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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

** BIOWARE Response Needed for Game-breaking Ilum Bug **


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Severity 1: System down/inaccessible (in this case, system means the entire SWTOR Server)

Severity 2: One feature of system not functioning (Example, quests (all of them!) not working, vendors (all of them) not working, crafting (all crafting) not working.

Severity 3: One aspect of a feature of system not functioning properly, or failing intermittently. (Example, kills in Ilum intermittently not counting for PvP daily/weekly quest)

Severity 4: One extremely minor issue, such as quest text mispelling, wrong skin on an avatar (naked Companions), etc.)


You CLEARLY do not know the difference between a Severity 1, a Severity 2 and a Severity 3.


The Ilum bug was Severity 3, or possibly 2 if it was not as intermittent as people proclaimed. It definitely, positively, absolutely was NO WHERE NEAR a Severity 1.


Yet, it was communicated in 1day 4 hours that a patch to fix it was imminent.





I won't disagree that the resolution (assuming it actually works) is fast.


What I'm saying is that if Bioware ran patches through a proper Q/A process the bug NEVER SHOULD HAVE GONE LIVE in the first place.


Bioware does not do proper testing of features before they patch.

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The Ilum bug affects everyone who PVPs. At least with SOA you can do Karagga's instead, or EV up to SOA.


By the way, before you say at least we can WZ, there are serious bugs there too.


I think the Raiding community would disagree with you on this, especially those doing Hard and Nightmare mode.


Bioware shouldn't keep Soa in his current condition all week - that's just ridiculous. The final boss of an instance broken all week.

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I won't disagree that the resolution (assuming it actually works) is fast.


What I'm saying is that if Bioware ran patches through a proper Q/A process the bug NEVER SHOULD HAVE GONE LIVE in the first place.


Bioware does not do proper testing of features before they patch.


Wildcat is right. This, along with several other Ilum issues, should NEVER have made it to the live game.


They really need to make some changes with how they deploy their patches. Better testing, better READING from the people playing on Test and more open to issues people are having...while there are a ton of whiners on these forums, the people TESTING are not the issue.

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Severity 1: System down/inaccessible (in this case, system means the entire SWTOR Server)


In my line of work, this is a Sev0. That's a literal site-up issue.


Sev1 is anything that impacts revenue. You could loosely say that Ilum problems do this, but this gets a pass.


Severity 2: One feature of system not functioning (Example, quests (all of them!) not working, vendors (all of them) not working, crafting (all crafting) not working.


Widespread reports of kills not counting in Ilum right after your "fix", a zone already getting massive flack from every corner of the player base? Yep. Sounds like this is the proper severity.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Who knows?


Something in PVP breaks everytime they patch it. Warzone wins counted consistently until patch 1.1 when they split 50's off into their own bracket. Ilum kills counted consistently until they changed champion bags.


Anyone want to speculate as to what they break in trying to fix kills counting towards dailies/weeklies?


Or if this fix will even work? They've claimed 3-4 times to have fixed the warzone problem too.


Someone didn't read all the patch notes...



  • Implemented safeguards to address a Valor exploit.

Edited by TMar
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I won't disagree that the resolution (assuming it actually works) is fast.


What I'm saying is that if Bioware ran patches through a proper Q/A process the bug NEVER SHOULD HAVE GONE LIVE in the first place.


Bioware does not do proper testing of features before they patch.


untill they get some testing done, the whole game, will not work, Thats what you seeing


Someone please tell me testing is done..

Edited by seallone
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Yeah but the patch notes don't tell the truth:



  • Broke Ilum Daily/Weekly PvP Quests. You're welcome!



Carnt fix it kill it, move on pvper's Simple. PVP in this game is dead. Do live in hope.


Fix this in patch 1.1 nope fix that in patch 1.2 nope, fix nothing, only break more, why


no lvl50's toons on PTR, so they will be no hope for this game.

Edited by Meluna
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Yeah but the patch notes don't tell the truth:



  • Broke Ilum Daily/Weekly PvP Quests. You're welcome!


No it was the truth. If you don't get points for kills then the problems/exploits are fixed. I did my daily and most of my weekly last night playing musical chairs. There was even rebels there and since there was no real point in killing them and they were cool enough we let them farm the southern most nodes and continued with driving in circles.

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Carnt fix it kill it, move on pvper's Simple. PVP in this game is dead. Do live in hope.


Fix this in patch 1.1 nope fix that in patch 1.2 nope, fix nothing, only break more, why


no lvl50's toons on PTR, so they will be no hope for this game.


Well not everyone is doomsayer, glass is half empty type person. I have enough fun in warzones to keep me busy. I'm also aware of the fact that MMO's are a living thing and things will get changed and fixed as time goes on. They have already stated they are working on transfers to PTR, maybe you can use your magic wand and do it quicker for them.

Edited by Meluna
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well on our server it seems like serverside stealthfix was implemented. yesterday after 12pm noone could get a single kill count, literally. i've spent 3 hours, 0/30 daily. Some 40 imps were roaming circles while us standing around and everyone was pissed - i've talked to some imps with my alt, people were ignoring us since they got no count for the kills too. and when 40 people are trying to get those chests it takes hours for them to complete daily.


today it was the whole another story, i logged early in the morning and did daily right away with smallscale 4/4 fights. Then after the reset traditional "storm the rep base 5 fps aoe nonsense" started, people quickly and normally finished their weekly/daily and left.


And the safeguard was working just as intended - if you kill a person who less then five minutes ago you gain nothing. Again, yesterday it was another story - like that serverside safeguard timer just bugged, and "recently killed" flag was never removed from any player who got killed in pvp. so only 1 kill for each player registered and its over. Also interesting fact - for some people going out to PvE zone helped reset that bug, but for majority on our server it did not.


I still believe it was a classic software design/implementation bug, the one they will never admit because it will be really bad for PR. But since they fixed it in about 24 hours my faith is partially restored. It would be fully restored if they openly admitted that it was, in fact, their fault.



oh i've should have read the dev tracker first, i see that they admit its a bug and they patch it for workaround. probably its a bug that happens in some specific circumstances but then it locks for a rather long period, and then somehow unlocks itself. anyway, gj for them finding the bug so fast, but still the fact it was present means their coders should be whipped.

Edited by vekkth
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If you think about it not resounding to post is smart look at all this feed baxk!

They have a program that filters out Words which are irreverent to the topic.

Directing ones anger can still give beneficial results to the information gathering process.

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Severity 1: System down/inaccessible (in this case, system means the entire SWTOR Server)

Severity 2: One feature of system not functioning (Example, quests (all of them!) not working, vendors (all of them) not working, crafting (all crafting) not working.

Severity 3: One aspect of a feature of system not functioning properly, or failing intermittently. (Example, kills in Ilum intermittently not counting for PvP daily/weekly quest)

Severity 4: One extremely minor issue, such as quest text mispelling, wrong skin on an avatar (naked Companions), etc.)


You CLEARLY do not know the difference between a Severity 1, a Severity 2 and a Severity 3.


The Ilum bug was Severity 3, or possibly 2 if it was not as intermittent as people proclaimed. It definitely, positively, absolutely was NO WHERE NEAR a Severity 1.


Yet, it was communicated in 1day 4 hours that a patch to fix it was imminent.




Dont know why your trying to respond to him. He is clearly the best programmer in the world.

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I started the thread at 2:52 PM.

Dev responded at 5:35 PM.



5:35 - 2:52 = 2 hrs 43 minutes to respond.


Next day, 7:45, they announce an incoming fix.

Elapsed time: 1 day, 4 hours 53 minutes


Since you seem to have no knowledge of software development, and I have 26 years of experience, let me tell you that this was .... what's the word I'm looking for here ....




I'm a software engineer since finished my studies and work developing software. When we develop a product or a patch for a product we have a Quality team that tests the product or performs the corresponding intensive test or sanity checks (depending on the release type) to verify the product can go live without problems.


We also have a bug and change request tracker to store the issues sorted by severity (1 is the worst severity). If we receive a rating 1 bug, I have to stop doing whatever I was doing and fix the patch asap, because it means it is a bug stopper that is avoiding the clients to keep on working with our software.


Meanwhile, another member of my team tries to look for a workaround for the client/clients that reported the issue. A rating 1 bug must be triagged, investigated and fixed within the next 8 hours and, believe me, we do it, and our products are very complex software applications.


Maybe you have 26 years of experience developing software, but you don't have any idea at all of how to deploy and maintain it.


Where is the Quality team of BioWare? Ahh I see, they don't have, they use their OWN CLIENTS to test the patches in the test server so they can save money. For that reason bugs like this one (which under my understanding was critic) go live. But eh, they fixed it in 30 hours and they have to make a maintenance of 4 hours to implement the fix that surely will break another thing while 1,7 million of clients are paying a subscription of 13 EUR to play it.


No, this is no the way.


So you can believe me, IT WAS NOT FAST AT ALL.

Edited by erdadi
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An old MMO game where PvP also can start without any warning had the solution for this since start, is called "combat record".


Its shows not only the total win/lose fights, but the last statistics of who you defeated and who killed you at what time/date wich else tracks from who you CAN NO MORE get/give a kill credit (karma for that game, valor in SWTOR) for a predeterminated time. Lets say 1 hour per each diferent kill in that game. Maybe more or less for SWTOR, but IMHO should also have a "trigger" to reset/allow same target after some predeterminated condition, like control all 5 targets from Ilum as example


By design, in that game, we can kill the same target again for fun or necessity but we get no credit for that, which means no valor for killtraders before 1 hour.


That same old game also have better solutions for CD and GCD icon animations but this is for another topic.


PS: BTW 9Dragons is the name of that old game its free2play try your self and confirm....

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Where is the Quality team of BioWare? Ahh I see, they don't have, they use their OWN CLIENTS to test the patches in the test server so they can save money. For that reason bugs like this one (which under my understanding was critic) go live. But eh, they fixed it in 30 hours and they have to make a maintenance of 4 hours to implement the fix that surely will break another thing while 1,7 million of clients are paying a subscription of 13 EUR to play it.


No, this is no the way.


So you can believe me, IT WAS NOT FAST AT ALL.


Keep in mind too that to have a level 50 on the test server, right now you'd have to level it.




I certainly won't. As I said, BETA is over. We're paying customers now. I'm not going to spend my precious play time to be an unpaid Q/A tester for a billion dollar company.


Frankly I am not in the least bit interested in playing on the test server for this reason, except maybe to preview changes to the game. I certainly am not going to put game features through feature and regression testing for them. That is what their apparently NONEXISTENT Q/A department is supposed to do.


It's not just Bioware who does this. Every MMO publisher also expects their customers to do their Q/A testing for them whilst paying for the privilege. No other kind of software company would dare do such a dishonest thing.


And I'm sick of it. The endgame is already so thin that it's anorexic AND bulimic. Patches that break it to this extent should NEVER make it into live, and should be rolled back within hours if it should happen by accident or unforeseen circumstances.


It is very obvious from the magnitude of this problem that there was no testing of Ilum done whatsoever under anything remotely close to a real daily/weekly PVP situation. Considering that Ilum broke on every single server in this game this problem should have immediately come to light had Bioware properly tested it EVEN ONCE prior to deployment.


This is also why the multiple attempts to fix warzone victories properly counting have not worked. I doubt Bioware has run even one actual play test of it, much less the several that would be necessary to verify proper functionality. Instead they are throwing solutions against the wall and hoping one sticks.


Bioware, you can do better than this. You have the money. You have the resources. And we deserve better than this.

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