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This game has serious Quality of Life Issues and it sucked my will play...My Top 10


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I wanted to love this game with all my heart and for a while I thought I did.


But the small things just killed my will to play, this game 1-49 was amazing and I brought over 3 of my friends to play it we all loved it.


But here is a short list of what I hope gets fixed because as of now I cant bring myself to play it.


1. Snap back camera for the love of god why cant it be an option, I feel like a horse


2. Auto zoom, why is it that my zoom settings reset every time? Its awesome I can zoom out but why zoom me back in, when I choose my setting that should be my default.


3. WINS NOT COUNTING..I was so excited to see the fix only to see my WZ win not count. Now I consider myself reasonable and im down to getting steam rolled as I get gear its part of the process but when my win does not count it knocks the wind out of me.


4. Bag loot system which is compounded with wins not counting. I just did a hell of grind open my bags and ta-dah! coms....


5. Ilum..nuff said


6. Ability Delay, the fix really did not help anything and looking at how WZ win bug was "fixed" I would bet nothing was really done here either.


7. Load screens and space stations, just let me get to my destination! or make my fleet pass something like 30 mins.


8. GTN, just a mess of a system having to go through a series of filters just to find and post what you need.


9. The game CHUGS, its like a very talented fat boy playing soccer he has the skills but wow is he slow. ( I have a very decent system in fact got this new rig specifically for swtor)


10. Targeting...its slow its not responsive its painful...it just plain sucks


These are the major annoyances I have with this game and I wanted to love it but the more I logged in the less I wanted to play it.

Edited by Guntsu
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I agree on a few of your points. Most of them are very minor issues. I haven't reached engame so I don't know about that. Travelling can be tiresome, I agree.


System chugging and you just built it? I'm on a year old + laptop running the game at max settings (minus AA and shadows) and am getting a solid 50-80 fps. =/

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You didn't even mention how ridiculously easy the operations are.


Or the PvP imbalances (namely Sorcs and Mercs (and Smuggler/op a little still))


or the very stupid crafting changes


or the lack of crafting patterns for decent gear


or the lack of money sink


or the lack of World PvP (Ilum clearly is a whole other issue)

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You didn't even mention how ridiculously easy the operations are.


Or the PvP imbalances (namely Sorcs and Mercs (and Smuggler/op a little still))


or the very stupid crafting changes


or the lack of crafting patterns for decent gear


or the lack of money sink


or the lack of World PvP (Ilum clearly is a whole other issue)


Opinions are opinions?! NO WAY!

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No I am just talking about glaring game issues, for the most part I think the core or heart of this game is on the money.


But the execution has been terrible and a minor thing like camera and zoom options are messed up.


To me the small daily issues of the game grinds at me and eventually makes me not want to play.


WZ wins not counting was especially hard to swallow....

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Opinions are opinions?! NO WAY!


oh and just to be clear:


Or the PvP imbalances (namely Sorcs and Mercs (and Smuggler/op a little still))

- not an opinon (my main is a sorc, its so dumb how strong they are)


or the very stupid crafting changes

(making purples < blues ?, really, what are they thinking ?)


or the lack of crafting patterns for decent gear

- every crafting profession should have a learn able item that is competitive in the market


or the lack of money sink

- many people are rich. Even after spending money on VIP and mount....


or the lack of World PvP (Ilum clearly is a whole other issue)

-The questing zones are separated which is insanely lame. I rolled PvP server to have PvP happen..there is NO world PvP

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7. Load screens and space stations, just let me get to my destination! or make my fleet pass something like 30 mins.


Yeah I buy fleet passes like crazy just to avoid the loading screens.


How about this, BW? When you click on a shuttle door (especially at level 50), you get the option to port to your ship, or open the galaxy map and port to the planet you choose?

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It is the small things that bugs people , and all those small things + bad customer support , makes people not want to play anymore.


The game is great has really promising future , just need tons of fixes . Make a Quality of Life team , who fixes those issues , aside from bugs stamping !


When they are done they can fix all chairs workable and other minor issues .

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who thought it was a good idea to stick everything on the fleet, rest of the world is dead... Complete waste of effort. The only place u travel too at 50 is ilum or fleet. and both are laggy and boring. Also I could think of a better system for ilum in 5 minutes but then I guess any one of us who have played it could also :(
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Most of OPs issues have already been addressed by BioWare and they have stated what measures they are going by to fix them.


Nothing to see here move along.


OP: There's the unsubscribe button.

already done so stop those baby emotes cause you are paying for my improvement !


So stings huh that you pay for my improvement together with the haters and trolls .

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Agree with the whole list! Hopefully they will address these issues, im staying optimistic since it is a newer game but these things should of been done from the start.


On the camera issue i dont understand why it was changed in the patch also the new C/D on powers bugs me too but i know they are fixing that.

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There are a lot of little things that just frustrate me ...


1. Why cant i right click on a guild member to invite to group (i know you have an option menu, guild officers set notes)

2. Camera snap annoys the hell out of me

3. Sell back features for items you may have purchased incorrectly

4. OPS loot issues. We currently cannot ML in NMM because it bugs and you dont get rakata, so we need to group loot. How do we sort out loot properly then? (especially when 2 of the same items drop)

5. This could go with the above, but why cant we trade BOP items with our party for a limited amount of time?

6. WZ wins, its been said

7. Illum, yep ...

8. Incentive for running HM FP's after you have full rakata - come on, you need as many people running these as possible, otherwise its going to get increasingly hard to find groups. Let me buy stims / agrenels / medpacs (blue) with tionese crystals!!

9. commendations, commendations ... and wait for it .... MORE COMMENDATIONS. i hate these things, honestly. Its funny how i had full columi before i could even purchase a comuli item.

10. WZ leavers (yes its a player / culture thing), this needs to be punished.

11. (i know, you said 10) Lastly, the progression rate of WZ medals for some classes / specs. healers get the big one here, as do dps that have no shields / heals.


Overall, i enjoy the game ... but i can see it going downhill really fast.

Edited by ztee
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Most of OPs issues have already been addressed by BioWare and they have stated what measures they are going by to fix them.


Nothing to see here move along.


OP: There's the unsubscribe button.


As the OP himself said, that's not true. Illum is still a joke and now the CSRs are stating that kill trading there is not an exploit. Ability delay still happens. Targeting is still awful. The game is still not optimized and plays slowly. Warzone wins still frequently don't count. BW had attempted to fix these things, but they have failed with all of them.

Edited by RobNightfall
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Most of OPs issues have already been addressed by BioWare and they have stated what measures they are going by to fix them.


Nothing to see here move along.


OP: There's the unsubscribe button.


It was the fact that BW addressed them which gave me hope, and honestly I want this game to do well.


But I feel they address to quell the general anger and then hope it fades, example WZ wins not counting....its in the patch notes! FIXED...but its not and that is sloppy as all hell


For me no game has ever delivered such an awesome lvling experience none and ive played many games....but it stopped there

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