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Patch, who cares?


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The Devs would be naive to not think there would be a section of the player base racing to 50.


That said - it has nothing to do with whether or not a combat log is needed. Personally I don't see the need for one.


The only evidence you need - are you dead or alive after your encounter? If you are dead, try again. Pay close attention to the abilities a mob is using during combat.


Example: I was doing my Jedi Consular class quest at level 33 - Finally I get to face Lord Vivicar. After 33 levels of sheilding Jedi Masters, infected by this scumbags plague - he is going to get his.


Wrong. He one shots me 3 times in a row. I was like ***, how is this happening? I go to look in the "Combat Log" to see what is killing me. OMG - no combat log! I start the fight again. This time I notice a 5 second cast timer he has going like every 15 seconds. That's what was one shotting me. I make sure I interrupt this ability every time and voila - I win.


Point is: You don't need scripted logs to tell you why you succeed or fail. All the information is available via animations, cast bars, and auditory clues. Combat logs - it's like to a crossword puzzle with the answer sheet in front of you.


Similar experience with the SW class final boss. Figure out "whiskey tango foxtrot is that cat doing to my character to do so much damage??" Stop them from doing what they are doing to do so much damage. Win.

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... I mean this is 2012 and to not have things that MMO's released in the 90's with it unfathomable. For god's sake EQ (and every major MMO since) had a combat log and that was released 13 years ago. How was that not a priority. I personally love being hit by something, or dying and not having a clue how.





because combat logs are contraversial. true story.

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i Total Agree with the OP poster.


people keeps say its a new game. lol yes but take wow the can do stuff like,

raid finder cross over servers so ALOT more more big codeing and they just do it.


and yes this is 2012 and people say , u don't know how big the or hard it is ...


wow is 7 years old and they can add stuff and have the stuff people are yelling about

UI macros etc etc people are yelling in this game for.


i am looking forward for plandetside 2 or warhammer 40k online or just log off

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Ui customization, combat log ehh not exactly exciting in my book.

Though I do agree minor tweaks and bug fixes I could care less about.

Get to the real content.


New Warzones

50 only WZ similar to AV

New better looking Gear

LFD Tool

Population imbalances


I would rather them focus on new content asap weekly/monthly.

The game will never be perfect. Shove the minor crap aside and get to the real issues!

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Too many people put too much emphasize in the numbers. Example is seeing people brag about their huttball dmg or healing and yet their team still loses. I've been in many WZ matches and see players ignoring the ball carrier and focusing on just seeing how much damage they can put out.


Sounds like BW needs to remove any type of scoring from hutrball and make it so players can't damage each other. Since the combat log is SO BAD for the community because, as in your example, good players get left out of raid because the DPS or healing sucks--but they do other stuff for raid... So to do we need to petition BW to remove killing and scoring from PVP--we need to protect the feelings of the good players that are simply keyboard challenged.

Edited by Zhit
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people keeps say its a new game. lol yes but take wow the can do stuff like, raid finder cross over servers so ALOT more more big codeing and they just do it.

They didn't "just do it"; they probably took a year to code it, and just didn't tell the public that they were working on it. Blizzard is good about that.


and yes this is 2012 and people say , u don't know how big the or hard it is ... wow is 7 years old and they can add stuff and have the stuff people are yelling about UI macros etc etc people are yelling in this game for.


WoW has been in development for 11-12 years. Development doesn't stop because you released the game, it's a very large, moving machine with intricate parts that take a lot of coordination. I agree that this game should have had many things already in place before it released, but alas it didn't, and you can't expect them to just magic it out of their asses because people are ************ on a forum.


i am looking forward for plandetside 2 or warhammer 40k online or just log off


Sorry to see you go, as you are passionate enough about this game that you took the time to post - which does mean something, like it or not.


People should really take a step back and think about this stuff -- they're patching every week (sometimes more than once) and squashing bugs. Granted again, that some of this stuff that most people have come to expect in an MMO should have been here from day one, since they weren't, we do need to give them the benefit of the doubt that they're working to appease the crowds. They'd be stupid not to -- but they'd also be stupid to change their philosophy because of the minuscule percentage of people who are pissed enough to post on the forums.

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Sounds like BW needs to remove any type of scoring from hutrball and make it so players can't damage each other. Since the combat log is SO BAD for the community because, as in your example, good players get left out of raid because the DPS or healing sucks--but they do other stuff for raid... So to do we need to petition BW to remove killing and scoring from PVP--we need to protect the feelings of the good players that are simply keyboard challenged.


I would rather BioWare protect its' community from the nerdrage socially challenged.


Far easier to learn to use a keyboard and a spell rotation with a little guidance - than it is to stop a nerd-raging, dps meter posting nerd - from running his mouth in open chat channels, souring my eyes with meaningless banter.

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Yes dont post facts just that you disagree dont bother to have any reasons or anything just im wrong because i have an opinion nice.


You're not wrong for having an opinion, your opinion is wrong. Just for starters 100% of people don't need a combat log. Plus as soon as you put your disclaimer on I knew it was all about hating on BW, but feel free to do the classic "I don't mean to offend anyone" technique.

I'm always amazed by people who express their opinion and then get annoyed because they find their opinion is not shared by all.

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My theory as to why they dont introduce combat logs....


We all know that abilities and stats and such are horid broken but for the most part cant prove any of it. With a combat log we could actually see and prove broken ****. I swear half the time I hit a mob it isnt doing the correct damage and sometimes not at all.

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You're not wrong for having an opinion, your opinion is wrong. Just for starters 100% of people don't need a combat log. Plus as soon as you put your disclaimer on I knew it was all about hating on BW, but feel free to do the classic "I don't mean to offend anyone" technique.

I'm always amazed by people who express their opinion and then get annoyed because they find their opinion is not shared by all.


I think it would have been better to say "this is what I'd like changed what about the rest of you?" rather than "this is what needs to be done". Of the things the OP listed the only thing I care even a little about, is the UI but it certainly is no huge thing I need added or else..


I like the game as is. So to think majority of the community wants a combat log is being shorted sighted.

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They shoudnt leave it out however this is what like the 4th patch since release? the 3rd attempt to fix the ability delay problem? and to my point its still broken bringing me back to my original point these patches are not fixing major problems, as far as ability delay at least there as been an attempt as for as combat log, targeting and UI its not even on the test server.


The incorrect assumptions I see in your statement are:


1) Ability delay is caused by one issue (it's not, there are lots of potential causes and thus many fixes needed)

2) The recent fixes haven't fixed or reduced the problem (actually they have. I've noticed an improvement since the patch before this one)

3) If something's not in the patch it means they are not addressing the problem (they have actually stated they are working on improving the UI and implementing a combat log)


Expressing your annoyance by saying "I wish they would implement the better UI sooner, I'm getting really tired of coping what we they have now" is one thing. I can understand it is frustrating... I really hate the UI sometimes, particularly when my side hotbars get covered up by the op frame, or my cursor repeatedly bounces off the target I'm trying to select.


But saying "They fail because they haven't fixed the issues I find the most important in the recent patch" just comes across as self-centred.

Edited by Slightlycampana
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A combat log is not required and therefor not game breaking ie will be added when the devs see fit. Though I really wouldn't hold your breathe, as there has not been a definite "yes, we are working on it" from the devs. Targeting, while it can be clunky and awkward, does work and is not game breaking.


You see, a bug is a bug (even if it only affects 10% as the OP claims) and they (the devs) fix the easiest ones first. The suits are the ones who dictate when new content is released.


Sadly though, we the player base and paying customers do not dictate when content comes out. Do you realize that the ragual content has been in the works for a year? Sadly though, we the player base and paying customers do not dictate when content comes out.


Seriously though, what I wouldn't give to see the devs white board (aka wishlist) for the next year.


Side note. if anyone is to blame for patches breaking other stuff...its the players who are supposedly testing it on the test server.

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Side note. if anyone is to blame for patches breaking other stuff...its the players who are supposedly testing it on the test server.


When the general sentiment on those servers is one of helplessness because they feel they are not being taken seriously.


Like I said: Zero communication between testers and devs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
There really appears to be a serious disconnect between the tiny portion of the community that spends all their time on the forums screaming and whining and crying and complaining bitterly and inconsistently and the devs...




You must of already unsubbed.. LoL

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combat log,

ui customization,

a working AH,

camera options,


transferable keybinds,


Some of these things were removed in beta, Some were never in beta but should have been in for release, ALL of these things were part of Everquest when it released in 1999. Keep telling yourself they will get to it. 1 year of beta, now 2 months into release. To have features a game that game out 12 years ago had. I dont understand how this doesnt really really upset people who are trying to like this game.

Edited by Exilicus
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Do you like carrots? On a stick?


I'm sure you do.


The one thing that has been consistent on these boards since beta, is the 'Something is on the horizon, somewhere. Let's hang in there a little longer'.


But don't forget: A fata morgana never led anyone to the desert oasis.



You must be new to MMOs. I think Blizzard actually tried to trademark the word "Soon". Soon and patience go hand in hand with a fresh MMO. Yes there are carrots, like every MMO dangles, but there also is a cycle of development that must occur.


These, I guess, are your big concerns. Though I would put them far lower than the Soa fix or the end game bugs in both HM and Nightmare.


combat log,

ui customization,

a working AH,

camera options,


transferable keybinds,


You really don't need combat logs if you can do the math regarding your skills. There are many guilds doing Nightmare modes in Ops and none have a combat log.


Ui customization is coming in March.


The AH does work, it's just not that great.


There are camera options. If you would like to see more options make a thread in the suggestions forums. The Devs read that forum quite often.


Macros most likely later, but really there's not a lot of need for them.


Transferable keybinds are a nice little suggestion but not game breaking. If you would like to see more options make a thread in the suggestions forums. The Devs read that forum quite often.

Edited by Dranzen
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Op, when you run a shop and you have two broken products that need fixing :


Product A can be fixed right away because it's an easy fix but only 10% of your customers will be happy about it.


Product B has a problem that you havn't figured out yet but it affects 70% of your customers.


As the shop owner, what is your best course of action?


You get two guys to kickly fix product A while 6 other guys try to figure out product B.


Product A customers are happy, while product B customers enrage because they think that you, the shop owner, don't care about product B.


You are the product B customer.

Edited by Alianar
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