.


Force lightning needs to be implemented for the sage. Throw out the garbage animations they have already, and give them lightning. It's in the films, light side can cast lightning as well, I don't see this being an issue.


No, it doesn't. Force lightning is a dark side power, it's basically a manifestation of your rage and anger. Could a Jedi use it? Yes, of course, just like a Jedi could use Force choke.

They just wouldn't do it unless they want to risk falling to the dark side.


This would boost the class appeal and bring back some much needed balance from many stand points both animation wise, class wise, and encourage players to revive a dying class.


If I wanted lightning, I'd play a Sith...


If you want to boost the class appeal, give sages a few more saber-based abilities (e.g. a couple more melee attacks and saber throw).

Edited by Kendaric
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Or another angle; make it alignment dependent...


Sorc : Force Lightning: While Darkside/neutral

Sorc : Pebbles : While lightside


Sage : Force Lightning : While Darkside

Sage : Pebbles : While Lightside/Neutral


Kills two birds with one stone (no pun intended): those who complain about activation time can go dark and get lightning and would truly make a mirror class.


A good idea and a fair compromise to those who don't like the cheesy pebble animations.

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its a good idea especialy when alot of ppl go to the imps just shoot lighning(i did)

maybe just have it so ur abililtys change to the imps ablililtys if ur full darkside or a few lvls into darkside,somthing like that.

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