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The good old days when people had to work for gear


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Remember the good old days of Vanilla Wow and EQ when you actually had to work for the gear you earned. And you were HAPPY to do so!


Remember farming countless hours of Alterac Valley turning in Wolf Pelts for reputation so you could, hopefully, a few weeks or a month or 2 down the road have a cool epic weapon!



And the gear meant something!


It wasn't something that people complained about and demanded.


Remember the good old days when you first reached max level in your class, you got roflstomped in PVP by players that rightfully outgeared you.


And you wouldnt complain once. It was understood. You were a newb and needed to get gear. MMO's aren't fair. And thats why you play them. to gear up and be better than those around you.


Where did all this sense of entitlement come into play?


Its ridiculous guys.


Everyone expects free handouts these days.

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i strongly reccomend BIOWARE not to make easier the gearing up.


let them go to WOW.


ppl all round the world are looking for some challenge..and not some WOWish crap.


People that enjoy that "wowish crap" are the majority paying for future development of this game for you.


Be grateful


Wow haters that pretend they havent been playing wow for years and pretend to hate the game to fit in make me laugh.

Edited by Kraegore
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Remember in AC where gear meant very little.


When a skilled player could take on multiple, better geared, and high level players and win.


Remember when PVP didn't consist of endless CC spam, and when you actually had control of your character the majority of the time? (best way to remove player skill from PVP - remove the players ability to do anything).


And when PVP wasn't in some never ending shoebox sized minigame grind, but in the MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER world. Back when guild politics meant something. When guilds would fight over for control of towns and leveling spots. Back when PVP had meaning. When your actions had consequences.


Back when the skill ceiling was high, when you could dodge projectiles, spells, etc... none of this autohoming crap we have today.


You know, does anyone remember back in the days when PVP was actually good?

Edited by Jebi
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People that enjoy that "wowish crap" are the majority paying for future development of this game for you.


Be grateful


Wow haters that pretend they havent been playing wow for years and pretend to hate the game to fit in make me laugh.


i wont hide behind my finger.


i played wow.


i was top geared both pve and pvp,the reason i did pve was casue with the gear i had no match in pvp.


now if u wanna laugh with someone laugh with the wow pvp theory.


i just dont want it to any other mmo cause ven a braindead person can understand the frustration of owning in pvp with full pve gear.


ofc im gratefull for playing WOW.i loved my toon.last year i didnt quit cause i didnt want to abandon all the effort i did to be rank1 in my server and in top 10 as guild progress in Europe.



BUT I ALWAYS LAUGHED on their PVP system after patch 1.4 and ill always DO.


new games should never EVER copy their theory.


the only reason ppl still plays WOW its cause its a standard in their minds and cause ppl feeel safe there.its like returning to your home after work.


sorry i want a new home with new experience...


u can live with same old ****.i wont.

ps:im not the person that makes storys and say i was top when i wasnt.i hard 2 years of being a scrub ,till i found a top pve guild by pure luck.after that everything was a cake...

Edited by Tzou
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Remember the good old days of Vanilla Wow and EQ when you actually had to work for the gear you earned. And you were HAPPY to do so!


Remember farming countless hours of Alterac Valley turning in Wolf Pelts for reputation so you could, hopefully, a few weeks or a month or 2 down the road have a cool epic weapon!



And the gear meant something!


It wasn't something that people complained about and demanded.


Remember the good old days when you first reached max level in your class, you got roflstomped in PVP by players that rightfully outgeared you.


And you wouldnt complain once. It was understood. You were a newb and needed to get gear. MMO's aren't fair. And thats why you play them. to gear up and be better than those around you.


Where did all this sense of entitlement come into play?


Its ridiculous guys.


Everyone expects free handouts these days.

All you bring up is the good old days of WOW. (i don't consider 2004 to 2005 "old" myself)

I remember the true good old days of PVP. Befoer WoW and Themeparks, when gear progression wasn't necessary and fatal.



> Because gear did little to your stats. Level and being able to buy the according skills was what did make your character strong. Items used to alter 2% of your total stats.


e.g. 3 points out of 120. 20 points out of 600. etc. Yes that's how old games did work.


You didn't accumulate 1800 points of agility while having 120 base and the other 1680 points from gear.



Yeah i DO renember those days, not the stat bombing of wow's gear today. Good times. ;)

Back then when gear didn't hinder my pvp prowess.

Edited by -sasori
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And when PVP wasn't in some never ending shoebox sized minigame grind, but in the MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER world. Back when guild politics meant something. When guilds would fight over for control of towns and leveling spots. Back when PVP had meaning.


my friend i would subcribe for the next ten years to an mmo that offered such pvp and im still searching since the legend of mir2

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Remember the good old days of Vanilla Wow and EQ when you actually had to work for the gear you earned. And you were HAPPY to do so!


Remember farming countless hours of Alterac Valley turning in Wolf Pelts for reputation so you could, hopefully, a few weeks or a month or 2 down the road have a cool epic weapon!



And the gear meant something!


It wasn't something that people complained about and demanded.


Remember the good old days when you first reached max level in your class, you got roflstomped in PVP by players that rightfully outgeared you.


And you wouldnt complain once. It was understood. You were a newb and needed to get gear. MMO's aren't fair. And thats why you play them. to gear up and be better than those around you.


Where did all this sense of entitlement come into play?


Its ridiculous guys.


Everyone expects free handouts these days.


Duuude.. You can't compare Vanilla WoW to Everquest.. Took me months to get all the items needed for my rez stick (yeah those that played it know what I mean)


I was in a raiding guild, we raided non stop almost every day, clearing every single piece of content there was and also going for world bosses for quest items and other loot.


Vanilla WoW had nothing on EQ when it comes to grinding...

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Remember the good old days of Vanilla Wow and EQ when you actually had to work for the gear you earned. And you were HAPPY to do so!


Remember farming countless hours of Alterac Valley turning in Wolf Pelts for reputation so you could, hopefully, a few weeks or a month or 2 down the road have a cool epic weapon!



And the gear meant something!


It wasn't something that people complained about and demanded.


Remember the good old days when you first reached max level in your class, you got roflstomped in PVP by players that rightfully outgeared you.


And you wouldnt complain once. It was understood. You were a newb and needed to get gear. MMO's aren't fair. And thats why you play them. to gear up and be better than those around you.


Where did all this sense of entitlement come into play?


Its ridiculous guys.


Everyone expects free handouts these days.


i played wow since beta. i stopped about 2 or 3 years ago. i had most top level gear for more than one char, pvp and pve.


gear NEVER meant anything except to idiots! it was usefull sure, but that's all. and it was simply boring and stupid idiotic work to get it. every idiot could get it, every idiot with much much time, willing to do boring stuff.


well it is kinda fun hunting for better items, but it is not if it is being stretched to a sort of WORK, boring work. if you like it so much to grind for ingame items you may better start grindng in RL for better RL-Items :rolleyes:


EDIT: actually i want to PVP and not to grind months for being able to PVP. but you seem to like to grind for items and then blast people without your items with ease. what a hero....

Edited by me_unknown
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Remember when PVP didn't consist of endless CC spam, and when you actually had control of your character the majority of the time? (best way to remove player skill from PVP - remove the players ability to do anything).
This one actually makes me raise an eyebrow because those games didn't have large amounts of CC because they didn't have the tech or code to even do most of what we take for granted in MMOs these days.


And I remember those days it wasn't knocks that were the issue in those games, it was perma stun locks. UO days you had mages that would paralyze and explode people necessitating overly complex macro loops to just keep from being perma locked. Or in the Ren era the spear users that just chain paralyzed you or any dexer really, especially axers.


I mean really, rose tinted glasses are fine and all, but reality CC has been apart of MMOs since the beginning. Technology has advanced and new forms of CC have now entered the arena that those games were just incapable of handling.

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Your trying to explain real MMos (pre wow) to the gimmi generation eg warcraft gen, it isn't going to happen. Second you mention

exp loss on death,

level loss

death items

corpse runs


consequence for your actions


the list goes on, their eyes glaze over an they start dreaming of the next shiny while ignoring anything you say.

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Stat/Level Loss is something that probably should never return. But there does need to be a consequence system. However, as MMOs continuously keep pushing to be theme park games, what made MMOs great in the beginning, the open world sandbox feel, is being removed, and not even slowly. Hell, I don't even think one could actually say TOR even feels open, as the worlds feel very defined and linear.
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i played wow since beta. i stopped about 2 or 3 years ago. i had most top level gear for more than one char, pvp and pve.


gear NEVER meant anything except to idiots! it was usefull sure, but that's all. and it was simply boring and stupid idiotic work to get it. every idiot could get it, every idiot with much much time, willing to do boring stuff.


well it is kinda fun hunting for better items, but it is not if it is being stretched to a sort of WORK, boring work. if you like it so much to grind for ingame items you may better start grindng in RL for better RL-Items :rolleyes:


EDIT: actually i want to PVP and not to grind months for being able to PVP. but you seem to like to grind for items and then blast people without your items with ease. what a hero....


ye gear never ment something hmmm


grand marshal sword could cut u in 2 pieces even he had all his other gear at his bags.


same with the legendary dual swords.


yes u could easily kill someone s5 gear when u had hmmm lets say s1.


and yes when wotlk came i only equiped my greatsword went to mines(arathi)and w8ed for victims to come. gear didnt matter ofc u are right.


i think u never played wow my friend .WOW was ALWAYS gear and still is.


the only change is that i lost 15 kilos to get my gear and after wotlk everyone can get it with his eyes closed.


go troll somewere else pls..

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tor is extremely narrow focused an linear, that is true. There is no consequence for anything in tor sadly. legal or exploit it doesn't seem to matter. The game play is deliberately simplistic because you cant make it complex today.

Hell back in DAOC classic we had a mechanic for people who wanted to actively screw over pvpers who were gonna win a fight. It was called "/Suicide" instantly killed yourself an removed the kill from the person/s that attacked you. Can you imagine the utterly uproar today if such a thing existed. The tor .....puritans an BG farmers would go into complete breakdown over it. Such a simple thing as that...


It really was so sad to see MMO's lose all their mature gameplay content almost instantly.

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Heheh and the same old crap.


So - which of you oldies did play ultima? Where you spent 1 year in mines to get ore for asskicking black rock plate mail and then someone killed you and gave ya a full loot?


Who did play Mount and Blade: Warband - where PvP was ALL about skill as probably the only game in history?


Noone? I thought so...


Khri: Pacific shard was RP or not?

Edited by Carthoo
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Heheh and the same old crap.


So - which of you oldies did play ultima? Where you spent 1 year in mines to get ore for asskicking black rock plate mail and then someone killed you and gave ya a full loot?


Who did play Mount and Blade: Warband - where PvP was ALL about skill as probably the only game in history?


Noone? I thought so...


Khri: Pacific shard was RP or not?


Not to play whose got it harder, but na I didn't play blade, I played EVE Online, where you lose everything you own in one death.I go running missions an ratting for 2 weeks to afford 3 Carriers for our next OP. Then I lose them an have to do it again unless I qualify for ship replacement.

UO was about speed hack an warp hack, nothing more, great game without those two idiotic things.

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Not sure what you're complaining about other than the color of items. LFR in wow isn't good gear, it might be purple, but it's vastly inferior to hard-mode level items (which you actually have to work for). The sense of entitelment only has to do with one thing...the color purple. The items could have the exact same stats and level, but if they were green or blue, people would absolutely raise hell complaining about "nerfed gear" even tho it's exactly the same. That's how stupid the general community is.
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In WoW Vanilla i couldn´t reach the highest rank (and gear) because i had to work and there where always some guys that didnt. So, if you ask me if its ok that u can get the gear in swtor (based on luck) fast, it´s ok for me. As a worker and as a dude with social life im totaly ok with that. Damn, if one guy hits 50 and instantly gets 6 champion token, good for him. Atleast he can give me some competition in pvp rather than being smashed by me and the others that have already collected theyre gear.


For me its hard work to reach valor rank 60, because i have to spend quite a lot time for this goal. And after being 60 i have to work for my BM gear (again based on luck).


ps. i hate thouse guys, that have so ****in much more time than me and are like "i haz the time, i haz the items, i haz all the kills and smash u to bits." :D

Edited by Rayzen
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Yea right !


I loved working for months and months to get that nice full set of whatever gear just to have it all totally WORTHLESS with the next patch and had to start all over again for the next level of gear. Was painfull and became all rather pointless very quickly.


I pray they dont do the same here !

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