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Operative in PVP : A joke


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I know what you need to do to fix your situation, but you ain't going to like it because I know what kind of people you and the other people whining are like.


dont mind the OP, we dont whine. we still own you


and you are so wise o mighty being to classify ALL operatives with a prejudice.


no wonder why you chose the name obi-wan lol


and what class your highness would be playing? too ashamed to admit you are a 3 button troopard?

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I see that someone misses the pre-patch 1.1.1 Operative. Now you know what it's like to fight to get a kill.


LAWL. Agreed.


OP you have INVISIBILITYYY. Also you have one take down and 2 CCs. If you're struggling, re-roll. If you struggle with any class that uses invisibility then quit - you're a bad player. :D

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As operative, you have 2 options :


1) heal

2) dps


sure, you can do a bit of both, but let's focus on those 2 to keep on topic


1) healing

So at level 50, this is what happens :

Kolto probe on ball carrier : heals for 500 a tick, crits for 700. ( remember, 30% less heals in pvp !) Woot.. great. That's a real big difference 700 every 3 seconds or whatever it is. I'll tell you what : I don't even use Kolto probe anymore, it's completely useless , both in pvp and pve. It does a ridiculously low amount of heals. so ok, assume you get 10K heals from kolto probe, IF that.

Then you can use kolto infusion. a 2 second cast.. omg. Let's cast heal on the ball carrier : Interrupt. ****.. ok, another heal after 5 seconds ( lag / reaction time ). overloaded / pulled / stunned. Omg... this is very annoying. Let's try again. Friggin hell ! *INTERRUPT*. omg... try again !!! *stun* I give up.

I'm not even going to mention the heal that costs a TA to actviate, it's ridiculous


So healing is completely useless at level 50 for a operative.


2) dps

Wow, I can almost take down one guy. It does take ALL my cooldowns, ALL my power. and now I'm trying to regen power with 2 regen per tick. OMG... I will jump off the bridge so I get a full bar again, it's faster.


FIX OPERATIVE. I have rerolled Assassin, because I can't stand operative.


Oh ye, and we don't have a pull / push / overload etc for huttball.


Has operative been tested in pvp at all?


Op is a solo 1v1 open world prof. QQs about cool downs and grouping will never get any head room

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I play an Operative healer .. Learning when to use your mitigation skills comes with practice; as does knowing when to get out of dodge.


Sorry, I just had to stop here for a second ... "your mitigation skills"? "Dodge"?


I must have missed the mitigation skills of Operatives. Or do you call Shield Probe and Evasion mitigation skills? lol


Shield probe can block like 1k-1.5k damage (which is just 1 non-crit ability), and Evasion lasts for 3s and works mostly vs auto attacks.

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It has.


The failure in your comparison is that you seem to be basing it on Huttball, which, as an Imperial, I'm not surprised. However, that warzone is not relative to actual PvP at all, whatsoever.

Well i'm sorry, but by definition it is PVP and personally I find is the most enjoyable form of PVP currently available, I have both Assassin and Operative lvl50 at high valor ranks (48 and 55) and I can tell you there is not much difference - Assassin has better utility worse damage (even sustain).


I rerolled from Assassin and I don't regret it even post nerf, I guess I just enjoy being a sneaky ***** that stabs people.

Sorry, I just had to stop here for a second ... "your mitigation skills"? "Dodge"?


I must have missed the mitigation skills of Operatives. Or do you call Shield Probe and Evasion mitigation skills? lol


Shield probe can block like 1k-1.5k damage (which is just 1 non-crit ability), and Evasion lasts for 3s and works mostly vs auto attacks.

^ Indeed they are very useful defensive skills, not to mention flashbang which is absolutely game changing at times.

Edited by Manigma
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Nothing wrong with operative healing in PvP, you just need to manage your energy anTA closely and it's really easy. I've tend to be in the top few on heealing and I've turned so many fights around by keeping people alive with surgical probe, people underestimate it.


The only WZ I think operatives can be a bit useless in is huttball, since we lack utility. If maybe we were given a dash, similar to consulars/inquisitors, that would give concealement's a gap closer and all agents another escape mechanic, but its not really needed, if you know how to play operatives for what they are.

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^ Indeed they are very useful defensive skills, not to mention flashbang which is absolutely game changing at times.


lol is that sarcasm? A defensive skill that absorbs 1k damage and another skill that works on auto-attacks for 3s? lmao :rolleyes:

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LOL it's the same pic you keep reposting everywhere and never bother to answer anything about it ... lmao


I posted it only once before :S If you want as much information about it as I have, the original topic is here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=209892&page=2 and according to the image info it's from February 3rd.


http://i.imgur.com/vFjc4.jpg check the info on it.


I apologise if I don't recheck every single forum post I make for responses.

Edited by Beelzebubs
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As operative, you have 2 options :


1) heal

2) dps


sure, you can do a bit of both, but let's focus on those 2 to keep on topic


1) healing

So at level 50, this is what happens :

Kolto probe on ball carrier : heals for 500 a tick, crits for 700. ( remember, 30% less heals in pvp !) Woot.. great. That's a real big difference 700 every 3 seconds or whatever it is. I'll tell you what : I don't even use Kolto probe anymore, it's completely useless , both in pvp and pve. It does a ridiculously low amount of heals. so ok, assume you get 10K heals from kolto probe, IF that.

Then you can use kolto infusion. a 2 second cast.. omg. Let's cast heal on the ball carrier : Interrupt. ****.. ok, another heal after 5 seconds ( lag / reaction time ). overloaded / pulled / stunned. Omg... this is very annoying. Let's try again. Friggin hell ! *INTERRUPT*. omg... try again !!! *stun* I give up.

I'm not even going to mention the heal that costs a TA to actviate, it's ridiculous


So healing is completely useless at level 50 for a operative.


2) dps

Wow, I can almost take down one guy. It does take ALL my cooldowns, ALL my power. and now I'm trying to regen power with 2 regen per tick. OMG... I will jump off the bridge so I get a full bar again, it's faster.


FIX OPERATIVE. I have rerolled Assassin, because I can't stand operative.


Oh ye, and we don't have a pull / push / overload etc for huttball.


Has operative been tested in pvp at all?


Learn to line of sight and use positioning. No one will let you free cast right beside the carrier. What did you expect? Do all this and maybe THEN you may complain.

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Nothing wrong with operative healing in PvP, you just need to manage your energy anTA closely and it's really easy. I've tend to be in the top few on heealing and I've turned so many fights around by keeping people alive with surgical probe, people underestimate it.


The only WZ I think operatives can be a bit useless in is huttball, since we lack utility. If maybe we were given a dash, similar to consulars/inquisitors, that would give concealement's a gap closer and all agents another escape mechanic, but its not really needed, if you know how to play operatives for what they are.


and if you played a Sorc or Merc, you would be doing it significantly better at healing in PvP.

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So you are complaining because PvP is happening and people are smart enough to lock down healers... cool. I have a harder time locking down healing operatives as an assassin then I do w/ healing sorcs. Edited by venjinze
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Does anyone else here feel a sudden nostalgic longing to watch world of roguecraft again?


Honestly the more things change the more they stay the same.


Nah, Operatives are nowhere near as bad as World of Roguecraft stuff. Although Sorcs kinda remind me of old school Shadow Priests.

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The main problem with operative in pvp i think is the fact they have none of the fun mechanics other classes have. No pushes, pulls, knock backs. While you can still be effective its just not as fun especially in huttball the only real unique Warzone in the game. The others are rehashes of WoW BG's. Compound that if your empire you pretty much only get huttball it just makes it feel even worse.


Lastly there are three specs and having really only one viable is a sham. I am still trying to figure out why as a lethality operative do i have to be basically in melee to do any of my core abilities.

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-cough- apparently we are not able to do both well...


Taken from my last huttball game and remember when you look at the screen, healing gets better with expertise.




Sure I'd do more damage if I woulda stayed Scrapper, but now I'm more useful to my team and hard to kill.


What was that again about healing not getting medals too? I seem to have a fair haul.

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