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SWTOR : 10 Years Domination


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Ten years is quite a long time, considering how fast computer technology chnges, but for the next 3-4 years I think SWTOR will be one of the best MMO's on the market.


Well, yeah. Ofcourse the worst of the best, after it coming stuff like everquest 453224, lotr or other craptastic mmos.

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In 2002 I downloaded the free game America's Army. The download was split into six seperate downloads and I started up my modem every night before I went to bed. It took me seven nights to download it, because I had to start over one night, when the modem timed out.


Ten years is a long time.

Edited by TOURDallas
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I think MMOs will probably be either obsolete or unrecognizable in 10 years, due primarily to advances in gaming technology.


Thing is though, MMOs that are 13 years old are very recognisable with todays latest crop (most of the things you find in SWTOR you found in EQ1 in 1999).


I'm not entirely convinced the next 10 years will be making bigger leaps than the last 13 years have.

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Basics and structure of the game is the most important thing and if BW solves skill cast response problem SWTOR will rock, i'm telling you !


This game is not broken, just new.


You guys have a point, yes this game is not worth for 5 years and xxx million dollars.


But the thing is, if BW make epic things fast and accurate. This game will be the next WoW, i hope...

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Well, yeah. Ofcourse the worst of the best, after it coming stuff like everquest 453224, lotr or other craptastic mmos.


You hate the game. You hated it for weeks. I remember all your 'TOR is rubish' posts. You even got suspended once (maybe more times?)....


Yet Feb 6th and here you still are...paying Bioware for the game you hate ever so much.



General unrelated thought: Parents should be more careful with their children using their credit cards imo.


P.S. I doubt TOR will dominate in 10 year's time. It will still be around I'm sure.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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10 years? Definitely not.

It might still be around, but as something a la SWG, more or less of a niche game, kept alive by the Star Wars theme. Then again, SWG was something different and had a somewhat different customer base.

Besides, the "WoW design" MMORPG is already obsolete. The whole MMORPG genre needs to shift towards something better or it will die.

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The problem with ToR is, that is needs constant input of additional content from Bioware to survive. Games like Everquest, DAoC and also SWG (before it closed down) had enough sandbox content, so people kept playing them even without further patches. Even WoW could survive for some time without Blizzard's attention.


SWToR on the other hand is the pinnacle of a pure theme park design and so it will only survive as long as it has enough paying subscripers to develop new content for. The moment that number will get too low, the development will be stopped (see what happened to the first Warhammer expansion) and the servers wont survive for long after that.

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I doubt there will be more then 3 servers in a years time. Not unless they have massive amounts of resources to finish development of the game.


Of course that doesn't mean that the game will die... I just don't think "Domination" is quite the correct word. I'd more go for "slow drawn out demise" (which isn't only bad for us players but also terrible for BW because they either will have to concede that the game sucks and turn of the servers/go F2P or they have to continue running servers for a mere handful of people).

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1.7 mil is the total number of accounts activated in 2011. There are not 1.7 mil paying subscribers.


No, you are wrong. It was way over 2 million activated accounts. 1.7 million is the number of paying subscribers as of end of january.


And I think it will be over 5 million by the end of the year.

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This game was released about 6 months too early.


In a world were production quality makes or breaks your mmo, I'm surprised bioware allowed this game to be released in such a state. Rift and GW2 are examples of how it is possible to release games with good production quality.


It's not 2004 and arguing that wow released with more bugs is a fundamental misunderstanding of the mmo market. Wow was able to release with many bugs because their competitors had even more bugs.


If SWTOR's business strategy was to take subscribers from wow, it better be sure that it's as good as wow.

Edited by Orangerascal
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I really hope it lasts that long. Despite the problems here and there; I think it's a great game, and I am perfectly happy paying a subscription for it. I really hope enough people keep playing, so that the servers stay up for a very long time.
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I hope it becomes F2P.


As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a free lunch. F2P games do cost money, the trick is in making people believe they do not. They live off a (this is simplified for the sake of brevity) separated player base: a) players who do not pay at all, experience only the basic game, ultra-slot levelling, weakened characters, no access to the more interesting content etc. and b) players who do pay for items, temporary or permanent buffs, access to premium content, premium character options etc.

The second group tends to pay considerably more than someone would for a P2P MMO, making up for the portion of the player base not paying a dime. The caveat is that for non-paying people, F2P MMOs tend to be a rather sub-par experience (so that there is always incentive for buying stuff in the shop).


For example, when Champions Online went F2P, I considered having another look at it. I stopped the client download the moment I learnt how without premium access, character creation would be severely limited, char slots would be less than what I already had etc., and that I couldn't even play any of my characters because they are customized but F2P only allowed certain limited pre-sets - basically not even worth looking at outside of a free trial mode.


F2P means must Pay-To-Win and/or Pay-To-Have-Fun, and quite often also require a certain number of non-paying, non-premium members for those who put down many times a typical P2P fee each month in order to make their chars superior, faster at levelling or generally feel special or entitled above the non-paying players.

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This game was released about 6 months too early.


In a world were production quality makes or breaks your mmo, I'm surprised bioware allowed this game to be released in such a state. Rift and GW2 are examples of how it is possible to release games with good production quality.


It's not 2004 and arguing that wow released with more bugs is a fundamental misunderstanding of the mmo market. Wow was able to release with many bugs because their competitors had even more bugs.


If SWTOR's business strategy was to take subscribers from wow, it better be sure that it's as good as wow.


Bugs isn't really the issue with the success in this case though. The launch was better than most launches and server stability was excellent.

The big failure has been game balance and itemization. Not surprising though as singleplayer games (BWs stronghold) rarely care about these areas, but for MMORPGs those are the most important areas normally.


I am hoping the genre will become more niched (is that a word even ?) again in the future, as the attempt at satisfying everyone generally leaves the product subpar in most areas.

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Not going to happen. WoW is the undisputed king right now. Blizz is also going to release Titian in 3-4 years i guess. Titan wont have ability delay, phasing, ridiculous system requirements, rng pvp bags and will have combat logs, addons, LFG tools, cross realm pvp and all other things required in modern mmo. Swtor should stay in production for a year more at least to fix all those things.
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I think MMOs will probably be either obsolete or unrecognizable in 10 years, due primarily to advances in gaming technology.


Not at all if you ask me... There is so much money in gaming general and mmos that they will continue... perhaps in another "shell" but non the less subscrption based... people want to have a game they can enjoy, they want to be able to socialize (afterall we are the facebook generation).


A game like zynga poker of facebook is not subscription based but "buy items" based and they do 100 of millions in profits...


MMO might change the format to this but they will survive because we the players need them one way or another.

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Let's be real. Noone is going to ever dominate WoW-style again and WoW filled a vacuum which noone else felt like in need to be filled and when they tried to do the same they were too late for that and tried to emulate WoW's formula of success. A formula which only worked because it had noone else's than its own shoes to fill.

Even WoW's star is declining, slowly, but it is and the result will be a market with a few nameable titles where no game sticks out as special and the only recommendable game anymore. Just as it should be.

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No, you are wrong. It was way over 2 million activated accounts. 1.7 million is the number of paying subscribers as of end of january.


And I think it will be over 5 million by the end of the year.


5 Million, what are you smoking? This game really isnt that popular in the gaming scene anymore. The only reason its doing ok at the moment, is because of the relation to Star Wars.

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Not at all if you ask me... There is so much money in gaming general and mmos that they will continue... perhaps in another "shell" but non the less subscrption based... people want to have a game they can enjoy, they want to be able to socialize (afterall we are the facebook generation).


A game like zynga poker of facebook is not subscription based but "buy items" based and they do 100 of millions in profits...


MMO might change the format to this but they will survive because we the players need them one way or another.


You do realize Titan is not going to be a MMORPG? It's going to be a Social MMO, nothing to do with WoW or SWTOR. It's going to be targeting all those millions that Zynga is making right now. All of these people claiming it's going to be better than WoW have no idea how pissed they are going to be. Blizzard isn't stupid enough to compete with a game with 10 years worth of content.

Edited by solidkjames
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