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500k dmg in a single warzone?


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I myself have seen around 500k (I did 400k as a sorcerer, my guildmate 600k as a sniper). But that was versus a push-over team in AoEstar, so I don't really think it counts. He regularly pushed out 3-400k though. Then he decided to actually play the game, re-spec:ed into DoT's and did around 2-300k, but did a lot more, objective-wise.


I've seen screenshots of about 1 million though. And yes, the word "DEFEAT" was present.

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200k per WZ ? I started new bounty hunter yesterday and done 160k at character level 10. I've got 2 medals for defend our ball runner so i was doing objectives this game. Really you are doing something wrong. Maybe you got big latency to your server ?



The most ive ever done was with my BH lv 11

*no imageshack i dont want to sign up*




(ive yet to have a toon reach lv 50)

Edited by Demonburnt
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oh look I can keep putting pointless damage into a guarded healer whilst doing nothing else towards winning a match. good job.


Damage isnt pointless when you win. People need to die in warzones and the only way you can kill them is...with damage. Objectives, Damage and healing are all part of winning the game. If you lack in any of them as a team you will not win.

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I'm seeing this number being thrown about recently and frankly I find it a tad absurd (having never seen much more than 300K myself)


I'm in full Columi/Champ gear and tbh If I manage to get 200k per WZ I consider it a job well done because frankly between guarding doors, getting into position for passes, running knockdown interference on ball carriers and interrupting cappers I just don't see where people can find the time required to do that amount of dmg in a single WZ?


This leads me to the conclusion that either.


1. People who are doing this kind of dmg don't give a damn about winning or mission objectives, they are purely in it to spam dmg abilitis and polish the old epeen by finishing on top of the table win or lose.


2. I'm devoting too much time to guard duty/interference and should be spending less time on it (seems like a recipe for losing WZ's though)


3. I suck (which I'm totally willing to admit is a possibility)


And to add insult to injury, the people on top of the table will almost automatically get the MvP votes ahead of other players, even when their contribution far outweighs theirs in terms of match winning activity (good example, in a recent Huttball match I ran in 3 goals (two of which I carried the entire way because nobody would get in a decent position) and basically gifted the 4th to another player with a throw from the ramp making me directly responsible for 4 goals in the WZ and coming 3rd on dmg done. Guess who got MvP...yeah the guy who scored 80k more dmg than me)


So is anybody seeing these kinds of numbers on the regular? And if so is it from people who would rather spam than actually win the match or do I just need to try harder.


Keep it clean folks.


300k is very good damage. Anything above 180k I consider ok.


Depending on the groups and enemy I land 400k-600k per WZ. And guess what? I almost never get votes.

BTW I go hard for objectives and try to single out healers.


There are those who run around guarded with pocket heal and just farm damage, but it does not mean everyone obove 500k does it.


Oh, and to show that we are not all Sages and Sorcs, a pretty good mix of classes: http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/5146/600ks.jpg


Notice how the JK did 450k? That was random group after the last patch. So lvl 50 only with biochem nerfed.

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Guess sometimes people do even more damage but I can't immediately recall 700k+ that I would have seen with my own yes. Could happen.


Seen 500k+ several times, 400k+ many times, 350k+ almost always.


It's rare to see matches with nobody doing beyond 200-250k.

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1. People who are doing this kind of dmg don't give a damn about winning or mission objectives, they are purely in it to spam dmg abilitis and polish the old epeen by finishing on top of the table win or lose.


That is probably accurate.


I am 62 / full BM right now, so I really couldn't care less about the outcome of any specific warzone, its not like I need BM bags or valor anymore. I just log on once or twice a day to run a few warzones and blow **** up with my hybrid sorc.

Edited by Ashnazg
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Let's ignore the part where you devote your time to playing the objectives game.

It's also necessary to compare the damage vs amount of kills vs delivered killing blows (and possibly the solo kills as well to some extent).


Basically what we're looking at is the 'wasted damage' factor. You may deliver a lot of damage spread over multiple targets but still fail to kill a single one of them, resulting in them simply getting healed.

Then there is the kills that you participated in vs killing blows - as in who makes the actual killing really happen.

Amount of solo kills can also be some measurement to how well can one deal with the enemy, but in current warzones it's kidna rare to get a clean duels, let alone more of them.


As a 40+ SA I average anywhere between 75 to 200+k damage in a warzone. Really comes down to what do I focus on during that match (which has never been doing the most damage). I do howerver usually come close to 50% killing blows out of all the kills.


I would dare say that doing 500k damage in a warzone barely leaves one space to do anything else apart from epeening over his own numbers...

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I'm seeing this number being thrown about recently and frankly I find it a tad absurd (having never seen much more than 300K myself)


I'm in full Columi/Champ gear and tbh If I manage to get 200k per WZ I consider it a job well done because frankly between guarding doors, getting into position for passes, running knockdown interference on ball carriers and interrupting cappers I just don't see where people can find the time required to do that amount of dmg in a single WZ?


This leads me to the conclusion that either.


1. People who are doing this kind of dmg don't give a damn about winning or mission objectives, they are purely in it to spam dmg abilitis and polish the old epeen by finishing on top of the table win or lose.


2. I'm devoting too much time to guard duty/interference and should be spending less time on it (seems like a recipe for losing WZ's though)


3. I suck (which I'm totally willing to admit is a possibility)


And to add insult to injury, the people on top of the table will almost automatically get the MvP votes ahead of other players, even when their contribution far outweighs theirs in terms of match winning activity (good example, in a recent Huttball match I ran in 3 goals (two of which I carried the entire way because nobody would get in a decent position) and basically gifted the 4th to another player with a throw from the ramp making me directly responsible for 4 goals in the WZ and coming 3rd on dmg done. Guess who got MvP...yeah the guy who scored 80k more dmg than me)


So is anybody seeing these kinds of numbers on the regular? And if so is it from people who would rather spam than actually win the match or do I just need to try harder.


Keep it clean folks.


another nub thread, if ppl pull over 500k, its cause they arent dying and "doing their objectives damn well, clearing turrets, hitting taggers, etc etc. my personal record is 580k 11 medals 73 kills 0 deaths + a win ofcourse. but to get there its most likely only possible on THE VOID. where u just nuke the **** out of eachother.

Edited by Erudite-
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another nub thread, if ppl pull over 500k, its cause they arent dying and "doing their objectives damn well, clearing turrets, hitting taggers, etc etc. my personal record is 580k 11 medals 73 kills 0 deaths + a win ofcourse. but to get there its most likely only possible on THE VOID. where u just nuke the **** out of eachother.


Way to not read my post.


I started this as a discussion, because I saw numbers going around that I personally had not seen, and noted at several points in my post that I was willing to accept the idea that it was entirely my fault either through the way I was playing or just generally sucking.


You proceed to call me a nub/whiner (my only whine was about MvP votes and yet again I stated that it was merely the principle of the thing that bothered me as the tangible loss is pretty minimal ), and post anecotal numbers from your Dec 11 troll account.




NB - On a related note, I PvP as a pug as my guild does'nt do premades and my server is pretty low population. So 'not dying' as you helpfully mention is not really an option as I don't have a pocket healer on standby for when I get focused.

Edited by jedip_enguin
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Nahhh, your probably not a nub,

The MVPs are a bit ....controversial.


Take me for instance, i never vote for the people that have the most medals at the end of a game.


The people i do vote for are.


A, Someone that saved me from dying.

B, Someone that stops and throws a couple of heals on me when i need it.

C, Someone that helps control other people.


These are all things that you cant read of the scoreboard and that in my opinion makes a player "Better" and worth a bonus reward.



Personaly i couldnt care less for dmg done or healing done.

That said if you end up in a WZ where you have one or two crazy damage dealers just remember that the dmg they put out will have to get healed by someone (thus training the **** out of the healers) or in a less awsome but still good way you take the nuked person out of the game for a few seconds.


Neither of the above are bad per see, its only an issue if you get more than say 4 people going for a nukefest.

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DPS is very important in all three Warzones. Here are my thoughts on DPS in WZs:


Huttball: DPS is very underrated in here. I've lost too many games where the only reason we lose is because nobody else on my team can do enough damage to outdps one healer on the ball carrier. It's so frustrating losing Huttballs where I have anywhere between 300-600k damage and my next closest teammate is anywhere between 100-150k.


You know what makes Huttball even more annoying? When the enemy team figures out that I am doing the most damage and am the biggest threat, they all begin to focus me down right away and ignore my low dps teammates. I pop my defensive CDs, LoS, use my biochem stuff, and grab the health pickups in the corners to live as long as possible. By doing this, I am distracting 2 or 3 enemies by causing them to stop to try and kill me thus giving my 7 other teammates a good 20-30 seconds of time to run the ball or kill the ball carrier without the help of the 3 enemies hitting me. This is even better if you can distract these enemies in an obscure part of the map where the ball carrier is nowhere near. This means I'm usually also in the top 1 or 2 of damage taken (which can be seen by hovering your mouse over the "Deaths" column). Losing a Huttball when you're doing the most damage and taking the most damage always irks me.


Voidstar: While you do need DPS here to kill the enemies fast enough before the next wave of respawned enemies comes, DPS isn't as important since you do need at least 1 or 2 people at each door to watch for stealths. However, as I just said, if your team isn't doing enough damage to kill enemies near the doors in time before the next wave of enemies spawns and runs down to support, you're never going to defend all the doors. If the opposing team has 2 or more healers and your team is filled with subpar DPS, good luck trying to kill people until they eventually outlast your team and start planting on the doors.


Alderaan: DPS is pretty much the same as Voidstar. You need to be able to kill the enemies around a Turret fast enough before respawning enemies make it back in time to interrupt your capture or to support their allies. This is especially important at the side Turrets where you need to clear the Turret as fast as possible before respawning enemies take the quick speeder down. Some teammates will need to sacrifice their damage/medals in order to defend Turrets so it is understandable for a few of your team to have little Damage Done.

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The OP is just not a very good player. My highest on voidstar as a single target gunslinger (no AOE) is 490k, about 440k on huttball in near full champion, centurion chest, belt, and implant.


Do you know what helps win games? Killing opponents. Do you know what doesn't? Pretending you are contributing by making the battle a 7v8 by standing at the other door like a shmuck instead of simply panning your camera around from the center every once in a while to check if somebody is trying to plant the bomb.


Do you also know what helps in huttball? Killing the healers and the receivers that try to position themselves for a pass. Do you know what doesn't help? Standing around like a shmuck waiting for your team do to the work for you under the guise that you are getting yourself in position for 5 minutes.

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