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Screw this, i'm done with Warzones.


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I've really had it, this is getting ridicilous and so very irritating that i'm really considering just quitting SWTOR altogether.


Everytime I TRY to get in a warzone one of these 2 happens.


1: I get in a group with 3 people. The warzone will end prematurely but will always end in a Defeat since the opposing team consists of 8 people and they will smash your 3 player group of n00bs to bits simply because you're being overpowered. It sometimes happens that we actually get to 8 people, but this is usually after about 5 minutes by which time the Warzone is already lost OR the advantage for the opposing team is so huge that you can't win anyway.


2: Queue doesn't pop up for 3 hours and I go afk somewhere in the process. Eventually being logged out. If I DO get in a warzone, check 1 again.

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Suppose, but still, some of us, (read: me) don't like lvl'ing characters, and thats the main reason i'm not simply recreating my char on a higher population server. A transfer would be my blessing, but it would only mean this server will bleed to death more and more, only increasing warzone queue times and its problems.
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Suppose, but still, some of us, (read: me) don't like lvl'ing characters, and thats the main reason i'm not simply recreating my char on a higher population server. A transfer would be my blessing, but it would only mean this server will bleed to death more and more, only increasing warzone queue times and its problems.


Well at this time you do not have many options. I can only think of simply forcing yourself to re-level on a higher population server despite not enjoying it ...or ...you wait until transfers.


Leveling can be annoying if you've been to the same place and did the same things but there's not much you can do about it man. You seem to be killing your own experience. You weren't lucky with the server choice from the sounds.

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Your only solution at this point in time is to re-roll on another server that is high population.

I had to give up my level 50 because of the same reason you have. I know it sucks to re-roll, especially if you're doing it with the same class.


As of now, i'm glad i re-rolled onto a high populated server. Who knows when server transfers will be available.

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I feel the OP's pain. I have played on low population servers in other games and frankly it does get very frustrating.


It almost reaches a point where you know every max level player on your server who plays during your time frame.


You know who gets new gear, you know who gets new titles. Hell, you even know who is going to gank you or simply leave you alone.


All in all in makes for a very dull playing experience. It also makes for a near impossible pvp grind.


I do wish the OP well with whatever he decides. But odds are once a server in known for its low population, all other new players tend to avoid it like the plague. Transfers or simply leveling on a different server maybe the only solution.

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The new ones are that 1 team gets 12 people and one 8, and ofcource its always nice if you had a few losses and get a win vs a none premade that it does not count towards your wins. Golden =)


That last bug that the win dont count has been in the game since release, please man, ffs fix it.

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I've really had it, this is getting ridicilous and so very irritating that i'm really considering just quitting SWTOR altogether.


Everytime I TRY to get in a warzone one of these 2 happens.


1: I get in a group with 3 people. The warzone will end prematurely but will always end in a Defeat since the opposing team consists of 8 people and they will smash your 3 player group of n00bs to bits simply because you're being overpowered. It sometimes happens that we actually get to 8 people, but this is usually after about 5 minutes by which time the Warzone is already lost OR the advantage for the opposing team is so huge that you can't win anyway.


2: Queue doesn't pop up for 3 hours and I go afk somewhere in the process. Eventually being logged out. If I DO get in a warzone, check 1 again.


Obviously a Republi-puke...


Since you can't beat us, join us.... :p

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I've really had it, this is getting ridicilous and so very irritating that i'm really considering just quitting SWTOR altogether.


Everytime I TRY to get in a warzone one of these 2 happens.


1: I get in a group with 3 people. The warzone will end prematurely but will always end in a Defeat since the opposing team consists of 8 people and they will smash your 3 player group of n00bs to bits simply because you're being overpowered. It sometimes happens that we actually get to 8 people, but this is usually after about 5 minutes by which time the Warzone is already lost OR the advantage for the opposing team is so huge that you can't win anyway.


2: Queue doesn't pop up for 3 hours and I go afk somewhere in the process. Eventually being logged out. If I DO get in a warzone, check 1 again.


I didnt realize this was an issue. I have a lot of problems with the game, but this isnt even on the list.


I guess it pays off playing on the servers with the longest queues when the game launches.

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blame your 5 faction mates that did not join, not bioware.


yeah except thats not how it works or what causes it



if there are 30 republic queueing (a stretch on most servers, where there are maybe 60 level 50's online at prime time), the queue will rather split that 30 in 5 groups of 6 under the assumption more people will join. except there are no more people. so basically bioware screws over the entire republic faction at the same time with a 6 v 8


empire never have this problem due to them having a *** ton more people anyway

Edited by bicuspid
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I've really had it, this is getting ridicilous and so very irritating that i'm really considering just quitting SWTOR altogether.


Everytime I TRY to get in a warzone one of these 2 happens.


1: I get in a group with 3 people. The warzone will end prematurely but will always end in a Defeat since the opposing team consists of 8 people and they will smash your 3 player group of n00bs to bits simply because you're being overpowered. It sometimes happens that we actually get to 8 people, but this is usually after about 5 minutes by which time the Warzone is already lost OR the advantage for the opposing team is so huge that you can't win anyway.


2: Queue doesn't pop up for 3 hours and I go afk somewhere in the process. Eventually being logged out. If I DO get in a warzone, check 1 again.

You're missing the third: Only getting huttball matches.
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You're missing the third: Only getting huttball matches.


what would you prefer, 8v8 huttball over and over, or 6v8 voidstars or alderaan over and over? I'll take boredom over crippling odds anyday. Or maybe just play another game that isn't broken

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I've really had it, this is getting ridicilous and so very irritating that i'm really considering just quitting SWTOR altogether.


Everytime I TRY to get in a warzone one of these 2 happens.


1: I get in a group with 3 people. The warzone will end prematurely but will always end in a Defeat since the opposing team consists of 8 people and they will smash your 3 player group of n00bs to bits simply because you're being overpowered. It sometimes happens that we actually get to 8 people, but this is usually after about 5 minutes by which time the Warzone is already lost OR the advantage for the opposing team is so huge that you can't win anyway.


2: Queue doesn't pop up for 3 hours and I go afk somewhere in the process. Eventually being logged out. If I DO get in a warzone, check 1 again.


This is all true, you should quit warzones. Luckily you have chest clicking on Ilum to fall back to... and they wonder why this game is dead within 2 months, ROFLCOPTER

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people really need to stop rolling on low pop servers in mmo's then blaming anyone but themselves when there's nobody to play with.


mmo rule #1, join the HIGHEST pop pvp server only!


This is true, we all pay so we can sit in a queue for 2 hours.... oh wait.

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I've really had it, this is getting ridicilous and so very irritating that i'm really considering just quitting SWTOR altogether.


Everytime I TRY to get in a warzone one of these 2 happens.


1: I get in a group with 3 people. The warzone will end prematurely but will always end in a Defeat since the opposing team consists of 8 people and they will smash your 3 player group of n00bs to bits simply because you're being overpowered. It sometimes happens that we actually get to 8 people, but this is usually after about 5 minutes by which time the Warzone is already lost OR the advantage for the opposing team is so huge that you can't win anyway.


2: Queue doesn't pop up for 3 hours and I go afk somewhere in the process. Eventually being logged out. If I DO get in a warzone, check 1 again.


Do what i did. Cancel your subscription to let Bioware know this is not acceptable. Noone should have to settle and pay for a game that is clearly broken in many aspects of end game. Its a damn shame i had to but I refuse to night after night subject myself to the PvP system anymore. They have till the 18th when my account goes inactive to make some big changes or i wont renew. I suggest the same. Many good cames coming out soon.

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people really need to stop rolling on low pop servers in mmo's then blaming anyone but themselves when there's nobody to play with.


mmo rule #1, join the HIGHEST pop pvp server only!


they opened 250 servers. even if OP went to a real high pop servers, theres going to be 220 other servers with people on them, all dead. blame those people for joining a random server when the other choice was to not play at all due to 3 hour queue, or blame EA for being greedy

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