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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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I am still openly tallying votes. Feel free to voice your opinion.


NEXT THREAD I am considering starting over the tally. If I do this, everyone may vote again. I am considering doing this because opinions change over time, and this thread is meant to be an up-to-date snapshot of the current feelings on the game.


I welcome feedback on the paragraph above.


Thank you.


Edited by StrikeOfLight
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NEXT THREAD I am considering starting over the tally.


It's your thread so you can do as you please, however I think it will cause the results to be skewed due to the fact that many of the people who voted no have cancelled their accounts or no longer visit the forum. Either way they are unlikely to vote for a second time whereas it is probable that the people who said Yes will return and vote again.


(I'm one of the people who voted No, this is an interesting thread to me so I check back periodically to keep up to date with the results)

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It's your thread so you can do as you please, however I think it will cause the results to be skewed due to the fact that many of the people who voted no have cancelled their accounts or no longer visit the forum. Either way they are unlikely to vote for a second time whereas it is probable that the people who said Yes will return and vote again.


(I'm one of the people who voted No, this is an interesting thread to me so I check back periodically to keep up to date with the results)




Will take this into account.


I WILL, though, make a deadline to restart votes from zero. I want this thread to accurately reflect the present climate.


I will give it some thought. Thanks. I am glad to hear that you find this thread interesting. I have worked very hard to make it so. :)

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I am currently mostly enjoying the game, however, I now have two level 50s - I've run out of steam, drive, motivation, whatever you will, to level another character, at least right now.


One of them is nearly Battlemaster (and that is with about 10k Valor earned from Ilum total, only)


The other is rank 30+


I have cleared all of the hard mode flashpoints many times by this point - I do still enjoy doing some, even just for the sake of doing them, which I can't really say about wow, apart from in Vanilla wow. I do really actually just enjoy Directive 7 and the False Emperor quite a lot, they're fun.


I have cleared the two raids a few times now, in normal and hard mode, we're going to start Nightmare soon.


So by this point, I have experienced a portion of the content available to me, and while I still have 6 other stories to level through, and I even am playing alts here and there still a little bit, I'm certainly not doing as much as I was before, so I'm finding myself now starting to struggle to find things to do in game to keep me entertained.


As of right now, I could use some new content.


However, my main problems are not with lack of content, for there is, in my opinion already a healthy, huge variety of things to do in game, but it is with the following, and each of these, on a daily basis become more apparent and ever slightly more impactful to my enjoyment of the game:


The UI. This is first and foremost my number one issue with the game. Allowing me to move things around won't solve this. It's not even close to being enough. I'm not going to be satisfied with this until I can start making addons, I loved making addons in wow, and I very much want to do so for TOR.


The top 30 or so issues I have with the game can be attributed to issues with the interface.


Then there is the faction imbalance, which is fine on it's own, but it's annoying that on my realm, since Ilum changed, Empire get 200 valor per Ilum kill, meaning in the time I did my daily on my new level 50 (which is now rank 30 pretty much just from Ilum alone), the Empire are getting 9x the valor I am. PvP was a huge amount of fun for me, but after the first day of the Ilum change, and going into Warzones and facing 6 battlmasters, and now, still, regularly seeing teams comprised of a large number of battlemasters, it has quickly diminished my desire to PvP. I don't find it enjoyable. It's only reasonable when I queue with others and we talk on TS. Then we can actually have some fun games.


It's so so to stomp the other team, it's boring to be totally stomped, the best fun though is when you face closely matched teams, and for a long while we were having a lot of games like that on our realm, until it all went **** up.


Gear and itemisation is a mess at the moment, Centurion and Tionese stuff is just useless and the professions are pretty meh too.


Actually, there are tonnes of issues with the game, there really are loads. However, I am, generally, on a day to day basis, enjoying the game and having fun. That is true as of right now, but these things do weigh on that fun, and after a certain point, it won't be fun any more, however, things are getting fixed, and I'm hoping that the rest of these things get fixed before I stop having fun - most certainly if the UI Api hasn't been released before the end of the year, I won't be playing still, I *********** hate the UI as it is, and every time something happens that makes me notice it (which is often), I get slightly annoyed, after a point it's going to break the fun for me and I'm just going to stop playing.


Adding options for the cooldowns and stuff is cool and all, but it's not enough, in fact, you simply can't do enough, the best thing to devote time to for the UI team is to just devote time to getting the UI Api released. The community will do a FAR FAR better job at sorting the UI out. There are simply too many different features that big chunks of the playerbase want for one team to handle it.


Raid frames - so many different options, player and other targets, action bar customisation, minimap customisation, map customisation, chat and text, other additional things like raid trackers for DKP/EPGP, roleplaying addons, inventory addons, and this, this is only a fraction of the possible things that people want. You can't do it. Just stop. Open up the UI Api and work at making sure it has proper limits in place so people can't take things too far. That is, by far, the best thing the UI team can do. Please, open up the UI API, in a month I guarantee I will have solved every issue I, personally, have with the UI.

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You're doing a great job Strike. This is the only thread I'm keeping tabs on (aside from the Dev tracker).


NEXT THREAD I am considering starting over the tally. If I do this, everyone may vote again. I am considering doing this because opinions change over time, and this thread is meant to be an up-to-date snapshot of the current feelings on the game.


I welcome feedback on the paragraph above.



I would NOT like to see the tally restarted. If people had a change of heart they could very easily quote their own initial vote post and then say "I would like to change my vote because..."


Keep up the good work bro. :D

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I'm gonna keep this short;


SWTOR is a monthly payed online-based game, which means if there are more and consistent players, company will earn more money, and everyone gets payed. Judging from that perspective, they will obviously try to improve the game in every way.

People say don't compare this game with WOW, but I don't see the need of calling it comparing. Alternatives are good on todays world, and WOW shoudl be an example for this game, because they are in the market for such a long time and people have been playing it forever, plus they earned a lot of money.

At the end what I think is, this game is going to be improved as the time passes because obviously it takes time to do all those improvements.


Thank you for creating this topic,

and if this is being read by authorities, thank you for making this game, I hope you will listen your community and lead the game according to its players demands.




Edited by Iamsterdam
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yes but it still needs alot of work, i think it could be better and i think it will be,

many visual and ingame bugs still need attention that kind of mess up the enjoyment,

like it needs a visual customization feature badly, proper lfg, id like guild halls or ships,

proper space not arcade style, pvp on some servers need cleaner droid lol,

that warzone bolster needs to be gone at lvl 50 warzones? pvp i mainly found

was a big mess, but it seems there working on it, etc..

so i guess i like the basics for a better game in the future

but many things bother me also that shouldnt.

Alot of nice pve but pvp isnt ready in my opinion.

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No. While I do enjoy pve very seldom, I'm huge in pvp. To me SWTOR has no appeal in the pvp aspect for me. I'm tired of playing Huttball all the time against my own guild because the opposing faction won't que. And to me, open world pvp is a joke. There are way too many bugs that need to be ironed out and fixed. balancing issues, pvp issues, etc.
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Complicated question to answer...

As a PVE, story based RPG: Yes, I do. And that's what I came here for, as it's the closest thing to the KOTOR 3 I really wanted.


As an mmo: No, I find it atrocious as I do with all themepark mmos. "Congratulations, you have reached the maxiumum level. Now you can repeat the same quests over and over again, but only some of them and only once per day, or you can repeat the same flashpoints over and over again. Oh, or one sided pvp... enjoy".


That may sound really negative, but I knew exactly what I would be getting, and it's what I bought it for: Good stories to play through, then cancel until more of those are added. In the meantime, I'll be back in my Eve Online sandbox free of the themepark shackles.


So, TLDR: Yes because it delivers what I expected.

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Hell to the no


- Ilum "World PvP" is not only lop-sided population wise it's dull and boring.

- Space combat is a linear boring piece of crap.

- Armor aesthetics are absolutely boring/over the top retarded looking.

- Crafting is ALMOST 100% useless to a point

- PvE content is extremely easy

- No real control of the 1.1 Ilum exploiting of valor grinding resulting in a huge influx of BM's.

- Certain guilds openly "kill trading/grinding" with opposing faction for valor grinding.

- Everyone has the same gear/looks the same

- Worlds feel empty and boring, where is our STV/Taris PvP hot spots?

- I saw 2 republics leveling from 1-50 in open world

- No real moments of shock and awe.

- No feeling of accomplishment.

- Low FPS even on a decent rig.

- Bugs, even though expected, continue to live patch through patch even though listed as "fixed"

- A lot of simple features you'd expect in a 2011/2012 brand new MMO simply not put into a game that cost exactly how many millions of dollars?

- No combat log

- No real way to keep track of DPS, even if its for own self reasons

- No training dummies to practice rotations on

- Respec costs

- Speeder variety extremely boring

- HUGE faction imbalances

- Character creation is the most boring and bland piece of **** I've seen in a while.

- What in the world was BW thinking by not letting us macro skills?

- Tab targeting, ROFLK


So many more things wrong... too tired to continue list.

Edited by SRFatality
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Yes. The story aspect, which has been the main draw for me, is excellently done and the locations and planets are full of creativity (though more NPCs and, well, life would improve them even more, especially Coruscant and Dromund Kaas). I very much enjoy the flashpoints, too. Main negatives? Orbital stations and buggy Operations. Still, a yes.
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