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Comparing SWTOR to WoW


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I thought the definitive answer for everything was 48.


42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. 48 is just a wannabe power of two that couldn't make up its mind while stuck between 32 and 64. Sure it's got the nice double the first digit equals the second going for it, but still, it's a sad little number.

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Well i'll say it again then. You release content in an mmo OVER TIME. If you give people everything they want at release then you have nothing to offer in the future. And honestly if these "features" were so important to the game would you still be playing if it they werent there? No. You are still playing the game without all these "necessary" features because they are a luxury not a necessity.


Well. Actually. I'm not playing anymore. They are important to the game because they're considered Basic now. Going without "Luxury" when there is no reason not to? Is just ridiculous.


The UI and the choices made behind it's existence are one of the biggest things that drove me to close my Sub. That, and the Auction House. Merely "functional" is not acceptable. When there are standards now, available, that you can easily look at, that have been ignored in favor of something LESS USEABLE? Nope. Nope all day long.


Content is one thing - bad design is another entirely.

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42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. 48 is just a wannabe power of two that couldn't make up its mind while stuck between 32 and 64. Sure it's got the nice double the first digit equals the second going for it, but still, it's a sad little number.


mind = blown

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Well. Actually. I'm not playing anymore. They are important to the game because they're considered Basic now. Going without "Luxury" when there is no reason not to? Is just ridiculous.


The UI and the choices made behind it's existence are one of the biggest things that drove me to close my Sub. That, and the Auction House. Merely "functional" is not acceptable. When there are standards now, available, that you can easily look at, that have been ignored in favor of something LESS USEABLE? Nope. Nope all day long.


Content is one thing - bad design is another entirely.


You have a right to your opinion and if you're not happy with the game then you do whatever it is you think is necessary. Be it quitting or just unsubbing until things change. An mmo evolves over time and even wow at release and wow present day are DRASTICALLY different.

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You have a right to your opinion and if you're not happy with the game then you do whatever it is you think is necessary. Be it quitting or just unsubbing until things change. An mmo evolves over time and even wow at release and wow present day are DRASTICALLY different.


This is absolutely true. MMO's evolve over time, but they really shouldn't start evolving from almost a decade ago when released at the breaking dawn of 2012. It's unacceptable. If people believe it is, well then that's their choice.


I for one don't accept steps backwards in time for no reason other than bad design.


All I can tell you is my Wife quit before me, and she's a story fanatic. Our good friend - a gigantic star wars buff, has many of the books, quit just after that. Then myself, then another mutual friend who was like "Eh."


We don't even share all the same interests in an MMO. I'm a raider and PVE player. My wife is a story person, our friend is a lore buff. Our other friend is just an all around player who enjoys most facets of a game.


It held none of us. We're a small sample yes, but it still strikes me as "Err."

Edited by VenthiosLestaran
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No one can compete with the engine for wrath babies. You have to make a near auto-pilot game, have to give it away to asians, you have to make e-sports with a whopping 50K views on youtube, and you have to grow your subs with pandas and pokemon. It took the wrath baby engine a year to sort out their lag problems. Edited by rijde
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All of you fanboys need to realize when you try comparing this game to other games "at launch" it just makes you look desperate.


This line of comparison needs to stop. What other games did or didn't have at the so called launch is irrelevant. What matters is how the game stacks up to the other games out there in their current forms.


Trying to make excuses for this game's lack of endgame content by comparing it to old games when they were first launched just goes to show how much this game is lacking in the content department.


Just admit it, and let's hope Bioware does something about it. Stop making excuses for them

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I played WoW during vanilla and still complain why SWTOR sucks at moment. I think it's legit to compare games how they are now and not with how they where at launch. Look RIFT got that right at release, so why can't SWTOR with a much higher budget not get that many features into there game.


Oh, and I had fun with all the PvP at crossroads and Southshore, while I miss meeting the opposite faction while levelling in SWTOR. I roll for a reason on a PvP server!


Although Rift certainly got some things right, I played it for six weeks, had a Blademaster to level 50, got all the gear I wanted, and then couldn't log in any more. The lifetime of Rift for me was 6 weeks, and I have no desire to ever go back (unless they double the size of their world and add a ton of more stuff).


On the other hand, I still feel like I've just started playing SWTOR, and know I will be playing it months to come at least. The leveling experience itself is just that good. It is better than Rift or WoW, by far. Those games have been outdated now in one fell swoop. I will never be able to play another mmorpg that doesn't have a comparable leveling experience to this one now. WoW loses on the most important, fundamental thing about a mmorpg, and that's comparing SWTOR right now to WoW right now. I loved Burning Crusade as one of the best all-time gaming experiences, but this is 2012 and SWTOR wipes the floor with WoW or Rift, right now, even with the small things that will soon be improved even more.

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All of you fanboys need to realize when you try comparing this game to other games "at launch" it just makes you look desperate.


This line of comparison needs to stop. What other games did or didn't have at the so called launch is irrelevant. What matters is how the game stacks up to the other games out there in their current forms.


Trying to make excuses for this game's lack of endgame content by comparing it to old games when they were first launched just goes to show how much this game is lacking in the content department.


Just admit it, and let's hope Bioware does something about it. Stop making excuses for them


Great post.


People who are saying "compare WoW 2004 to SW:TOR 2012" are so, so dense.

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All of you fanboys need to realize when you try comparing this game to other games "at launch" it just makes you look desperate.


This line of comparison needs to stop. What other games did or didn't have at the so called launch is irrelevant. What matters is how the game stacks up to the other games out there in their current forms.


Trying to make excuses for this game's lack of endgame content by comparing it to old games when they were first launched just goes to show how much this game is lacking in the content department.


Just admit it, and let's hope Bioware does something about it. Stop making excuses for them


And you trying to compare this game to a game with 4 expansions worth of content is just as ridiculous.

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There were pvp hubs they just weren't forced on you. Blackrock Spire had awesome pvp as it was a point where many well geared and not so well geared people were going to have to be pretty frequently.


Of course they ruined that though.


remember wow too was developed before the ascension of wow, so vanilla didn't have the "If this isn't increasing some numbers somewhere people won't do it." attitude current mmo developers (including blizzard) seem to have.

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And you trying to compare this game to a game with 4 expansions worth of content is just as ridiculous.


No it isn't.


Comparing this game to the other games currently out there is perfectly reasonable. What is ridiculous is going back in time and trying to compare this game to older games when they first came out.


You may was well compare it to a nintendo game and then say how awesome this game is by comparision while you are at it.


Botton line is if you have to go back in time to defend the game, that right there shows the game needs improvement.

Edited by JeremyDale
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No it isn't.


Comparing this game to the other games currently out there is perfectly reasonable. What is ridiculous is going back in time and trying to compare this game to older games when they first came out.


You may was well compare it to a nintendo game and then say how awesome this game is by comparision while you are at it.


Botton line is if you have to go back in time to defend the game, that right there shows the game needs improvement.


Also the MMORPG market is completely different. Everybody and there mother bought the lets raid crap of back in 2004 including yours truly. After a few years Blizzard realized the new MMORPG gaming demographics won't be kept on by the "Raid or Die" hamster wheel anymore and have been desperately trying to diversify their end game to accommodate. Blizzard is bleeding subs because people just don't want to raid in any significant volume and it's impossible to churn out content fast enough based on their MMORPG model. Look what's happening at 50 here, people are getting there, seeing an inferior carbon copy and leaving. Why on earth did they copy WoW's formula is beyond me.

Edited by Touchbass
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Also the MMORPG market is completely different. Everybody and there mother bought the lets raid crap of back in 2004 including yours truly. After a few years Blizzard realized the new MMORPG gaming demographics won't be kept on by the "Raid or Die" hamster wheel anymore and have been desperately trying to diversify their end game to accommodate. Blizzard is bleeding subs because people just don't want to raid in any significant volume and it's impossible to churn out content fast enough based on their MMORPG model. Look what's happening at 50 here, people are getting there, seeing an inferior carbon copy and leaving. Why on earth did they copy WoW's formula is beyond me.


It's why quite a few of us are now looking a bit more seriously at GW2. If anyone is going to break free of the Raid or Die grind-fest it will be ANET. That being said, if anyone remembers from the beta days of SWTOR, back before the game came out there was a poster named CameronFrye. Everyone thought he was crazy when he said that GW2 was going to break those molds, and that SWTOR at it's end game was going to be..well exactly what we got.


I thought he was a troll..I posted to defend SWTOR and refute his claims. He was right though. Even though his methods of saying what he said were a bit wrong, his message was still right.


Look into it Touch, you might like it.

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It is really hard to compare WoW to Swtor. When did the Wow started? When did Swtor started? Do you think WoW started with fine bug free MMo? Ofcourse not. Creating a game is not easy as what the others think. It takes time to fix everything. Let's just be patient until SWTOR surpass WoW.
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It's why quite a few of us are now looking a bit more seriously at GW2. If anyone is going to break free of the Raid or Die grind-fest it will be ANET. That being said, if anyone remembers from the beta days of SWTOR, back before the game came out there was a poster named CameronFrye. Everyone thought he was crazy when he said that GW2 was going to break those molds, and that SWTOR at it's end game was going to be..well exactly what we got.


I thought he was a troll..I posted to defend SWTOR and refute his claims. He was right though. Even though his methods of saying what he said were a bit wrong, his message was still right.


Look into it Touch, you might like it.


GW2 endgame will consist of some dungeons you can repeat with paths changing on choices, looks like its similar to GW1 in that respect so why you expect that to be some great change is beyond me and I say that as longtime GW player who will also have a big headstart thanks to filling my Hall of Monuments.


Also, no content updates or very few.

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And you trying to compare this game to a game with 4 expansions worth of content is just as ridiculous.


Nobody is asking for an excessive amount of content. We are just asking for a decent endgame experience. I know that there won't be nearly as much content as WoW has to offer but if this game had 5 decent raids and around 4 or 5 battlegrounds that have been thoroughly tested it would go a long ways towards it being considered a good game. Also, add freaking speech bubbles.

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It is really hard to compare WoW to Swtor. When did the Wow started? When did Swtor started? Do you think WoW started with fine bug free MMo? Ofcourse not. Creating a game is not easy as what the others think. It takes time to fix everything. Let's just be patient until SWTOR surpass WoW.


Lets be honest right now, the only way that SWTOR will surpass WoW is if WoW messes up badly themselves. There is nothing SWTOR can do to surpass WoW in terms of raw numbers.


Back on topic, WoW didn't have nearly the budget that SWTOR did. Not to mention, this game had plenty of development time, it isn't like they only had 2 years to make SWTOR. With all the beta testing people did I would have expected many of these glitches would be fixed already.

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GW2 endgame will consist of some dungeons you can repeat with paths changing on choices, looks like its similar to GW1 in that respect so why you expect that to be some great change is beyond me and I say that as longtime GW player who will also have a big headstart thanks to filling my Hall of Monuments.


Also, no content updates or very few.


Yes. GW2 Endgame will have dungeons available to you to do the story mode, and then exploration mode. There will be more than just a few at the end too, 3 level 80 ones, as well as all the ones from 35-80. The point is, I'll get enjoyment of the fact they change, and that the gear that drops form them will be good, but not essential to living, it also won't be the Only thing to do.


The three server matchup PVP brawl for taking keeps and such sounds quite entertaining, I'll most likely spend my time doing that at max level when I'm not running around doing world events I enjoy. While, never overpowering the content and enjoying the benefits that come from that. As well as the idea that I can pvp on the fly and not worry about one side having too many, or too few healers. Instead I'll just get stuck with bads period but hey at least I don't have to worry about a healer! :)


The point is, it breaks the mold significantly. Dungeon exploration mode, is not raid or die. World v World v World - is not battlegrounds. It has very little in common with GW1, other than the fact they are dungeons, and they exist. The fact that the dungeons will have dynamic events within them, and what bosses I've seen from them so far? Pretty frackin cool lookin'.


I never played GW1, so I don't have a hall of monuments filled up, thinking bout' tryin it. Any recommendations? I'd love to hear what tips you have.


Also small edit. To call it endgame is a little bit incorrect. This style dungeon will be available from 35, and every 10 levels after up to 80. You're doing what you get to do then, even at 80. Breaking away from "End Game" and making it just "Game" Seems like a better choice.

Edited by VenthiosLestaran
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For me anything BUT WoW is fun, even easier :D


That's cool but if you are objective this game stinks. Bad engine, REALLY bad gameplay, poor design for an mmo, the list goes on.


WoW did so many things right that this game does wrong. Yeah they voice acted the B movie writing, which is nice, but everything else pretty much falls flat.

Edited by Gohlar
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You can't compair WoW release to ToR now, because it's not competing with wow from 8 years ago, it's competing with WoW now. In the next year firefall, tera, GW2, and other less known MMO's are coming out. People could use the "X sucked at launch too" or "just wait 6 month" arguments because the MMO market didn't have much real competition, NOW it does. And the competition is gonna gonna be kicked into high gear later this year when a slew of MMO's come out, MMO's that wont blow all their budget on voice acting (IE content that is pointless when your 50.)


People don't have to wait 6 months, they have other choices. MMO's that come out too early with this ideal of "Our fan boys will keep us afloat until we have enough time to fix all the major problems" are gonna sink.


EA and Mythic have now ruined 3 MMO's.

Edited by KakiroX
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