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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Your happy this game is failing??? (Which it isn't)


I am. I want developers to take note that creating a themepark WoW clone with almost no innovation isn't going to make you any $$.


Time for devs to get more creative and try something new.


And we need more sandbox games.

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In it's current state?




anyone who said yes should be required to play 1.1.3 or whatever patch we are on, from now until they explode. No fixes for you.


Bioware doesn't even like the game in it's current state... that's why they are fixing it...

Edited by KurleyKilla
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Im real close to the NO end of this poll. Im trying to level my second toon to 50 and I just have a hard time wanting to log in now that I am approaching 30. My first 50 I wanted to play alot more but there are no achievements or any kind of hard cool thing to grind at max level.


Maybe my style of play isnt mainstream but I like to take a character and hunt rare in game items/titles/mounts etc x 100. There is nothing like that here.


No player housing display area where you can show all the stuff your toon has done. Not a big deal here though because there is nothing cool to display.


Bounty Hunters and Jedi yet no bounty system. Every passing minute I play a game with this included makes me a little more sad.


Space combat was fun for awhile but then my brain evolved and I realised "Oh right, this is like being on the little rollercoaster at the state fair...". I know it wasnt supposed to be a main part of the game but when you make something look really cool in the beginning like that it kind of happens anyway. Take the rail out of space combat, add more ships and variety of ships. Maybe let us do it in 4 man groups. Coding aside, I really dont think it would take a whole lot of imagination to turn that aspect of the game into something very enjoyable for a long period of time. Maybe in another expansion? But that is a long time to wait...


The lack of UI makes grouping....well its just not fun here. It feels like all the worst parts of the SWG UI.


No addons or combat logs or anything to precisely monitor our actions in a hard numbers format in a game that is about numbers. Without it puging is a nightmare. Not to mention an entire part of the gaming community that is, by the way "more powerful than you can possibly imagine" is being cut out of the picture. A terrible waste IMO.




I dont mind the gear grind being hard the way it is. Only problem is doing the same thing over and over again to get it and not even having anything to show for it. There is no "Link how many thousand huttballs you did before you got your first piece of gear to drop from the bag". Hell there isnt even a counter that tells you how many of the opposing faction your toon has killed. Nothing to ake the eyes bleed a little less.


Spacebar through 90% of the game after leveling your first toon. Seems a waste of all that money they spent on it...Is that amount of money going to have to be spent every time there is a content upgrade?


Kiosk UI is disgusting...


With all the instancing it just doesnt feel like there are many people in the world with me. Except when I go to IF. Or Illum, but for as large as the place is it just feels like alot of empty space.


No Krayt Dragons on Tatooine...


Its a large list that is getting larger as time goes on. Ive tried everything to stop its growth without success. Its feeling less and less like a new MMO and more like just another MMO. It doesnt feel as Star Wars as I was hoping either. Just some dude running around killin stuff as per every other game. That's just me though. I hope others are having more fun with it.

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In it's current state?




anyone who said yes should be required to play 1.1.3 or whatever patch we are on, from now until they explode. No fixes for you.


Bioware doesn't even like the game in it's current state... that's why they are fixing it...


That must be the most stupid comment I have ever seen.

Edited by Guardious
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I am. I want developers to take note that creating a themepark WoW clone with almost no innovation isn't going to make you any $$.


Time for devs to get more creative and try something new.


And we need more sandbox games.


No thanks. Please don't try and get creative BioWare. I wanted WoW with lightsabers and that's what I got. Thank you very much. :D

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No- The classes aren't properly balanced. Bioware seems to have a "nerf everything into uselessness instead of buffing other things for balance" policy, which in turn makes the PVE experience unenjoyable for certain classes. But, what really bugs me is BW's apathy towards their consumers. Even this weekly Q&A is a freaking joke. They rarely tell us anything we didn't already know, and they go out of their way to ignore the people asking the most popular questions, because it's "controversial"
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Second reminder:

We are coming close to this thread being closed. Once it hits 100 pages, a moderator will come along and re-open it fresh from page 1 carrying over the main post.


If anyone has suggestions for Thread #3, voice them now so I can implement them.



Thank you.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Yes... and since haters want to label those that like the game a fanboy or biodrone let me clarify.


I like Star Wars... but I will not bastardize my gaming integrity to play a game I don't find enjoyable because of a license... tried SWG... hated it... logged in ONCE and never again.


As far as BW I have played two and own one BW game made it about halfway through KOTOR and stopped... same with ME1 when it comes to console games I prefer more intense action (CoD etc)


The fact of the matter is that this game does have it's issues... but I've played a lot of MMOs at launch and in my experience this is the best launch I've seen. Hell for the extremists who call it unplayable... Try playing FFXIV... over a year after launch and even after it's been "updated" calling the UI "clunky" is a severe understatement.

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As it is currently I say YES.


I'm an old gamer, been around for a long time and I've seen games come and go. Just about every MMO that has come along in the gaming industry has had a rocky start. I honestly believe this one has had the smoothest launch I have seen in about 4-5 years. Does the game have issues....you bet it does, some sub killers for many. I believe however that Bioware does care and will do their best to fix it.


The difference between the launch of the most popular MMO on the market currently and this one is the generational gap. When WoW launched it suffered some of the same exact issues as this one. The difference was that the community came up with suggestions, workarounds, and fixes for Blizzard to implement to improve their game. This community seems to be filled with whining, crying, instant satisfaction, self important/entitled players that do nothing but forum post with whines and rants about how they are paying for a product and not getting what they paid for.


Bioware will fix this game. They have invested too much time, money, and effort to just let it die. I'm not in agreement with their choice of engines used to build the game but they made it work, and they made it work pretty well from what I've seen so far given what they had, and I believe they will continue to do so. The engine has a lot of potential but it will take a lot of time to get it sorted. I'm not a fanboy of SW or Bioware. I'm just saying this MMO has a lot of potential and is the smoothest launch I have ever seen.


Leveling is fun and not a huge grind fest. Something many other MMO's cannot lay claim to. Give it a few more months. By the time this game is 1 year old it's going to be fantastic. I look forward to the ride.:)


I'll end my wall of text here..

Edited by Jist
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This game has some decent content this early and is playing rather smoothly. Sure, I've seen some text bugs and other bugs, but hell, there's a reason they do updates.


My biggest complaint thus far is not being able to make a Twi'lek trooper. (In all seriousness, I really want to make one.)

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No, as of right now.


  • Soa is bugged until Tuesday. My guild found another glitch in KP which prevented us from finishing it this week in HM. There are a lot of bugs.
  • The planets are mostly empty except for the very lowbie ones and the level 50 ones, which makes it difficult to find people for Heroics on the planets.
  • In fact, there's very little reason to go back to the other planets other than to sit in an instanced small planet with only lowbies.
  • The entire instanced feel of the game just makes the game feel like a single player effort.
  • Ilum is far too big for anything worthwhile.
  • The space game is very empty. The space shooter on rails was nice for experience, but it is not indicative of what one would imagine for a Star Wars game.
  • The story and companion interaction, pretty much dies at 50 and at full affection. Shouldn't they still want to talk to me even after hitting peak affection. And where is the story now.
  • Dailies are not endgame content.
  • The game is unfinished even for one that is new. I've played a few MMOs from Beta on in my 10 years of playing MMOs, and even using a very recent one, Rift, despite it's issues, the world felt alive and massive in a good way.


In short, my guild of 415 toons - 168 players - now hits 40 -45 people playing on peek nights, tonight there were only 30. Some people have already left after only 2 months. An MMO is not an MMO if there's no one to play with in the game.

Edited by Dranzen
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Today is my last day here. I might come back later on but there are several games I am interested in. I am in no way saying these games are the next coming or that I am sticking with them for years on end, only that I will be trying them.



This year for online or MMORPG games: Guild Wars 2, Diablo 3, TERA Online


2013 for online or MMORPG games: Archeage, Blade & Soul, Phantasy Star Online 2


For console games quite a few might end up taking my time starting with Mass Effect 3. So between all of that I am not sure if I will come back.

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1. The space game is incomplete, unattached to any-ground game amd repetitive (its the same mission with more objectives over and over)


2. Finding a group to run flashpoints or gear up takes too long and some nights its impossible.


3. I can't craft only my crew members can craft which leaves me sitting around waiting for no apparent reason.


4. There is no solo end-game or any end-game for that matter. Running dailies on two planets hardly gets my blood pumping.


5. There is no reason to go back to any planet at 50. Bioware is missing a great opportunity here.


6. The game is too linear and not open or dynamic. Only 10% of missions are unqiue and you pretty much run from point A to point B and never have a reason to just wander off and see what's there cause there is nothing.


7. No guild functionality (as of right now)


8. Still no Legacy system


9. Poor class design and skill tree design making choices unclear. (i.e defense Knights are worse than Vigilance knights)


10. Terrible Glalactic Trade Network interface.


11. Lack of sandbox areas in game


12. PvP gear is too easy to get while PvE gear is not.


I could go on but why bother. I waited for many years for this game. I beta tested it. I have played it to its end. I am disappointed at Bioware and its lack of vision and unwillingness to encompass a wider ranging game, a more free flowing game, a player driven game instead of a script-driven game. So now I wait for changes or the next company that has the balls to try and capture the Star Wars universe properly in online-game format.

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Yes, I love the story lines and the difficulty of my own personal quests. Honestly, I didn't have high hopes for this game and I thought it was going to crash and burn easily. I am obviously wrong, I'm impressed. There is also plenty of opportunities to group up with others which I enjoy a lot. I immensely enjoy the flashpoints as well.
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