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What do you do in Real Life SWTOR player? And what class did you pick?


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Real Life: Currently United States Army in the 82nd Airborne Division


Game: Jedi Sentinel I wanted the ability to protect and serve and found out quickly i only have the ability to serve and die quickly. but its still fun.


Playing part time as a bounty hunter to feed my angry side...sometimes you just want to stomp a hole in someones butt for a simple yes or no answer.

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Real Life: Scientist, Writer, Editor and college student (trying to get a Masters)


Classes in Game: Jedi Consular (Seer, Light Side, Biochem), Sith Warrior


Why I chose them?


The Consular was for 2 reasons:


1. I'm usually the healer/cleric type in games I play. Appeals to the part of me that wants to be a doctor, I guess.


2. My guild needed healers, so I took that route for the greater good of my guildmates.


Sith Warrior:


1. My son wanted to play the Inquisitor, so I went with Warrior to do something different than him when we played as a group.


2. I wanted to play a horrendously scary, BEASTLY chick Sith Warrior to take out my own aggressions with.

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Network and application engineer IRL.


Guardian and Sage Healer in-game.


Why?: Playing JK because it's KOTOR 3. Playing healer because I've never been a healer in any game before and leveling with my a friend.

Edited by LeeTone
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I'm a software engineer in training.


In game:

I currently play a Sith Assassin tank.



I'm in love with healing, but I play with a couple of friends who have up to no mmorpg experience. So I, having played a bit of WoW during 2011, took on the tanking job.

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Since we are random internet folks, I'm wondering what do others do in Real Life and why did you pick your specific class. Let me go first.


Who am I?


- I sell stuff.


What class did I pick?


- Dark Jedi Guardian Tank.




- To be the last one to die(Hopefully:D). Epic.


In real life I'm a lawyer. I spend my day lawing.


My main is either a jedi guardian or sentinel, I am trying to decide which I like better.


I like those two the best because well, I wanted a jedi main first, and I really like the whole double bladed saber on Shadow, but I just can't find a build I really like, with a good synergy between skill trees and abilities, (though i havent researched or asked for advice so may just be me).

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Who am I?

I am a Software Engineer for my RL job.


What class did you pick?

I flip between my Jedi Consular (Sage) and my Sith Warrior (Marauder). My main is really the Sage right now. I also frequent my Bounty Hunter in a duo team with a buddy of mine.



I am pretty much an ******* in real life so I figured I could play out the fantasy of being a nice guy with a Light Side Healer in-game. ;)

Edited by DarthRavnos
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Me, I'm a software engineer.


I picked... all of them! So far, I have, like, seven characters around level 30, and one in the fourties. In hindsight, I probably should have gone republic for the second AC for each class, but too late now!


This way I can have 16 different characters instead of 8.


Why? Because I get bored with any particular play-style pretty fast. Need to be able to switch it up. A lot. Even if it does mean having to do Nar Shaddaa eight times. *muttermutter*stupidcorreliansector*mutter* Also, it's an old MMO tradition that end level has to suck, so the longer you can put it off, the better.

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I sell stuff (specialty Steels) , used to blow up stuff (US Army combat engineer), and also shoot stuff (US Army Infantry), and now fix the things that shoot stuff (US Army National Guard, unit armorer).


I play a bounty hunter in game.

Edited by warrenTU
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What do I do IRL? Work at UPS, in the warehouse. Im the dude responsible for your damaged Popcorn Factory boxes with some of the contents missing. >.>


What class did I pick? Sith Marauder


Why? To quote a phrase from a great movie, "because some people just want to watch the world burn."

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I'm a physics student at university and work part time as a lifeguard.


I play a Jedi consular sage. Although I've only just started playing so he's still low level.


I like healing more than the other two roles, hence why I picked a sage.

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I process Disability Retirement applications for the State Retirement system. My main is a BH Mercenary.. In real life I'm a very nurturing person and take care of my loved ones and the people that I help during their application process at work - so I guess it's kind of a release to be able to only care about credits.
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Student and heavy procrastinator. Aiming for a master degree in either physics or mathematics, but who knows. I'll have to put my systemic, scientific mind to use somewhere, though, and math and physics fascinates me the most.



44 Merc

42 Jugg

27 Op

16 Vang


Loving my Operative, atm. Story writer must be a creative genius. Though I enjoy my Jugg and Merc as well. I'm light side on all my characters. I just prefer the reactions you get from NPC's when you're merciful and diplomatic, mainly because I appreciate the contrast between that and the darker alternative.


Had a Shadow and a Sniper around the twenties, but deleted them. The Twi'lek had horrible clipping issues and my Sniper only ruined the symmetry at character selection (I have two additional republic characters as future projects crafted already).

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I'm a manager at a community college theater.


Leveled Sentinel to 50 first, but going Sage or Merc main depending on what faction my friends end up sticking with.


Who doesn't want to be a laser-sword-wielding alien that can throw people around with a flick of the wrist, or a pew pew flying robot man for that matter?

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