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Has Bioware failed by not having a "Recount" feature in-game?


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I has become interesting to me that so many people have compared SWTOR to WOW and said that Bioware is completely fail because it doesn't have a recount system in the game for players who raid.


I absolutely understand that Blizzard's game has this due to their reliance on the use of Addons in their game. (Don't think for a minute that Blizzard doesn't rely on addons for their game.) When you look at a bare bones stock UI though Bioware isn't missing many things in relation to Blizzard. World of Warcrafts UI without the use of any addons is pretty lazy as well. I can't think of many games that have actually done their UI very well. I would say the best so far has been RIFT.


Anyway what do you guys think? I'm not talking about opening the game to mods, but does SWTOR NEED the recount feature as long as they don't allow the use of addons/mods?




***I will probably throw some of your answers up on my site because i'm covering this topic today and tomorrow. Hopefully this isnt' against any of the sites TOS, I enjoy getting people to talk about subjects like this and SWTOR forums has a great community to do that.

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Personally, I'd love to see an add-on API implemented. If that means combat meters, great. I happen to think they're great.


If they do, I'd hope it would be a fully-featured API that lets people go nuts with what they can create, and isn't gimped just because there are a few add-ons some people don't like.


Nothing would add features to this game faster than opening it up to non-Bioware developers.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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I has become interesting to me that so many people have compared SWTOR to WOW and said that Bioware is completely fail because it doesn't have a recount system in the game for players who raid.


I absolutely understand that Blizzard's game has this due to their reliance on the use of Addons in their game. (Don't think for a minute that Blizzard doesn't rely on addons for their game.) When you look at a bare bones stock UI though Bioware isn't missing many things in relation to Blizzard. World of Warcrafts UI without the use of any addons is pretty lazy as well. I can't think of many games that have actually done their UI very well. I would say the best so far has been RIFT.


Anyway what do you guys think? I'm not talking about opening the game to mods, but does SWTOR NEED the recount feature as long as they don't allow the use of addons/mods?




***I will probably throw some of your answers up on my site because i'm covering this topic today and tomorrow. Hopefully this isnt' against any of the sites TOS, I enjoy getting people to talk about subjects like this and SWTOR forums has a great community to do that.


No. Bioware has not failed by not having a recount feature in game.

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Honestly no, they don't "need" it. Alot of the WoW folks would love it because they are so used to it, but that's about it. It's largely for the epeen crowd.


I'm perfectly happy with the dps watching things other than their raw numbers. Things like threat, CC, standing in fire etc...


The goal is for the group to kill the boss, not to top the charts.

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Personally, I'd love to see an add-on API implemented. If that means combat meters, great. I happen to think they're great.


This, this, this.


BioWare doesn't need to swoop in and implement all these features, they need to let the community do it.


One of the best things about WoW was that there was such a vibrant add-on community, and that you could basically tailor make your UI however you wanted it.


With TOR you're pidgeonholed into the BioWare UI, and whatever customizations they give you. That's fine for a single player game, but this is a game that you're going to be spending hundreds upon hundreds of hours playing, you want to make the UI your own.


People need to stop saying "oh could you add this", and they need to just ask for BioWare to make the game moddable, then the 3rd party can fill in everything you could ever want.

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I has become interesting to me that so many people have compared SWTOR to WOW and said that Bioware is completely fail because it doesn't have a recount system in the game for players who raid.


I absolutely understand that Blizzard's game has this due to their reliance on the use of Addons in their game. (Don't think for a minute that Blizzard doesn't rely on addons for their game.) When you look at a bare bones stock UI though Bioware isn't missing many things in relation to Blizzard. World of Warcrafts UI without the use of any addons is pretty lazy as well. I can't think of many games that have actually done their UI very well. I would say the best so far has been RIFT.


Anyway what do you guys think? I'm not talking about opening the game to mods, but does SWTOR NEED the recount feature as long as they don't allow the use of addons/mods?




***I will probably throw some of your answers up on my site because i'm covering this topic today and tomorrow. Hopefully this isnt' against any of the sites TOS, I enjoy getting people to talk about subjects like this and SWTOR forums has a great community to do that.



They've succeeded by not including it. :D

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I has become interesting to me that so many people have compared SWTOR to WOW and said that Bioware is completely fail because it doesn't have a recount system in the game for players who raid.


I absolutely understand that Blizzard's game has this due to their reliance on the use of Addons in their game. (Don't think for a minute that Blizzard doesn't rely on addons for their game.) When you look at a bare bones stock UI though Bioware isn't missing many things in relation to Blizzard. World of Warcrafts UI without the use of any addons is pretty lazy as well. I can't think of many games that have actually done their UI very well. I would say the best so far has been RIFT.


Anyway what do you guys think? I'm not talking about opening the game to mods, but does SWTOR NEED the recount feature as long as they don't allow the use of addons/mods?




***I will probably throw some of your answers up on my site because i'm covering this topic today and tomorrow. Hopefully this isnt' against any of the sites TOS, I enjoy getting people to talk about subjects like this and SWTOR forums has a great community to do that.



And yet guilds are finishing Hardmode and Nightmare Raids.


Recount is a nice way to evaluate your DPS/HPS if you have difficult time understanding your skills and their effects on your DPS and HPS.

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I dont know of any mmo game that has a buildt in damage meter. The ones where you have damage meters it is made by gamers. What allo other mmos do have however is a text based combat log in the chat showing outgoing and incomming damage.
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I like them for my own personal use.


Tweaking your build/gear/mods/rotation is a very large part of end game in MMOs and there’s really no way to confirm what’s better without some form of recount to test them.


For those that would criticize them because of the DPS junkies, realize that information can be misused, but that’s no reason to block the flow of information for those that wouldn’t.


Don’t like being judged by recount?


Nobody does, but I’d say your output is a much fairer judge of ability than what anyone can simply tell by what you’re wearing.

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Depends on who you ask.


I lean towards yes. Most current MMO's have this or a similar feature and its considered a staple.


World of Warcraft, 7 years in, still doesn't have it. Some nice person in their home had to create it for it to be in World of warcraft. So when you think about it even world of warcraft doesn't have this feature.


I guess I personally don't want it. I've been open about that.

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It depends on what you want out of this game.


Not having this feature removes any sort of competitiveness out of the MMO. No one is going to take it seriously as an actual MMO. It's a play thing that casual players will get some use out of and other players may subscribe for a month or two here and there, but it won't reach the masses like WoW. It'll be more like a game like City of Heroes, a game for kids.

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World of Warcraft, 7 years in, still doesn't have it. Some nice person in their home had to create it for it to be in World of warcraft. So when you think about it even world of warcraft doesn't have this feature.


Yes but WoW has a combat log and a modding API which allows you to create things like Recount and Skada, so WoW wins this round.

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Not Recount per se, but I do believe that not supporting addons or macros has been a bad strategic choice. Both addons and macros have become a staple of MMO gaming, a product feature most people expect to be present these days.


Recount is simply one addon, and failing on that is a matter of personal preference, whether you think Recount is crucial or not. There have been other MMO's without the feature since WoW implemented it properly.

Edited by Dekadez
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I like them for my own personal use.


Tweaking your build/gear/mods/rotation is a very large part of end game in MMOs and there’s really no way to confirm what’s better without some form of recount to test them.


For those that would criticize them because of the DPS junkies, realize that information can be misused, but that’s no reason to block the flow of information for those that wouldn’t.


Don’t like being judged by recount?


Nobody does, but I’d say your output is a much fairer judge of ability than what anyone can simply tell by what you’re wearing.


The way you describe gameplay is more of a sport than leisure. No MMO is designed to be played on a "Spend hours tweaking for 25 more DPS" basis. What you are describing isn't the majority of players, its the hardcore minority and there isn't anythign wrong with that. I just wouldn't want a game developed for the minority thats all.


I would like to see some sort of an API at some point though.

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World of Warcraft, 7 years in, still doesn't have it. Some nice person in their home had to create it for it to be in World of warcraft. So when you think about it even world of warcraft doesn't have this feature.


I guess I personally don't want it. I've been open about that.



what that nice person in their home was tapping into to create it was called a "combat log".


this game doesn't have one, so not only does the game not have its own damage meter, but it is IMPOSSIBLE to put one in it.

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World of Warcraft, 7 years in, still doesn't have it. Some nice person in their home had to create it for it to be in World of warcraft. So when you think about it even world of warcraft doesn't have this feature.


I guess I personally don't want it. I've been open about that.


as I and several others mentioned, I said similar feature (usually a combat log) that allows for this kind of measuring.


Why don't you want one?

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Greetings everyone,


We know that players have a lot to say on the subject of tools like Recount. We already have a lively discussion on this subject, so we encourage everyone to continue this conversation below:




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