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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

** BIOWARE Response Needed for Game-breaking Ilum Bug **


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So I see a few theories:


1: You get kills until a random unverified amount then you need to die to get more.

2: You need to do a large amount of damage to the target to get any credit.

3: The kill reset timer has be increase dramatically.


Add some more to the list. We need to test these theories since this seems to be a bit of security through obscurity.


Ether way, doing random, mystical, changes to core mechanics of an entire zone with a single 1 line patch note reeks of armature.


So Bioware, give us the valor rules, what are the conditions to get valor from a kill. You absolutely need to be able to answer that question clearly or you will fail.


1. for sure NOT because i died 3 times, killed about 40 reps total and got ZERO kills counted

2. for sure NOT because i killed some solo

3. maybe maybe not an official statement would be fine...

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I'll agree on the latter, it would be nice to have more clear patch notes in the future.


I WOULD AGREE WITH YOU. The patch notes suck! They pretty much tell you nothing. Give more information. If I click on the launch pad link to read more than provide more detail. Do not give me the same stupid summary you just had on the launch pad.

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It is currently bugged in some way. Today we were on Ilum, being camped in our spawn like normal, once the majority of the Imp zerg had completed their weekly, their numbers started to thin and we pushed them back.


All through this process, multiple players were reporting that they were not getting valor for kills, people in the ops group, in my guild, outside the ops group, same thing. We were fighting all across the map and pushed the imps to the central area, we even wiped them a few times with the entire ops group complaining that they only saw one maybe two valor messages pop up after a full Imp wipe.


It is most definitely NOT working correctly. It's inconsistent, sometimes dying / re-logging fixes it for a minute or two but something is definitely wrong.

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Confirm same for Niman server.



Been running round killing at the Republic Base, all the control points and nothings updating.


I believe armaments are still updating the quests, but due to the massive faction imbalances that havent been addressed the Imperials as per normal are reaping the benefits of yet another **** bioware patch.


Your game was bad enough to begin with and your patchs are just making it even worse :/

Edited by Scavage
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The safeguards against valor exploits mean you get no valor at all. One safeguard covers EVERYTHING!


If you coders can write code screw everyone....sounds about right.


A casual player will have to spend a week just to do the daily and a month for the weekly, sounds like a winner Bioware.


There is not predictable way to get a kill count in Ilum as far as I can tell from the previous 7 pages of post. It is NOT OUR JOB TO FIND OUT "THE NEW SECRET". If they have changed the way we recieve credit this post it in the ....hmmmmmm let me think of a good place......OH YEAH!!!! the PATCH NOTES!!!


I think all players whom tried the BETA test of ILUM on the LIVE servers should recieve a gift for doing Biowares work for them. I get paid to do good work and I am paying Bioware coders to do good work.




*if this is working as intended, consider my subscription cancelled

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Isn't the whole point to fight and control the battle points. imp, northern, central, southern, Rep.


Therefore, from my understanding if you fight AT those points you should have no problem.


This keeps you from camping a medical or base spawn!


Is that how the Ilum zone is suppose to work

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The Swiftsure


Killed solo, in groups, 1v1, 2v1, 5v5, etc. In ops, no group, spawn points, north central and south. not a damn one counted. started talking to the pubes, they were not getting anything counted either, an hour of picking up arms, got my weekly and ****. Sent in a ticket. Im sure they have a few by now, not that they read them anyway.

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We just had this issue occur on Nadd's Sarcophagus. This is the second time this has happened on our server. The first time it only happened on our server unless someone could confirm it happening earlier.


We were able to get credit until approximately 6:30 AM PST. From 4:30 AM PST to 6:30 AM PST several guildies were able to complete their quest and receive valor.





TL; DR - This only happened to the Nadd's Sarcophagus server. The last time it happened was on 1/30/12 and lasted around 14 hours.



EDIT Thread from 1/30/12 for reference


^ Confirmed.


BTW if you have a 3to1 population imbalance, controlling mid to loot armaments against your how ever big raid you are in, is NOT fun.... Its BROKEN.

Edited by Choppinrockz
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im done with this **** really, no point on being on ilum unitl they fix this. Players reported that when servers just came up after patch players awarded valor, now they dont anymore. Code guy needs to be fired for that at least, i just cancelled,
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