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What are the TOP 3 MMORPG's you've ever played?


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Its kind of hard to compare games over time because your experience and expectations change. Something that impressed you in the past may not impress you now. Relative to the times I played them I'd have to say:


1. World of Warcraft

2. Star Wars: The Old Republic

3. Guild Wars

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1. World of Warcraft (TBC and early Wrath) - The raiding in TBC was the best around. Just grew bored when Blizz dumbed everything down. Been 2.5 years since I've played.


2. Rift - Was a great game but too much like WoW in every way. Lost interest, but am thinking of returning with their new lite model.


3. Warhammer Online - Loved the game but unfortunately the bugs and lag ruined the experience for me.


I've also played Aion, Lotro, swtor (obviously).

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1. WoW- Played since beta and still have my sub. It never will be as good as it was in vanilla though.

2. RIFT- Loved the open world PvE, awesome launch.

3. EQ2/EvE/LotRO/Aion- Tie, cause I can't decide and I'm lazy... :p


TOR could easily make that list, but since my highest character is only lvl 30, I will wait to make that decision.

Edited by nellerj
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1. Star Wars Galaxies - No levels at launch, and I just loved the whole open-world sandbox aspect of it. They just plopped you down onto the planet and let you find your own way. It was a great feeling and I had such good times with it. Space was also like an entirely separate game.


2. City of Heroes/Villains - You could argue that this game has the best character creation ever. Not exaggerating when I say that everybody looks different in this game. The many costume contests that are held on a regular basis is proof of that. Combat is very solid, and one of the other things I really like about it is the absence of gear and loot rolls (although I haven't been on for quite some time, so this could of changed, but I'm really hoping it didn't).


3. Toss up between LOTRO and SWTOR, since I really enjoyed my time in LOTRO, and I'm really enjoying my time in SWTOR right now. I just can't decide!

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I'm not surprised to see such a huge difference to the communties I'm used to playing with.

Everybody here is so fresh to MMO's, and those who aren't seem very PvE focussed.

That said, SWTOR has never or will never be a great PvP game, which I knew before starting.


I'll put stuff in point form to make it easy.


1. Vanguard: Saga of Heroes


- Far superior world in size & design to ANY other MMO to date

- Free for all PvP, which was a winner because there was "NO" instancing

- No instancing

- Open dungeons, where you could crash peoples 2 hour journey and steal a boss, or boss loot

- The best class design I've seen. There was so much difference between classes it just wasn't funny

- Some of the hardest PvE I've played. Mobs didn't just fall over in a few hits. Normal mobs were the equivilent of elites

- Mobs were linked randomly, there were stealth mobs

- Mezzing, lulling, stunning, etc... was ALL required in order to move past the first pack of mobs in any dungeon


2. Shadowbane


- Huge cities that you could build and design yourself

- Ridiculously balanced PvP, everything was rock/paper/scissors

- Control of mines for resources were fought over by guilds and alliances

- Loot was ridiculously hard to get, you'd spend weeks just looking for one piece

- No PvE, the levelling process was merely an AFK grind to learn your character


3. Eve Online


- Very hard to get started, and even harder to master

- Someone who knew how to play could smash someone who's played for years

- Going out into 0.0 space meant the beginning of a complete new game

- A different skill system that rewarded those who had been playing over the years

- Gigantic world, which was easy in space, that took days to move across



Special Mentions


- Lord of the Rings Online (great PvE, fantastic world, awesome community)

- Star Wars Galaxies (awesome pre-NGE, the atmosphere was awesome)


Awesome games I never played


- Dark Age of Camelot

- Ultima Online

- Everquest

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1) Ultima Online (Pre-UO:R, the greatest game ever)

2) Shadowbane (A great attempt to further the concepts started by UO. Too bad the rush release killed it.)

3) I'm hoping this will be SWTOR, but I really don't know at this point.

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1. World of Warcraft. I got in on the beta an I loved the hell out of it. I have 10 level 85 characters and also have all 50 character slots filled. In my opinion, WoW is hands down the best MMO of all time (so far). I know people like to hate on it, but it earned it's place. I played the game non-stop up until SWTOR came out. I picked up SWTOR on 12/26/2012 and canceled my WoW account the next day. No regrets, WoW was great, I'm gonna miss it, and I might even go back someday.


2. Original EQ. This was the first MMO I really got into. The actual first MMO I played was Ultima Online, but EQ was the first one I SERIOUSLY played. I played for about 4 years, maybe 5, before switching to WoW. I loved EQ. The rose colored glasses allow me to look back on it fondly, but my sense of reality allows me to realize that we've made a lot of progress in the genre since then, and I would never want to go back.


3. Champions Online. I really liked this game. I've been a fan of the pen-and-paper rpg for almost 20 years and really got into the idea of a MMO version. I was familiar with all of the names and places and organizations in the game and it helped my enjoyment immensely. The costume design system was even better that the CoH/CoV one and I also thought the super power system was better. My only issue with it, and ultimately the reason I left, was that there was literally only a single leveling path. Up until level 10, there were technically 2, but after that, just one. This killed the replay value and I ended up burning out. Now, with it going free-to-play, I'm probably never going back.


4. I will add a 4th rank here, (even though the OP asked for 3), because I want to add in this game. SWTOR is decidedly fun for me and I don't see myself leaving anytime soon. I am very much looking forward to GW2, but, since that game will be free-to-play, I don't have to leave SWTOR to play it. I only have one character to 50 in SWTOR so far, but I have one of every class made and will keep playing at least long enough to get them all to 50. I think this game has a lot of potential, and I plan on hanging around to see it.


Honorable Mention : Aion, Age of Conan, CoH/CoV, Guild Wars 1, Rift, and EQ2. I played all of them, they were all fun, but never stuck with any of them past the second month. These were the kind of games that were great getting out of the blocks, but not much for stamina. Fun while they lasted, but didn't have the patience to play them long term.


Whew! That turned into a longer post than I thought it would. Kudos to the OP for asking this question. Got me thinking in a good way.


Enjoy the rest of you day.

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1. EVE Online: Best community, best PVP, devs listen to the community, constantly evolving, player-run market and mod production, epic politics/wars


2. Anarchy Online: Great theme, good community, free :)


3. SWTOR: Already doing many things better than WoW, devs seem willing to fix things and listen to the community, great story, varied classes, PVP not as hardcore (which is good and bad depending on how you look at it)


WoW doesn't make the list because of all the MMOs I played, its community is simply crap compared to the likes of EVE or Anarchy Online. Hell, even SWTOR's community is better, and the game hasn't even existed for more than a few weeks.

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Dark Age of Camelot: The best end game PVP and the most atmosphere I have ever experienced It holds up to this day.


SWTOR: Simply having an amazing time from the story to the PVP to the crafting I don't think I have ever had this much fun in a MMO


World Of Warcraft. Tons of fun lots of atmosphere until it became a redundant pop culture reference.



Honorable Mention

Guild Wars One of the most underrated MMO's ever awesome story-lines unique and innovative game play....it's sequel has very big shoes to fill

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1. SWG NGE (only version I played) - Excellent crafting (IMO), sandbox elements that worked well together, best damn community I ever encountered.


2. Earth and Beyond - My first MMO. Your first always stays with you and forever covers your eyes in rose-tinted glasses. I am sure there were plenty of things wrong with the game but I can only recall the good things.


3. Guild Wars - Loved the ease of play, the fantasy element that seemed fresh, actually enjoyed the instanced aspect, and the skill system was very original and encouraged tactical thinking and made the game different throughout the many expansions.

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1. EVE online. Its pretty awesome if you can get into it. The skill system working offline, the market, the crafting, the crazy amount of freedom, playing with everyone on one server, and playing poker for isk against other people trying to earn enough to buy another PLEX so I can keep my account going next month without actually having to pay anything myself. Really good memories all around.


2. Anarchy Online. The early days of this one was lots of fun for me, I really liked the lore. Nothing too revolutionary in game play though, probably just number two from all the good memories playing with friends, and yelling "Were with Omni-Tech, were here to help" before attacking some poor slob clansman/hippie. Or memories of my Atrox tank enforcer and his bent Beam, like hes swinging around part of a building. Or being ridiculed for being genetically engineered to not have any sex organs while trying to /dance in a bar...then going off in a corner to drink (this had to be like 2002-2003 ish) The world also seemed to be huge and just begging to be explored.


3. The Old Republic. As someone who didn't ever play WoW because it looked too cartoonie and silly, and who doesn't like all the high fantasy elves and gnomes and magic missile and that kind of crap, the experience of themepark mmo's like this is new to me. I'm really enjoying it so far, but I'm already feeling the tug of the sandbox. I'll probably be here for a while though. In time, if I keep playing, this could rise up to 2 or maybe 1.


Honorable mentions are SWG back when nobody knew how to make a jedi, when I played an empire bounty hunter. I left that game before it went to crap, but have fond memories of it.


Another mention would go to Perpetuum, the first real EVE clone. EVE with robots!


Also the Face of Mankind free beta. Never played after beta though, didn't like the live changes, with all the safezones and stuff. Innovative however as all questing/missions were completely player created. Good times there too.


Heh, your taste in MMOs matches mine exactly :)

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UO: Pre Tram, had to form your own community and take care of your own stuff. Couldn't run around in all bad *** gear because someone would take it.


DAoC: Best PvP ever, so much better in fact I can't believe no one has tried to update that game w/ a new UI that didn't feel so clunky. Completely blows all other games PvP away.


WoW and ToR are about the same really, both great games but far too linear to ever be the best. Not enough side progression of characters for me. I loved WoW for a few years and I'm sure I'll be here a while but if they ever announced UO2 or DAoC2 I'd be out in a heartbeat if they tried to stick to what made those games great. Warhammer was the closest thing and while decent the cast lag turned me off. Also played EvE, DDO, SWG(which was actually quite good at release), and more I'm too old to remember.


The great thing about sandbox games is they are harder to master but it's not necessary to see all the content. This theme park MMO really loses some of the things that make forming a community fun. My guild in UO had houses all in the same area and we'd fight w/ the people who lived nearby til they sold their houses and moved out of the area. Good stuff. Also miss thieves, taming, cartography....the list from UO goes on endlessly of things I miss :(

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1. EverQuest (the ordinal) Its at the top because it was my 1st and it was pretty awesome for what it was, when it was.


2. Star Wars Galaxies (preCU)


3. Fallen Earth




They all took up a lot of my time, gave a lot of fun. I played a LOT of Eve Online, but in the end all it did was take a lot of my time, and fun, well that's for noobs right?


and quit saying WoW clone..because all those so-called clones are truly EVERQUEST clones. WoW is just EQ with the rough edges sanded down. LOTRO, AoC, all of them EQ clones. EQ was the FIRST themepark, hotbar using, tank n spank, raiding, quest on a rail and grind till you puke MMO.

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2. The Matrix Online

3. WoW


SWTOR is definitely the best MMO I've played. It's everything I've ever wanted from an MMO (that being a multiplayer game that is a TRUE RPG).


The Matrix Online was my first MMO, and so it'll always hold a spot in my heart. I loved that game and the RP community that surrounded it. The game had such amazing ideas, but unfortunately, were way before it's time.


I have to admit that I really enjoyed WoW. Not sure why, it was just a fun game. I still play from time to time. It's just not that fun anymore now that I everyone I know plays SWTOR now.

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