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Operative in PVP : A joke


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As operative, you have 2 options :


1) heal

2) dps


sure, you can do a bit of both, but let's focus on those 2 to keep on topic


1) healing

So at level 50, this is what happens :

Kolto probe on ball carrier : heals for 500 a tick, crits for 700. ( remember, 30% less heals in pvp !) Woot.. great. That's a real big difference 700 every 3 seconds or whatever it is. I'll tell you what : I don't even use Kolto probe anymore, it's completely useless , both in pvp and pve. It does a ridiculously low amount of heals. so ok, assume you get 10K heals from kolto probe, IF that.

Then you can use kolto infusion. a 2 second cast.. omg. Let's cast heal on the ball carrier : Interrupt. ****.. ok, another heal after 5 seconds ( lag / reaction time ). overloaded / pulled / stunned. Omg... this is very annoying. Let's try again. Friggin hell ! *INTERRUPT*. omg... try again !!! *stun* I give up.

I'm not even going to mention the heal that costs a TA to actviate, it's ridiculous


So healing is completely useless at level 50 for a operative.


2) dps

Wow, I can almost take down one guy. It does take ALL my cooldowns, ALL my power. and now I'm trying to regen power with 2 regen per tick. OMG... I will jump off the bridge so I get a full bar again, it's faster.


FIX OPERATIVE. I have rerolled Assassin, because I can't stand operative.


Oh ye, and we don't have a pull / push / overload etc for huttball.


Has operative been tested in pvp at all?

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Sounds like you need some practice. I'm concealment dps and I can go most matches without dying while topping the damage meters. You need to pick your fights better. Try to hop in while someone is distracted fighting someone else. I can almost always take someone one on one but if I ever get targeted by more than one I do something to make his stop fighting me (los, stun, snare, vanish...).
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You are talking like if you are supposed to be almighty and everything fall under your feet.


Didn't you consider the fact that bringing someone down to 30% in 3sec can actually be good? Didn't you forget you have teammates?


I play a annihilation marauder, I will rarely just try and take someone from 100% to 0% I will jump on every target possible, and finish anything thats lingering. Its very effective, every WZ I get in we get around 50-60 kills and me ~450k dmg. You can pretty much do the EXACT SAME as op.

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2) dps

Wow, I can almost take down one guy. It does take ALL my cooldowns, ALL my power. and now I'm trying to regen power with 2 regen per tick. OMG... I will jump off the bridge so I get a full bar again, it's faster.


I see that someone misses the pre-patch 1.1.1 Operative. Now you know what it's like to fight to get a kill.

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I play an Operative healer, levelled completely in pvp: If you have a person on you that knows how to use there interupts, stuns, CCs etc - He will eventually take down anyone; its the whole point of having them.

Kolto Probe inst really designed to be a huge heal; Its main purpose is to proc Tactical advantage to use Surgical Probe and Stim Boost. Used correctly with your AOE and Single Target stuns makes you a true pain in the backside to kill. Learning when to use your mitigation skills comes with practice; as does knowing when to get out of dodge. In my opinion, team an operative up with a Tank class for the guard and used correctly the operative will top any healing chart going.


Keep plugging away mate, Try not to get too frustrated with it.



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Oh since we're on the topic of Operatives does anyone know the ability they have to make them immune to snares n stuns? Besides the resolve stuff...


None. There is a 100% evade for 3 seconds skill (green bubble), but you can't evade techno/force effect (all the stuns).

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I know a BM Operative who runs around with 19.5k HP with endurance stim in PvP and still manages to drop a crapton of damage... If he jumps me (BM sniper) it's the most brutal dogfight there is, I die in like 50% of the cases, draw 30% and actually manage to kill him in 20% of the cases.


No need to point out what he does to non-BMs.


I think that many Operatives who run around with 16k HP and get stomped are just doing it wrong.

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As operative, you have 2 options :


1) heal

2) dps


sure, you can do a bit of both, but let's focus on those 2 to keep on topic


1) healing

So at level 50, this is what happens :

Kolto probe on ball carrier : heals for 500 a tick, crits for 700. ( remember, 30% less heals in pvp !) Woot.. great. That's a real big difference 700 every 3 seconds or whatever it is. I'll tell you what : I don't even use Kolto probe anymore, it's completely useless , both in pvp and pve. It does a ridiculously low amount of heals. so ok, assume you get 10K heals from kolto probe, IF that.

Then you can use kolto infusion. a 2 second cast.. omg. Let's cast heal on the ball carrier : Interrupt. ****.. ok, another heal after 5 seconds ( lag / reaction time ). overloaded / pulled / stunned. Omg... this is very annoying. Let's try again. Friggin hell ! *INTERRUPT*. omg... try again !!! *stun* I give up.

I'm not even going to mention the heal that costs a TA to actviate, it's ridiculous


So healing is completely useless at level 50 for a operative.


2) dps

Wow, I can almost take down one guy. It does take ALL my cooldowns, ALL my power. and now I'm trying to regen power with 2 regen per tick. OMG... I will jump off the bridge so I get a full bar again, it's faster.


FIX OPERATIVE. I have rerolled Assassin, because I can't stand operative.


Oh ye, and we don't have a pull / push / overload etc for huttball.


Has operative been tested in pvp at all?


This a bad troll or something, i can't count the times a operative healer saved my juggernauts behinds in warzones. Or have those operatives just been particularly good at it?

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None. There is a 100% evade for 3 seconds skill (green bubble), but you can't evade techno/force effect (all the stuns).


Well [sever Force] is suppose to root them for 2 seconds regardless of resolve and just about every time I try root an Operative chasing me it doesn't work. Trying to find out why that's all.

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deal wit it, they nerfed operative so bad that he is unplayed if he doesnt use bichem, trinkets and cooldowns for 10 seconds... the rest 5 minutes you are useless


I wouldn't call it a nerf, a change maybe but not a nerf. concealment is still a killer plain and simple.

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As operative, you have 2 options :


1) heal

2) dps


sure, you can do a bit of both, but let's focus on those 2 to keep on topic


1) healing

So at level 50, this is what happens :

Kolto probe on ball carrier : heals for 500 a tick, crits for 700. ( remember, 30% less heals in pvp !) Woot.. great. That's a real big difference 700 every 3 seconds or whatever it is. I'll tell you what : I don't even use Kolto probe anymore, it's completely useless , both in pvp and pve. It does a ridiculously low amount of heals. so ok, assume you get 10K heals from kolto probe, IF that.

Then you can use kolto infusion. a 2 second cast.. omg. Let's cast heal on the ball carrier : Interrupt. ****.. ok, another heal after 5 seconds ( lag / reaction time ). overloaded / pulled / stunned. Omg... this is very annoying. Let's try again. Friggin hell ! *INTERRUPT*. omg... try again !!! *stun* I give up.

I'm not even going to mention the heal that costs a TA to actviate, it's ridiculous


So healing is completely useless at level 50 for a operative.


2) dps

Wow, I can almost take down one guy. It does take ALL my cooldowns, ALL my power. and now I'm trying to regen power with 2 regen per tick. OMG... I will jump off the bridge so I get a full bar again, it's faster.


FIX OPERATIVE. I have rerolled Assassin, because I can't stand operative.


Oh ye, and we don't have a pull / push / overload etc for huttball.


Has operative been tested in pvp at all?


Hm... Kolto Probe is great - both in PVP and in PVE.


Yes, the amount it heals is rather weak and needs buffing... but it does help. And if you have Probes up on multiple targets you get a lot of free TA all the time. (healer has it skilled)


That way you can literally Spam your energy free instant cast Heal even on targets above 30% health.


And in case you do run out of TA - just shiv some enemy or use your casted heal in order to get a fresh TA.


And if you watch your energy level its not so hard to additionally use the more expensive Nanotech. Combined with Probes and your instant cast heal thats quite some nice healing.


If you play an operative healer like a sorcerer it is no wonder you get frustrated. Ops needs a different aproach.


Additionally... in PVP warzones its about teamwork. If the other team works well together and you are left alone healing someone and have no support - you dont have a chance. But thats normal and does not mean that Operative is a bad class.


(Im only talking about heal spec)

Edited by Richelieux
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Sounds like you need some practice. I'm concealment dps and I can go most matches without dying while topping the damage meters.


I pity the people you play with then. Topping dmg as a scoundrel just means your sages/inquisitors are horribly bad and that your dps commandos/mercs lost their tracker missle/grav round bind (even tho its binded on 1-10).


Operatives/scoundrels were mediocre at best before the nerf, now they are completely useless. One role i find them good in is PvE healing.

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