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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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SWTOR PvE in its current state. YES.


SWTOR PvP in its current state. NO.


Unfortunately I am a PvPer, so overall... NO I do not like SWTOR in its current state.


I followed this games news for years, I was sooooo super excited. But now that it's been a couple months... I'm underwhelmed.


PvP is EXTREMELY important to a LARGE number of MMO subscribers. Maybe SWTOR can survive on its PvE content alone, but it will not be as successful if they were to put a bigger emphasis on PvP as well.


Quick list of PvP importance to me:


The Ilum daily, armaments too hard to come by if it's not prime time.


Resolve needs to be reworked just a bit (if you're in a 4 sec stun and you have 10 ppl beating on you... have the stun break early maybe? Not sure just suggesting).


Player debuff for leaving Warzones early.


I know more WZs are coming (good thing).

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No, this game suffers from many of the same issues Warhammer has too.


1. Only two factions is unhealthy for a game with any pvp focus


2. Class mirrors instead of copies promotes imbalance and then also feeds problem number one because people start to just roll the FOTM OP classes.


3. CC is out of control, when you spend 1/2 of any fight chain cc'd where you take damage the entire time by the time resolve fills you are dead or almost there.


4. Focus on adding new content instead of fixing current content. They have stated many times that they have these "huge" teams working on all aspects of the game and have not downsized their original team of developers but every time they "fix" something they only manage to break it in a different way (warzones not giving credit, Illum, ability responsiveness, etc.)


I honestly see this game going down the same road that Warhammer went. It's really popular now and everyone wants it to work I know I do. But only having 2 factions in game this focused on pvp alone will ruin it due to population imbalance. Then the favored mirror class of a faction will get out of controll and it will snowball.


Aside from the similar problems plaguing warhammer there is one glaring problem that no one will notice right of the bat. PvP gear.


When you have to have 2 seperate sets of gear to PvP and PvE it turns away new players down the road. Being so gear dependant makes it so the people that exploited Illum and got Battlemaster in a week will have the best gear possible for PvP and are nigh unkillable and explode other players. A new player that is interested in PvP will play the game to 50 and then try to pvp only to realize that it is MUCH harder to get to battlemaster and grinding rank 60 against an army of battlemasters isnt worth their frustration and will quit after their first month. (yes month because it takes less than that to get to 50 which is sad)


I have high hopes for this game but the state it is in now is pathetic for how long it was in devlopment and the quoted size of the teams working on this game. This is Biowares first mmo and while they make amazing single player experiences they have a lot to learn about mmos and hopefully will learn in the coming year. I have my fingers crossed because damnit I paid an absurd amount for this game (a rant all on its own) and I am a huge fan of the star wars lore especially this time frame. Good luck Bioware please learn from the mistakes of others and dont let EA pressure you into terrible decisions like the ones that ruined warhammer when they had the opportunity to fix it.

Edited by Jaikers
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For many reasons already stated about PvP which is my main focus.


Faction imbalance

To much CC

PvP gear system is terrible.

No premade warzone matching system

unable to queue for a specific warzone

no deserter debuff or penalty

and so on...


EDIT: oh and the UI needs to be more flexible, scaling and moving, also action bars should go where ever I want them to go.

Edited by Moordenar
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No. Me and a guildie reached valor rank 60 the same day and had the same amount of battlemaster bags. I got ONE battlemaster commendation and he got 7, that's right... i only got one.


Endgame is too bugged, too easy and too short. We killed Karagga's Palace on nightmare mode 3 times now and haven't recieved a single chest for it. Praying the puzzle game doesn't bug is retarded, since it tends to bug you have to reset the instance and do the *********** trash again just to see it bug again.


9 days left on my current subsciption after cancelling.

Edited by LordRaevin
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In it's current state, my answer would be an emphatic NO, main reason being the game currently lacks all the elements necessary to make it a long term and profound value proposal.


What the game actually provides is a fabulous eggshell: well written quests and plots, beautiful and wide environment design and visuals, engaging combat system, tons of gaming content and, of course, the fact that is set in the Star War lore.


Problem is, that precious eggshell doesn't contain any soul at the moment; I mean, it lacks everything, and i mean everything, related to RPG, lore immersion and interaction, customization, competitive crafting (i mean a crafting model where you look for particular players, capable of crafting competitive and very specific items which cannot be found or exceeded by any NPC vendor), "realistic" exploration (with factors like fatigue, thirst, food, supplies), actions and questing based on player's decissions (every task is given by a quest hub which, as the quest itself, is marked on the map, which consequently results in a constrained "on rails" experience), "secret and mystery factor" besides looking for world bosses and datacrons (this is related to the previous point, eg: you are exploring ann suddenly you meet a mysterious character who tells you there maybe some "secret" in an indeterminate area of the map; you then talk to your friends and prepare an expedition without havin a precisse idea of what and where you are looking for. In the game's current state everything is too chewed up a/o marked on the map, besides the limiting factor that every item you find is combat related...), etc, etc, etc. I could extend myself a lot on these and other points, I could talk as well about the PvP current system (which is solely based on "getting better combat gear", no strategic objectives, no sense of implication a/o loss, overall no sense we are at the middle of a galactic conflict...) but a lot has been said already.


Basically, the game, in its current state, feel like a cooperative multiplayer action game. From a business point of view this is not good for a subscription based game, which theoretically aims for long term experience and fidelity. In order to achieve this you have to offer a profound experience, you have to offer possibilities. As I say, I don't find this in the game's curent state.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about end-game content, I'm not talking either about a gaming experience exclusively oriented for "nerd in the basement" types. eg: some days, when i come back from work, i feel to tired and dense to commit myself to combat/grindig, which is the game's only proposal at the moment. In days like those I may prefer to dedicate myself to tasks as: preparing quests for the next day with my former friends, socializing in an interactive environment, decorating my vessel/house, visiting players that can craft exotic items...What I mean is that even if you are the most casual player, exclusive grind-for-combat-gear objetives don't suffice on the long run; in fact, it's a system that burns you out in the short term.


Again, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to flame the game. On the contrary, I think the game has the potencial to become a masterpiece and I want it to succeed and to keep playing and paying for at least 2 years to come. Hope the designers step in the right direction. I'll continue playing and paying, I'm going to give them "the benefit of the doubt", but if on the medium-term I still don't find value proposal, I'll start looking for alternatives (which would be a pity, because I love the Star Wars lore and find current fantasy lore MMORPG quite childish and cartoonish).


Kind Regards (and excuse me if you find my English odd, not a native speaker :p)

Edited by Suturi
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Despite common forum-based claims, the game is entirely playable and very enjoyable. And that's from the standpoint of somebody who has had a stroke and has limited motor skills!


NOTE: Forgive me if I've replied before, be sure to check, as I cannot remember!

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No. It has potential but they shouldn't have released for another 3-6 months. This game needs a LOT of polish.


I bought the box and 3 months of sub. Cancelled now. I gave it a fair chance but I'm not paying until it's out of beta.

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I have read a lot of responses in the first 17 pages and in the last 2 to give me a bit of thought however that thought has stayed the same which is a NO


Reasons for that are:


1: Being restricted. So they mentioned during development that I really should feel like being ON this or that planet and that each planet has such a different atmosphere.


If I compare this to the game I used to play (swg), this surely isn't the case. I am restricted to paths on these planets, I talk to people to accept quests, I gather resources and kill npc's which are lvl-ed to that planet, the only real difference is the scenery and a bit of the atmosphere but one's you have uncovered all the spots on the planet, what is there left to do? There isn't.. I can use a speeder to go up that mountain which I wouldn't be able to do on foot or "this looks like a nice spot to set up my own home in a galaxy far far away" or how about flying over the planet in my ship. I feel restricted.


Added to that, when I go in space.. I am on rails and there is only getting as much xp and credits as you can and then go into hyperspace when the mission ends. Not a lot.


2: Feeling forced to do certain content. While in swg you could do a lot to acheive the same goal, in swtor this isn't the case. Lets focus for example on pvp. In this game, the people who pvp the most have the best armors and weapons, they have "expertise" in their armor and there is something else which I know less about which is valor. You get both, or so I have heard from... pvp.

Now if you look at swg, there was a gcw ranking system which gave some buffs but there were a lot of ways to get these gcw points. Unfortunately, because soe was so bad at listening to their community it also meant getting them through exploits that weren't fixed until a couple months before shutdown (baseclubbing). In this game though, there isn't such flexibility.

The same goes for pve. Even if you grind up your toon to lvl 50 and your crafting skill up to 400, the best gear comes from... you guessed it, hardmode pve aka raids and high lvl hard mode flashpoints. And even when you just want to craft the best items, there are resources that only come from these raids and hard mode flashpoints.

So you have to roll for the resource that you are after? Lol!


3: The Split up. So this game has pve / pvp / rp servers. A working model in the mmo industry because some people can't stand other parties of their community or say that it offers extra content.


Essentially, the "extra content" it offers is nothing more then easy mode pvp if you are attacking someone who is allready engaged with npc's or is lower lvl then you are, way easier even then fighting npc's while the other way around, how do you defend yourself against both npc's and a player or higher lvl player? Answer, you don't. The so called "open world pvp" is a joke to me. And the fable that a guilded player would call for backup which would get more pvp in isn't the case either.

It's simply better to let a ganker get bored to death then to give them what they want (call for backup) imo and many seem to think the same. Unfortunately, if you want to stick with friends with whom you have played before, then you have to make a choice and thereby disappoint some people while keeping others satisfied.


You may notice that my criticism is mostly sandbox vs themepark related. If so, I agree. I prefer playing in a sandbox then in a themepark mmo. Unfortunately, the launch of this mmo meant that the "other sw mmo" was shut down and that left this one.


I still play this game every day or almost every day, simply because I didn't finish most content however this is because


A) there isn't much else in the mmo industry which takes my interest

B) a thick pack of snow and some other rl related things prevent me to do much else

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Story lines are tons of fun.

Artwork is decent.

Companions crack me up, especially the romantic story lines.




PVP imbalance.

RNG on top of RNG for the PVP end grind.


Difficulty in finding groups for things (social score of 0 on the latest toon @ level 33 and she's a healer).

Space combat on rails is a total let down. I have iPhone games that are more complicated and engaging.


Crafting that is not useful at end game outside of a couple of choices and really involves no sense of accomplishment when you do make something cool. How fun is it that after many many many RNG not the right thing fetches, your crafting dog finally brought back the right thing to make the item that you no longer need because drops are way better?

Perhaps if there were fluff crafts, I would like it better. If say they fetched me odd clothing bits that looked cool?


Lack of sops to RP or even immersion in the game...can't even sit in a chair in the cantina...so what? my dark, mysterious, evil Sith is going to sit on the bar Coyote Ugly style? No town building, no bar hopping (unless you want to literally hop on the bar), no staking any real claim in your surroundings. Go do another mission, go do another warzone, don't even think of parking on a bar stool to mock your enemies, congratulate your friends, or just chat in general.

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Love the foundation of the game, while I agree that there are many things to fix/adjust.



UI, if this was fixed I would be in hog heaven

PVP issues, though I still have fun there

Space Combat needs more depth

End Game needs more depth


Overall I am happy with the foundation and will continue playing with faith that some of the above will be fixed.


I waited for this game for 5 years, not gonna write it off because they didn't make a perfect game for everyone right out of the gate, and I have gone through enough mmo releases to like what I see from Bioware, despite the EA handcuffs they wear.

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The customer service is the worst of any game I've ever played. They have flat out LIED to me and my guild promising things that didn't happen (i have screenshot proof). Not only was I insulted by being called a liar, but then I was ignored/blown off when I gave them the ticket ID number and offered a screenshot of the offer I received (two bosses in EV bugged and gave no loot, multiple weeks in a row, we were offered a free reset, then they reneged).


The endgame content is terrible. Its crazy buggy and it clearly wasn't thought out with raiding guilds in mind. Why so many 1 tank encounters? Almost everything is 1 tank encounters. It really limits what a guild can have/accept. Especially with no dual spec. Also many of the bugs completely ruin the experience.


The game's technical bugs are also pretty bad. People's computers are literally frying. This game heats up certain CPUs/Processors way too much. This isn't due to being cutting edge, there are other games that are just as demanding, and don't do what TOR does. There's been a few threads on it and personal friends to confirm about how this game destroys video card temps. I literally had to install a software fan control to max out my fan on my 570 GTX every time I play this game, just so I can stay under 75 C. If I do not, the card will overheat every time and reboot the computer. This happens with multiple cards. That's my major technical issue right now, but there are more, like crazy FPS issues on 4000+ dollar custom made gaming machines. Error 9000s, etc.


Finally, lack of motivation on Bioware's part. There are some things that are game breaking for certain communities that have been in since release. They just say "wait for a patch' as if they are paying us. WE ARE PAYING YOU (albeit, not for long) you are here to serve us. Your patches are small and too far inbetween with how incomplete this game was at release. Combined with poor service, this is the biggest disappointment I've had in a game. I've been a gamer for 20 years, and I say that because I thought Bioware was a cut above the rest. But this game feels like SOE made it.

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I like it. There are a few changes I would like to see but over all I am really enjoying this game.




Customization options for armor color so it will all match


Customization for characters ingame... Hair, tattoos, and so on


Guild house/capital ship would be cool


Space combat is fun but how about ship customization as far as looks OR some pvp space combat... Or space exploration like galaxies has.


Oh and fix the polygon warping on trooper backpacks. Especially companions. Seeing a backpack stretch when a companion turns his waist drives me crazy

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The customer service is the worst of any game I've ever played. They have flat out LIED to me and my guild promising things that didn't happen (i have screenshot proof). Not only was I insulted by being called a liar, but then I was ignored/blown off when I gave them the ticket ID number and offered a screenshot of the offer I received (two bosses in EV bugged and gave no loot, multiple weeks in a row, we were offered a free reset, then they reneged).


The endgame content is terrible. Its crazy buggy and it clearly wasn't thought out with raiding guilds in mind. Why so many 1 tank encounters? Almost everything is 1 tank encounters. It really limits what a guild can have/accept. Especially with no dual spec. Also many of the bugs completely ruin the experience.


The game's technical bugs are also pretty bad. People's computers are literally frying. This game heats up certain CPUs/Processors way too much. This isn't due to being cutting edge, there are other games that are just as demanding, and don't do what TOR does. There's been a few threads on it and personal friends to confirm about how this game destroys video card temps. I literally had to install a software fan control to max out my fan on my 570 GTX every time I play this game, just so I can stay under 75 C. If I do not, the card will overheat every time and reboot the computer. This happens with multiple cards. That's my major technical issue right now, but there are more, like crazy FPS issues on 4000+ dollar custom made gaming machines. Error 9000s, etc.


Finally, lack of motivation on Bioware's part. There are some things that are game breaking for certain communities that have been in since release. They just say "wait for a patch' as if they are paying us. WE ARE PAYING YOU (albeit, not for long) you are here to serve us. Your patches are small and too far inbetween with how incomplete this game was at release. Combined with poor service, this is the biggest disappointment I've had in a game. I've been a gamer for 20 years, and I say that because I thought Bioware was a cut above the rest. But this game feels like SOE made it.


Agree with most of what you said. Ive had heat issues as well , in SOE's defense they do make true MMO's at least not massive single player RPG with online features.

Bioware makes great single players games but it does not translate well into a MMO. add the the not so expierenced part of mythic devolpers and you get this. the top tier of mythic jumped ship along time ago and joined trion. BW took a big risk sold millions of copies and will likely have the largest retention of any mmo released. not because its good i am guessing they will have AOC type burn off by 90 days, but beacse 55 percent of 2 million in sales still equates to a million subs. but standing next to games that sold half that but retaind 700 k subs 90 days out the retention is horrible for them, Just sold out their I.P. and cashed in is all .TOR is not a bad game its actually pretty good but it s a horribly bad MMO feature wise its very very stripped down making the longevity for a veteran very short.

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