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Increase Rep population by improving armor graphics


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Empire has a much larger population than Republic.


To attract more players to the Republic, the devs should prioritize improving the graphics of the Republic's armor.


It makes sense to help even out faction populations by "buffing" the underpopulated faction in a purely aesthetic way that doesn't affect actual gameplay and faction strength.

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The Republic side armor is almost all robes, for every class. Even smugglers and trooper armor ( cape tails ). This is Star Wars, why does it have to look like Wizards and Warriors in space? How about some tech armor like the Imperial side?


This is one thing that could help, still lots of work to do for Republics unfortunately.

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Well it's true that the trooper armour looks like the texture came out of a 90's indy 3D game. But I don't think having passable art on either side would boost the republic. Jedi are hideously boring, not just in this game but as a concept in their entirety. That leaves you with soldier and space-truck-driver.


That's just not very exciting.


Plus you add to that there is an evil side in this game. An evil side that is defined with perfect clarity as evil, they aren't refugees from a shattered world and a demon's oppression like Orcs, these guys are evil. Flat out, shamelessly, over the top, sometimes downright silly evil.

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You seriously think making the republic armour a little bit more shiny is going to increase the republic population?




Actually, yes. Not everyone cares about the looks of their char's gear, but a lot of people do. If you don't think so, check out how many people used transmog tool in that other game

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You seriously think making the republic armour a little bit more shiny is going to increase the republic population?




Unless you have a better idea, get out.


Seriously, everyone, if you don't have something positive to contribute, just don't post.


Will better graphics get people to play Republic more? Probably not.


Will people like you who just say "no" to every idea people toss out there help the issue? Hell no.


See this thread for non-game breaking bonuses to any faction that is severely outnumbered.



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Definitely. The armor style was largely a part of why I rolled Empire initially. Imperial Agent armor styles vs Smuggler? Yeah, Smuggler doesn't stand a chance. On top of that, give IAs knives and rifles, and they are so much more appealing by flavor alone. Edited by Youmu
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Jedi Consulars need huge improvements, on my server Bao-Dur, there are always a huge amount of sith sorcerors in PvP, and since their mirror the Jedi Sage, ends up looking like they came to the battle straight from a playdate with barbie and my little pony, not many people want to play them. So if we want more republics we just need some Consular outfits that are better looking.
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Definitely. The armor style was largely a part of why I rolled Empire initially. Imperial Agent armor styles vs Smuggler? Yeah, Smuggler doesn't stand a chance. On top of that, give IAs knives and rifles, and they are so much more appealing by flavor alone.


This exactly. It's a mirrored class ( well let's pretend that for now because you can argue that in the hundreds of other threads on the forums ) so when it comes down to it, there's really only a few factors that new players use to determine what they are going to play. Play style comes from the play themselves, so they know what type of class they want to play, so it's time to check out each one in character creation. Oh so the Smuggler gets some iconic clothes that look like Han Solo, from 1977, dated and odd colored. Hmm, the Agent gets a an iconic imperial officer uniform which ISN'T the one from 1977 but an updated version that is more stylish. It's not hard to see why players pick Empire. That and the fact that most players are savvy enough to check game forums before starting and on average players take the most populated faction because it's just easier that way.

Edited by silentsurfer
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There is a hell of a lot more going into the decision to play Republic vs Empire than the armor style, although I won't deny it can play a part.


I'm all for more and varied gear but I think claiming it's the major reason people play one side or the other is going a little far.


On a seperate note, this topic got me thinking about variety and what I would really enjoy would be more variety in the colors available for lightsaber blades and blaster bolts.

Edited by Brickabrack
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Empire has a much larger population than Republic.


To attract more players to the Republic, the devs should prioritize improving the graphics of the Republic's armor.


It makes sense to help even out faction populations by "buffing" the underpopulated faction in a purely aesthetic way that doesn't affect actual gameplay and faction strength.


The graphics are fine. they would have to create all new textures for the armor. that does not just happen overnight.

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I'd like to see better armor on the Republic, and think it could very well help with some of the balance between the factions.


But Jedi in robes is pretty much the iconic look most people expect for Jedi. What we'd like mostly is the ability to lower the hoods. That and maybe a pair of pants for the Shadows a bit sooner then the mid 30's.


But the Troopers and Smugglers are pretty well off with how their armor looks I think.

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I agree here.. Heck, even my COMPANIONS agree that the imperials have better looking duds..


I think it was Kira who pointed out that she thinks all the fashion designers in the galaxy are working for the imperials.

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Actually, yes. Not everyone cares about the looks of their char's gear, but a lot of people do. If you don't think so, check out how many people used transmog tool in that other game


To be fair all the top gear in the game looks like **** so I doubt it. Empire just has better class quests and the Fleet on Republic side has Emprie reflections all over the place. Clearly Bioware is trying to send the Pubs a message.

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To be fair all the top gear in the game looks like **** so I doubt it. Empire just has better class quests and the Fleet on Republic side has Emprie reflections all over the place. Clearly Bioware is trying to send the Pubs a message.


Well I say Empire's the mirrored one. And there's no contest between the Smuggler and IA stories, IMO. Same with Consular and Inquisitor.

Edited by Valin_Thren
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I've found awesome Trooper and Smuggler gear, but I'm so far stumped on cool Knight gear. There's SOME cool Consular gear, but not nearly as abundant as the non-Forcies. Jedi just need a makeover.



My Guardian currently looks pretty awesome. I'm level 30 and just got the silver armored gloves/pants/boots and I got this cool white/silverish colored hood/cape combo from a Tatooine Heroic quest. I also have on a silver armored head band. Over all, the look is pretty impressive IMO. I wish I had a picture.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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