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Stop making female gear have bare midrifts!


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Except there is far too much of it, including quite a bit of the legacy armor that people are going to want to have for their alts.


Where is there far too much of it? out of the ten or so orange tops my inquisitor has only ONE shows any belly, and it's an ugly white robekini with cloth pauldrons that would make a WoW character jealous.


That "theres too much of it!" crap doesn't fly with me at all. If anything there isn't nearly enough of it.

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To be perfectly honest i think that there should be more options, females should be able to choose whether to have bare midriffs or not, and likewise males playing females should be given the option to make their character wear what they want to, even if that means shadow or assassin tanks running round with their bum cheeks showing.
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I think the arguing about what is acceptable is pointless because what is acceptable for you isn't for others. I just think there needs to be more choice in how we dress our characters.


Agree. If you don't like something than wear something else. Someone may like it. There should be more choices and dare I say it more color choices.

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OK, so I'm thiniking...


Female = string bikini top

Male = speedo


That should satisfy everyone.


I'll be in my bunk. Or something.


Variety is the spice of life. But it seems not all light armor is bare midriff, so it seems we already got variety there. I am more annoyed by the forced hoods on my Jedi Knight. I didn't pick that hair so I'd never see it, dang it.

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This is a fantasy game. It doesn't have to make sense. But for myself I would rather batlle half naked than in a bathrobe that makes my bootie look big...haha


To each their own, let's all have options for either choice. :)


Edit: totally agree about hoods! I want to see my lovely locks!

Edited by Fortuona
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No one is going to go in to battle with a midsection uncovered... makes no sense. Unless you want to go back to the early middle ages and fight one-on-one naked.


A sith/jedi would. What difference does it make if you have a bare midriff or if it's covered by a piece of cloth? Their armor is the force, not metal (all this silly armor for warriors/knights notwithstanding).

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I'll be in my bunk. Or something.


Variety is the spice of life. But it seems not all light armor is bare midriff, so it seems we already got variety there. I am more annoyed by the forced hoods on my Jedi Knight. I didn't pick that hair so I'd never see it, dang it.


There is actually some medium armor and possibly even heavy armor that's bare midriff on females.

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sith dont wear armor, and those sith female that cared about their looks rarely wore clothing at all... if anything, sith females wear too much clothing in this game! but it makes sense since IA/BH can wear the same gear and their females always wore full/heavy armor...
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As a female playing a female, I am playing a dark sith lord as well, and I'm really annoyed at the fact that my gear makes me look like an easy target A. and B like I work in the cantina on my off days. I hate it. This is endgame pve gear, ok? Make it look like real armor, not like you can easily chop my arms off.


You just don't like to show your character because she is fat.

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No one is going to go in to battle with a midsection uncovered... makes no sense. Unless you want to go back to the early middle ages and fight one-on-one naked.


Or you're Bruce Lee.


IMO, to me it makes sense that "avoidance tanks" would be wearing relatively little. (male and female alike)

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Sith Femail Assassin Tank in a mix of the Slave Biking social outfit and the Twi'lek dancer security kiosk outfit. Yeah, I tank in a bikini. Does it make sense from a roleplay perspective, nope. But I think it's funny, and that's all that matters since it's my account.


Obviously, as I get better gear, the bikini will go away, but what ever, it's fun for now.


My Jedi Sage has it so she flaunts it and will continue to do so heh.

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There are plenty of orange full chest options available. My Sith Marauder and my Sith Sorceress wear such options. I don't see a problem. If you don't like the bare midriff (that's the correct spelling, btw) options just don't use them. Some people do like them though. So, let them use what they want and you can use what you want.



Edited by Blackavaar
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