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PvP in SWTOR. Thank you Bioware.


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So your saying that normal WZs are challenging? kk. But on serious note, this game doesnt have any endgame on PvP part, yet, well maybe rated WZs for premades only, will change that.


Hiye, first i apologize if you felt my post to be flaming you, not my intention and i apologize if it felt that way.


I just find that all the people complaining about, knockbacks, stuns etc. are missing the point. they actually make the pvp because you have to adapt and you can't macro a rotation/priority, it just won't work. For that reason my pvp taste buds flow.


And the call for class nerfs! Dear lord, all the classes are fine, or perhaps i am just a complete weirdo, because sorcs, mercs etc. i literaly enjoy meeting because i will eat them.

Now the class buffs, lol, pleeease don't buff those bloo*y marauders anymore, they hurt and hurt bad!


Normal wz's are challenging. Again, i kill all, and all kill me, its great. Huttball is a classic game, the almost instadeath pits everywhere, mean you got to know were your enemy is, how you going to approach etc, its fasinating, and even when i end up back in a pit, with no cd and eat acid, its cool, because i have most probably put him there before.


As for endgame, ok, it is unfinished. The rng gear is difficult to be happy about, the imp/rep imbalance is frustrating, but still even with that, my guild has a huge laugh. Rated wzs will be a great adition, and oh by god i shall be there. They are addressing the bag probs, and will probably change it further i reckon, rated are coming in, and i bet they are looking at a pop cap in ilum and merging servers.


I really do like the pvp in this game compared to any other i have played. .....GOd Eve was good, but i have a life and i could have quite happily lived in a spaceship for the rest of my life, but just not practical.

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Hiye, first i apologize if you felt my post to be flaming you, not my intention and i apologize if it felt that way.


I just find that all the people complaining about, knockbacks, stuns etc. are missing the point. they actually make the pvp because you have to adapt and you can't macro a rotation/priority, it just won't work. For that reason my pvp taste buds flow.


And the call for class nerfs! Dear lord, all the classes are fine, or perhaps i am just a complete weirdo, because sorcs, mercs etc. i literaly enjoy meeting because i will eat them.

Now the class buffs, lol, pleeease don't buff those bloo*y marauders anymore, they hurt and hurt bad!


Normal wz's are challenging. Again, i kill all, and all kill me, its great. Huttball is a classic game, the almost instadeath pits everywhere, mean you got to know were your enemy is, how you going to approach etc, its fasinating, and even when i end up back in a pit, with no cd and eat acid, its cool, because i have most probably put him there before.


As for endgame, ok, it is unfinished. The rng gear is difficult to be happy about, the imp/rep imbalance is frustrating, but still even with that, my guild has a huge laugh. Rated wzs will be a great adition, and oh by god i shall be there. They are addressing the bag probs, and will probably change it further i reckon, rated are coming in, and i bet they are looking at a pop cap in ilum and merging servers.


I really do like the pvp in this game compared to any other i have played. .....GOd Eve was good, but i have a life and i could have quite happily lived in a spaceship for the rest of my life, but just not practical.



Well skill level in MMORPG PvP has always been mediocre or low and having no "challenging" content in a game with this budget is very bad thing. There aint anything to do if youre looking for meaningfull PvP. If you cmpare this to "the other game" this game has only random BGs and only honor to farm without any goal or any way to measure how good people are or not. But like said, when premade rated matches come, maybe we got atleast some way to measure it, all this in terms of difficulty that MMORPGs has to offer which is not much.

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PvP in SWTOR is the best PvP experience I've ever had since vanilla wow-TBC times.

Really, Ilum fights 30+vs30+ are just making me love this game more and more, even tho got some fps probs with it.


For all the haters who say that SWTOR pvp sucks like....WoW died/became ****/call it as u like with release of WOTLK, we all know that, and SWTOR PvP is better balanced at release date than wows after 7 years.


I just wanted to thank you BioWare for your great job with this game, keep working on it, put your soul in it(that is what Blizzard stopped doing with release of wotlk), listen to customers and it will become a N1 MMO eventually.


Bioware employees attempting to stem the tide of cancellations.

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The one part I will post about here to agree with is the fact: SWTOR is far better balanced then WoW in terms of pvp classes.


WoW is an unbalanced mess and has been for years.


SWTOR was just relreased and over all is fairly well balanced. that is a feat.

Lol, wot? I hope you play a Scoundrel Healer till level 50 and then a Sage one. Tell me again that they're balanced.
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The one part I will post about here to agree with is the fact: SWTOR is far better balanced then WoW in terms of pvp classes.


WoW is an unbalanced mess and has been for years.


SWTOR was just relreased and over all is fairly well balanced. that is a feat.


You play Sage or Sorc?



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the lvl 10 to 49 bracket warzones are nice... but get dull after a while.


lvl 50 PVP is the worst ever.


well... Rift i guess was worse after they introduced another 7th and 8th PVP rank - but hell - considering how "creative" bioware are in terms of their PVP concepts I'm sure they're gonna come up with a good idea like adding another 40 valor ranks and two more sets of PVP gear in the next couple of months. probably aion endgame was worse to - open world PVP existed though. warhammer had it's really nice moments. being new to an old server however was ****! as is swtor PVP as soon as you hit 50! Wow - well... never felt so wow to me, at least not when PVP was concerned.


so do what all the other MMOs did (but never worked out anywhere):


give us the grind - that's what we want.


we don't want interesting fights, we don't want enemies who are equals in strength, we don't want to be mesmerized by a mixture of PVE and PVP that controls movements of players by leading them to different regions through quests and miscelaneous things to do - we wanna be imba and kill newcomers to our server, not having spent a couple of months grinding through the ever same warzones or riding speeders in circles in the smallest warzone you created for us: ilum center!


thanks bioware for this really, really great PVP experience!

Edited by malacala
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PvP in SWTOR is the best PvP experience I've ever had since vanilla wow-TBC times.

Really, Ilum fights 30+vs30+ are just making me love this game more and more, even tho got some fps probs with it.


For all the haters who say that SWTOR pvp sucks like....WoW died/became ****/call it as u like with release of WOTLK, we all know that, and SWTOR PvP is better balanced at release date than wows after 7 years.


I just wanted to thank you BioWare for your great job with this game, keep working on it, put your soul in it(that is what Blizzard stopped doing with release of wotlk), listen to customers and it will become a N1 MMO eventually.


This guy is def a imp on a imp strong server,Fanboy

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Ive said it once and ill say it again go take a look at DAoC one of the best PvP games ever. The whole point of the game was to get to 50 and get out into the frontiers and pvp.


True they didn t have ranked WZ but if your truely any good you dont need a ranking system for people to remember your name. We had no ranked WZ but you still knew who the top dogs were.


Top of that OPvP had a purpose it was just for dailys you went and capped the other guys **** to give you a gateway into there lands or to take there relics and give your realm a boost. The mindless flipping of nods or killing enough people to complete my daily is not pvp. The end game needs some work.



.....but on a side note i do like the bag system

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I'm sure most vets on here instantly ignore anyone that immediately references WoW in regards to a comparison with this games pvp. WoW? Why would anyone reference a damn family pve game(WoW) to this one? :confused: Maybe they don't know any better or have nothing else to compare it too?


Either way, the pvp in this game needs serious work and we all know that. In most actual pvp mmo, people stat out in the pvp areas to fight. in this game, as soon as people hit their daily.. most of the time they leave.

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PvP in SWTOR is the best PvP experience I've ever had since vanilla wow-TBC times.

Really, Ilum fights 30+vs30+ are just making me love this game more and more, even tho got some fps probs with it.


For all the haters who say that SWTOR pvp sucks like....WoW died/became ****/call it as u like with release of WOTLK, we all know that, and SWTOR PvP is better balanced at release date than wows after 7 years.


I just wanted to thank you BioWare for your great job with this game, keep working on it, put your soul in it(that is what Blizzard stopped doing with release of wotlk), listen to customers and it will become a N1 MMO eventually.


A sorc... definitely a Sorc.

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It's pretty balanced. People complaining about sorcs and the like just aren't very good, or have bad teamwork skill.


Or, they think that ranged in general needs to be toned down. PVP is a tab-targeting, autofacing, free-for-all in it's current state.

Edited by Jesmcalli
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Ive said it once and ill say it again go take a look at DAoC one of the best PvP games ever. The whole point of the game was to get to 50 and get out into the frontiers and pvp.


True they didn t have ranked WZ but if your truely any good you dont need a ranking system for people to remember your name. We had no ranked WZ but you still knew who the top dogs were.


Top of that OPvP had a purpose it was just for dailys you went and capped the other guys **** to give you a gateway into there lands or to take there relics and give your realm a boost. The mindless flipping of nods or killing enough people to complete my daily is not pvp. The end game needs some work.



.....but on a side note i do like the bag system


You cant teach wow generation about real MMO's mate, they refuse to hear it. Sad for them really.... but it also means we have to suck it in terms of quality pvp . (thank christ for GW2)

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You cant teach wow generation about real MMO's mate, they refuse to hear it. Sad for them really.... but it also means we have to suck it in terms of quality pvp . (thank christ for GW2)


Well your real MMOs werent very popular. Im sure RvR was cool for some people and you have every right to think so, i like more of an rated ladder based PvP in MMORPG enviroment. And yes, i play variety of games from these to FPS and sport games.

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