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Why I will be splitting my time, or leaving


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In April Funcom will be releasing The Secret World. I don't plan to leave swtor for it, not right away, but I decided to post to explain why only 2 months in I'm getting excited about another game and what is keeping me here.



I initially got excited for this game for one reason above all else, it wasn't high fantasy. Say what you will but it didn't have eleves and mages, much as I like mages, and more of a sci-fi feel. It could do things and had more possibilities then traditional fantasy would allow. Namely in a world where most swords had given way to blasters the possibilities for combat were excellent. Since I had just discovered how much I liked tanking in wow, the possibility of being a vanguard and a ranged tank had me pretty giddy. Even when I rolled a smuggler scoundrel I was expecting more shootouts and ranged/stealth healing.


Sadly I was VERY disappointing by how, even with all these guns, everyone is stuck in melee. I feel pretty much like the kid who gets underwear for her birthday. All the possibilities that could have made the same fresh again, right now, won't be happening. The worse part is if was some sort of pvp balance issue I still can come up with dozens of better ways they could have handled the situation. Right now even though I know its different, it still feels like wow with blasters.



I know the voice overs weren't everyone's cup of tea, but to me it really made a difference. I'm not sure I could really ever go to another mmo that didn't try this hard or on this level to draw you in. Not only to hear the reasons i'm out jumping bears for their bums but to hear my smuggler make a smart-*** comment back about it made my day pretty much any time it started to wear on me. As a smuggler at least I can't count how many times the mmo inherent grind was starting to wear on me when suddenly my smuggler would do something or once again got blown up in a cutscene. :)



Personally I enjoy the feel of the controls, my only gripe now is I have so many abilities that occasionally after I die I smack my head when I remember that one ability to prevent that. I don't see macros being a good fix since that, to me, reduces the game to a few buttons. The downside to the gameplay is the same as I stated in the setting. In a world where more people have guns then swords why are we reduced to melee? Scrapper to me should have been a mid-range fighter along with Vanguard, but that didn't happen. With so many arbitrary melee fighters it just still feels to much like wow.



On my server the Empire outnumber the Republic 3:1. Even though I started playing in early release my main character is only 25 valor. This is because even though I pvp I pve at the same time. But upon hitting 50 you just hit this wall. The gear wall. Not only is that inherently frustrating, but making the bags so hard to obtain increases it. Ilum, therefore, is a never ending roflstomp for my faction since we are outnumbered so badly. I decided to get up at 5am GMT and STILL the one area to get the very long respawn weapons was covered by about 3 battlemasters and 4 regular empire players. As it is Ilum is not very attractive to anyone trying to get their pvp gear unless your side has more players.



In the game people are pretty decent and helpful. Having a better system to meet up with people for flashpoints would be welcome however and was a glaring flaw my entire time leveling up. But that is minor compared to my bigger gripe on the community for swtor.


Most of the fourm posts can get pretty hostile especially if someone has a legitimate concern. Most easily this is seen in the PvP section where numerous well thought out posts get responses of name calling or crying like babies. It happens in all of them to differing degrees. While I know this isn't something that can, or should, be really controlled it leaves me having unpleasant flashbacks to my time in high school. There is no guarantee that other games are better in this regard, but outside wow this is the first its been this bad.


So that is it. Overall I enjoy this game enough to try to stick with it. But I spent a whole week not playing because I really could not muster the drive to go through more unbalanced matches or fight both empire and republic for armaments to get gear. PvE is great, but though a very small portion of the game, you can't really have star wars without PvP. But Bioware take it or leave it, these are my opinions on your game thus far.

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I have high hopes for the The Secret World, but also a number of worries for it. The marketing still seems way too hush-hush for only being 2-3 months out. The second phase of their facebook social marketing campaign hasn't even begun yet when I feel like I should be seeing preorders and open beta announcements starting.
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I have high hopes for the The Secret World, but also a number of worries for it. The marketing still seems way too hush-hush for only being 2-3 months out. The second phase of their facebook social marketing campaign hasn't even begun yet when I feel like I should be seeing preorders and open beta announcements starting.


We all remember what happened last time Funcom ran out of money as well:


20 great levels of MMO and 60 levels of ramming a spike into your forehead.


We know they can make a good MMO, we just don't know whether they will.

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Meh, Funcom games = fail. Just look at AOC. Go play RIFT instead, its probably the most complete and best MMO out there right now. Just went F2P from level 1-20 kinda like WAR's unlimited trial.


You missed where the OP said s/he was excited for a setting that was not high fantasy.

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I'll be leaving unless they give me the option to NOT play Huttball. Seriously I love the game, I'm having real fun with the flashpoints and the class quests are pretty well written, but I have YET to get placed into a PvP with my SW of anything other than that horrible, boring, pointless game mode and I refuse to pay a monthly fee to play it.
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I really, really don't care. :rolleyes:


By all means, please go play something else. If you decide to come back, great. We will still be here.


Never said I was leaving. The plan was in the title, split my time. The POINT of the thread, and I put it in there too, was that people shouldn't be looking at other games only 2 months after release. These are my opinions of the game today, on Monday of February in 2012.

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Most of the fourm posts can get pretty hostile especially if someone has a legitimate concern. Most easily this is seen in the PvP section where numerous well thought out posts get responses of name calling or crying like babies. It happens in all of them to differing degrees. While I know this isn't something that can, or should, be really controlled it leaves me having unpleasant flashbacks to my time in high school. There is no guarantee that other games are better in this regard, but outside wow this is the first its been this bad.


Sorry you don't like it. Not the game for you. I'm enjoying it greatly. My whole guild is.


As to the forums. You will never find forums that are not hostile, filled with childish rantings, not on any game. If you chose to leave a game based on the forum traffic, you will never find a game that you will stay with. Its unfortunate, but it is a fact.


Beyond that I believe you are basing your decision on bad reasoning. Not only is this game not finished, it has not yet begun. MMORPGs do not hit their stride until at least 6 months in. That is when you will start to see it beginning to reach its potential. This is not "Call of duty", or any other completed shooter, it is a long term, social, RPG.


Either way, I wish you the best if you leave, but would suggest that you stick to your plan and hang around. It would be most unfortunate to allow the jackwagons on the general board both deter you and create a false illusion of what a MMORGP is.

Edited by Blackardin
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In April Funcom will be releasing The Secret World. I don't plan to leave swtor for it, not right away, but I decided to post to explain why only 2 months in I'm getting excited about another game and what is keeping me here.


Funcom, they put the "FU" in "fun".

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Never said I was leaving. The plan was in the title, split my time. The POINT of the thread, and I put it in there too, was that people shouldn't be looking at other games only 2 months after release. These are my opinions of the game today, on Monday of February in 2012.


"why ill be splitting my time, OR LEAVING"

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Meh, Funcom games = fail. Just look at AOC. Go play RIFT instead, its probably the most complete and best MMO out there right now. Just went F2P from level 1-20 kinda like WAR's unlimited trial.


AOC is actually a great game now... however the damage has been dealt and most people wont give it a second chance... plus its free 2 play and thats a turn off to some people..

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The game is pretty bad as far as MMO's go. Considering this game had such a huge budget, talent group, and its years in development its really a shame they are relying on a game engine thats a decade old and most or less stolen mechanic/designs from 2007 WoW (talent tree design, fact they use talent trees, the standard tank/dps/healer motiff, etc). Theres nothing innovative about this game. Throwing voice overs and jedi ontop of WoW does not make it something other than WoW.


In SWTOR you grind quests until you hit max level, then you do PvE (raids) or PvP (pvp) to grind for gear. There is no dynamic content, or other activities to speak of. All the interesting companions and story goes out the window the second you hit 50.


Whats worse is, even for copying a tried and true formula, BW managed to get it wrong between bad design and incredible bugs. Illum PvP was entirely a failure. How could they have not forseen it is beyond me.


It only goes to show how tacked on and late entry many of the mechanics of the game were.


That said, sure maybe they will fix it. Not before they loose a healthy amount of subs. EA will do what they did with warhammer, squeeze every ounce of blood from it and continuously scale back its funding for another project.

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Sweet, a new chapter in the book by Funcom: "MMO Failures: A How-To"


Chapter 1:

Anarchy Online


Chapter 2:

Age of Conan


Chapter 3:

The Secret World




SWTOR is far from perfect, but ****, at least it isn't a Funcom MMO. Enjoy the crap game, OP.

Edited by iwanbo
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Never said I was leaving. The plan was in the title, split my time. The POINT of the thread, and I put it in there too, was that people shouldn't be looking at other games only 2 months after release. These are my opinions of the game today, on Monday of February in 2012.


There is nothing wrong with enjoying two MMO's . I really like TOR and donot share your views on it, as it is what I been looking for in a MMO. A Mass Effect online with a Star War's twist. Love it! But I also still play and enjoy WoW. Have many friends there I enjoy doing runs with and WoW's new Looking for Raid tool is great.

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Never said I was leaving. The plan was in the title, split my time. The POINT of the thread, and I put it in there too, was that people shouldn't be looking at other games only 2 months after release. These are my opinions of the game today, on Monday of February in 2012.


Why shouldn't they look? I know a lot of people are one game only types but a lot aren't. I'm looking forward to trying Secret World, GW2 and a few others. Doesn't mean I don't like this game right now. I already split my time between this and my previous MMO. I like them both for what they offer.

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I definitely want to at least try out Secret World, the setting looks really cool.


this thread is moot, we all know Guild Wars 2 will rock everyones world and SWTOR will be left with a skeleton subscriber base.


Not really, because GW2 doesnt have a sub Ill be playing both games. Im sure Im not the only one.

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I always like to have two MMOs running so I do not burn out too quickly. I am looking forward to seeing if GW2 or Secret World will fill that other slot as I have really stopped playing the previous MMOs I have played completely.


I hope that Secret World is great as it has sooooo much potential and is entirely different than TOR, allowing me some variety in my MMO playing.

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What's wrong with splitting your time? I mean, just because I love SWTOR doesn't mean that I want to play it in such a manner that I burn myself out. I keep my FFXIV sub going for just that.


Personally I'm looking forward to games like The Secret World and GW2. And I don't see how enjoyment of an MMO has to be a mutually exclusive pass time. It's a game, not a spouse. SWTOR isn't going to leave you if it finds out your playing Guild Wars 2.. And I don't think you're going to get some MMO-comminicable disease from it either.


Variety is the spice of life!


So many people rage quit games when all they really need to do is step back for a little bit and take a small break.

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