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Everything posted by bulletkuha

  1. Agreed. They're easy mode already.
  2. Hoods > Masks Hoods + Masks > Hoods > Masks <--- I mean just look at that awesome hood and mask (avatar) [Force Persuade] Bioware, you want to make hoods and full faced masks enabled at the same time.. yes you do.
  3. I'm all for appearence slots.. More variety
  4. Open with Spike - VS - VS - Discharge - Shock Spike doesnt do that much damage, but its stalls them and lets you get atleast one VS in before they're too far out of reach again. pvp is all different.. after that stealth opener, sometimes I'll hit them with low slash so I can get a nice Maul in.. but honestly guys.. I'm against opening with Maul. Maul tends to suck up the force even when you have the stealth proc regain. Use Maul when assassinate isn't up or they're semi low. And also don't rely on maul for damage.. Voltaic Slash(or w.e) hits decently. I can crit 700 - over 1k (and it hits twice) on targets. I'm in a mix of Centurion/Champion at the moment. Edit: When I open like this, if I'm lucky, I can get some nasty burst damage. -Spike will nudge their health or get close to breaking a bubble. -VSx2 will damage them down a little ways. Sometimes not much, but it can. -Discharge if you crit, you'll most likely crit pretty hard. I know ..depends. -Shock if you're spec'd like me where I have a 45% chance to have shock go off twice, it'll do its job. By then they'll be low or atleast half way and thats when you use moves like assassinate, low slash, maul, or even some more VS. This is all my opinion though.. I am no expert, but I do decently well in PvP.
  5. I would use force slow sometimes to kite them around and then just shock and discharge my way out of things.. while talos healed me.
  6. I do very well in Deception - PvP Could use more defence, but the damage crits are awesome. I can 1v1 tanks and win most the time.. they are hard to kill, and I know I'm annoying to healers.
  7. I think Sith Assassin would work pretty well.
  8. Deception is difficult to manage.. more so in PVE I say. I rather use Madness in PvE because of the AoE and DoT's. Deception PvP Madness PvP/PvE Darkness PvP/TankPvE It is missing something for PvE, but I use it anyways because dual spec isn't out yet.
  9. I'm a 50 Assassin Deception with Champion/Centurion mix and at first I also said I needed more armor, but now when I 1v1 people... not so sure anymore. I mean there are some classes out there that have way too much protection for an Assassin to take definately, but you're an Assassin you shouldn't be in face to face combat all the time expectially as Deception or Madness. Deception being more stealth oriented. Madness more caster oriended. A slight boost would help, but would it make it a little OvP?
  10. I think we should be able to wear medium armor... because the stats would suck anyways.. heavy gets to wear light armor if they like the look of it, but light armor peepz cant wear that awesome heavy medium stuff... so whats the point of putting a restriction on what kind of armor we can put on..
  11. Spamming Maul because the first 10 were half animations.. "Oh I'm going to stab this guy!.. well, maybe I shouldn't"
  12. Same here brother... 3 I've used thousands of times.. 2 I've used meh in the tens.. 1 I've used really not that much cause it cost too much .. i just smack every single person. Used in PvE.. once.. when I first bought it.. I cried later that night.
  13. Stalker.. I do fine with full stalker gear.. Just don't worry about the stats too much and try to survive using skills rather than stats.. unless your going darkness for pvp.. than forget what I say.. idk
  14. http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lo19davIFD1qlz4mvo1_500.png http://www.panelsonpages.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/star-wars-darth-maul.jpg
  15. Deception is very stealth oriented. If he wants to HacknSlash on people face to face.. honestly I say go the Darkness... You can survive a lot longer out of stealth and pull enemies to you when you want.. Deception is more.. sneak up and roll the crits out.. Yes, in there face, but you can be more in there face as a Darkness Assassin.. and... madness is more Sorcassin.. If you don't like darkness.. you can always re-spec EDIT: on the placing your points(which I missed) make sure you place only 5 points per line. There are some skill trees you can look up to see how others placed their points.
  16. I should post a screen shot with my centurion chest helm, but aldaraan social gear pants and balmora boots! looks awesome on my assassin.. I wear it when I can, but when I pvp I put the dress back on
  17. disagree.. 1-49 looks bad.. 50 pvp inquisitor looks good
  18. In the recent Q&A BioWare posted they stated that they will be making Social Armor in medium and heavy now. I think this is a bad idea... Well, if they make the social armor in medium and heavy it's just going to be like every other piece of armor out there.. not much different besides being mod-able. Its just giving the light/medium armor wearers a nerf in choice. Instead of making it light/medium/heavy ..just have it scale to whatever armor proficiency the class is... than social armor will stand out and actually have some meaning besides just being additional limited armor sets. Any thoughts?
  19. Not too unique http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd306/Nick_Sword/Screenshot_2012-02-11_15_36_36_736589.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd306/Nick_Sword/Screenshot_2012-02-11_15_36_11_140125.jpg
  20. Honestly I hate using Maul. I use it...occasionally. Pro: Hits hard when crits / Hits decent when it doesn't Con: Positioning / Force Cost I rather use other skills multiple times that cost less..
  21. I'm tired of wearing dresses.. Yeah, dresses.. most people are calling these "robes", but I'm talking about the bottom piece both sorc and assassin have to wear(sage/shadow too, but they have more pant options).
  22. Yeah I was half out of it. I realized when I came back just now... my bad. PvE is so dang bad. When I first got to imperial fleet I saw the PvP and was like, "Cool, cool". Then I walk over to the PvE counter and cried a lil.. on the inside of course. The helmets look terrible. I believe we should get something similar to what the Imperial Agents got going on.
  23. I was curious too. but that tumbler kick or whatever does do a lot of damage..
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