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Leveling - Too Slow? Too Fast? Just Right?


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If you want to get to 50 ASAP to pvp, then anyway they make the game, it's going to be slow.

If you are in it for the story, then the game is fine.


The problem is, WAY too many people think that the fun part of this game is the stuff that happens at 50. Thing is that's only part of this game.


The journey to lvl 50 is just that. A journey. If you just want it to be over so you can get to the "good stuff" it's going to be a grind.

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Probably a touch fast for me, then again I play a few characters one after the other as they level so they generally always have rested XP. If they dropped the rested XP it'd probably perfect for the way I play. Otherwise I'm happy the way it is.
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I hate going through the side quests on my alt and I REALLY wish i could just do warzones and just my class quest to level but nope... after lv 25 the xp is just too slow and it will only get worse... tried doing the daily space missions but they only go so far...


leveling is fun at first, boring the second+ time


That is exactly how I leveled my powertech, Class quest, the occasional Flashpoint and PVP


Yep took me longer then my friends to hit 50, did I have more fun? bet your ***. I got to interact with alot of people on my server and have tonnes of people to do flashpoints/ops/pvp with now.


I dont care if it took me longer its all about how much I enjoy myself :p

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I felt the first 25 went by fast the first time


I think it is when you go back and start an alt after having sprint or speeder that it

feels this way


I hope this is what Legacy is really about. ( Giving us the comfort we are used to when

going back to make an alt)

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Levelling is much MUCH too fast. When even medium-core players can reach max level in a week or two... that is just way too fast.

Gear becomes meaningless because it only lasts you a few hours a lot of the time.

Shouldn't gearing up be an important part of MMO gameplay? Why should it only matter at level 50?


basically gear means absolutely nothing throughout this entire game until you hit level 50... then at level 50 when you can gear up, there's nothing to use it on...


Bottom line is that if everyone can complete the game within a month, there's not much of a reason for people to keep subscribing. The 'journey' to level 50 needs to be way more stretched out. By that i mean... please don't add more airlocks and orbital stations to run through.

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I am a casual player and this is my first MMO I have ever played. I have played RPGs alot (Diablo, Titans quest etc)


To me this game feels like leveling is too fast. I wrote a previous post which describes roughly what the OP suggests about levels 40 to 50 being a bit longer to achieve.


Basically I was suggesting that the class story finishes at 40ish and end game starts around level 40.


I guess the current end game (or its limitations) has affected my decision making in regards to my idea. End game I dont feel like I'm progressing my character (even though I am getting better gear). So having a few levels to attain after my class story might give me something to look forward to and make PvP etc more worthwhile.


In summary I feel leveling is too fast, leveling between 40 and 50 should be longer, and at the end of your class story you should be around lvl 40 (not 50).

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Bottom line is that if everyone can complete the game within a month, there's not much of a reason for people to keep subscribing.


Month of gametime maybe. I have 13 days between two characters, both at 50. It would take me 52 days at this rate to complete all 8 classes.


inb4- unique content is only a fraction of the number of side quests youll be doing. Who cares, the game offers so many different ways to over level or just level differently. moreover, a quest isnt the same if its being accepted by a noble jedi and not a scruffy looking nerf herder of a smuggler.

Edited by Lord_of_Stone
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I am a casual player and this is my first MMO I have ever played. I have played RPGs alot (Diablo, Titans quest etc)


To me this game feels like leveling is too fast. I wrote a previous post which describes roughly what the OP suggests about levels 40 to 50 being a bit longer to achieve.


Basically I was suggesting that the class story finishes at 40ish and end game starts around level 40.


I guess the current end game (or its limitations) has affected my decision making in regards to my idea. End game I dont feel like I'm progressing my character (even though I am getting better gear). So having a few levels to attain after my class story might give me something to look forward to and make PvP etc more worthwhile.


In summary I feel leveling is too fast, leveling between 40 and 50 should be longer, and at the end of your class story you should be around lvl 40 (not 50).


I disagree, and obviously so does Bioware. Progression should go along side story. I dont want to experience story without progressing (they will obviously raise the level cap with content expansions), and I dont want to progress without story.

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The main problem with XP is that mobs/quests below your level give too much of it. So if you try to do all the quests, you will end up outleveling content by 5-6 levels. At such a range you can solo most of heroics and regular quests are completely trivial. The game is just not fun this way, you have to either skip content or to endure boredom. My suggestions:

1) Significantly reduce the amount of XP you get from mobs/quests below your level.

2) Even better, introduce a difficulty level slider (can be set at character creation or may be even changed at any time), which will determine the level difference when you stop getting any XP. Easiest - like now (6), hardest - -1 or -2 (you will get XP only from mobs/quests 2 or 3 levels above you).

3) For those who want to skip content they paid for - add the ability to instantly create lvl50 character, probably only if they already have lvl50 character on this server.

Edited by EternalChild
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The main problem with XP is that mobs/quests below your level give too much of it. So if you try to do all the quests, you will end up outleveling content by 5-6 levels. At such a range, you can solo most of heroics and regular quests are completely trivial. The game is just not fun this way, you have to either skip content or to endure boredom. My suggestions:

1) Significantly reduce the amount of XP you get from mobs/quests below your level.

2) Even better, introduce a difficulty level slider (can be set at character creation or may be even changed at any time), which will determine the level difference when you stop getting any XP. Easiest - like now (6), hardest - -1 or -2 (you will get XP only from mobs/quests 1 or 2 levels above you).

3) For those who want to skip content they paid for - add the ability to instantly create lvl50 character, probably only if they already have lvl50 character on this server.


Im sorry but ive leveled about 6 chars now to around 25 (still trying to decide what to level to 50) and i have NEVER come across a situation that i outleveled ANY area.


Also on your #3 suggestion i just cant really fathom how you came up with that idea. Do you realize that questing from 1-50 is time played and thats how they keep you playing? To skip 50 levels of content is a massive hit to their income. You will never see an mmo let you skip all of its created content and move directly to end game. Unless of course its something like guild wars but you start off at max level only to pvp.

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I am truly amazed to see how some people already keep several characters at level 50,i am playing the game from the 22nd of decemnber for about 2 or 3 hours a day,enjoying every side quest of my bounty hunter's story,doing all the flashpoints with friends in each planet,and i am still with my first char at level 48,now i think some people before criticize the absence of contents in game after level 50 should try to slow down a bit and enjoy the game as it is,i am not lev 50 yet,and i dont know if i am going to like the game after i will hit the max,i might get bored who knows,but so far i have a blast and if you play the game and plus you keep a normal social life you will find the game has the right difficulty,also if for some of you things are to easy just try to accomplish some missions without pet.
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The TL/DR is TL;DR


But it's alright for the casual, for the hardcore, there needs to be more content at 50.


While I spent almost 15 days /played at launch leveling to 60 in WoW during vanilla it took me about 5 /played in swtor at launch... I ended WoW with 9270 achievements at ~150 days played on that char (yes I know APs were released in 3.0 at the end of BC)... will I reach that on TOR... maybe... if future endgame and content is amazing I have no doubt... beyond that... we'll see.

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Im sorry but ive leveled about 6 chars now to around 25 (still trying to decide what to level to 50) and i have NEVER come across a situation that i outleveled ANY area.

Then you must have skipped some planets/heroics/flashpoints. I remember i had the biggest outleveling probelm exactly near this level (i arrived at a new planet and all quests were already grey :().


Also on your #3 suggestion i just cant really fathom how you came up with that idea. Do you realize that questing from 1-50 is time played and thats how they keep you playing? To skip 50 levels of content is a massive hit to their income.

I strongly disagree. If some people won't play for 2-3 days (that's all it takes to bring an alt to lvl50), it won't hit the income at all. Also later these guys will want to get a cool companion or see a class story - and they will have to do it a regular way :) Usually most of the grind is at the end game, leveling is a very, very tiny portion of it. That's why i avoid end game like hell :)

Edited by EternalChild
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I think leveling is ok.. There is a lot of xp to go around, between PVP, space battles, questing, flashpoints, etc. I guess it's good for players who want a variety of things to do when leveling. My highest character is level 34, and I've been playing since Dec. 15th (early access). Then again, I started this level 34 character around the beginning of Jan because I didn't like the previous server I was playing on. :p
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I think the leveling is fine. That is, if you just do the normal quests and ignore heroics and flash points. My alt is level 32. It took me about 3.5 hours to get to 33 on alderaan. I'd say that's not too fast at all. When I get to a new planet I'm never overleveled and sometimes I am under the minimum level.
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The leveling curve in this game is too fast. At the very least it needs to be slowed down enough that leveling a character from 1-50 gives you the chance to experience each planet in depth. As it is now, after the first few planets, you are going to out-level a new planet very quickly. This is not even considering XP gained from Warzones or Flashpoints, which further push you up (and that's fine). But it should be slower. I find myself working on green and even grey quests just to complete the central story missions on each planet, like The Thing Czerka Found on Tatooine. That quest was gray when I completed it, but I wanted to see it through because I thought it was an interesting story.


And, on top of all THAT, each planet has a significant bonus series. Now it may be arguable if these bonus missions are of the same hand-crafted quality as the main missions on the planet, but still. You almost never get the chance to do these quests unless you are willing to do them grey. This is a blatant waste of content that already exists in the game. There is enough material to have made the gameplay longer by making the leveling curve a bit slower, without sacrificing anything except the opinions of a few instant-gratification QQ'ers who wanted to ding 50 ASAP.

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