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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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signed on the thread title.


I hate this LFG thing in general. To those that think that a Dungeon finder is anti-social, well, too bad. It's not like typing LFG <insert FP> here makes you more social. The party leader sees what you type, he invites you, end of story, there is hardly any communication before invite, unless he ask what class you are.

And yes they do that in this game, because shift clicking on a name in chat does not bring up their level, class etc. info, like it did in WoW. Something they might consider adding as well.

Edited by Fallerup
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Seriously... what are the flaws of the current system? I know a few... List them out so Bioware can fix them, then we can start using the system. No point in making an entirely new system when you can fix up the old one. Come on people, this is not a WoW imitator, so when something doesn't work, you don't add a WoW version, you fix what you have. Especially if it comes down to convincing developers to spend time and money making said system.


Our current LFG is multi-phase already. As in /who will find someone from a different planet... filter by level, role, and search terms could be added... what else? This would take a miniscule fraction of the time it would take to develop a new system... why, because you don't need an artist to design the pretty aesthetics around the system(or maybe you do). Just a programer, and researcher to determine what features to add. Keep it easy, quick, and simple, otherwise Bioware won't risk it.

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Seriously... what are the flaws of the current system? I know a few... List them out so Bioware can fix them, then we can start using the system. No point in making an entirely new system when you can fix up the old one. Come on people, this is not a WoW imitator, so when something doesn't work, you don't add a WoW version, you fix what you have. Especially if it comes down to convincing developers to spend time and money making said system.


Our current LFG is multi-phase already. As in /who will find someone from a different planet... filter by level, role, and search terms could be added... what else? This would take a miniscule fraction of the time it would take to develop a new system... why, because you don't need an artist to design the pretty aesthetics around the system(or maybe you do). Just a programer, and researcher to determine what features to add. Keep it easy, quick, and simple, otherwise Bioware won't risk it.


Might want to read the first page before you start ramblin' on. They are already implementing a LFG tool.

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Seriously... what are the flaws of the current systemI know a few... List them out so Bioware can fix them, then we can start using the system. No point in making an entirely new system when you can fix up the old one. Come on people, this is not a WoW imitator, so when something doesn't work, you don't add a WoW version, you fix what you have. Especially if it comes down to convincing developers to spend time and money making said system.


Our current LFG is multi-phase already. As in /who will find someone from a different planet... filter by level, role, and search terms could be added... what else? This would take a miniscule fraction of the time it would take to develop a new system... why, because you don't need an artist to design the pretty aesthetics around the system(or maybe you do). Just a programer, and researcher to determine what features to add. Keep it easy, quick, and simple, otherwise Bioware won't risk it.



Edited by Touchbass
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Nobody is paying 15 dollars a month to not have that feature since no premium fees have and will be added to the game. People on the other hand are opting out to pay 15 dollars for the game over the issue.
I'm surprised you answer to a such blatant laden with bad faith provocation.

Anyway I'll leave this thread soon:I have only 7 days of play time remaining.

I'm not paying 15 dollars a month to waste this playtime on the fleet.

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Here once again giving my 100% support for a rift/wow like cross server lfd/lfg tool!


SWTOR is nothing like world of warcraft or rift its new and built from foot to head,so please stop with the wow and rift connections, anyway i agree to the lfg tool because i hate not lvling siting in a station waiting for someone to start a group or someone to join my group.

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I am with the majority, I want a LFG tool that works.


I spam chat, get groups, we rarely talk once the group is starting except about how do we find that healer or tank.


So I have not seen the any difference in this "community" from that other "community" where it come to communication.


What i see happening with a BW LFD implementation (at first):


1. Same server

2. No auto transport to fleet.


I think low pop servers are hosed with #1


I think that guy way out in the world on missions will be pissing off the other 3 players with #2 as they wait 20 min for him to make the trek back to fleet.

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If Bioware doesn't make it so you can at least teleport yourt party to the fleet (then back to where you were once you're done) then I'm going to be extremely dissapointed.


One of the reasons I want a LFG tool is so that I can go out and quest/do dailies while I'm waiting for a group. Having to travel all the way back to the fleet and leave what I was doing/ have to wait for others to do the same makes a pain in the butt. Again, I'd rather just que for PvP as it allows me to quest and PvP without having to sacrifice one over the other.


Adding that teleportation feature won't ruin the community for two reasons:


1. The PvP que teleports people and it works just fine.


2. Players won't be forced to wait long periods of time for other players. This will decrease frustration and lead to a calmer player base as a whole.


And before people chime in to tell me I want everything handed to me I'll go ahead and say this now. The process of finding groups/traveling to the fleet is not challenging and it is not fun. It's just tedious. I'd rather my challenge come from the actual content of the game, not pointless hoops that I must jump through in hopes that I will have fun later.

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I am with the majority, I want a LFG tool that works.


I spam chat, get groups, we rarely talk once the group is starting except about how do we find that healer or tank.


So I have not seen the any difference in this "community" from that other "community" where it come to communication.


What i see happening with a BW LFD implementation (at first):


1. Same server

2. No auto transport to fleet.


I think low pop servers are hosed with #1


I think that guy way out in the world on missions will be pissing off the other 3 players with #2 as they wait 20 min for him to make the trek back to fleet.


For me that's not the community that I am talking about. You can never force placers to socialize with each other. They will talk or not talk. However you can foster an environment where its encouraged. The current LFG tool that WoW has actually discourages players from talking and making those connections with each other as the odds of you ever being in a group with that person are slim to none.


The community aspect that gets affected is actually two fold when you stop to think about it.


First off D-Bag play style does increase, there is no consequence for playing that way so people take the attitude that they may as well do what ever is best for themselves. The population has no way to regulate its self. A good LFG system can and should take this into account and give the players a way to regulate its self.


Second way that it impacts is everybody starts using the system, not in and of its self a bad thing. That's why its there. However lets say your a new player, you don't have any real life friends that play the game, you sign up and start to go threw the game. Now instead of actually meeting folks and learning the game and how to play your class/spec properly and maybe getting invited to a guild. You just go threw the game till you hit level cap, get geared and start looking for a guild to pvp or raid with. It will take you longer to find said guild as you don't know anybody. No one knows you or your play style. Does it make it impossible no but there are a lot of players out there that don't want to deal with that. A good LFG needs to take that into account as well.


There are other factors to consider as well when putting together a great LFG tool. Ease of use, does it allow players to que up for more then just Flashpoints, is it cross instance (in this case as the planets do have more then once instance where players are at) is it cross-server (for the low population servers). These things also need to be addressed with a good LFG tool.


We are getting one for those that are against it. Rather then continue to argue about if we should have one or not, we as a Game Community need to start looking at how it should be implemented.


Same goes for those that are for an LFG tool. Your getting it, you how ever need to start working with the Nay Sayers to make an LFG tool that fits the need while it still address the concerns that people have with it. Just because you don't agree with their concerns does not mean that they are not valid. Ask your self this simple question, if I felt strongly about something and somebody told me that I was wrong and my thoughts dint matter, How would I feel.?


Its not enough to just put in an LFG system. We need to put in an LFG system that addresses the issues that have been raised about having one, while still doing what we as a community need an LFG tool to do.


Its time to stop arguing and fighting about it. Its time to actually start working together to make the LFG tool something amazing and better then any other LFG tool out there. We do that by working together and addressing the concerns that have been raised about it and building an LFG tool that takes care of those concerns while still providing the function that we all want and need.

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I'm surprised you answer to a such blatant laden with bad faith provocation.

Anyway I'll leave this thread soon:I have only 7 days of play time remaining.

I'm not paying 15 dollars a month to waste this playtime on the fleet.

I'm done too. I was going to cancel last month, but was convinced not to by a guildee, but enough is enough. patch after patch and still nothing. Done on the 18th.


I'm not paying for a mmo that doesn't value people that have lives outside of it. People that can't waste their precious allotted daily playtime standing around spamming a chat channel instead of having fun enjoying their hobby and playing the game.


If Bioware is content to let us give their competition our hard earned dollars, then so be it. That competition that allows me to log in and easily get in groups and do group oriented content will get my money, and thousands of other people's money as well. Bioware can have their idiotic ideas about cross-server LFG tools, and watch their sub base rapidly dwindle while making up other reasons why it's happening. It already has, and if they think any of their spin moves desperately trying to hide that their subs are sinking like a heavy rock are working, they're even more stupid than they've already shown themselves to be by not having a proper tool in the game at release.

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For me that's not the community that I am talking about. You can never force placers to socialize with each other. They will talk or not talk. However you can foster an environment where its encouraged. The current LFG tool that WoW has actually discourages players from talking and making those connections with each other as the odds of you ever being in a group with that person are slim to none.


The community aspect that gets affected is actually two fold when you stop to think about it.


First off D-Bag play style does increase, there is no consequence for playing that way so people take the attitude that they may as well do what ever is best for themselves. The population has no way to regulate its self. A good LFG system can and should take this into account and give the players a way to regulate its self.


Second way that it impacts is everybody starts using the system, not in and of its self a bad thing. That's why its there. However lets say your a new player, you don't have any real life friends that play the game, you sign up and start to go threw the game. Now instead of actually meeting folks and learning the game and how to play your class/spec properly and maybe getting invited to a guild. You just go threw the game till you hit level cap, get geared and start looking for a guild to pvp or raid with. It will take you longer to find said guild as you don't know anybody. No one knows you or your play style. Does it make it impossible no but there are a lot of players out there that don't want to deal with that. A good LFG needs to take that into account as well.


There are other factors to consider as well when putting together a great LFG tool. Ease of use, does it allow players to que up for more then just Flashpoints, is it cross instance (in this case as the planets do have more then once instance where players are at) is it cross-server (for the low population servers). These things also need to be addressed with a good LFG tool.


We are getting one for those that are against it. Rather then continue to argue about if we should have one or not, we as a Game Community need to start looking at how it should be implemented.


Same goes for those that are for an LFG tool. Your getting it, you how ever need to start working with the Nay Sayers to make an LFG tool that fits the need while it still address the concerns that people have with it. Just because you don't agree with their concerns does not mean that they are not valid. Ask your self this simple question, if I felt strongly about something and somebody told me that I was wrong and my thoughts dint matter, How would I feel.?


Its not enough to just put in an LFG system. We need to put in an LFG system that addresses the issues that have been raised about having one, while still doing what we as a community need an LFG tool to do.


Its time to stop arguing and fighting about it. Its time to actually start working together to make the LFG tool something amazing and better then any other LFG tool out there. We do that by working together and addressing the concerns that have been raised about it and building an LFG tool that takes care of those concerns while still providing the function that we all want and need.


I would argue that it does not increase DBAG mentality, it just increases the pool of players you will interact with. Using the argument I never would have met that DBAG if it weren't for the XLFD is like saying the interstate system causes bad drivers because that is where you encounter them.


If I were to say that the lack of a x-LFD makes more big-fish-small-pond jerks as a concern it does not make it valid in reality. The vast majority of MMO players are decent folks, know how to play well enough. I have stated I am not understanding, I have played WoW and this game. The runs I do here are no different than the ones I do there as it comes to attitude, I have had the random DPS in this game say "gogogogogo", I have seen a healer disconnect for no good reason.


The difference, the frustration of forming the group, and replacing that DCed healer.


This is a casual-solo friendly game, I personally only have an hour or two every other day to play, I hate spending it looking for a group.


EDIT : are you saying that if the group is a pain to form you respect getting it more?

Edited by Racheakt
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For me that's not the community that I am talking about. You can never force placers to socialize with each other. They will talk or not talk. However you can foster an environment where its encouraged. The current LFG tool that WoW has actually discourages players from talking and making those connections with each other as the odds of you ever being in a group with that person are slim to none.


The community aspect that gets affected is actually two fold when you stop to think about it.


First off D-Bag play style does increase, there is no consequence for playing that way so people take the attitude that they may as well do what ever is best for themselves. The population has no way to regulate its self. A good LFG system can and should take this into account and give the players a way to regulate its self.


Second way that it impacts is everybody starts using the system, not in and of its self a bad thing. That's why its there. However lets say your a new player, you don't have any real life friends that play the game, you sign up and start to go threw the game. Now instead of actually meeting folks and learning the game and how to play your class/spec properly and maybe getting invited to a guild. You just go threw the game till you hit level cap, get geared and start looking for a guild to pvp or raid with. It will take you longer to find said guild as you don't know anybody. No one knows you or your play style. Does it make it impossible no but there are a lot of players out there that don't want to deal with that. A good LFG needs to take that into account as well.


There are other factors to consider as well when putting together a great LFG tool. Ease of use, does it allow players to que up for more then just Flashpoints, is it cross instance (in this case as the planets do have more then once instance where players are at) is it cross-server (for the low population servers). These things also need to be addressed with a good LFG tool.


We are getting one for those that are against it. Rather then continue to argue about if we should have one or not, we as a Game Community need to start looking at how it should be implemented.


Same goes for those that are for an LFG tool. Your getting it, you how ever need to start working with the Nay Sayers to make an LFG tool that fits the need while it still address the concerns that people have with it. Just because you don't agree with their concerns does not mean that they are not valid. Ask your self this simple question, if I felt strongly about something and somebody told me that I was wrong and my thoughts dint matter, How would I feel.?


Its not enough to just put in an LFG system. We need to put in an LFG system that addresses the issues that have been raised about having one, while still doing what we as a community need an LFG tool to do.


Its time to stop arguing and fighting about it. Its time to actually start working together to make the LFG tool something amazing and better then any other LFG tool out there. We do that by working together and addressing the concerns that have been raised about it and building an LFG tool that takes care of those concerns while still providing the function that we all want and need.



Your talking as if the current sytem encourages people to talk, make friends, learn their class, and join a guild etc....


The problem is you are assuming that the current set up encourages the above while a LFG tool doesn't. The problem is the evidence you have is faulty. How the group is formed is irrelevant towards how well you learn your class. I will use the following illustration again as it bear repeating constantly. This is 99% of time how the current system works:


LFG Taral V


*wait 5 mines*


Random person: "I'll go"


LFG Taral V


*wait 10 minutes*


Random person: "invite"


LFG Taral V


*wait 10 minutes*


Random person: "got a healer?"


Me: yeah


Random Person: "okay, good luck."


*wait ten more minutes*


Random Person: "I'll go"


Me: "Okay, let's go."


^ This is how it happens for most people. This is even assuming they find a group at all. I've gone entire play sessions spamming fleet chat, whispering people etc and had to log after not finding a group at all. This obviously doesn't encourage social behavior in the sligthest. Notice in this process no friends are made, guilds are joined or classes learned. These things HAPPEN AFTER THE GROUP IS FORMED. The way in which the group is formed is irrelevant to how social you want to be. If you are put in a group and don't socialize, that's your own decision. If you still want people to be social/make friends/ask them to be in your guild etc... just talk to people after the group is formed. This is assuming an in server LFG of course.


There's no excuse for not having a LFG tool in this game. Your concerns have everything to do with whether or not YOU feel like being social. The current sytem doesn't encourage people to be social either.

Edited by Moricthian
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So you have trouble finding pug groups? the reason is PUGS SUCK! Most people don't want to pug and would rather run with friends and guildies. So the pool of people you are pulling from is much smaller then actually who is online. Sure you see 200 people in fleet, but how many of them want to suffer the pain of most pug groups. Now I am not saying no to a LFG tool, I am just saying it only helps the minority who what to pug. Yes there are 1000s of people in this post in others who want to pug. But those that don't aren't coming to the forums and posting, most are happy not pugging and have no reason to come on the forums.
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For me that's not the community that I am talking about. You can never force placers to socialize with each other. They will talk or not talk. However you can foster an environment where its encouraged. The current LFG tool that WoW has actually discourages players from talking and making those connections with each other as the odds of you ever being in a group with that person are slim to none.

I disagree here. WoW's system or Rifts doesnt disable your chat function when you enter the system so there is zero discouragement. What your saying is that YOU think that people you will never meet again are not worth talking to. That pretty sad actually. I surely hope you do not apply the same concept to real life interactions with people.


The community aspect that gets affected is actually two fold when you stop to think about it.


First off D-Bag play style does increase, there is no consequence for playing that way so people take the attitude that they may as well do what ever is best for themselves. The population has no way to regulate its self. A good LFG system can and should take this into account and give the players a way to regulate its self.

From my experience with thousands of lfd/lfg runs in 2 games that use close to identical systems is that there is no increase. If anything there is a decrease due to not having to deal with the server only dbags that think they are a big deal on the server!

I also disagree with any system past /ignore for dealing with the bad elements. Any thing past /ignore is YOU wanting to effect a player outside of their effect on you and verges on control issues at a personal level. YOU are not the community police squad. Only BW should have that type of power!


Second way that it impacts is everybody starts using the system, not in and of its self a bad thing. That's why its there. However lets say your a new player, you don't have any real life friends that play the game, you sign up and start to go threw the game. Now instead of actually meeting folks and learning the game and how to play your class/spec properly and maybe getting invited to a guild. You just go threw the game till you hit level cap, get geared and start looking for a guild to pvp or raid with. It will take you longer to find said guild as you don't know anybody. No one knows you or your play style. Does it make it impossible no but there are a lot of players out there that don't want to deal with that. A good LFG needs to take that into account as well.

See your problem here is you seem to think the only place to socialize is in group content. This is a poor place to have chit chats anyways due to once your in the zone there is very little opportunity to talk anyways. Unless your one of those types that holds the group up because you feel the need to tell us how your dog feels today.

I find that talking to people our side of groups is much more effective in meeting people. Such as /general convo's and whispers to people that i find just running around that i may have a common interest with. /whisper hey dude cool speeder where you get that one?


There are other factors to consider as well when putting together a great LFG tool. Ease of use, does it allow players to que up for more then just Flashpoints, is it cross instance (in this case as the planets do have more then once instance where players are at) is it cross-server (for the low population servers). These things also need to be addressed with a good LFG tool.

Completely agree


We are getting one for those that are against it. Rather then continue to argue about if we should have one or not, we as a Game Community need to start looking at how it should be implemented.


Same goes for those that are for an LFG tool. Your getting it, you how ever need to start working with the Nay Sayers to make an LFG tool that fits the need while it still address the concerns that people have with it. Just because you don't agree with their concerns does not mean that they are not valid. Ask your self this simple question, if I felt strongly about something and somebody told me that I was wrong and my thoughts dint matter, How would I feel.?

The issue here is that those against a lfd/lfg system have zero bases for there concerns. They are all based on speculation and personal experiences that are biased towards already disliking the system before they went into it. There for to me their arguments are unfounded and not worth consideration.

You can scream the sky is purple till the cows come home. Its doesnt make it true or worth considering.


Its not enough to just put in an LFG system. We need to put in an LFG system that addresses the issues that have been raised about having one, while still doing what we as a community need an LFG tool to do.


Its time to stop arguing and fighting about it. Its time to actually start working together to make the LFG tool something amazing and better then any other LFG tool out there. We do that by working together and addressing the concerns that have been raised about it and building an LFG tool that takes care of those concerns while still providing the function that we all want and need.


Soon people will start voting with their wallets. Some already have and more will follow the longer BW drags their heels.

I have zero interest in working with these anti lfd people.

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So you have trouble finding pug groups? the reason is PUGS SUCK! Most people don't want to pug and would rather run with friends and guildies. So the pool of people you are pulling from is much smaller then actually who is online. Sure you see 200 people in fleet, but how many of them want to suffer the pain of most pug groups. Now I am not saying no to a LFG tool, I am just saying it only helps the minority who what to pug. Yes there are 1000s of people in this post in others who want to pug. But those that don't aren't coming to the forums and posting, most are happy not pugging and have no reason to come on the forums.


Those people dont have any say here anyways since they would not have a need or desire to use a pug system and having one in game would have no effect on them.


But i would say that in 2 games rift and wow where the devs have stated with hard facts that the majority of the player base does in fact use the pug systems doesnt agree with your statement that most people would rather not pug.

you have zero facts to back up your statement. I have game devs that back up mine!

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Those people dont have any say here anyways since they would not have a need or desire to use a pug system and having one in game would have no effect on them.


But i would say that in 2 games rift and wow where the devs have stated with hard facts that the majority of the player base does in fact use the pug systems doesnt agree with your statement that most people would rather not pug.

you have zero facts to back up your statement. I have game devs that back up mine!


I see no facts in your statement. For all I know you made all that up. And "most people would rather not pug" does not mean most people WILL not pug. It's like smoking cigarettes, people know it's bad yet do it anyway.

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It's impossible to find a group on my newly 50 dps merc.


It's because people expects you to be a healer, much like my juggernaut to be a tank. WoW had this issue back in BC when no one in their sane mind would take Retribution paladins because their dps was on par with a Hunter's pet. Paladins were only useful as healers or tanks.

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I see no facts in your statement. For all I know you made all that up. And "most people would rather not pug" does not mean most people WILL not pug. It's like smoking cigarettes, people know it's bad yet do it anyway.


The devs in both rift and wow have made statements that the majority of their player bases uses the lfd/lfg systems. They have collected in game metrics that makes it fact.

Just as they know exactly how many quest are ran, how many npc's have been killed and so on. The yare the ONLY ones that are in the position to KNOW the facts and they have stated those facts.


As far as the smoking comment. Typical non smoking thought.

As a smoker myself i can tell you i smoke because i LIKE it in spite of the health risk. No one is twisting my arm to make me smoke.

Life is a risk, you can live your life in fear of the risk or just live your life and be happy.

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The devs in both rift and wow have made statements that the majority of their player bases uses the lfd/lfg systems. They have collected in game metrics that makes it fact.

Just as they know exactly how many quest are ran, how many npc's have been killed and so on. The yare the ONLY ones that are in the position to KNOW the facts and they have stated those facts.


As far as the smoking comment. Typical non smoking thought.

As a smoker myself i can tell you i smoke because i LIKE it in spite of the health risk. No one is twisting my arm to make me smoke.

Life is a risk, you can live your life in fear of the risk or just live your life and be happy.


Hmm, a typical non smoking thought, from a smoker! Your assumption is wrong and loses you any credibility. And you still have 0 evidence to prove that people prefer to pug over group with people they know.

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Hmm, a typical non smoking thought, from a smoker! Your assumption is wrong and loses you any credibility. And you still have 0 evidence to prove that people prefer to pug over group with people they know.


Zero evidence? Maybe you should look at how many times the length of this thread has exceeded 1000 posts.


Bioware has seen the evidence from people like me who have cancelled accounts and listed the lack of a LFD tool as the major reason.


Yeah I prefer to pug. Yes I've been in top-tier raiding guilds in the past. I'm just looking for the casual grouping experience now minus guilds.

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