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Poll: Would You Play This Game if it Wasn't Star Wars?


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Nope not a damn chance its half way between games and does none right its trying to be kotor 3 and fails miserably at it ,and tries to be a mmo the first iv'e ever played with no player interaction ,unfriendly or just plain no game chat and the fact im on a full server and can some times go days without seeing another player on a planet.


Now if they remade the game to be offline solo only as is, it would probably be alot more enjoyable than what we currently have.

I dont think with time its going to get any betterall we got is a voiced time sink of a mmo with no community whatsoever which is a killer for this genre.


^ this a thousand times. Bad single-player "MMO" is bad and only remains installed on my PC because atm there is no alternative.


I'll pad it out a little however. You level really quickly to 50, then are immediately faced with dailies that you have to do in order to remain competitive and gear up. Not to mention the daily heroics, to continue gearing. Which was to be expected tbh, but to be so reliant on doing them in order to gear is kinda rubbish for those of us that have less time than we would like. But thats a personal opinion.


Couple that with the lack of anything remotely like an LFG system means spamming in Fleet for a group. Which by the way also makes guild recruitment very difficult as everybody is spamming the same channel for numerous reasons. A total waste of time.


Servers feel dead. I'm on one of the EU's busiest servers. It is still rare to meet anybody else while out questing and getting heroic quests or instances done during anything other than peak times is impossible. After midnight there are suddenly 30-50 people in fleet and way way less than that on any of the planets.


There is no real reason to go back out into the world once you reach 50. No rep grinds, pet farming, mount farming. No need to go farm mats, which is a good thing, but you get my drift. The "world" feels dead.


One thing I always liked about MMOs. They always felt like an epic journey. This doesn't. And the destination does not make it worthwhile.


Feeling this way about this game kinda pisses me off though. I've been waiting for it for literally years. Personally I'll probably re-sub in 6 months or so once the "beta" is over ^^

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If it were just a space MMO, probably not.


If it was a Bioware MMO... I might.


Then again, if it was a Bioware MMO that wasn't Star Wars, it'd probably be Mass Effect, in which case, hell yes.



Bioware is still better then SOE.....see SWG NGE for comparison

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This is a pointless question. If it wasn't SW, then it wouldn't have the lore, the story, the locations, the classes,...


...but you would still have the game engine. Would you play a different IP using this game engine if it wasn't Star Wars?

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It would be a totally different game. Not just not having the Star Wars univers, but the developers wouldn't be handcuffed by the Star Wars universe.


If BW was this creative without having complete artistic control, what could they have done with that control?


That said, I'm still enjoying my time in game as it is. Without Star Wars attached, I would probably have waited for some bugs to be worked out.

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Nope, I simply wouldn't bother, just like with Rift.


WoW had a huge amount of lore beforehand even if there weren't many real story elements in Vanilla. Just being part of the world I'd only watched from above in Warcraft 3 (I've never even played Warcraft 1/2) was enough for me.


I also played Warhammer Online for a month or two before getting bored like everyone else. Even though I wasn't a follower of the lore beforehand I knew there was a lot of it there, so I gave it a chance. Pity the game mechanics weren't up to scratch.


Rift had 0% previously established lore beforehand so there was no reason for me to bother, so I didn't.


SWTOR has ended up being much like Warhammer Online for me.. I watched all the movies growing up and I'm somewhat familiar with the lore but the game mechanics and design choices (In particular things like storyline difficulty, leveling speed, too many sidequests, the way almost every character stands like they're a robot and never have any idle animations.. List goes on) just aren't up to scratch for me. IF I can be bothered I'll get a character to 50 and complete his main questline but I probably won't be resubbing after that.


Rift still has a medium (and sometimes high at peak) population on it's fullest server but still not as much population as when it came out. Warhammer's population is barely worth mentioning; Not even 10,000 max level players usually. SWTOR will end up like Rift by the end of the year. Basically people are quitting/will be quitting for the reasons that people quit Warhammer Online, but it'll still be about as successful as Rift. Get ready for server merges later in the year.

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I would probably still play it if it wasn't star wars. I am saying this with the assumption that the stories and the worlds would still be entertaining. I'm saying this with the assumption that you are stating the game is exactly as it is now, but it isn't called star wars.


I enjoy the classes and the story lines. I enjoy the operations and I enjoy pvp (even huttball). Some of it may be wow burnout, but I really enjoy playing the game.


Let's put it this way - I'm not a huge Star Wars fan. I've seen the movies, and that's about it. I don't know the lore, hell, I don't even remember half of the plot of the movies. I didn't buy this because it was OMG STAR WARS. I didn't even care about this game until I was given an open beta invite from my BF since he had multiples.

Edited by KittyPrawn
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I wouldn't. In the end the thing that I enjoy most about SWTOR, is the SW. Without ths Star Wars story line this game would be a weak WoW clone.


I'm interested to hear your thoughts and opinions.


No. I'd go back to WoW.


However, I quit wow because I was tired of it so...I wouldn't go back to wow.


In the end I'd just quit playing MMOs until someone did something that actually advanced the MMO genre.


However...starwars :)

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I thought I would like STO so I bought the lifetime sub, who's laughing now. I got an email the other day saying "oh joy it's FTP". Yea I like the Star Trek thing as well as the Star Wars thing, weird huh. But no I have decided if it's no fun I'm not playing it but I'm still here so it's not just because it's Star Wars.
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I wouldn't. In the end the thing that I enjoy most about SWTOR, is the SW. Without ths Star Wars story line this game would be a weak WoW clone.


I'm interested to hear your thoughts and opinions.


Unfair question on two counts.


First, it is vastly different from WoW. They both maintain the basics of the genre, but there are a myriad of differences if one chooses to see them rather then assume basic MMORPG aspects are WoW based rather then the basics of this type of game.


Second, being SW is the entirety of the game. The question is akin to asking if one would play WoW if it was not Wow. The Warcraft theme is what made Wow, Wow. SW is SW. To eliminate the concept would be to change the entirety of the game in every aspect from light sabers to the force.

Edited by Blackardin
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Yes Star Wars was a factor for my purchase but I'm sick of the negative tone some people give to that concept.


Star Wars is a great reason to buy this game alongside its story and voice acting. People who proclaim that the Star Wars IP is the only reason this game is doing well are sad.


I love Star Wars but it's not like some developer can expect me to pay for a game with an empty white space and a Republic logo on the wall...


I found the Force Unleashed series to be somewhat fun but not worth a purchase. Same thing goes for countless other Star War games in the past.


I used to love Legos as a kid and they have Lego Star Wars out there but I wouldn't buy that.


The fact this is the first MMO to ever have fully voice acted dialogue with personal class stories that give you choices to make is an incredible achievement. The fact that it's Star Wars makes it even more amazing.

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I wouldn't have started playing if it was not set in the Star Wars universe, but now that I'm into the game I find it fun enough to keep playing even if the setting were to magically change. Still, SW is what got me here in the first place :)

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No, if this was some generic sci fi mmorpg focusing on story and VO acting I'd think 'cool' but I wouldn't really care about a generic sci-fi mmo.


If it was a mass effect mmo with the above I'd play it until I got bored, just like I'm doing now, so in about 3 months or less I'll be done with this thing.

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