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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Everything they mentioned in the new trailer was asked for at beginning of beta. They just didnt care to add it or listen to the testers. Simple things all MMO's or basics games should have. UI customization, high res textures......stability....



I love the huge story, how ever the fact another company didnt listen to its testers and thinks "OH look what were adding" just so people dont unsub is bs.


For one rotate the downtime, one week do it during US time and then next EU time. 10am til 4pm or whatever the normal time frame is they do on tuesdays. BTW i am american


This is driving alot of Eu players away.



Had alot of potential however the crappy engine with its limitations and lazy devs who cant get basic mmo features done or patches right, is killing it for me and alot of my friends. Can live with bugs unitl they learn how to patch eith out making things worse. It feels like a game from 2004 with a very small budget!!:(


You don't think they listened to the Beta Testers? Im sure they began working on things as they could back them....but you know, they did have a lauch date to meet. ITS NOT LIKE THEY CAN WAVE A MAGIC WAND AND ADD OF THESE FEATUES!!! Goes to show how much you understand about the development cycle.

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Yes. My wife and I both have been having a blast.. Great launch as far as I'm concerned, and I am an MMO vet going back to Ultima Online.


One thing I think is sorely lacking is any type of global tags or names for players. Hard to keep up with friends in game if they are playing various alts.

Edited by PanzerBlue
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Yes. I think it's great in its current state, and like all good mmos it will only get better. I love the fact there are eight different story lines to play through, I love the attack abilities and their animations, the worlds are huge and there's a lot of freedom of choice with what to do on each character. What I love the most about this game is how it pisses off wrath babies and people who have the patience and imagination of a hyperactive, lobotomized monkey. Edited by Sephendrine
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nah, at first i was charmed by the great story, the setting, the lightsabres/lasers/jetbacks and all that, but now after having been 50 for a while i think the gameplay itself is extremley dumbed down and simplified to a point where its boring.


Only a few weeks ago i subbed for 6 months well in advance to be sure, i even convinced some doubters why this was the best game in the history of ever, then i hit endgame, played it a bit, and realized the game is casual to a point where nothing is interesting or challenging, literally nothing to do now, except roll more alts and see every story, which is what im doing atm.


But rolling alts isnt gonna qualify as an endgame for an mmo, not by a longshot.


The story part is great, but this is still a GAME, and the gameplay must hold it up on its own in the end, it dosent.

Edited by Tikume
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Why are you still here, and well past the first 30 days, I might add.


Plan is to keep these sort of comments out of this thread, Chakkar. As much as you hate that other people disagree with you about this game, please do not let your anger come through in this thread.


Read the idea of this thread before you post again.

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Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?


~No talk about/comparison to WoW.


~No arguing/provoking others. You get your say, everyone else gets their say too.


~If someone annoys you, IGNORE THEM. You have your opinion, they have theirs.


~No fanboyism and/or hater banter.



Just a simple YES or NO answer with a brief description of why you feel that way. This should give a clear look at the current mood of this forum with regards to SWTOR in it's current state.







(click above to view pie chart)


Triple counted. Accuracy is top goal. Votes from previous thread included.

Last updated on: February 06, 2012 (PAGE #18)








~I have been told by a friendly Bioware employee that there is a high chance the Developers and others at Bioware are taking an interest in this thread. Keep up the good work, everyone.


~This is thread #2. Thread #1 was so popular (45,000 views) it reached the response limit (1,000 posts) in just a few short days. The tally from thread #1 has been carried over to this thread. If you voted in the previous thread you may voice your opinion in this one also, but please state that you already voted. To view thread #1, click HERE. Thank you, everyone, for making this one of the best and most popular threads on the SWTOR forums!

Do i like SWTOR in its current state = yes its a fine single player game with Co op features.It is very very rudimentary no where near ready for mass consumption by the MMO veteran, i see potential


Will i continue to sub= No i will not give another MMO devolper money to play their game for 3 to 6 months until they actually have End game activites and full MMO features,i can handle buggs and imbalances and expect those issues. currently SWTOR is a good single player game with online features. My sub runs at the end of this billing cycle


Will i return to SWTOR = unkown its missing quite abit of features a MMO needs to exist. Guild levels and features. best guild system in a game is EQ 2 they should borrow heavy from that. they need much more PVE content then dailies and six FP's for hard mode. Itemization needs serious work the tiers are pretty borked and PVP gear needs to not be a viable short cut to raiding.

Edited by wifeaggro
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Why should anyone need to have patience when playing a P2P game? We are/were all paying customers, and thus can expect somekind of finished product, and if not, many of us chose to quit, because we have better things to do with our time/money than play this game when we do not enjoy it due to the broken endgame and countless bugs. I do not see the need for anyone to insult anyone over that.


Seriously people, get a grip.

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While game itself is fairly good it lacks something that sets it apart from all those that came before it. Basically when you play other mmos is always something that stands out as unique.


Aion: wings

CoH/V: controllers/Dominators

Champs: various movements

ect ect


Basically boils down to the idea that, a game has to set itself a part from every other game came before it and do something that stands out. Some will argue " Voice acting!" or " story! " and i counter with DCUO did full voice acting MONTHS before TOR in fact the voice talent was far better as well, and as for story! yes your right TORs story smashes its competition into the ground but that i believe is the ultimate downfall...


From 1-50 the story is so good you tend to overlook all minor flaws in the game. Then once your 50 start to realize that combat engine is pretty poor, that general game play you've done a million times over only its worse then other games on the market... Not even balance issues as much as core design choices that slowly start to stand out more you play the game. Why does every ranged class have EXACT same design? same basic escapes, same basic spammed channels... are just certain classes feel so similar it borders being same class with differant skin.


Of course is all my own opinion and as a MASSIVE bioware fanboy since BG1 i can say i still enjoyed my time i still LOVED this game and its still quite fixable in the grand scheme of things. but untill combat itself improves, untill its enjoyable fun and fresh and it doesn't feel half finished... i cant personally see myself sticking around...

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No, I am not happy with this game at all. I like the PvE aspect of the game. I like the combat b/w players. That's it. I really hope BW reads this post.


Primarily, I don't wake up and get anxious to log in and be a part of this universe. I don't sit and wonder how the war is going. I don't go to bed worrying about how my faction is doing in the war w/o me, or if there will be a surprise attack by the republic leaving my faction lying in waste when I wake up. Instead, I just ask myself, do I feel like doing my dailies today? Most of the time the answer is, "No, I really just don't care. Ilum is probably quiet, and I really don't feel like getting centurian commendations." I dislike the entire endgame, and I can only play other characters b/c I'm bored of my level 50. Other reasons being:


1) Ilum is boring and not relevant to the game's future story...it seems.


2) There are no benefits to controlling Ilum for my faction...other than valor gains.


3) The whole PvP setup is broken: gearing takes far too long w/ this horrible RNG system. Gear is the only benefit to doing PvP. People use PvP as a means to an end, being gear, rather than to actually combat each other.


4) The crafting is totally useless. I enjoy crafting in my free time, but I'm an artifice so it provides me zero benefit. I can't use the cool saber I want to craft b/c it would be useless in PvP. Exploring the planets to find more mysterious quests that allow me to find rare items or materials for crafting would be cool, but atm I've only seen this happen with a world boss on Belsavis.


5) Huttball isn't a warzone, it's a sport. It's only problem is that it is far too common.


6) The WZs seems to have no effect on the game story. Thus they are just pointless instance battles for farming valor.


7) The FPs are good, but again they provide me no benefit so I will only do them if I am just bored.


8) Ilum FPS is still too low, and my computer isn't the problem.


9) The populations are far too imbalanced. I'm playing a Rep character now, but one man can't balance out the issues. I think the mistake was not having a third faction.


10) Juggernaut Smash move isn't truly instant even though it says it is. I constantly get interrupted, thrown, or stunned while doing the animation. Not only did my instant move not work, but then I have to wait for the move to come off CD.


11) There's zero mystery to this entire Star Wars universe it seems (w/ the exception of class stories), and SWG did a much better job of making more things mysterious. In fact, SWG was far better at immersing you in the Star Wars universe, making you feel like you lived there.


12) This galaxy doesn't even feel like it's at war. I know I'm not fighting a war. I'm just doing little skirmishes be it instanced or in Ilum. This game just feels exactly like WoW. Nothing in the game's universe matters at all except gear. Everything is centered around gear. There is no war. The war is just a false sense of reason to fight each other. Really we just fight for gear. FPs are a bit better at seeming important. But again, there is no reason for me to do FP unless I just feel bored enough.


This game feels just as pointless as WoW. It feels exactly like WoW. I have no interest in resubbing after my 40 days are up.


This is the first BW game I've played where I'm interested in the story, but I don't FEEL like playing the game because it all seems so pointless.


So, again, no I am not happy with the game's state. I just can't wait for ME3. I'm anxious to actually feel something in that galaxy.

Edited by GameNirvana
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Too Linear. Same grind format in every single planet. Nothing was different. PvP?, argueably broken. World PvP? ---> Lol.


Space? Space is like a mini-arcade game really. It needs a change.


Trades? Thats a joke too. Its all about sending companions to do your jobs now? Crafting is a fundamental aspect to any mmorpg. Lot of us played SWG before, and i remember crafters were renowned and respected for what they crafted. You could literally spend an entire day crafting. Hats off to those crafters btw. What BW needs to do is build a cyber-ecosystem for us to play in. They totally killed the cantina scene, i mean..who goes to the cantina in TOR? Tatooine cantina in SWG was swamped with people, and entertainers. I know im comparing a lot of things to SWG but thats what made SWG fun. It had a community. WE need a community. And right now, this game is turning into the same linear game, same grind formula.


Nothing BW has right now is really fun. Give us something from KOTOR maybe?, like good old Swoop Racing in Manaan. Make swoop racing more dynamic where players can race eachother or customize their swoops to race one another. Or bring pazaak into the game.


Thats my rant, sigh, i really think that TOR can be a great game. i just hope BW can fix their current state before its too late..

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Mostly yes. Although some friends of mine stopped playing when they hit 50 because the game gets to repetitive, pvp is laggy and the thing that bugs me the most is that people aren't that sociable. But the game is just in its beginning, Im really looking forward to what is still to come. Edited by Nitzer
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Trades? Thats a joke too. Its all about sending companions to do your jobs now? Crafting is a fundamental aspect to any mmorpg. Lot of us played SWG before, and i remember crafters were renowned and respected for what they crafted. You could literally spend an entire day crafting. Hats off to those crafters btw. What BW needs to do is build a cyber-ecosystem for us to play in. They totally killed the cantina scene, i mean..who goes to the cantina in TOR? Tatooine cantina in SWG was swamped with people, and entertainers. I know im comparing a lot of things to SWG but thats what made SWG fun. It had a community. WE need a community. And right now, this game is turning into the same linear game, same grind formula.



I agree with you. SWG became a pretty dull game in the end, but what kept me playing was the community. Thats what this game is lacking a little bit. But in the other hand the imperial/rebel fleet is the place to get to talk to players I think..always tons of player there.

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439 for NO

447 for YES




Click HERE to view results in pie-chart form.




Updated from page 18 to page 25 (current page). Triple counted each vote group and attempted to be as accurate as possible, per usual.




FRIENDLY REMINDER: Please do not disagree with other people and start fights. This thread is currently the most popular thread on the entirety of swtor.com for a reason, and that reason is because there is hardly any fighting. Just yes or no answers and opinions. Let's keep it that way and keep this thread exemplary! Thank you.


Carry on. Updating periodically.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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For PvE leveling-- Yes, the first time through; No for Alts and the exact same leveling path with no chance of variation.


For Level 50 PvE-- No


For SWTOR PvP overall-- No.


So, overall, I guess not really. It has its bright points and some fun factors, but overall has been a let-down as an MMO. :(

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